Shakira : Cette étape cruciale franchie par son ex Gérard Piqué et sa jeune compagne qui ne va pas l

  • last year
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Shakira : Cette étape cruciale franchie par son ex Gérard Piqué et sa jeune compagne qui ne va pas lui plaire

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00:00 After 10 years of relationship, Shakira and Gerard Piqué decided to put an end to their
00:13 story on a cheating background.
00:14 The former FC Barcelona player would be about to move in with his mistress in a
00:23 apartment that is not unknown to him.
00:25 Last year Gerard Piqué and Shakira announced their separation, as rumors of a degradation
00:33 of their love story were spreading.
00:35 In a statement, they stated, "We regret to confirm that we are separating ourselves.
00:44 For the well-being of our children, which is our absolute priority, we ask you to
00:51 respect their private lives.
00:53 Thank you for your understanding.
00:57 Since then, water has flowed under the bridges and we have noticed that the former FC Barcelona
01:02 footballer cheated on his children's mother with a younger woman named Clara Chiamarty.
01:08 In one of his last songs, Shakira was also taking his children's father and did not
01:16 buy his words.
01:17 "A love like me is not made for a guy like you, I will not come back to you, even if
01:25 you cry or beg me.
01:27 You changed a Ferrari against a Twingo, a Rolex against a Casio.
01:34 You left me the beautiful mother for neighbor, with the press at the door and debts to the
01:42 tax, "she sang in Music Sessions, fly.
01:45 53.
01:47 C.I.S.T.
01:49 Discovering a jar of jam in the family refrigerator while no one was eating at home, the Colombian
01:57 singer began to have serious doubts about her husband's loyalty and was right.
02:01 A house full of memories.
02:06 Clara Chiamarty, Gerard's mistress at the time and his girlfriend since, was therefore
02:12 used to going to the couple's home since C.I.S.T.
02:16 the latter was consuming jam.
02:18 According to our brothers from the Sun, the young woman would even have moved in with the
02:24 footballer in the Barcelona house where Shakira first settled with her ex when she came
02:30 for the first time in Spain.
02:32 C.I.S.T. also in the same house that the couple lived when the international star was pregnant
02:41 with a thousand years, their first child.
02:43 The journalist Pepe del Real assured in El Programa de Ana Rosa that Shakira lived in
02:51 this house in 2012 when she arrived in Barcelona.
02:54 All photos of Shakira leaving the hospital, pregnant and returning home were taken in
03:03 this house, which is located in the city of Cambril.
03:06 A news that should not please the interpreter of Yps Donly who has since moved to Miami
03:14 with her two sons and would have approached in recent months a star of the F1, Lewis Hamilton.
03:20 The British pilot of 38 years, who in the past was in a relationship with the American singer
03:28 Nicole Scherzinger, and the Colombian singer would have multiplied secret appointments.
03:34 Shakira's first child was born in 2012.
03:41 Shakira's first child was born in 2013.
03:48 Shakira's first child was born in 2014.
03:56 Shakira's first child was born in 2015.
04:03 Shakira's first child was born in 2016.
04:10 Shakira's first child was born in 2017.
04:15 Shakira's first child was born in 2018.
04:20 Shakira's first child was born in 2019.
04:25 Shakira's first child was born in 2019.
04:30 ♪ It's alright ♪
