• 2 years ago
The Kill Room Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: THE KILL ROOM is a dark comedic thriller follows an art dealer (Uma Thurman) who teams with a hitman (Joe Manganiello) and his boss (Samuel L. Jackson) for a money laundering scheme that accidentally turns the hitman into an overnight Avant-Garde sensation, forcing the dealer to play the art world against the underworld.

directed by Nicol Paone

starring Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Joe Manganiello, Maya Hawke, Dree Hemingway, Debi Mazar, Mike Doyle, Jennifer Kim, Matthew Maher, Marianne Rendon

release date September 29, 2023 (in theaters)
00:09 When you make art from a truthful place,
00:14 people find out something about you.
00:16 We're a team, right?
00:22 Yeah.
00:22 We need to find a new way to deal with the money.
00:28 A customer of mine was short of cash, gave me that instead.
00:31 And where's she at?
00:32 The city.
00:34 Nate was mentioning you having a cash problem.
00:36 Well, my business is no business as yours.
00:38 Well, not right now, but I think we might
00:40 be able to help each other out.
00:42 What am I supposed to paint?
00:46 You want to make money?
00:47 Just paint something.
00:48 All right, so paint.
00:51 Damn.
00:53 That is ugly.
00:55 So from now on, there's a contract out.
00:59 I suggest they buy art.
01:02 Art?
01:03 What the frig do you know about art?
01:06 This classy art gallery run by this young lady
01:10 will take a reasonable cut for herself
01:13 and cut us a nice, clean check.
01:18 My five-year-old makes better paintings.
01:21 That's the beauty of this, you cretin.
01:24 This thing that looks like a Smurf with diarrhea
01:27 can sell for a million bucks at the IRS, Woodman, Bat, and I.
01:34 What's the artist's name?
01:36 Bagman.
01:38 The Bagman.
01:38 Are you the Bagman?
01:40 Tell me about the Bagman.
01:42 I would never say it's a good piece,
01:44 but it makes me feel dirty.
01:49 Ooh.
01:50 An art critic wants to do a piece on O'Lady Da Ha.
01:53 When I hear no, it makes me want something even more.
01:58 This thing's supposed to be a front.
02:00 That means low profile.
02:01 Why do I even have to tell you this is not good?
02:04 I knew that money laundering was a crime, but murder?
02:08 I'm sorry, we don't have any work from the Bagman available.
02:11 There's an extremely long wait list of collectors.
02:13 Everybody wants one.
02:15 Plea, like laundry.
02:23 Are you really mansplaining money laundering to me?
