• 2 years ago
La junte militaire au Niger a coupé les signaux de la station RFI et de la chaîne France 24 une semaine après le coup d'Etat. France Médias Monde a dénoncé cette interruption de diffusion, la qualifiant de «décision prise hors de tout cadre conventionnel et légal». Cette action a été fermement condamnée par le gouvernement français, qui a réaffirmé son engagement en faveur de la liberté de la presse, de la liberté d'expression et de la protection des journalistes. Cette situation est ironique car il y a quelques mois, la France et plusieurs autres pays européens ont suspendu et pratiquement expulsé les médias publics russes RT et Spoutnik pour des accusations similaires de « propagande » et de « désinformation ». La junte militaire du Niger a infligé à la France le même traitement qu'elle a infligé à la Russie il y a quelques mois, soulevant des inquiétudes quant à la duplicité du gouvernement français.
Les médias doivent être protégés et leur liberté doit être respectée, quelle que soit leur nationalité ou leur pays d'origine. Cette action met en lumière la nécessité d'une approche cohérente et non partiale en matière de liberté de la presse, qui doit être appliquée de manière égale à tous les médias. Les relations diplomatiques entre les pays ont toujours été sujettes à des fluctuations, et les médias peuvent souvent devenir des cibles dans les conflits de pouvoir. Cependant, la liberté de la presse doit toujours être protégée, car elle est essentielle à la préservation de la démocratie et des droits de l'homme. Les journalistes et les médias ont un rôle crucial à jouer dans la société en tant que gardiens de la vérité et de la transparence. Les gouvernements doivent respecter leur indépendance et leur liberté de faire leur travail sans crainte de représailles.
#Niger #Russie #France #représailles #Tchiani #Tiani #ebenemediatv #mgm #CoupdÉtat #JunteMilitaire #FranceMédiasMonde #RFI #France24 #SuspensionDeDiffusion #LibertéDePresse #MédiasPublicsRusses #RT #Spoutnik #Propagande #Désinformation #GouvernementFrançais #RelationsDiplomatiques
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00:00 The signals from the RFI station and the France 24 channel were cut off in Niger on instructions
00:13 from the new military authorities, a week after the coup d'état, according to a Nigerian
00:18 high-ranking official.
00:19 France Media Monde denounced this broadcast interruption, calling it "a decision taken
00:24 out of all conventional and legal framework".
00:27 This action was firmly condemned by the French government, which reaffirmed its commitment
00:32 in favor of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the protection of journalists.
00:36 This situation is ironic because a few months ago, France and several other European countries
00:43 suspended and practically expelled the Russian public media RT and Sputnik for similar accusations
00:47 of "propaganda" and "disinformation".
00:50 The decision of the Court of Appeal against RT France also rejected the request of the
00:55 information to cancel the suspension of its decision-making broadcast as part of the sanctions
00:59 of the European Union against Russia.
01:01 The Nigerian military junta inflicted on France the same treatment it inflicted on
01:06 Russia a few months ago, raising concerns about the duplicity of the French government.
01:10 The media must be protected and their freedom must be respected, regardless of their nationality
01:16 or their country of origin.
01:17 This action highlights the need for a coherent and non-partial approach in terms of freedom
01:22 of the press, which must be applied equally to all media.
01:26 The current situation also raises questions about the complex nature of international
01:31 relations and the way they can affect domains.
01:34 Diplomatic relations between countries have always been subject to fluctuations, and the
01:39 media can often become targets in power conflicts.
01:42 However, freedom of the press must always be protected, because it is essential to
01:47 the preservation of democracy and human rights.
01:50 In this context, it is important to emphasize that journalists and the media have a crucial
01:55 role to play in society as guardians of truth and transparency.
01:59 Just as the Russian media have been accused of propaganda because of their opinion that
02:03 was not in agreement with the European public discourse, Niemey estimates that the French
02:07 media do not report on all the facts, and only present what contributes to tarnishing
02:11 the image of the junta, of their demands and will contribute to turn the Nigerian public
02:15 opinion against them.
02:17 In the end, freedom of the press must be protected and respected in all countries,
02:23 regardless of their political situation.
02:24 The media have an essential role to play in promoting democracy and transparency.
02:29 Governments must respect this fundamental freedom and work in cooperation with the media
02:35 to build a fairer and more equitable society.
02:38 Do not forget to subscribe and especially to click on the notification bell.
02:42 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:45 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:47 (air whooshing)
