‘I just wanted to keep him safe’, says girl, 8, after saving grandfather from drowning

  • last year
'I just wanted to keep him safe': 8-year-old girl saves grandfather from drowningSource: Good Morning Britain, ITV
00:00 We wanted to go to the deep end, and then Grandad went
00:05 into the middle because he thought that he was fine.
00:08 And then he just started going down.
00:10 So you saw him started going under the water.
00:13 And what did you think when you saw that happen?
00:15 I was really scared.
00:16 I bet.
00:17 Were you swimming in the deep end at that point?
00:19 Yes.
00:20 And so what did you do?
00:23 I just wanted to keep him safe, so I just
00:25 dragged him to the side and make sure he was all right.
00:28 So did you have to swim over to him or were you next to him
00:30 at the time?
00:31 I was kind--
00:32 I had to swim over to him.
00:34 Amazing.
00:34 You grabbed him.
00:35 Now look at Grandad.
00:36 Grandad's almost twice as big as you.
00:38 And I know you were in the water.
00:39 Were you worried about how heavy he might be
00:41 or how hard it might be to drag him?
00:43 It wasn't really that hard.
00:45 It was OK.
00:45 So how did you do it?
00:48 And how did you know what to do, I suppose?
00:50 I've been swimming since I was eight weeks old,
00:52 so it must have gave me the courage to swim over.
