Animals Messed With The Wrong Bull

  • last year
00:00:00 When the lions attacked this bull, they hardly thought that the hunt would end with a flying
00:00:05 lesson.
00:00:06 But the bull turned out to be so cool that he launched the enemy into the sky with one
00:00:11 blow.
00:00:13 These herbivores refuse to be submissive prey.
00:00:17 The crocodile lies and waits for the victim at the watering hole, then suddenly jumps
00:00:21 up from the murky water, scares the prey, grabs it with his teeth, and drags it to the
00:00:25 bottom.
00:00:27 Obviously this plan is almost a win-win, but here the reptile clearly does not know who
00:00:31 it is coming into contact with.
00:00:34 Buffalos get scared when huge jaws suddenly peer out of the water and dodge them.
00:00:40 But not only do they not run away, but they immediately come back.
00:00:45 The biggest bull doesn't like to be joked about like that.
00:00:49 He waits for the crocodile to attack again, after which he throws the reptile back with
00:00:54 a powerful blow.
00:00:58 Never before has a crocodile felt such like a tennis ball.
00:01:02 It is unlikely that he will attack such ungulates at least once more.
00:01:06 But this crocodile was lucky.
00:01:09 If he still grabs the buffalo, the ungulate will push him to dry land, where it will begin
00:01:14 to trample him with its sharp hooves.
00:01:19 For these herbivores, only the largest crocodiles can pose at least some kind of threat.
00:01:25 Once a crocodile grabbed a buffalo by the leg and tried to drag it to the bottom.
00:01:31 The bull pulled the crocodile onto dry land, after which they raised the reptile onto its
00:01:35 horns with the whole family of buffalos, trampled it, and then threw it back into the pond.
00:01:41 This case was a miss for when the predator is real luck.
00:01:47 The main feature of a wild bull is its bravery.
00:01:51 If he notices a threat from afar, he will go on to attack himself and not give in to
00:01:55 panic.
00:01:57 Most herbivores, on the contrary, are very timid.
00:02:00 A zebra or wildebeest is larger and stronger than a lioness.
00:02:05 But a predatory cat easily pulls in even a group of animals to flight.
00:02:10 The bull is another matter.
00:02:12 Predators soon realize that they messed with him in vain.
00:02:15 Such a hoofed animal surpasses a deer in ferocity, and at the same time knows how to fight wisely,
00:02:21 using all its advantages by 100%.
00:02:25 It seems that he is happy to fight with a predator that keeps the whole of Africa at
00:02:29 bay.
00:02:30 The weight of a wild buffalo can exceed half a ton, that is twice or three times the size
00:02:36 of a male lion and five times larger than a female.
00:02:39 Therefore, hunting such a giant resembles storming a fortress.
00:02:44 Predators surround the buffalo and try to overwhelm it or get to its vulnerable parts.
00:02:50 What would you do in the event of such a siege?
00:02:53 Would you panic?
00:02:55 But the bull retains amazing composure and repels all attacks.
00:03:00 He reacts with lightning speed and immediately turns in the direction of the impact.
00:03:05 The buffalo acts even more aggressively than the lions.
00:03:09 But this is not because of evil nature.
00:03:12 It's just that an only aggressive offensive is the only chance for this buffalo to survive.
00:03:18 And he understands this.
00:03:21 Lions are not very hardy, but due to the numerical advantage, they can attack in turn and exhaust
00:03:26 the victim.
00:03:27 They don't care when the bull falls down in 10 minutes or half an hour.
00:03:33 Therefore, only a breakthrough of the environment can give the bull a chance to survive.
00:03:39 And if he also injures one of the predators, he will be able to cool their ardor and force
00:03:43 them to retreat.
00:03:46 Carnivorous animals are brave, but if they meet a worthy rebuff, they most often leave
00:03:52 the victim alone because they have to spend less energy on hunting than the meat they
00:03:57 can give to them.
00:03:59 Otherwise, what's the point of attacking prey at all?
00:04:03 Therefore, the bull sometimes starts chasing the lions himself just to keep them away.
00:04:09 A male lion is much stronger than a female and can even cope with a buffalo one-on-one.
00:04:14 But if the hoofed animal is experienced and brave, even two experienced males will not
00:04:19 be able to cope with it.
00:04:22 The buffalo seems to be playing with the enemy.
00:04:25 It maneuvers, repels attacks, and does not allow itself to be driven into the ring.
00:04:30 His main weapon is powerful curved horns.
00:04:32 They have a very wide impact part that acts like a battering ram.
00:04:37 And on the sides, there are sharp tips that can rip even a strong rhinoceros skin, not
00:04:42 to mention a lion's.
00:04:45 This male can weigh about a quarter of a ton, but the bull easily throws him up to a height
00:04:51 greater than human height.
00:04:55 The lion is in shock, and for other predators, this is a great lesson.
00:05:00 No one wants to experience something like that.
00:05:03 Because in order to cope with even one bull, you need about a dozen lionesses.
00:05:09 And even then, the herbivore has a chance to escape and fight back.
00:05:13 However, the main advantage of the buffalo is its herd.
00:05:17 It is bulls that most often come to the aid of their fellows when compared with other
00:05:22 herbivores.
00:05:25 Can you brag about friends who will attack angry lions for you?
00:05:30 Bulls can also get scared and run away from the threat.
00:05:34 But if they come back and come to the aid of the buffalo, which was surrounded by lions,
00:05:39 this battle will look epic.
00:05:42 Like some kind of battle in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
00:05:46 Bulls break through the environment to predators, attack them from the rear, and flanks and
00:05:50 literally scatter huge cats with powerful blows.
00:05:55 And the family of ungulates reunites in a happy ending.
00:06:00 Harsh Africa rarely sees happy endings, but this is just such a case.
00:06:05 Or maybe you were rooting for the lions who were left without lunch and even with broken
00:06:09 ribs.
00:06:10 Answer in the comments.
00:06:13 Sometimes bulls even drive their enemies into trees.
00:06:16 In all to teach a lesson.
00:06:19 It's better not to have anything to do with these ungulates.
00:06:23 Probably the lioness will remember it well, don't you agree?
00:06:27 There is even a rare record of a clash between two armies.
00:06:31 A small pride of lions and a huge herd of bulls.
00:06:35 The lions were clearly trying to cause panic in the herd in order to then repel the weakest
00:06:39 buffaloes and deal with them.
00:06:41 But it didn't work out.
00:06:43 The herd untied and pushed the predators to the river.
00:06:46 Now the lions have taken a circular defense.
00:06:49 And the buffaloes scared them and chased them one by one.
00:06:53 It's amazing how quickly predators and prey swiped places.
00:06:58 As a result, the buffalo still did not throw the lions into the river and could not trample
00:07:01 any of them.
00:07:03 But the lions were literally a hair's breadth away from this and barely carried off their
00:07:07 paws.
00:07:09 The enmity of buffaloes and predators led to one unique episode when the bulls rescued
00:07:13 an injured male.
00:07:16 He invaded someone else's territory to capture him, but he was outnumbered.
00:07:22 Two males who were masters of these lands defeated the alien.
00:07:27 He fought back fiercely, but the enemy's fangs had already closed on his throat.
00:07:32 When suddenly, the bulls intervened.
00:07:35 They drove the lions away from their prey and saved the wounded male's life.
00:07:41 Moreover, one of the buffaloes even slightly hit the wounded lion, as if telling him, "Don't
00:07:47 relax.
00:07:48 We don't like you.
00:07:49 We just wanted to teach these two a lesson."
00:07:54 After that, the ungulates left the wounded male alone and allowed him to leave in search
00:07:58 of another place to live.
00:08:03 Maybe someday we will see a lion fighting on the same side with bulls against hyenas.
00:08:09 That would be cool.
00:08:10 However, maybe these buffaloes have post-traumatic syndrome and they can't watch lions strangle
00:08:17 someone, even another lion.
00:08:21 What do you think was the motivation of these bulls?
00:08:24 Share your opinion in the comments.
00:08:28 The largest and strongest land predators of the planet are bears.
00:08:33 But even this beast has to run away in panic when it runs into a bison by mistake.
00:08:40 These giants are close relatives of bulls.
00:08:44 The bear thought that he could scare the herd and cause the ungulates to panic, then attack
00:08:49 the laggard as wolves do.
00:08:52 But the bear clearly overestimated his reputation.
00:08:56 The bison were not impressed by him.
00:08:59 The huge animals rushed together to attack the predator and drove it away.
00:09:05 Probably the bear ran much longer than he was being chased, just in case.
00:09:10 Not very brave, but smart, don't you agree?
00:09:13 And if you want to learn more about bison, then write about it in the comments.
00:09:19 If you think that buffaloes are cool only against smaller animals, then you are wrong.
00:09:26 They don't mind fighting with stronger opponents either.
00:09:29 If you are walking in Africa and accidentally met a rhinoceros that behaves peacefully and
00:09:34 calmly, don't relax.
00:09:37 He just doesn't see you yet.
00:09:39 This animal has such poor eyesight that it notices another animal only at a distance
00:09:44 of several feet.
00:09:46 It scares him.
00:09:49 It's like you're walking down the street when suddenly, out of nowhere, another person
00:09:52 appears next to you.
00:09:55 Pretty scary, right?
00:09:56 The problem is that a scared rhino is an angry rhino.
00:10:00 With a weight of up to three tons, he can afford to attack anyone.
00:10:05 By the way, if you want to see the most epic battles with this animal, then let us know
00:10:10 in the comments.
00:10:12 It may seem that the buffalo and the rhinoceros are equal rivals, but this is not so.
00:10:17 It's just that the buffalo is tall thanks to its long legs.
00:10:21 The rhino is five times heavier and several times stronger.
00:10:24 And yet the buffalo withstands his monstrous pressure for a few seconds and pushes the
00:10:30 enemy himself.
00:10:33 It's as if you could use your hands to stop and push away a motorcycle that is coming
00:10:36 straight at you.
00:10:39 Of course, the rhinoceros overcomes the bull after some time, but he obviously contacted
00:10:44 the wrong opponent.
00:10:47 Any ungulate would have already tried to run away.
00:10:50 But this bull does not only get to his feet every time, but he also starts a counterattack.
00:10:55 His relatives help him, distract the aggressive rhinoceros from themselves, attack from the
00:10:59 flanks.
00:11:00 As a result, a group of buffaloes manages to repel the attack of the rhinoceros.
00:11:05 And although the main defender suffered serious internal injuries, he survived the crushing
00:11:09 blows of the rhinoceros, which could have uprooted a tree.
00:11:14 Pay attention, the bull's hide even withstood the stab blows of the horn.
00:11:20 Is she bulletproof?
00:11:23 Maybe scientists should look at a structure to create a new generation of Kevlar.
00:11:29 Excess energy and aggression need to be put somewhere.
00:11:33 In the wild, the bull needs to protect the herd.
00:11:36 But in a city or village surrounded by people, you have to look for other ways to let off
00:11:39 steam.
00:11:41 To do this, the bull was given an empty passenger car to be torn to pieces.
00:11:45 It's an amazing sight, because the animal lifts a piece of metal three times heavier
00:11:50 than itself on its horns.
00:11:53 The bull strikes powerful blows that leave dents the size of an adult's head.
00:11:59 The bumper flies off, the parts break, the body blends.
00:12:03 If there was still a chance to fix this car before meeting with the animal, then now it
00:12:07 can simply be handed over for scraps.
00:12:11 For a bull, this car is like a punching bag for a heavyweight fighter.
00:12:16 Just a nice way to spend time.
00:12:19 When a herd of buffaloes came to drink, suddenly a huge hippopotamus got out of the water.
00:12:25 These aggressive beasts have obvious anger control problems.
00:12:30 Just don't try to hint to them about therapy.
00:12:32 It only pisses them off more.
00:12:35 As soon as a stranger comes to the territory of a hippopotamus, the animal goes into some
00:12:39 kind of frenzy.
00:12:41 With a weight of about four tons, armed with fangs almost as long as an adult's arm, and
00:12:46 even under the protection of a dense and thick hide, the hippopotamus causes danger in other
00:12:52 animals and can drive anyone away.
00:12:55 Except buffaloes.
00:12:58 If the family wants water, it will get water.
00:13:01 The leader will distract the aggressor on himself, and the rest will support the leader.
00:13:06 Dominic Toretto would be proud of these horned ones because they know what the value of a
00:13:10 family is.
00:13:13 A huge bear came out of the forest to catch a domestic cow.
00:13:17 He sure underestimated the ungulates.
00:13:20 Not only were they not scared, but they went to get acquainted with the bear with the whole
00:13:24 herd.
00:13:25 As a result, the predator just ran away.
00:13:27 And this is an ordinary domestic cow.
00:13:30 The tiger is one of the few predators on the planet that can handle an adult bull one-on-one.
00:13:36 This huge cat surpasses even a lion in strength and can break a buffalo's neck with a blow
00:13:41 of its paw.
00:13:43 During the attack, she uses a cool fighting technique.
00:13:47 She throws herself on her neck and does a somersault in flight.
00:13:51 This is acrobatics.
00:13:53 The purpose of such a trick is to bring down the bull, despite his two-fold weight advantage.
00:14:00 The plan was effective.
00:14:01 The tiger hung on to the victim and had already reached the throat.
00:14:04 It was not possible to break the neck, but still the buffalo had only a few minutes of
00:14:07 desperate struggle.
00:14:11 At least that's what the tiger thought, but he didn't know which bull he was messing with.
00:14:15 And it's not the strength of this animal, but the fact that he has loyal friends.
00:14:22 There was a group of these buffaloes nearby, and the tiger decided all these ungulates
00:14:25 would run away in fear.
00:14:28 Mistake.
00:14:29 They tried to fight off a kinsman.
00:14:32 However, the tiger was not only able to defend the prey, but even rebuffed the bulls and chased
00:14:37 them.
00:14:38 That was the decisive moment.
00:14:41 It turned out that this was a tactical trick.
00:14:44 The bulls only pretended to be scared in order to force the tiger to abandon the victim.
00:14:49 And when the tabby catch started chasing them, the ungulates suddenly turned around to counterattack.
00:14:56 They went into a frontal attack to trample this predator.
00:15:00 The tiger had to flee.
00:15:03 Unfortunately, the bull's cutting plan worked too slowly.
00:15:07 The injuries of the wounded bull turned out to be too strong, so the striped cat will
00:15:12 still get her lunch.
00:15:15 But it is unlikely to ever approach this herd again.
00:15:18 After all, these bulls know how to play with tactics and strategy.
00:15:21 Who knows what kind of trap they will come up with the next enemy this time.
00:15:26 Bulls often fight with other herbivorous horned animals.
00:15:30 For example, there may be a duel between a buffalo and a yak.
00:15:35 Musk oxen and yaks are quite rare animals with a limited habitat.
00:15:40 Because of their massive hunchbacked bodies, they may seem clumsy, but do not underestimate
00:15:46 the monstrous strength of these creatures.
00:15:49 Musk oxen live in the northern regions of Eurasia and America.
00:15:53 They are quite distant relatives of ordinary bulls.
00:15:57 But the yaks, on the contrary, are closer to them genetically.
00:16:01 Yaks live in the mountainous regions of China and other countries of the Himalayan region.
00:16:06 According to one of the laws of biology, the further into the cold climatic zones, the
00:16:11 stronger and larger the local animals become.
00:16:14 Therefore, it is not surprising that musk oxen are much heavier than half a ton, with
00:16:20 a height of about 5 feet.
00:16:22 Just look at how this musk oxen, for the sake of training, smashes a huge log as tall as
00:16:26 a man into splinters.
00:16:29 With each blow, huge chunks fly off the tree.
00:16:33 The musk ox rushes to the target at the speed of a projectile.
00:16:37 And this despite the fact that the animal is just having fun.
00:16:41 Surprisingly, the duel of this buffalo and a yak looks unexpectedly noble.
00:16:47 Unlike the cruel rhinoceros, which tries to pierce the victim with constant stabbing blows,
00:16:51 both ungulates collide in a frontal attack and simply try to overpower each other without
00:16:58 unnecessary violence.
00:17:02 It seems that for them, it is something like a sport.
00:17:05 After all, they do not compete for the females a place in the herd or a territory.
00:17:10 Maybe it's really just entertainment for them.
00:17:13 What do you think?
00:17:15 The snow leopard is one of the few animals that can defeat a yak.
00:17:20 This panther is smaller than a tiger or lion, but also has great strength and agility.
00:17:26 However, this time the spotted predator contacted the wrong enemy.
00:17:31 He attacked the yak calf, hoping for easy prey.
00:17:36 The cub almost gave up, but his mother was not afraid of the enemy's fangs and claws.
00:17:41 Yaks are large animals.
00:17:43 Males can read a weight of about a ton and a height of up to 7 feet, up to 2 meters.
00:17:49 Females are much smaller, but their size also inspires respect.
00:17:54 This cow went on the attack and recaptured her offspring with lightning speed.
00:17:59 The snow leopard was almost trampled by sharp hooves, and he had to run to look for prey
00:18:04 with a less strong character and powerful horns.
00:18:10 There are regions of Asia and Africa where wild bulls coexist with domestic ones that
00:18:14 are on free grazing, and there are often conflicts between them.
00:18:20 Strangely enough, but life next to a man has not pampered a domestic bull at all, which
00:18:25 gives a powerful rebuff to its wild cousin.
00:18:29 Just look at how confidently he pushed his opponent away.
00:18:33 An indomitable power that you don't expect from a pet.
00:18:38 This was in vain, after all, these animals spend a lot of time in an open area, so they
00:18:42 have to repel the attacks of not only uninvited hoofed guests, but also predators.
00:18:49 It builds character.
00:18:51 The buffalo realized too late that he had contacted the wrong opponent when he came
00:18:55 to this field.
00:18:58 He expected that he would get juicy grass and possibly the females of the herd, but
00:19:03 instead he got crushing blows.
00:19:07 The bull not only repels the wild buffalo, but also strikes him with his horns in the
00:19:11 neck area.
00:19:12 Both animals are at risk because they cling to each other and can seriously injure their
00:19:16 eyes with the sharp tips of their horns during a power struggle.
00:19:21 Unfortunately, this is not happening.
00:19:24 The bulls beat each other several times, converge in the fight, while the cows watch the outcome
00:19:28 of the duel with interest.
00:19:30 Interesting, who do you think they are rooting for?
00:19:35 The duel of two gars looks especially impressive.
00:19:38 This is the name of the largest representatives of the bull family.
00:19:42 Their weight can reach 2 tons at a height of more than 2 feet, more than 2 meters.
00:19:47 They live in tropical regions of Asia, so they have very short fur.
00:19:52 Every steel muscle under the polished hide stretches like a string when two males come
00:19:56 together in a duel.
00:19:59 They butt heads and try to avoid sharp blows with sharp horns, but at the same time they
00:20:04 powerfully ram each other with the shock part of the head and sweep away everything in their
00:20:09 path during with such a duel.
00:20:12 It is not surprising that even young Indian elephants give in to gar with his pressure
00:20:16 and combat capabilities.
00:20:19 A horned animal can push an inexperienced elephant into the depths of the jungle to
00:20:24 feel freely in a spacious field.
00:20:29 Only a tiger can pose a threat to gar, but if the cat does not manage to sneak up unnoticed,
00:20:35 she will have to retreat.
00:20:37 Otherwise, the horns of the ungulates will show that it is better to get involved with
00:20:40 somebody else.
00:20:45 This rather frightening animal with a unique shape of the head and jaw may well be mistaken
00:20:50 for a creature from hell.
00:20:53 What you're seeing right now is not a genetic glitch or mutant.
00:20:56 This creature is called "the ugliest animal in the world".
00:21:02 But in Syria, in their homeland, goats of this breed are considered simply divinely
00:21:07 beautiful.
00:21:09 This is a rare breed of domestic goat called the Damascus goat, known as Shami.
00:21:17 In many countries, they are kept because of their unique exotic appearance.
00:21:21 With bulging foreheads, drooping ears, and protruding bides, they resemble something
00:21:26 out of science fiction.
00:21:29 These demonic goats, and there is no other way to call them, are most common in Cyprus,
00:21:34 Palestine, Israel, and Syria.
00:21:37 The breed belongs to the heavy type.
00:21:40 The maximum weight that Shami goats can gain becomes 130 kg with a height of 1 m, and goats
00:21:48 weigh up to 90 kg with a height of 75-85 cm at the withers.
00:21:54 The most distinctive characteristic of the breed is a head with a very hooked muzzle.
00:22:00 Another characteristic feature of pedigreed goats is hanging ears, the length of which
00:22:06 can reach 30 cm.
00:22:09 Many goat owners take the strange appearance of the Damascus goat to a new level by cropping
00:22:14 their ears short.
00:22:15 That's pretty right, isn't it girl?
00:22:18 They gained worldwide fame in 2008 when one of the goats of this breed won the title of
00:22:23 "the most beautiful goat" in a beauty contest in Saudi Arabia.
00:22:30 Now this rare breed has become extremely valuable.
00:22:34 According to experts, the cost of one such goat is comparable to the cost of Arabian
00:22:39 thoroughbred horses and can reach $67,000.
00:22:45 The most shocking thing about this breed is the difference between their appearance when
00:22:49 they are small and when they grow up.
00:22:53 Shami goats with a small head and incredibly long ears look pretty cute.
00:22:59 But then they gradually begin to turn into a real monster capable of scaring many with
00:23:04 their appearance.
00:23:08 Would you like to meet such a cute goat?
00:23:13 There are goats who love mountains and fresh air.
00:23:16 They are very unpretentious and sometimes live in places where other animals simply
00:23:21 cannot be found.
00:23:23 And life in the mountains is very difficult, only the smartest, cleverest, and of course
00:23:29 proud survive.
00:23:31 The snow goat is a breed of goats living in the mountains.
00:23:35 Goats live only in the rocky mountains of North America.
00:23:38 They live very high.
00:23:40 They can climb mountains to a height of about 3,000 meters.
00:23:44 They lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving over bare rocks and patches of alpine lawns.
00:23:51 Snow goats are real beauties.
00:23:54 Their fur is white almost the whole year, and their hooves are black.
00:23:59 Snow goats are very large.
00:24:01 Their height at the withers is 90-105 cm, weight is 85-135 kg.
00:24:08 Because of the lush fur, they look even bigger.
00:24:11 The goat's winter fur coat is such that it can withstand frosts up to -50 degrees
00:24:16 Celsius.
00:24:19 Snow goats have an incredible climbing ability.
00:24:23 People for climbing have arms, legs, and a bunch of all sorts of devices, and goats have
00:24:29 only legs.
00:24:30 But the legs are not ordinary, but the best.
00:24:33 Strong, slender, and very bouncing.
00:24:36 Despite their impressive physique, they walk on completely steep cliffs with barely noticeable
00:24:42 ledges and cornices.
00:24:44 It seems completely incomprehensible how such large animals can stay there.
00:24:48 They manage to put their hooves on the smallest stones and then climb onto ledges from which
00:24:54 it is almost impossible to get off.
00:24:59 They move slowly, lazily, and very rarely jump.
00:25:03 At the same time, if the snow goat jumps, it is usually down, sometimes 6-7 meters,
00:25:08 on a barely noticeable, often icy ledge.
00:25:12 The hooves of a snow goat are a perfect device for climbing mountains.
00:25:16 They are bifurcated and can move apart as needed, providing traction with the surface.
00:25:23 They are soft in the center, and very hard and hard at the edges.
00:25:28 That is why snow goats never slide on rocks, but seem to "stick" to them, and can stay
00:25:34 even on tiny ledges and climb steep slopes.
00:25:40 These animals have plenty of enemies, but predators are extremely rare on their way.
00:25:45 Because they do not rise to such a height.
00:25:49 But it happens when faced with an enemy, they fight off the enemy with their horns, thereby
00:25:54 saving their lives.
00:25:58 An angry goat can be a very dangerous component.
00:26:02 The most terrible predator for them is a mountain lion that climbs rocks just like snow goats.
00:26:09 However, it must be said that the most dangerous creatures for animals are the human hunter
00:26:15 and the human poacher.
00:26:18 Do you agree?
00:26:20 Share your opinion in the comments.
00:26:23 Have you heard of goats fainting?
00:26:26 As it turns out, goats are also known for how they faint and they do this from strong
00:26:31 fear or over-exertion.
00:26:35 In emergency situations, the goat falls into a complete stupor and falls on its back or
00:26:40 sideways with its legs outstretched.
00:26:43 Fainting goats are a type of ordinary domestic goats with a rare genetic disease, congenital
00:26:48 myotonia.
00:26:50 In stressful situations, animals develop complete muscular paralysis of the legs.
00:26:57 Since it is impossible to stand in this state, they fall on their side or on their back.
00:27:03 At the same time, the goats are fully conscious.
00:27:06 As a rule, the condition is observed for a short time.
00:27:09 When this happens, the goats usually freeze for about 10 seconds, but then get up and
00:27:15 run about their business again.
00:27:17 Isn't it interesting and funny to watch them run around and then suddenly faint?
00:27:23 These pretty cute goats with big bulging eyes and a Roman profile are very popular.
00:27:30 More and more often, they are brought up as a pet, especially small specimens, as they
00:27:35 are smart, friendly, and funny.
00:27:39 Currently, fainting goats in the United States are recognized as a rare breed of domestic
00:27:44 animals and are under protection.
00:27:48 A special kind of mountain goat lives in the Alpine Mountains, which are called ebex or
00:27:53 ebex.
00:27:55 Alpine ebex is an unsurpassed rock climber and mountaineer.
00:27:59 And if it is clear why goats climb mountain slopes, then why do they stubbornly climb
00:28:04 the slopes of dams?
00:28:07 It's amazing to see goats not in the mountains, but on a dam.
00:28:12 Impressive, right?
00:28:13 Then let's put some likes.
00:28:15 So why would mountain goats climb steep man-made walls?
00:28:18 And then what they desperately lack in the mountains?
00:28:21 And they don't have enough salt.
00:28:25 And for the goats' sake, they are ready to walk many kilometers or climb unimaginable
00:28:29 steps.
00:28:31 The goats climb up on their hooves as if they are rubber and literally stick to an almost
00:28:36 vertical wall.
00:28:38 And they do all this solely in order to lick some salt.
00:28:43 And they can also arrange a fight on a sheer wall, fighting for the saltiest place.
00:28:49 It is very surprising to see goats moving around where they seem to be nothing to cling
00:28:54 to.
00:28:56 And all this is thanks to tenacious hooves, a very good sense of balance, and a vestibular
00:29:01 apparatus.
00:29:03 That's what they are, salt goats.
00:29:06 Would you like to have such a goat as a pet?
00:29:10 It is known that goats are unsurpassed climbers.
00:29:14 And goats can jump higher than their height from a place.
00:29:18 Try again.
00:29:19 What, it's not working?
00:29:21 Yes, it is very difficult.
00:29:23 And climbing a tree for goats is not difficult at all.
00:29:28 Moroccan goats are the most bouncy on the planet, and they graze not on the ground,
00:29:33 but on trees.
00:29:35 This happens not from a desire to show off, but because of the acute shortage of grass
00:29:40 in those places.
00:29:42 Goats like movie stuntmen stand on incredibly shaky branches and reach for their delicacy,
00:29:48 the fleshy and juicy fruits of argan.
00:29:52 Maybe it's a specially bred breed that can climb argan, you ask?
00:29:57 No, Moroccan goats are in fact the most ordinary.
00:30:02 This is not some kind of unique species endowed with acrobatic abilities.
00:30:07 It's just that goats, forced to adapt to the harsh local realities, have found a new food
00:30:13 base.
00:30:16 By the way, the height of argan reaches 8 to 10 meters.
00:30:21 So Moroccan goats can be safely recorded in the most real climbers.
00:30:27 There are amazing goats of the Welsh breed.
00:30:31 Their front half of the body is black, and the back half is white.
00:30:37 Welsh goats come from Switzerland and are considered one of the oldest breeds in Europe.
00:30:43 Her origin is African.
00:30:46 They immigrated from Africa to Switzerland to a place called Valais in the mountains.
00:30:51 And so far, they live only in the upper Val.
00:30:55 Both goats and goats have horns.
00:30:58 The horns are very powerful and long, on average in goats 30 to 50 centimeters, in goats 80
00:31:04 centimeters.
00:31:06 It was a Welsh goat named Harlequin with the length of 1 meter 24 centimeters horns that
00:31:12 got into the Guinness Book of World Records in 1991.
00:31:18 They are unique not only in color, but also in a very thick coat.
00:31:22 After all, it is primarily a rock where wind, snow, and rain are at a frequent occurrence.
00:31:29 The coat is very coarse, thick, and everywhere except for the muzzle and legs, long, up to
00:31:33 40 to 50 centimeters.
00:31:36 There is a distinctive feature on the forehead, which is a thick bang.
00:31:39 They are not cut, but they are scratched two times a year.
00:31:44 They are still kept in some zoos as exotic animals.
00:31:50 Screw-horned goats, marhurs, live high in the mountains.
00:31:54 Of all mountain goats, they are the largest and the most powerful, with a body length
00:32:00 of up to 1.7 meters, shoulder height of 90 centimeters, and a weight of up to 90 kilograms.
00:32:08 The name of this species comes from the shape of the horns, twisting like a coarse screw
00:32:12 or screw.
00:32:14 Look at the magnificent horns on this goat right here.
00:32:17 They reach a length of 1.5 meters.
00:32:21 True only males have luxurious horns, females cannot boast of such a length and are content
00:32:26 with 20 to 30 centimeter horns.
00:32:30 The horns of a screw-horned goat are twisted in opposite directions.
00:32:35 The number of revolutions reaches two to three, rarely four revolutions.
00:32:40 Mountain goats don't shed their horns, they wear them all their lives.
00:32:43 And in order to maintain their ventrigost, the marhurs need to marry only their own kind.
00:32:49 The habitat of this animal is steep slopes of gorges, rocks, and cliffs at an altitude
00:32:54 of 500 to 3,500 meters in the mountains of northwestern India, eastern Pakistan, and
00:33:01 Afghanistan.
00:33:03 Screw-horned goats spend their whole lives among rocky cliffs and deep gorges.
00:33:08 The mountains give them both food and shelter from enemies.
00:33:12 The marhurs jump so deftly to the steepest slopes that any climber would envy them for
00:33:17 sure.
00:33:19 Moving away from danger, they can go down into the gorge, jumping along the steep walls
00:33:24 from one side to the other, while relying only on the smallest ledges.
00:33:30 Their legs are strong and their hooves are designed so that they do not slip on stones,
00:33:34 so predators who decide to hunt marhurs will have to look for other prey.
00:33:41 Screw-horned goats are peaceful animals, but in the spring, when the males arrange tournaments,
00:33:46 there is no trace of this calmness.
00:33:51 Seeing each other, the rivals immediately try to prove their superiority by butting
00:33:55 and pushing.
00:33:58 They collide with strong foreheads with such force that the sound of the impact can't
00:34:03 be heard for over a kilometer.
00:34:05 There is an opinion that screw-horned goats became the ancestors of domestic goats.
00:34:11 Do we know much about the goats we are familiar with?
00:34:14 Well, yes, this is horned, eternally bleeding animal gives milk, fluff, maybe some eat it,
00:34:20 many of us will say.
00:34:21 However, there are many breeds that some have never even heard of.
00:34:29 Their homeland is Pakistan, and they can also be found in Arab countries, on the territory
00:34:34 of India, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.
00:34:39 Gulabi is an incredibly beautiful graceful animal with white fur, slim build, elongated
00:34:45 thin neck, and with a Roman profile, expressively lively eyes, and long droopy ears.
00:34:54 Very long ears that hang down to the knees are impressive.
00:34:56 They are soft, wide, and thin.
00:35:01 They appeared in goats for a reason.
00:35:04 In their homeland, expressive ears help regulate heat exchange, preventing the body from overheating.
00:35:10 The breed got its name because of its pink skin color.
00:35:14 Gulabi translates as pink.
00:35:17 These are high-legged animals.
00:35:18 The high depth of withers in goats is up to 110 cm with a weight of 90 kg, and in goats,
00:35:24 up to 130 cm with a live weight of up to 130 kg.
00:35:30 Goats have a thick coat, which makes them frost-resistant and hardy at low temperatures.
00:35:37 Gulabi are also very appreciated for their delicious and nutritious milk.
00:35:42 These goats are very intelligent and affectionate, and quickly become attached to their owner.
00:35:48 They immediately recognize their owner, and sometimes behave like dogs, completely copying
00:35:53 their behavior.
00:35:55 They follow along the sight, sleep near the door of the house, waiting for the appearance
00:35:59 of a person.
00:36:02 Have you ever looked into the eyes of a goat?
00:36:06 Goats have a very unusual pupil shape.
00:36:09 Due to the rectangular, elongated shape of the pupil, the goat has a viewing angle of
00:36:13 almost 340 degrees, depending on the lighting.
00:36:17 They change from a narrow slit to a rectangle and even a square.
00:36:22 It is this pupil, and its special position of the eyes, that allows even the most careless
00:36:27 goat to notice a predator sneaking up from behind.
00:36:31 And all this, mind you, without turning their head.
00:36:34 The Italian breed of Ghergantana goats traces its ancestry back to southern Italy.
00:36:40 Her long horns, like a giant corkscrew, make this breed of goats uniquely original.
00:36:47 Just imagine, the horns of an adult goat can reach lengths of as much as 70 centimeters.
00:36:53 However, the roots of this breed go far beyond Europe, towards high-altitude Afghanistan.
00:37:00 According to some sources, the ancestors of Ghergantana goats are wild, screw-horned goats.
00:37:07 It was from them that they inherited their amazing horns.
00:37:11 The ancestors of Ghergantana goats were probably brought to Sicily by the Arabs, who invaded
00:37:17 its borders in 827.
00:37:21 Ghergantana goats with impressive horns and a medium-sized, white, long-haired fur coat
00:37:26 up to 85 centimeters high at the withers and weighing up to 65 kilograms.
00:37:32 Looking at Ghergantana's funny goat, you involuntarily think about how impressive the
00:37:36 fantasy of nature can be.
00:37:39 Kashmiri goats live in the highlands of Central Asia and Tibet, in the mountainous regions
00:37:43 of Mongolia, Iran, as well as in northern India, at an altitude of up to 5,000 meters
00:37:49 above sea level, in a harsh climate and sudden temperature changes from -40 degrees to +40
00:37:55 degrees.
00:37:57 To protect against the harsh climate, nature has awarded these animals with an amazing,
00:38:01 unusually soft and very valuable down, which protects the goats from rain, cold and heat.
00:38:09 It is a small, slender animal, about 1.5 meters long and 60 centimeters high.
00:38:18 The trunks of Kashmiri goats are covered with a long guard hair with a thin and soft downy
00:38:23 undercoat.
00:38:25 In the textile industry, only their valuable down is used.
00:38:29 For many centuries, the down of Kashmiri goats has remained the most expensive natural raw
00:38:34 material of all known varieties of wool.
00:38:39 The high cost is explained by the fact that an average of only 120 grams of fluff is extracted
00:38:45 from one individual.
00:38:46 In addition, goats of this breed cannot be bred with the preservation of wool properties
00:38:51 anywhere outside the listed territories, since with climate change, they quickly lose their
00:38:55 properties.
00:38:59 The down of Kashmiri goats and the products is the height of bliss.
00:39:05 Let it be expensive, but the absence of allergies to it, extraordinary softness, lightness and
00:39:11 comfort are finding more and more fans all over the world every day.
00:39:15 All goats are good, and which goat do you like the best?
00:39:19 Choose?
00:39:20 Look further to find the goat of your dreams.
00:39:24 A very interesting breed, the Boer, was bred in South Africa at the very beginning of the
00:39:29 20th century.
00:39:31 You can easily determine the breed by the color of the hair on the head.
00:39:35 They have a brown color.
00:39:37 This is their characteristic feature.
00:39:40 The rest of the body is white.
00:39:43 Males have thick horns on their heads that curve backwards.
00:39:48 These goats are a dream legend for every goat breeder, a kind of cult, really.
00:39:54 The reason for such popularity is the size of such individuals.
00:39:58 In addition, the Boers are very beautiful and look like something exotic and enticing.
00:40:03 In fact, Boers are large, massive and very spectacular animals.
00:40:10 The largest breed of domestic goats.
00:40:13 The body weights of goats of this species can reach up to 95 kilograms, and adult goats
00:40:18 often weigh more than 130 kilograms.
00:40:22 Exhibition samples often weigh more, but that's why they're on exhibit.
00:40:28 Boer females have a calm disposition, but the goats, they're wayward.
00:40:34 They are agile and very strong.
00:40:37 Sometimes they're aggressive.
00:40:39 Some of the special features of Boer goats, rapid growth and high fertility, unpretentiousness
00:40:43 and maintenance, good adaptability to climate conditions, in particular to a hot climate,
00:40:49 explain why this species is definitely one of the best.
00:40:56 Kamori are goats that are widely known for their beautiful and unique appearance.
00:41:03 They have an amazing color, reminiscent of Arabic script.
00:41:08 The homeland of this breed is animals in Pakistan.
00:41:11 There, they are highly appreciated for their unpretentiousness and nutrition, good heat
00:41:17 tolerance for the taste of milk, as well as for the special coloring of the wool.
00:41:23 The Kamori has red, brown, white or black spots of unusual shape on a monophonic basis
00:41:31 in which there is a similarity with Arabic script.
00:41:35 Kamori goats are very similar in appearance to other Pakistani goats.
00:41:39 They are characterized by long, drooping ears and a hooked nose.
00:41:43 The length of the ears can reach 45 centimeters.
00:41:47 A goat is one and a half to two times larger than goats.
00:41:51 Kamori goats grow more than a meter.
00:41:54 There are also representatives of the species who are as tall as an adult.
00:42:02 Kamori are resistant to a bad environment and are a source of livelihood for many residents
00:42:06 of Pakistan.
00:42:10 These goats look like sheep but are not even their close relatives.
00:42:15 These are Angora goats.
00:42:18 Their unique wool is the reason they look like sheep.
00:42:22 The body is entirely covered with a shiny hair covering, which consists of pleasant
00:42:27 to the touch, long, curly or wavy strands.
00:42:32 A healthy Angora goat has soft wool falling in soft curls, which is quite beautiful to
00:42:38 look at.
00:42:39 The homeland of Angora goats is a mountainous area of sunny Turkey.
00:42:44 The animals got their name in honor of the modern city of Ankara, known in ancient times
00:42:48 as Angora.
00:42:51 Adult Angora goats weigh 45 to 50 kilograms and, in addition to the wool, flaunt luxurious
00:42:58 horns.
00:43:00 The growth of goats can be up to 75 centimeters.
00:43:04 The Angora goat with a weight of 30 to 35 kilograms and a height of up to 66 centimeters
00:43:09 cannot boast of such a luxurious decoration.
00:43:13 Her horns are small and thin.
00:43:16 The main color of Angora is white.
00:43:19 Goats with gray, black, and silver color are less common.
00:43:23 But the main advantage of animals is their wool.
00:43:27 Angora goats are the main wool breed of goats, giving the so-called mohair.
00:43:33 On the farm, these goats are sheared twice a year, receiving up to 6 kilograms of wool
00:43:38 from a goat and 3 to 5 from a goat.
00:43:42 Thin mohair yarn is obtained from this wool, which can be turned into many different warm
00:43:47 things such as hats, scarves, mittens, and socks.
00:43:53 Dutch Landrus You will be stunned just by looking at this
00:43:57 ferocious goat.
00:43:58 It has long, hard horns and a shaggy, thick coat that easily scares people and other animals.
00:44:06 Dutch Landrus goats are sturdy, medium-sized animals, mostly horned, with short legs and
00:44:12 long hair.
00:44:15 This breed is originally from the Netherlands.
00:44:18 Goats are really very aggressive and can attack their owner without hesitation.
00:44:24 And goats can also be used as a horse-drawn transport.
00:44:28 A trained goat can pull a cart with a load of 500 kilograms.
00:44:32 Haven't you heard?
00:44:33 That's fine.
00:44:35 In 1958, the Dutch Landrus breed almost disappeared, having been reduced to two animals.
00:44:43 Since 1999, the number of goats of this breed has increased and today has about 2,200 heads.
00:44:53 It has already become customary among the people that for comparing with this animal,
00:44:57 you can get a slap in the face or permanently stop acquaintances with the offending one.
00:45:02 Well, aren't these artiodactyls really that bad already?
00:45:06 What do you think?
00:45:08 This bull looks like a real monster, which was brought out in the laboratory and even
00:45:13 pumped up with steroids.
00:45:17 Its size is impressive, with a mass of almost one and a half tons.
00:45:22 It is twice as large as ordinary bulls.
00:45:28 Every muscle is visible under the smooth hide.
00:45:30 If such a bull were to strike, then even without horns, he could break through a wall.
00:45:38 And this impressive musculature is not a single mutation, but the dignity of an entire breed.
00:45:45 It is called the Belgian Blue Cow.
00:45:49 And at home, it is considered a real pride of breeders.
00:45:54 Can you immediately imagine some mad scientist who tried to bring out an army of super strong
00:45:59 bulls?
00:46:00 No, there were no gamma irradiations as in the case of the Hulk, and there was not even
00:46:06 a simple gene modification.
00:46:09 Such pronounced musculature is found in many animals as a result of a natural mutation.
00:46:15 The gene that is responsible for muscle growth simply becomes more active.
00:46:20 So the body in the process of development uses food as a building material for such
00:46:25 an impressive muscle frame to a greater extent than in the case of ordinary animals without
00:46:32 this gene.
00:46:34 This mutation occurs not only in cows, but also in other animals, for example in dogs.
00:46:42 However, the breeders who were engaged in breeding the Belgian Blue Cow made efforts
00:46:48 to fix this gene and turn it from a random mutation into a stable breed trait.
00:46:56 To do this, they simply crossed cows and bulls with this gene amongst themselves.
00:47:02 The result is a bodybuilding bull which is not only larger, but also much stronger than
00:47:07 representatives of most other breeds.
00:47:11 It's just that the Belgian Blue Bull was not brought out to participate in fights or bull
00:47:16 fights and this is good because then the matadors would simply not have a chance.
00:47:23 This breed of bull was bred for meat.
00:47:26 You would be surprised, but such a volume of muscles makes bull meat less fatty than
00:47:30 chicken and more than three times less fatty than regular beef.
00:47:36 And on the contrary, there is much more protein.
00:47:39 In addition, these bulls are real good-natured and have a very balanced character.
00:47:47 Of course, it's not worth teasing them, but for no reason such bulls do not use their
00:47:52 superpower and do not run to attack.
00:47:56 But would you dare to approach such an animal?
00:47:58 Let us know in the comments.
00:48:02 The Brockman Bull looks like the fruit of the forbidden love of a cow and a camel.
00:48:08 But this of course is not the case.
00:48:10 Such hybrids are impossible due to a large difference in the genetic code of these animals.
00:48:15 However, the Brockman looks really unusual.
00:48:19 A huge powerful body, a large head the size of a human torso, and at the same time a massive
00:48:26 hump that adds almost half a foot (about 15 cm) to the height of the beast and can be
00:48:32 so large that it will fall on its side while running.
00:48:37 The Brockman is the first breed of cattle that was bred in the United States at the
00:48:41 very beginning of the 20th century.
00:48:44 That's just as the name implies, it was based on breeds brought to the States from distant
00:48:49 India.
00:48:50 The weight of a bull can go far beyond a ton and in height, 6.5 feet (about 2 meters).
00:48:57 Its huge hump is not an ornament, but rather plays the same role as the hump of a camel.
00:49:04 It can be a container of nutrients if the animal has to go for a long time without water
00:49:09 and food.
00:49:11 That's why these animals are so loved by farmers in the United States.
00:49:15 A Brockman bull can be released to free grazing and not worry about whether the animal will
00:49:19 find water and food.
00:49:21 Even if it walks through a deserted territory for a while, the fat reserved in the hump
00:49:26 will help it survive without loss of health before food is found in sufficient quantity.
00:49:34 I'd say that abilities like this deserve your like, don't you agree?
00:49:39 In addition, it is not only one of the largest bulls on the planet, but also one of the most
00:49:44 persistent and hardy.
00:49:46 Its skin is so dense that the animal is practically invulnerable to the bites of the largest mosquitoes
00:49:51 and other bloodsuckers.
00:49:54 This means that the animal will not suffer from ailments that these insects carry.
00:50:02 The Chianina is a breed of bulls that resemble a cloud.
00:50:06 No I don't mean that they're fluffy, I just mean that it seems that the shadow of
00:50:10 such a giant can really cover a small city.
00:50:15 The height of this beast is 6.5 feet, about 2 meters.
00:50:18 The weight can reach 1.5 tons.
00:50:21 This makes him one of the biggest bulls in the world.
00:50:25 He is so huge that it competes in size with young hippos.
00:50:32 Huge strength, endurance and surprisingly calm character traits made this bull very
00:50:36 popular.
00:50:38 The Chianina is not only considered one of the most common breeds in its native Italy,
00:50:42 but has also become popular far beyond its Italian borders.
00:50:49 It is also considered incredibly ancient, older than some countries in which this breed
00:50:54 is now bred.
00:50:57 Huge herds of Chianina graze in many countries of South America.
00:51:02 In addition to its huge size, this giant has a skin that resembles armor.
00:51:07 Therefore, not only bloodsucking insects, but also small snakes cannot bite through
00:51:11 it.
00:51:13 What you need for a tropical climate, to which this beast has adapted well and does not suffer
00:51:18 at all from the heat, which could drive you into an air-conditioned room in half an hour.
00:51:27 Usually a cow is much smaller than a bull, about 1.5 times.
00:51:33 But in the case of the Montbeliard breed, the situation is a little different.
00:51:38 These huge animals impress with their size regardless of gender.
00:51:42 The most common cow grows so big that its height at the withers reaches 6 feet, 1.8
00:51:48 meters.
00:51:49 That is the height of an adult man.
00:51:53 Bulls of course are also huge.
00:51:56 This French breed was bred to produce milk and meat.
00:52:00 The logic of breeders is simple.
00:52:02 The bigger the cow, the more milk it can give.
00:52:07 And you know what?
00:52:08 That's right.
00:52:09 A cow gives about 8.5 tons of milk a year.
00:52:13 Enough to feed a small village.
00:52:18 And the entire farm can export milk and products from it.
00:52:22 So these cows are a real source of white gold.
00:52:25 However, most of this wealth goes to the cheese.
00:52:30 Some brands of elite French cheeses, for example, Mont-Dore, Maubier, Comté and Ludwig X, must
00:52:37 contain milk from these cows.
00:52:40 There it is.
00:52:41 Career success.
00:52:43 As for bulls, their meat is valued for the absolute, complete absence of a fat layer,
00:52:49 amazing tenderness and elasticity.
00:52:52 Sorry, vegetarians, these are dry facts, not meat-eating propaganda.
00:53:01 The German Angus is an unusual breed of bull, which immediately catches the eye with its
00:53:07 massiveness.
00:53:09 The weight of a cow can significantly exceed half a ton, but the main thing is bulls.
00:53:14 The difference between the sexes in this breed is huge, and males are about twice as heavy
00:53:18 as females, reaching a mass of more than a ton.
00:53:22 At the same time, the backbone of bulls is only 15% of the animal's weight, which is
00:53:27 quite small.
00:53:28 Therefore, the bull looks a little puffed up with his broad chest, huge body and head
00:53:34 on relatively thin legs.
00:53:37 But no, he doesn't suffer from obesity.
00:53:39 This is a natural trait of the animal.
00:53:45 The Asian Swamp Buffalo is a true titan, even among other wild-horned heavyweights.
00:53:52 He is a third larger than ordinary bulls, with a mass of up to 1.2 tons.
00:53:58 But the main thing is the dimensions.
00:53:59 The height at the withers of the marsh buffalo can reach almost 7 feet, about 2.2 to 2.3
00:54:06 meters.
00:54:08 In length, it grows up to 10 feet, almost 3 meters.
00:54:11 That is, in size, this animal sort of resembles a minibus.
00:54:16 But the most impressive are the huge, powerful horns.
00:54:19 They are slightly curved and usually directed backwards so as not to interfere with the
00:54:24 animal passing through dense thickets.
00:54:27 And for good reason, because the length of the horns of wild individuals can reach 7
00:54:31 feet, more than 2 meters.
00:54:33 And if such a huge weapon was pointed up and forward like deer, then after a walk through
00:54:37 the forest, the buffalo would have to clean the horns from bird nests and broken tree
00:54:42 branches.
00:54:46 Once upon a time, this majestic beast lived on a vast territory throughout Asia.
00:54:51 The western tip of its range reached ancient Mesopotamia, while the eastern one reached
00:54:57 southern China.
00:54:59 In addition, this buffalo lived on many islands, for example in the Philippines and Malaysia.
00:55:05 Unfortunately due to deforestation and the development of wild lands for agriculture,
00:55:10 these buffaloes now live only in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Ceylon.
00:55:16 That's not bad either, is it?
00:55:18 The only trouble is that wild herds of these buffaloes are adjacent to domestic bulls,
00:55:24 which are on free grazing in many of these countries.
00:55:29 These domestic bulls are descendants of the Asian buffalo, which was tamed thousands of
00:55:34 years ago so the animals can freely interbreed.
00:55:39 This is a problem because over the centuries under the care of a person, domestic bulls
00:55:44 have changed quite a lot.
00:55:46 Their horns have become almost twice as short, a sagging belly has appeared, and the character
00:55:50 has changed.
00:55:53 Do you remember what Thor looked like in Infinity War, and then in Endgame?
00:55:58 Here too the difference is about the same.
00:56:01 An unpleasant sight, wouldn't you agree?
00:56:04 I do agree, it motivates you to take care of yourself.
00:56:09 Cubs from wild and domestic buffaloes are usually weaker than purebred wild individuals.
00:56:15 This is bad because there are almost no worthy opponents in nature for an adult wild buffalo.
00:56:22 Only the tiger and the largest crocodiles can attack adult males.
00:56:30 The battle of the tiger and the buffalo is one of the most impressive duels that can
00:56:34 be seen in the wild.
00:56:37 Opponents are worthy of each other.
00:56:39 The largest and strongest wild cat against the largest and most aggressive wild buffalo
00:56:44 in all of Asia.
00:56:47 The tiger sneaks up to the buffalo to pounce on the prey before it has time to use its
00:56:52 horns.
00:56:54 The predator is trying to get to the throat, and a tiger can break the net of smaller individuals
00:56:59 with one blow.
00:57:02 But an adult bull is too strong, so the tiger's only chance is to get to the neck vessels
00:57:07 with its fangs or strangle.
00:57:11 That's just that the ungulate does not give up without a fight, and can trample actually
00:57:15 the tiger.
00:57:16 And if he notices the cat too early and manages to meet the jump with his horns, then the
00:57:22 tiger will at best be forced to run.
00:57:27 In addition, buffaloes are herd animals, and mutual assistance of ungulates can be a very
00:57:32 bad trait for a tiger.
00:57:36 In the worst case, the striped beast itself will become a victim.
00:57:40 But the more blood of a domestic cousin in a wild buffalo, the weaker and more vulnerable
00:57:45 it is to other predators like leopards, wolves, and red dogs.
00:57:52 Huge and strange animals that look like fabulous monsters live in the Amazon forests.
00:57:59 Now you will learn about why this river generates such creatures and who can lurk in the most
00:58:05 remote jungle.
00:58:09 Jaguar is the third largest panther, second only to lions and tigers.
00:58:14 And just in terms of rage and combat skills, she can compete with them on equal terms.
00:58:20 Among her relatives, she is distinguished by the brutal style of hunting.
00:58:25 Lionesses usually strangle their victim, and tigers either also cut off oxygen or break
00:58:30 their necks.
00:58:31 But jaguars act differently.
00:58:34 At the base of the skulls of the victims of these predators, traces of powerful bites
00:58:38 are usually found, which crush the cervical vertebrae, break the occipital bones, and
00:58:45 interrupt the vessels.
00:58:47 The jaws of this cat are incredibly strong.
00:58:51 The jaguar is one of those predators that can really literally bite off the victim's
00:58:55 head.
00:58:58 In addition, the jaguar has very powerful paws, which it can use with surgical precision.
00:59:05 At the same time, the jaguar is a cautious, cunning, and versatile fighter.
00:59:10 He ambushes in the thickest thickets, swims and hunts well in the water, climbs trees
00:59:17 perfectly, and can fall on the victim from the height of the second or third floor to
00:59:21 solve the issue of his lunch with one blow.
00:59:26 And this cat is also braver than the wolverine, because it hunts not only herbivores, but
00:59:31 even crocodiles.
00:59:34 And the enemy's native element, right in the water.
00:59:38 But why is this cat so cool?
00:59:41 The answer to this question is at the same time an explanation of why the Amazon creates
00:59:46 real monsters.
00:59:49 The jaguar, with all its advantages, although it is one of the most effective predators
00:59:54 of these places, is still not only the king of the jungle.
01:00:00 And all its advantages are needed by the cat just to survive.
01:00:05 In almost any other corner of the planet, a predator with the capabilities of a jaguar
01:00:09 would become the dominant species.
01:00:12 But in the Amazon basin, it is only one of many.
01:00:16 For example, his manner of biting through the back of the victim's head was developed
01:00:20 simply because the creatures that the jaguar hunts are invulnerable to strangulation, and
01:00:26 so powerful that it is almost impossible for them to break their necks in another way.
01:00:33 Extremely harsh living conditions forced the jaguar to become a more formidable hunter
01:00:37 than a lion or tiger.
01:00:40 Although the spotted cat is inferior to its larger cousins in size and shared power, it
01:00:46 surpasses them in, let's say, special skills.
01:00:50 For example, this is a special vision.
01:00:54 You know that cats have it much better than humans.
01:00:57 But the jaguar has it even better than most of its relatives.
01:01:02 The vision of this spotted predator is not only incredibly sharp, clear, and has a night
01:01:07 vision mode, it also has unmasking capabilities.
01:01:13 Many animals have learned mimicry.
01:01:16 They are able to blend in with the environment, which makes them almost invisible.
01:01:21 Jaguar doesn't care about this ability.
01:01:25 His vision is able to penetrate through this disguise, so even in the colorful rainforest
01:01:30 it is possible to cope with him.
01:01:34 In addition, this cat has the most powerful bite among all felines.
01:01:40 Simply because otherwise it is impossible to cope with the shells of turtles, caimans,
01:01:46 and armadillos.
01:01:47 Yes, you understand correctly, jaguars open the powerful shells of turtles and are able
01:01:52 to cope even with the frontal armor of an adult crocodile.
01:01:56 And at the same time, the cat can catch prey even at the height of the seventh floor, because
01:02:01 with a mass of up to 220 pounds, up to 100 kilograms, this predator practically flies
01:02:06 between the branches at a great height, climbs the crowns of the tallest trees, and catches
01:02:14 monkeys, as well as other super clever animals.
01:02:17 Handsome, don't you agree?
01:02:20 He deserves your like.
01:02:23 The Amazon River Basin is one of the most mysterious places in the world.
01:02:28 This river competes with the Nile for the title of the longest.
01:02:32 But what the Amazon has no competitors in is the size of the pool and fullness of water.
01:02:39 If we take into account the remote tributaries, the area of the Amazon Basin is more than
01:02:44 three times the area of the whole of Mexico.
01:02:48 Most of this vast territory is occupied by jungles that have been growing there for more
01:02:52 than one million years.
01:02:55 A very large amount of water, fertile soil, high humidity, and a warm climate have led
01:03:00 to the fact that for dense vegetation, here is the best place in the world.
01:03:07 The jungle in such conditions has become incredibly dense and diverse.
01:03:12 Do you know that the saying that the Amazon is the lungs of the planet?
01:03:18 If this is an exaggeration, then only a little, because the local tropical forests produce
01:03:23 about 20% of the planet's total oxygen.
01:03:27 But this miracle of nature has another dark side.
01:03:32 Due to such favorable conditions for the life of flora, its own unique ecosystem has been
01:03:37 formed here.
01:03:39 The Amazon Basin is almost another world.
01:03:42 A very harsh world.
01:03:45 In the wild, there is a real arms race.
01:03:49 Predators are developing new ways to overcome the victim.
01:03:53 Meanwhile, the prey is trying to find a new defensive weapon.
01:03:59 In the Amazon Basin, this race got a real boost of steroids.
01:04:04 Therefore, there are most of the creatures that it is best for a person never to encounter.
01:04:11 Unless Australia can be found no less dangerous creatures.
01:04:15 But there are much fewer of them.
01:04:18 It was the Amazon that became home to the largest and strongest snake in the world,
01:04:23 the anaconda.
01:04:24 This reptile reaches a length of about 16 feet, about 5 meters, and this is for her.
01:04:31 Very usual dimensions.
01:04:33 A snake that was almost twice as large got into the Guinness Book of World Records.
01:04:39 And according to the rumors of the local population, there are real giants in the impenetrable
01:04:44 thickets.
01:04:47 The length of this legendary snake can reach some incredible 50 feet or 15 meters.
01:04:54 Such a snake would be able to hang down from the sixth floor, and the tip of its tail would
01:05:00 remain in the window when the head would have already touched the ground.
01:05:05 There is no documented evidence of the existence of such giants, or they are unreliable.
01:05:11 But admit it, it would be stupid cool to meet a huge monster snake in the thickets of the
01:05:15 rainforest, which could hunt elephants, and try to stretch it along to accurately measure
01:05:22 the length.
01:05:23 So, even if such reptiles exist, it is unlikely that we will know about it for sure in the
01:05:28 coming years.
01:05:31 What do you guys think?
01:05:32 Share your opinion in the comments.
01:05:36 But even an ordinary anaconda is one of the most terrible predators on the planet.
01:05:41 The whole body of an anaconda is a weapon consisting of twisted tight muscles, powerful
01:05:46 as steel cables.
01:05:49 Even an ordinary anaconda can deal with a wild boar, and be dangerous for both a jaguar
01:05:54 and a black caiman.
01:05:57 This snake attacks the victim with lightning speed.
01:06:01 While the prey is in shock, the snake is already wrapping its rings around it.
01:06:06 The anaconda does not try to find a neck to strangle the prey, the snake doesn't need
01:06:10 it.
01:06:11 Instead, the reptile simply crushes the victim with a mass and squeezes her whole body in
01:06:16 her arms.
01:06:19 The rings immobilize the limbs, and do not allow you to fight effectively, run, or counter-attack.
01:06:28 The prey tries to breathe, but at the exhalation of the victim, the snake makes an additional
01:06:32 effort and squeezes the chest harder.
01:06:36 So, there is less space in the lung for the next breath.
01:06:41 Gradually the prey loses strength.
01:06:43 Pretty scary, don't you agree?
01:06:45 This is not the end though.
01:06:47 When the victim is almost given up, the anaconda squeezes her body even harder to break bones
01:06:53 and cause critical damage to internal organs.
01:06:57 Do you feel sorry for the anaconda prey?
01:06:59 Well, she can only hope that this stage will be fatal for her.
01:07:03 After all, the snake eats its prey whole, slowly swallowing it.
01:07:09 Do you see these two bones in the hands of the scientist?
01:07:13 These are the vertebrae of two snakes.
01:07:15 The one he holds in his right hand belongs to an anaconda.
01:07:20 Can you imagine how long a monster should be if its vertebrae is several times larger
01:07:25 than the bone of this giant snake?
01:07:28 We are talking about the largest snake in the history of the planet, Titanoboa.
01:07:34 According to scientists, the largest anacondas weigh about 480 pounds, about 210 kilograms.
01:07:42 But Titanoboa is five times more massive, a snake weighing about a ton, where the whole
01:07:48 mass is powerful musculature.
01:07:51 This creature died out millions of years ago, so there is no need to be afraid of the monster.
01:07:56 But guess where these creatures lived?
01:07:59 That's right, in the Amazon Basin.
01:08:03 Of course, the Amazon Basin is also home to venomous snakes, some of the most dangerous
01:08:08 in the world.
01:08:10 Is there any doubt about it?
01:08:13 This place amazes with the variety of ways that the local inhabitants can use if they
01:08:17 want to fight.
01:08:20 Kaisaka is a venomous snake that has infrared vision.
01:08:26 It captures the body heat and preys mainly on small rodents.
01:08:32 But its venom is designed to protect the owner from an aggressive deer, not just from a mouse.
01:08:39 The Kaisaka is a relative of the rattlesnake, so its venom also has a similar effect.
01:08:45 It is a hemotoxin, a substance that destroys blood.
01:08:51 The complex chemical composition of the poison gives it a combined effect.
01:08:56 Tissue necrosis begins at the bite site.
01:09:00 But the main thing is the effect on the circulatory system.
01:09:03 There are abundant internal bleedings, which weaken the body.
01:09:09 Then the heart and kidneys fail.
01:09:11 There is an antidote for the Kaisaka poison, but in order for a person to survive, the
01:09:16 serum must be injected as soon as possible.
01:09:19 According to statistics, the venom of this particular snake affects people living in
01:09:23 the Amazon Basin most often.
01:09:27 Such a huge number of dangerous creatures can easily be explained by the highest population
01:09:31 density among all the biomes of the planet.
01:09:36 A biome is a collection of ecosystems of a certain climatic zone.
01:09:41 So, the Amazon Basin is, of course, a huge territory.
01:09:47 But at the same time, there are several times more living beings here than in any other
01:09:52 place on the planet with the same area.
01:09:56 Think about it.
01:09:57 10% of all animal species known to science live right here, in the basin of a single
01:10:04 river.
01:10:06 And this is not because scientists are lazy and we're looking for living beings only here.
01:10:11 On the contrary, the Amazon is still being explored, and apparently, hundreds or even
01:10:16 thousands of species unknown to science live on the territory of this local jungle, which
01:10:22 are waiting just to be found.
01:10:23 Well, or they're not waiting, and then scientists are waiting for a lot of unpleasant surprises.
01:10:30 Millions of species of insects, which means tens of billions of their representatives.
01:10:36 Thousands of species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians.
01:10:40 Hundreds of species of mammals, including very large ones.
01:10:44 This diversity of species is another reason why the Amazon breeds monsters.
01:10:50 And statistically, the more living creatures in general, the more dangerous they are.
01:10:56 In addition, the diversity of species is also affected by the level of climate favorability.
01:11:02 The Amazon is warm and humid all year round.
01:11:06 Of course, these conditions are great for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
01:11:11 So, if you decide to travel through the impenetrable thickets of the local jungle, do not forget
01:11:17 about the danger.
01:11:19 Even if no one bites, or if no one stings you.
01:11:24 There are enough contagious diseases here, and because of the humidity, infection easily
01:11:28 penetrates into the smallest wounds and scratches.
01:11:33 But diseases and a high probability of inflammation, even small skin lesions, this is not enough
01:11:39 to restrain the development of living beings, if conditions are conducive to this.
01:11:45 And here, the conditions are excellent.
01:11:47 Therefore, if people do not interfere with deforestation and development of territories
01:11:52 for agriculture, the population of many species in the Amazon basin will be consistently high.
01:11:59 And this means a large number of predators.
01:12:03 Much more than in many other regions of the planet.
01:12:08 For example, the territory of Canada, which is larger than the Amazon basin, is home to
01:12:13 more than 30 species of snakes, but only 4 of them are poisonous and may pose some kind
01:12:18 of danger to humans.
01:12:20 There are hundreds of species of venomous snakes in the Amazon basin, so there are several
01:12:26 dozen dangerous ones among them.
01:12:30 The largest venomous snake of the Amazon basin is the Bushmeister.
01:12:35 It lives in the most remote corners of the jungle.
01:12:38 That's the only reason people are lucky to rarely encounter it.
01:12:42 The Bushmeister is really a terrible monster.
01:12:46 For her, 7 feet long, or 2 meters, is the norm, and sometimes there are twice as long
01:12:52 individuals, which makes her a rival of the King Cobra for the title of the largest venomous
01:12:56 snake on the planet.
01:12:59 The poison has a combined effect, simultaneously hitting the nervous system and affecting the
01:13:05 victim's blood.
01:13:07 Interestingly enough, this snake is one of the best ambushmasters ever.
01:13:12 She is able to freeze completely in one place, which gives her the perfect disguise.
01:13:18 In a stationary position, she will wait for prey for days.
01:13:21 Thanks to a not-too-active lifestyle, she can afford to eat very rarely.
01:13:28 Once a month, or even less.
01:13:30 Imagine this.
01:13:31 An animal walks through the forest and constantly monitors the environment.
01:13:35 Otherwise, there is no way to survive there.
01:13:38 Everything seems to be in order, no unnecessary movement, no rustle, no threats.
01:13:44 Suddenly teeth dig into the leg and a terrible pain permeates the entire body.
01:13:48 And this is just the beginning.
01:13:51 Then the poison begins to act, until the poor animal realizes, in shock, that a huge snake
01:13:56 the length of a car, suddenly appeared next to her out of nowhere.
01:14:03 If you think that only large animals are dangerous in the Amazon basin, then you're definitely
01:14:08 mistaken.
01:14:10 Literally anyone can pose a threat here.
01:14:14 From an insect to a cute at first glance animal that seems defenseless until it screams in
01:14:20 your face.
01:14:23 For example, this cute little toad.
01:14:26 Look at how adorable it is, right?
01:14:29 You won't understand right away that a hundred of these crumbs could exterminate all the
01:14:34 jaguars on the planet.
01:14:37 Therefore spotted babies, like most other living creatures, avoid this amphibian.
01:14:43 Vividly, the frog is called a terrible leaf climber.
01:14:48 And such a name is not an exaggeration.
01:14:51 It is one of the most venomous creatures on earth.
01:14:55 So don't be surprised by its bright coloring.
01:14:57 The leaf climber does not disguise himself.
01:15:00 With a body length of about one and a half inches, up to four centimeters, it is not
01:15:04 afraid of anyone and stands out among the foliage on purpose so that it is noticed from
01:15:09 afar and not touched.
01:15:12 And it works.
01:15:14 Most animals at the sight of this creature behave like Homer from that meme, you know?
01:15:20 The key feature of the frog is that its entire body is covered with poison.
01:15:25 Most toxins need active interaction with the circulatory system, or at least the mucus
01:15:30 membrane of the victim.
01:15:33 But not the poison of a leaf climber.
01:15:36 It works through the skin.
01:15:38 That is, just touching this little monster with your finger is enough for the poison
01:15:42 to take effect in a couple of minutes.
01:15:46 The total amount of poison on one frog is 500 times more than it takes to stop one person's
01:15:52 heart.
01:15:54 But people have a fairly high resistance to poisons relative to body weight.
01:16:00 The amphibious creature acts for sure.
01:16:03 So what kind of poison is this?
01:16:05 It is called a batrachotoxin, and it is one of the most mysterious toxic substances in
01:16:11 the animal world.
01:16:14 The substance is incredibly poisonous and has a complex effect.
01:16:19 First of all, it destroys the heart.
01:16:22 Due to the combined structure, the poison causes both an increase in the heartbeat and
01:16:27 a malfunction in its rhythms, and subsequently, a complete cardiac arrest.
01:16:33 The toxin acts in a matter of minutes, but these are very painful minutes.
01:16:38 In addition, the poison also affects the nervous system, causing irreversible changes in it.
01:16:44 As a result, pain, cramps, loss of muscle control.
01:16:49 There is no antidote to the toxin.
01:16:52 Nothing at all.
01:16:53 But for some reason, scientists have proved that when combined with scorpion venom, the
01:16:58 toxic properties of batrachotoxin increase by 12 times.
01:17:04 We don't know why this information is needed.
01:17:06 Maybe scientists are afraid that frogs will unite with scorpions and try to take over
01:17:10 the planet?
01:17:12 While with such weapons, they kind of have a chance.
01:17:15 After all, researchers can't even say exactly where this toxin even comes from.
01:17:21 That is, from toads, this is obvious, but no one knows how they produce it.
01:17:29 Perhaps there are special glands in the amphibian's body that have not yet been found.
01:17:34 Perhaps it's all about the diet, we don't know.
01:17:37 Substances that structurally resemble batrachotoxin have been found in some beetles.
01:17:43 If a leaf climber eats these beetles, it can accumulate and process these compounds to
01:17:48 secrete on the surface of the skin in the form of poison.
01:17:52 But no one knows for sure.
01:17:55 In captivity, yes, it occurred to someone to keep these little monsters in captivity.
01:17:59 Do not do that.
01:18:00 They gradually lose their poisonous properties.
01:18:04 That is, they can kill not a whole herd of bulls, but only two or three individuals in
01:18:08 one touch.
01:18:11 You probably guessed that people learned how to use the poison of these amphibians centuries
01:18:15 ago, don't you?
01:18:17 Of course, as a weapon.
01:18:20 Local tribes lubricate arrows with them.
01:18:23 Therefore, you should not quarrel with the aborigines.
01:18:26 And as it is, a terrible leaf climber is a cute creature.
01:18:30 Instead of webbing, it has little fingers that help him stick to the leaves.
01:18:35 This animal spends most of its life on them.
01:18:39 Thanks to this property, the species got its name.
01:18:43 Now get ready.
01:18:45 The Amazon basin is home to about a hundred species of frogs with venom, which can be
01:18:50 dangerous for large animals.
01:18:53 And the leaf climber is just one of them.
01:18:57 We will not describe the other 99, otherwise after this video you would get so excited
01:19:02 about them that you would start catching insects with your tongue.
01:19:05 But you must admit, 100 species of poisonous frogs for one river is a lot.
01:19:11 After all, each species is a population of many thousands or even tens of thousands of
01:19:15 individuals.
01:19:17 The peculiarity of the Amazon is that there are representatives of any order of animals
01:19:22 can be dangerous.
01:19:25 Dozens of species of poisonous scorpions, hundreds of species of insects, a meeting
01:19:29 with which you will definitely not like.
01:19:32 And every year, our new ones are found.
01:19:35 So there are several species of ants that can be dangerous to humans in the Amazon basin.
01:19:41 And they are about as dangerous as a meeting with a man-eating lion.
01:19:46 For example, this little ant.
01:19:49 Do you think these insects can only cause inconvenience in large numbers?
01:19:53 No, no, no, no.
01:19:55 The bite of this ant alone causes pain, which experienced people have compared to a bullet
01:20:00 hit.
01:20:01 And all thanks to a very strong poison.
01:20:04 Unlike snake venom, this toxin could not stop the heart.
01:20:09 Nope, he has to make you suffer.
01:20:13 The bite of at least three of these ants will make you forget about getting close to their
01:20:17 colony forever.
01:20:20 Even the name of the insect is appropriate.
01:20:23 Ant bullet.
01:20:25 Or here are stray ants.
01:20:27 They rely on group work.
01:20:30 Their coherence is admired, especially from afar.
01:20:34 After all, if you find yourself next to their colony, then the only thing you will think
01:20:38 about is how to get out of here as soon as possible.
01:20:42 Unlike most other ants, these do not create ant hills, do not build large above-ground
01:20:47 palaces or underground tunnels.
01:20:50 They just travel, as can be easily understood from the name.
01:20:55 But in their wanderings, they are more like not cute tourists, but some Genghis Khan or
01:21:01 Attila with his horde, who walked across Eurasia with fire and sword more than a thousand years
01:21:08 ago.
01:21:10 Stray ants just go and demolish, devour, destroy literally everything in their path.
01:21:18 There are thousands of creatures in their colony, and the most ordinary worker is cooler
01:21:23 than a hornet.
01:21:25 And the soldier ants generally resemble some kind of insect special forces.
01:21:32 Vagrant ants march in clear columns, with warriors constantly patrolling the borders.
01:21:38 They protect others from external threats.
01:21:43 Worker ants are only called such.
01:21:46 In fact, they are the greatest hunters.
01:21:50 Among them, there are scouts who go ahead and look for the best routes, as well as those
01:21:56 who attack the victim who was unlucky enough to be on the path of this huge family.
01:22:02 The actions of these individuals are perfectly coordinated both in combat and in travel,
01:22:08 when they carry everything they need, get food, and distribute it so that there is not
01:22:13 a single hungry individual.
01:22:15 In the center, there are ants that carry larvae, eggs, and most importantly, the queen.
01:22:23 When a colony finds something tasty, it pounces on the target as a single organism.
01:22:29 In a matter of minutes, only bones will remain from the bird.
01:22:33 At night, the colony stops its flow, equips a temporary base, which it guards no worse
01:22:40 than the United States guards the Pentagon.
01:22:43 And in the morning, they take off again and go.
01:22:46 Moreover, even water barriers cannot stop these purposeful kids.
01:22:52 If the stream is narrow enough, then the ants create something like a living bridge.
01:22:58 Some individuals turn into its supports, while others carry everything they need on the backs
01:23:03 of their fellows.
01:23:05 And if the reservoir is wide, then ants build live rafts according to the same scheme.
01:23:11 Moreover, most of the ants that are at the bottom of such a ship survive, since their
01:23:16 respiratory organs remain above the water.
01:23:19 It's so effective in its design.
01:23:22 And these are only two types of ants.
01:23:26 Can you imagine what other creatures live there?
01:23:29 However, why imagine?
01:23:31 We'll just tell you.
01:23:33 In general, small creatures in the Amazon can be even scarier than huge monsters.
01:23:38 Look, this is Candiru.
01:23:41 And it loves men who think the world is a toilet.
01:23:45 It likes to eat them.
01:23:47 If a man comes to the shore of the Amazon to relieve himself, there is a chance that
01:23:53 this little creature will penetrate directly into his urethra up the stream.
01:24:00 You know the way, don't you?
01:24:02 The Candiru is so small that it easily climbs up into the urethra or even into the bladder
01:24:08 and feeds on the surrounding cells and blood.
01:24:12 It spreads its gills, on which there are thorns.
01:24:15 These thorns cause small but painful wounds.
01:24:20 Did we say that this is dangerous for men?
01:24:22 It's a joke.
01:24:23 It is dangerous for everyone and is quite capable of getting into the body of a woman
01:24:28 as well.
01:24:29 And you can only remove the fish operationally.
01:24:33 It is worth admitting that there is almost no reliable evidence of such a peculiar attack
01:24:37 on people.
01:24:39 Only scattered data and, of course, rumors.
01:24:43 Usually the Candiru parasitizes fish, takes them into their gill slits, spreads its own
01:24:48 gills there, mutilates the host, and drinks its blood.
01:24:55 Vampire fish.
01:24:56 There is no exact data on the dangers to humans.
01:24:59 But it's still not worth the risk, don't you agree?
01:25:02 The most famous dangerous fish of the Amazon is of course the piranha.
01:25:07 At first glance, it looks pretty nondescript.
01:25:11 Gray-green color, rounded body.
01:25:14 Except that the expression of the muzzle is some kind of aggressive, angry.
01:25:18 But it is one of the most dangerous predators on the planet.
01:25:22 At least in its ecological niche.
01:25:25 To be in a pond where piranhas live is like falling into a bear trap that not only captures,
01:25:31 but also eats its victim.
01:25:33 The main advantage of these voracious fish is the quantity.
01:25:38 Several dozen fish can live in a flock.
01:25:41 And each of them is voracious and incredibly aggressive.
01:25:45 Fish are not considered intelligent creatures.
01:25:47 But piranhas have surprisingly effective attack tactics.
01:25:52 They pounce on the prey of the whole pack and try to surround it from all sides.
01:25:59 Each fish acts autonomously.
01:26:01 But their habits make the interaction of piranhas during an attack very effective.
01:26:07 The fish instantly approaches the target, tears off a piece of flesh directly from the
01:26:11 live prey, and then swims off to swallow the food.
01:26:16 During this short moment, the place of one piranha is taken by another, which stings
01:26:21 directly into the area of the previous lesion.
01:26:26 One fish spends less than a second to attack.
01:26:29 And since the fish surrounded the prey and even line up in a live queue to tear off a
01:26:33 piece of it, it turns out that a flock of these creatures attacks virtually continuously.
01:26:41 Do piranhas scare you?
01:26:43 Or do you dream of having them in your home aquarium?
01:26:46 Let us know in the comments.
01:26:49 For its size, the piranha has very strong jaws.
01:26:53 They can even snack on a bamboo tube, which is so large in diameter that it barely fits
01:26:58 in the fish's mouth.
01:27:01 It's as if you could have a snack at your table you're sitting at.
01:27:06 In addition, piranhas have rather large and sharp triangular-shaped teeth, which are ideal
01:27:12 for tearing off pieces of meat.
01:27:16 Even one fish can cause significant inconvenience to relatively large animals, since the wound
01:27:22 will bleed profusely after the bite.
01:27:25 But a dozen piranhas are already a threat to a medium-sized young deer.
01:27:31 And a big pack is capable of coping with anyone at all.
01:27:36 Probably the scales of adult caimans are inaccessible to them because of their strength and thickness.
01:27:41 But an anaconda will be eaten by a flock of piranhas in six or seven minutes.
01:27:46 And a cow that weighs half a ton will be gnawed to death in a quarter of an hour.
01:27:51 By the way, piranhas are able to swim into the ocean, although this fish spawns only
01:27:55 in fresh water.
01:27:58 They usually lie in wait for their prey in muddy water, but at the same time they can
01:28:03 comfortably exist both at great depth and in shallow water.
01:28:08 Usually they still hunt other fish, and look for places where there can really be a lot
01:28:12 of play.
01:28:14 These creatures have monstrous appetites.
01:28:17 But mammals should also be wary of meeting such a predator.
01:28:20 At the moment, not a single fatal outcome of a piranha attack on a person has ever been
01:28:25 recorded.
01:28:26 But who knows, maybe there was just no one to tell about it.
01:28:31 Moreover, sometimes the fish attacks a person, especially if it disturbs the flock.
01:28:39 Here's another reason not to go into the Amazon water.
01:28:42 Scared?
01:28:44 So we're kind of uneasy too.
01:28:46 Just promise me that if you go to travel to the Amazon, you will remain as careful as
01:28:50 possible.
01:28:51 And do not go into the water, and do not touch or even approach the local fauna.
01:28:58 Okay?
01:28:59 It may seem that a piranha is a terminator that destroys anything at all, and is not
01:29:04 afraid of anyone.
01:29:06 But you already know the secret of the Amazon, don't you?
01:29:10 Monsters live here precisely because each predator has its own dangerous enemy, which
01:29:15 forces species to constantly compete, becoming stronger, more dangerous, and scarier.
01:29:22 So piranhas also have their own hunter.
01:29:24 Moreover, the fish does not go into large shoals.
01:29:27 It does not need it.
01:29:28 We're talking about the giant arapaima, one of the largest freshwater fish in the
01:29:32 world.
01:29:33 Imagine a pike or perch as long as an adult lion.
01:29:37 That's what kind of creature we're talking about.
01:29:39 The most common arapaima reaches 7 feet or 2 meters in length, but most larger specimens
01:29:45 are not often found.
01:29:48 For example, it is about 10 feet long, about 3 meters.
01:29:52 And according to unconfirmed reports, there are also real giants.
01:29:57 A river fish over 14 feet long, over 4.5 meters, and weighing like a small motorcycle.
01:30:05 Of course, if piranhas can attack livestock, it is obvious that simple superiority in size
01:30:11 will not take this predator.
01:30:14 Arapaima has a number of superpowers that make this fish an excellent hunter who feels
01:30:20 confident even in this green hell.
01:30:24 Of course, aggressive nature, great speed, powerful jaws, all this is in the arsenal
01:30:30 of this fish.
01:30:31 But the main thing is its armor.
01:30:34 It is difficult to find a fish with stronger scales, about 10 times stronger than bone.
01:30:39 At the same time, the scaly cover is layered, which creates a kind of natural chainmail
01:30:45 of sorts.
01:30:48 Arapaima can withstand the assault of a whole flock of piranhas and go on the counterattack,
01:30:53 destroying the enemy.
01:30:54 Oh yes, that's not all.
01:30:58 Arapaima can breathe atmospheric air.
01:31:00 Therefore, it likes to hunt in shallow water.
01:31:03 Even if she is above water, it will be able to survive.
01:31:07 Only the opportunity to breathe oxygen, dissolved in the air, appeared due to the fact that
01:31:12 the Arapaima settles in small backwaters, where plants and other fish already drink
01:31:17 all the oxygen from the water.
01:31:19 Arapaima does not have lungs, but there are special tissues that are located in the pharynx
01:31:23 and on the swim bladder.
01:31:26 An Arapaima floats to the surface every 5 to 20 minutes and takes a breath, the characteristic
01:31:31 sound of which can be heard from afar.
01:31:34 And to understand that, it is better not to approach this reservoir.
01:31:39 It is unlikely that the Arapaima is dangerous to humans, but if it catches even small birds
01:31:45 out of the water, who knows?
01:31:48 Against the background of many of our other heroes, the Brazilian birdeater will seem
01:31:52 like a cutie to you.
01:31:53 At least because for an adult and healthy person who does not suffer from allergies,
01:31:58 the venom of this spider does not pose an excessive threat.
01:32:01 Although of course, it causes terrible pain.
01:32:04 I mean, what can you do without that?
01:32:06 In the Amazon basin, everything causes terrible pain.
01:32:10 The toxin that the birdeater secretes is not strong enough to stop a person's heart, for
01:32:15 one reason.
01:32:17 It is not intended to protect the spider from predators, but it's for hunting.
01:32:23 Such poisons are designed against small animals, on which they should act as quickly as possible.
01:32:29 The venom of the birdeater copes with this task perfectly.
01:32:33 But the main weapon of this huge spider is geoaggression.
01:32:37 He does not weave a web on which he sits for hours and waits for prey.
01:32:42 Instead, the birdeater goes out to patrol the surrounding area to actively catch its
01:32:48 prey with powerful paws.
01:32:52 Some individuals can reach a diameter of almost a foot, 30 centimeters.
01:32:57 This makes it one of the largest spider species in the world.
01:33:03 They can grow to such gigantic dimensions only in the Amazon, in an area with an extremely
01:33:09 high content of oxygen and moisture in the air.
01:33:13 These sizes, combined with eight strong paws and venomous mandibles, allow the spider to
01:33:19 hunt not only insects, but also to catch small rodents, frogs, lizards, and birds.
01:33:27 The birdeater's hunting of birds is probably the most impressive sight associated with
01:33:31 this spider.
01:33:33 That's why it got its name.
01:33:36 But in the Amazon basin, of course, there are spiders that are dangerous to humans.
01:33:41 I mean, could it really be otherwise?
01:33:43 In fact, there are a lot of them here.
01:33:45 And there are dozens of arthropod species that are dangerous to us.
01:33:50 But especially it is necessary to tell about a wandering spider.
01:33:54 Unlike birdeaters, they do not build a den in burrows or crevices in trees.
01:33:59 But they don't weave a big web, either.
01:34:02 In accordance with their name, these spiders prefer a nomadic lifestyle and constantly
01:34:07 walk through the jungle in search of prey.
01:34:10 They are not very big, but they have a very dangerous poison.
01:34:14 The most amazing thing about these spiders is their generosity.
01:34:18 Perhaps there is no other spider in the world that injects as much venom as this one during
01:34:23 a bite.
01:34:25 The reason for this phenomenon is difficult to understand.
01:34:28 On the one hand, the poison of the wandering Amazon spider is twice as toxic as the poison
01:34:32 of the black widow.
01:34:33 That is, it poses a danger not only to humans, but also, for example, to an elephant.
01:34:39 On the other hand, it is resource intensive to produce such a powerful toxin, so the spider
01:34:44 has to hunt more often.
01:34:46 Well, maybe this predator just loves reliability.
01:34:51 Like the birdeater, it often crawls into human habitation.
01:34:56 It does not attack first, but it is quite easy to provoke an attack.
01:35:01 There are hundreds of spider species in Brazil, but this one accounts for 50% of all human
01:35:06 bites.
01:35:08 The venom of a wandering spider is a neurotoxin that attacks the nervous system, causing terrible
01:35:13 pain, attacking the heart, and stopping the work of the lungs.
01:35:18 There are a lot of creatures in the waters of the Amazon itself that can be very dangerous,
01:35:23 and they themselves sometimes look literally like aliens.
01:35:27 For example, a freshwater stingray.
01:35:30 Usually, representatives of this family of fish live in the salty waters of the oceans,
01:35:37 but the Amazon is quite full-flowing and rich in food, so that millions of years ago these
01:35:42 creatures chose it as a place for their habitat.
01:35:47 In general, freshwater stingrays are not aggressive creatures, but they have extremely formidable
01:35:52 weapons, which they resort to if they are frightened.
01:35:56 And these creatures are very timid.
01:35:58 There is simply no other way to survive in these tropical waters.
01:36:01 The weapon of this stingray is the spikes that are on its tail.
01:36:05 Moreover, the spikes seem to be hiding from the side.
01:36:09 They are not at all at the very tip, and are placed far enough from the base.
01:36:14 Therefore, it is not possible to notice the sting immediately, which makes the weapon
01:36:19 even more dangerous.
01:36:21 At the same time, its length is like the palm of an adult.
01:36:25 The thorn is sharp and strong enough to damage internal organs.
01:36:30 And besides that, it's poisonous.
01:36:32 The toxin can cause death if ingested by most small and many medium-sized animals.
01:36:39 If a thorn injures a person's arm or leg, then they will most likely survive.
01:36:44 The terrible pain, cardiac arrhythmia, difficulty breathing, the experience is very unpleasant,
01:36:50 but you can survive.
01:36:51 However, if the thorn wounds the body, this will be the last trip.
01:36:57 The strange-looking fish that live in the Amazon may have more powerful weapons than
01:37:01 some kinds of spikes.
01:37:04 It is here that the electric eel lives, which generates one of the most powerful charges
01:37:10 among all its kind.
01:37:12 The eel uses its weapons for hunting and for protection from predators.
01:37:18 If a fish is frightened, it generates a charge into the water with the help of special organs
01:37:22 that can stop the heart of a large crocodile, cope with a bull or a jaguar.
01:37:28 No blue lightning bolts go through the water, and the more terrible the victim of the eel
01:37:33 looks.
01:37:34 It begins to twitch, her body is pierced by powerful convulsions, and the animal becomes
01:37:39 helpless and eventually its heart just can't stand it.
01:37:45 An electric shock from a short circus of the household network is a rather serious threat
01:37:49 that makes you behave carefully with each outlet.
01:37:53 The electrical shock of the eel is at least five times stronger.
01:37:58 The most frightening thing is that, like many other Amazon monsters, this fish does not
01:38:02 stop halfway.
01:38:05 If she gets into a fight, she is going to the end.
01:38:09 Did you mess with the eel?
01:38:11 Simply retreating is not enough.
01:38:13 They will continue to shock even when the enemy flees.
01:38:18 And only then will it definitely finish off the enemy, unless of course it somehow manages
01:38:22 to jump out of the water.
01:38:24 An eel can strike at a sufficiently large distance.
01:38:29 Depending on the environmental conditions, the charge can hit the target at a distance
01:38:33 of up to several feet, several meters, from the eel.
01:38:37 Therefore this fish is one of the few predators capable of using long-range weapons.
01:38:44 To show the coolness of different creatures, they often talk about how they deal with black
01:38:49 caimans.
01:38:51 These are the local relatives of the crocodile.
01:38:53 By the way, do not confuse black caimans with ordinary ones.
01:38:57 The former are relatively timid, almost never attack large game, and they themselves do
01:39:01 not grow larger than 7 feet, 2 meters.
01:39:05 But the black caiman is another matter.
01:39:08 This creature can be dangerous to any inhabitant of the Amazon.
01:39:12 So the reptile is at the top of the food chain.
01:39:15 More precisely, it shares with jaguars and anacondas this spot.
01:39:19 So don't think this reptile is a whipping boy.
01:39:22 On the contrary, only the most insidious and dangerous animals manage to fight and defeat
01:39:28 a huge toothy predator.
01:39:31 Usually a caiman gets what it wants, and it usually wants meat.
01:39:36 The length of this fighter can exceed 23 feet, 7 meters, and the weight can reach over a
01:39:43 ton.
01:39:44 This makes it the largest local predator.
01:39:47 It hunts any large animals, deer, capybaras, anacondas, tapirs, catfish.
01:39:53 Of course the black caiman leads a predominantly aquatic lifestyle.
01:39:58 The Amazon rainforest is replete with thickets of trees that grow either near the water or
01:40:03 directly from it.
01:40:05 Shady nooks are an ideal place for an ambush of such a predator.
01:40:10 It rushes at the victim from the water, or less often, by land.
01:40:14 Although such an animal is not capable of a long cross-country hunt, it makes a leap
01:40:20 towards several feet, several meters, at lightning speed.
01:40:25 Its main weapon is powerful jaws with long fangs.
01:40:28 The caiman tears off pieces of meat with the help of powerful lateral movements of its
01:40:33 huge massive head.
01:40:34 But the reptile can also strike with its tail, or bend it under itself, and then only use
01:40:40 its teeth.
01:40:41 Black scales play an important role.
01:40:44 On one hand, it is one of the best natural defenses of reptiles in the whole world.
01:40:48 Strong, thick, strong.
01:40:52 In addition, its color serves both as a means of disguise and as a way to warm up more effectively.
01:40:59 This is important for the cold-blooded reptile, which spends most of its life in the shade
01:41:02 and poorly lit places.
01:41:07 The jaws of the black caiman are powerful enough to easily hold even a large ungulate
01:41:11 weighing several people's weight.
01:41:14 The most amazing thing is that even in such dangerous and difficult conditions, people
01:41:18 manage to live there.
01:41:19 And we're not talking about ordinary citizens of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia.
01:41:26 We're talking about aboriginal tribes that have been living in the local jungle for thousands
01:41:30 of years.
01:41:33 This is not a myth, but a reality.
01:41:36 Even in the 21st century, impenetrable forests are inhabited by tribes that have practically
01:41:41 no connection with modern civilization.
01:41:45 Most of them chose isolation intentionally.
01:41:49 Their representatives are aware of the existence of other people with their cities, state borders,
01:41:54 money, and other newfangled inventions.
01:41:58 But such tribes refuse to make any contact.
01:42:03 And any aliens' attempts to impose their culture on them are answered with weapons.
01:42:08 It would seem that they're ordinary arrows, but if they're soaked in the poison of some
01:42:11 local frog, then you should definitely not touch them.
01:42:15 However, there is an opinion that there are still such tribes of aborigines who have never
01:42:20 had contact with modern civilization at all and live unknown to anyone in the most impenetrable
01:42:25 thickets.
01:42:27 Where did they come from there?
01:42:30 Humans appeared in America more than 22,000 years ago.
01:42:34 Then the eastern coast of Siberia was connected with modern Alaska by land crossing.
01:42:39 People from Asia, for some mysterious reasons, ventured on a dangerous journey to America,
01:42:44 which was considered an entirely new world.
01:42:49 If you want to learn more about human settlement and their interaction with wildlife, let us
01:42:53 know in the comments.
01:42:56 For hundreds and thousands of years, people have spread across both Americas, and even
01:43:01 went into the most impenetrable thickets of the Amazon jungle.
01:43:05 That is, the local aboriginal tribes are direct descendants of those people.
01:43:11 Some tribes are gradually assimilating with the citizens of the countries where their
01:43:14 historical land is located.
01:43:17 Some maintain contact with civilization, but live according to ancient customs.
01:43:23 But there are also tribes that absolutely stop any outside contact.
01:43:28 How do you think you would react to this?
01:43:31 Leave these people alone or not?
01:43:34 Let us know in the comment section.
01:43:36 On the territory of the Amazon, there are scary animals in the water, on the ground,
01:43:40 on trees, and what about the air?
01:43:43 Of course there are.
01:43:45 Amazonia is one of the habitats of harpies.
01:43:48 Due to the fact that these birds maneuver between trees of one of the densest and densest
01:43:53 forests of the planet, their wingspan is not the largest among all birds.
01:43:59 A condor has a wingspan of up to 10 feet, 3 meters.
01:44:03 A golden eagle has a wingspan of 7 feet, more than 2 meters, and harpies have a little less
01:44:09 than 7 feet, up to 2 meters.
01:44:12 But at the same time, this bird is one of the most massive and largest feathered predators
01:44:17 of the modern planet.
01:44:19 Her clawed paw is larger than an adult's palm.
01:44:23 The powerful blow of such sickle-shaped claws, enhanced by the speed of flight, is no weaker
01:44:29 than the blow of a leopard's paw.
01:44:31 The harpy's head is almost the same as a human's, only with a sharp beak that could leave a
01:44:35 mark on metal.
01:44:36 These birds do not attack humans, at least under "normal" conditions, as we would call
01:44:42 them.
01:44:43 They don't need to.
01:44:45 Instead, they fly between the branches and collect monkeys and sloths like apples.
01:44:51 But teasing this bird or approaching its nest is not worth it even for the bald ones from
01:44:56 Fast and Furious.
01:44:58 From the wrath of the harpy, no sports car will help you.
01:45:03 Another winged creature here that can be dangerous is the vampire bat.
01:45:09 It will not be treated either by a languid man in black or by a teenager glowing in the
01:45:14 sun with a lacquered hairstyle and a love for silent girls.
01:45:17 And this predator hunts carefully.
01:45:20 It tries not to disturb its victim and just rather drink its blood from small, almost
01:45:25 imperceptible punctures on its neck.
01:45:27 But this vampire bat is dangerous because it carries various diseases in its saliva.
01:45:32 And yes, it bites people.
01:45:34 The vast biodiversity of the Amazon concerns not only animals, but also plants.
01:45:40 And yes, some of them are dangerous too.
01:45:43 Fortunately, there is no evidence yet that the local trees have rebelled like ants.
01:45:48 And the vines that strangle people are a myth.
01:45:52 At least we hope so.
01:45:54 But it is from the Amazon plant that Curare poison is isolated, one of the most famous
01:45:59 toxins in the world.
01:46:01 And the poison, which is secreted by a plant called Strychnos, is so strong that its nails
01:46:07 are moistened with resin for hand-to-hand combat.
01:46:11 Then even a scratch could be fatal for the enemy.
01:46:15 All these are just some of the dangerous species of plants and animals that live in the Amazon
01:46:19 forests.
01:46:20 In fact, there are even more of them.
01:46:24 But it is a mistake to believe that this land generates only monsters that seek to destroy
01:46:28 all life in their path.
01:46:31 There are many incredible, beautiful representatives of flora and fauna in the Amazon forests,
01:46:37 bright flowers, beautiful birds, cute creatures.
01:46:41 Yes, the local animals can look impressively beautiful, such as these predatory ocelot
01:46:47 cats with big eyes and spotted coats.
01:46:53 In fact, a huge number of dangerous creatures are a consequence of not bad, but good living
01:46:59 conditions.
01:47:00 It's like a paradox, but good conditions provoke population growth.
01:47:05 And hence, an increase in the number of dangerous animals.
01:47:09 In addition, a lot of herbivores means there will be a lot of predators.
01:47:13 This in turn causes greater competition between the species, an increase in the number of
01:47:18 predators and a more intense arms race between hunter and prey.
01:47:24 And after all of this, do you still really want to visit the Amazon?
01:47:28 Let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe.
01:47:31 There are still many mysterious and amazing places in the world that we want to tell you
01:47:35 about still.
