Prem Kumar is an comedy drama movie directed by Abhishek Maharshi. The movie casts Santosh Soban, Rashi Singh, Krishna Chaitanya, Ruchitha Sadineni, Krishna Teja, in the main lead roles along with Sudarshan, Ashok Kumar, Sri Vidya, and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by S. Anant Srikar while the cinematography was done by Rampy Nandigam and it is edited by Garry BH. The film is produced by Shiva Prasad Panneeru under Sharanga Entertainments banner.
ప్రేమ్ కుమార్ అభిషేక్ మహర్షి దర్శకత్వం వహించిన కామెడీ డ్రామా చిత్రం. ఈ చిత్రంలో సంతోష్ సోబన్, రాశి సింగ్, కృష్ణ చైతన్య, రుచిత సాదినేని, కృష్ణ తేజ, ప్రధాన పాత్రలలో సుదర్శన్, అశోక్ కుమార్, శ్రీ విద్య మరియు పలువురు ఇతర ముఖ్య పాత్రలలో నటించారు. ఎస్. అనంత్ శ్రీకర్ సంగీతం సమకూర్చగా, రాంపీ నందిగాం సినిమాటోగ్రఫీని అందించగా, గ్యారీ బిహెచ్ ఎడిటర్. శరంగ ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్స్ బ్యానర్పై శివ ప్రసాద్ పన్నీరు ఈ చిత్రాన్ని నిర్మిస్తున్నారు.
ప్రేమ్ కుమార్ అభిషేక్ మహర్షి దర్శకత్వం వహించిన కామెడీ డ్రామా చిత్రం. ఈ చిత్రంలో సంతోష్ సోబన్, రాశి సింగ్, కృష్ణ చైతన్య, రుచిత సాదినేని, కృష్ణ తేజ, ప్రధాన పాత్రలలో సుదర్శన్, అశోక్ కుమార్, శ్రీ విద్య మరియు పలువురు ఇతర ముఖ్య పాత్రలలో నటించారు. ఎస్. అనంత్ శ్రీకర్ సంగీతం సమకూర్చగా, రాంపీ నందిగాం సినిమాటోగ్రఫీని అందించగా, గ్యారీ బిహెచ్ ఎడిటర్. శరంగ ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్స్ బ్యానర్పై శివ ప్రసాద్ పన్నీరు ఈ చిత్రాన్ని నిర్మిస్తున్నారు.
00:00 talk about our friendship. I genuinely want to speak about their talent and how professional
00:05 they are. Abhishek Maharishi or Shivaprasad, so they're saying I selected this story, I'm
00:11 very very grateful. I'm very very grateful to them. Outside of that, I used to keep telling
00:24 Abhishek, we did our first film together. I like Sudarshan bhaiya, KT and Abhishek
00:34 Maharishi a lot. I used to tell him, focus on this and you'll go to the next level.
00:39 I never knew that he wanted to be a director by then. But when I found out and after this
00:46 film I understood, he's a far superior director and writer than an actor. I'm not saying
00:51 he should stop, he should continue being a director. I truly believe that, like Shiva
00:57 said, Abhishek Maharishi is a brand of humour. He has a very very new voice to the comedy.
01:07 And comedy films are very very difficult. I truly think comedy films are the most experimental
01:14 because everyone has a sense of humour. Making everyone laugh is a very difficult job. I
01:19 think Abhishek did a great job with it. And Shiva, again, I truly believed that he will
01:28 execute this project passionately and that's what he did.
01:32 And I have faith that you will do it.
01:36 And our David Song, Roll Rider Bro, RR Dhruvan, Kasil Shyamanna, thank you so much. It was
01:44 fantastic. And the technicians who worked on the film, Gary Bhai, Anirudh who is the
01:50 co-writer of this film, Charan, ma'am, it was wonderful working with you. I remember
01:56 you said, we are doing this in one minute. We have to, yeah, and very happy this happened.
02:02 I'm so so happy for you today. Sir, fan, what can I say about you more? Thank you so much
02:09 for being part of this film and Ruchitha, Rashi, you guys were fantastic in the film.
02:14 And I think your work will speak volumes tomorrow. And lunchtime, right? Lagging. But I truly
02:22 believe that this film will make you believe in it for two hours. I hope you guys have
02:28 a great time. See you all in the theaters.