Lady the Lost Engine | movie | 2009 | Official Clip

  • last year
A mockumentary about the fictional Lady the Lost Engine. | dG1fYmdqUmpPeTcwQ28
00:00 KeyGrade24 Studios, in association with Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, Wind Railway Adventures Productions, are both proud to present Lady the Lost Engine.
00:10 Springtime was Thomas the Tank Engine's favorite time of year. He liked it because it was just after winter, which was his second favorite season.
00:18 But he also loved it because the trees were just beginning to grow and the flowers were beginning to blossom. It was a beautiful time of year.
00:26 Sir Topham Hatt had also been working the engines very hard over the winter too. He had done some improvements to the Island of Sodor.
00:33 First off, he had added on to Ellsbridge Station. The original station remained, but Sir Topham Hatt had built this station as a welcoming center
00:42 so that anyone who was visiting Sodor for the first time could go into the welcoming center and be greeted by Sir Topham Hatt himself.
00:50 Sir Topham Hatt had also put in a railroad crossing. He called it Hatt Street Crossing after his lovely wife, Lady Hatt.
00:57 Sir Topham Hatt thought this was a very good investment as the road vehicles could go over the track and know they were being very safe too.
01:04 Sir Topham Hatt had also redone the docks also. He had added a lighthouse so that ships from the mainland that were coming in could see where the land was
01:14 and so that they wouldn't run into it. He thought this was also a very good investment too. He also put Bolster the Barge back in action.
01:21 And Bolster was working very hard indeed.
01:24 And finally, Sir Topham Hatt had put in an oil depot. The oil was being drilled up from the ground right at the site and was being distributed by the oil tankers all across the Island of Sodor.
01:41 Unfortunately, however, Sir Topham Hatt was working the engines harder than ever. All the engines were very tired as they got no rest.
01:48 They wanted a break, but yet every time they went to the shed, Sir Topham Hatt had another job for them to do. They were all very exhausted.
01:55 One day, Thomas the Tank Engine popped into Ellsworth Station just as usual.
02:00 He was very exhausted and was glad that he could have a break for a couple of minutes.
02:05 Just then, Sir Topham Hatt walked out of his office. "Oh, hello Sir!" said Thomas. "How are you doing?" "I'm doing good, Thomas," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Thank you very much."
02:13 "Oh, you're welcome, Sir!" said Thomas.
02:17 Thomas, however, was very confused. "Sir Topham Hatt, you look very bright and cheerful."
02:22 "That's because I am," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Why would be that?" asked Sir Topham Hatt.
02:27 "Well, because I know I've been working you engines very hard," he said, "and I believe it is time for a change."
02:33 "It's about time," said Thomas, but he said it to himself.
02:37 "I am going to order some new engines to the Island of Sodor." "Oh," said Thomas. "I can't wait to meet the new steam engines."
02:44 But Sir Topham Hatt went back from there. "Uh, sorry, Thomas," he said. "They're going to be diesels."
02:49 "What do you mean, Sir?" said Thomas. "You know steam engines run best on the Island of Sodor."
02:54 "I know," said Sir Topham Hatt, "but with the addition of the oil depot on the Island of Sodor, I believe that the diesels can go right to the site and get their oil right at the scene. Isn't it a wonderful idea?"
03:06 "I guess it is," said Thomas, "but we also have a coal loader here."
03:09 "I know," said Sir Topham Hatt, "but it's time for a change."
03:12 Thomas was about to object when Birdie puffed up. Birdie roared up.
03:17 "Hi, Birdie," said Thomas. "Hi, Thomas," said Birdie. "Can't talk now. I must deliver my passengers quickly and be off to Knapford Station, otherwise I'll be late for Gordon's Express. Goodbye. Can't talk. See you later."
03:30 Thomas was shocked. "Wow," he said, "he is really busy. Well, anyway, I better be off too since I have all my passengers. Goodbye, Sir Topham Hatt."
03:38 "Oh, goodbyes." "Oh, goodbye, Thomas," said Sir Topham Hatt.
03:42 And Thomas hopped away out of Ellsbridge Station.
03:50 He came to the railroad crossing and he had the way as Jack and Alfie were crossing it.
03:55 Thomas was glad to see that the road vehicles were making good use of the railroad crossing.
04:00 Once Thomas' line was clear, he set off again.
04:15 Just then he backed into the yard.
04:23 There was Harvey. "Hi, Harvey," said Thomas. "How are you doing?" "Tired, but good," said Harvey. "Why are you tired?" said Thomas. "Oh, is that a trick question? I must correct myself."
04:33 "No, that's all right," said Harvey. "I know Sir Topham Hatt is working this really hard. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. Duncan had some trouble with some slate cars and he made me and the breakdown train go clean it up."
04:43 "That's not fair," said Thomas. "I know," said Harvey. "It isn't. It's ridiculous. Sir Topham Hatt thinks we have all the time in the world, but we really don't."
04:51 "Oh, that's a shame," said Thomas. "Anyway, I'm sorry, Harvey. I can't talk," he said. "But I'm on a very tight schedule. I must go. Goodbye."
04:59 Thomas was just puffing away when Harvey stopped him. "Wait, Thomas," he said. "What is it?" asked Thomas. "Sir Topham Hatt wants to see you at the shed right away."
05:07 "Oh," said Thomas. "I'll be there as soon as I can, but I have to shunt Annie and Clarabelle." "Don't worry," said Harvey. "I'll do it."
05:12 "Oh, thank you," said Thomas, gratefully. "What would I do without a friend like you, Harvey?" And Thomas rushed away.
05:18 He spun around on the turn-carrying table really quickly, and he puffed back to Timbuth's sheds.
05:25 He arrived at the sheds just in time. "Oh, good," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Glad you're here, Thomas, to join us in this meeting."
05:37 "Oh, glad I'm here, too, sir," said Thomas. "Anyway," said Sir Topham Hatt, "let this meeting begin."
05:43 "As you all probably know, I have been working you very hard. I feel very bad about it now, but I haven't had time to look at some engines.
05:50 However," he said, "there has been a break, and so I have looked, and I am planning on getting some more diesels to come to Sodor."
05:56 The engines at the shed were furious. "Sir Topham Hatt," said Percy, "why do you want to get diesels? You know they cause trouble."
06:03 "I know," said Sir Topham Hatt. "But with the way things are they are now," said Sir Topham Hatt, "I believe diesels are a wise investment."
06:11 "Yes," said Diesel. "Sir Topham Hatt is finally agreeing with the idea of diesels. Thank you, sir," he said.
06:18 "Well, I'm glad at least one engine agrees with me. Anyway, goodbye now," he said, and Sir Topham Hatt walked away.
06:26 The engines were furious. "Disgraceful!" said Gordon. "Disgusting!" said James. "Despicable!" said Henry.
06:33 "Sir Topham Hatt wants steam engines over us!" said Duck and Oliver. "I am very offended by that," said Emily.
06:41 "He always said we were best, but now he's choosing some slimy diesels over us. That is ridiculous. I know," said Thomas.
06:48 "He told me the same thing at Ellsbridge Station, and I'm sorry to say it looks like he's sticking with that choice."
06:53 "Well, I don't," said Percy. "I think it's not very unfair. Just because he thinks diesels are a wise investment
07:01 doesn't mean that he can choose diesels over us. I know, Sir James, I'm very cross with him right now."
07:08 "Would you guys be quiet?" said Diesel. "Sir Topham Hatt is actually doing something wise for once. You guys should be glad of him."
07:16 "Well, we're not," said Emily. "And in fact, I'm going to prove to you that he's not. I've had it with you, Diesel," said Emily,
07:23 and she ran across the turntable and banged into Diesel so hard, he fell off the track.
07:31 "Cinders and ashes!" said Diesel. "Emily, come get me on the track right away." But Emily wouldn't.
07:37 "I'm not going to help some slimy Diesel now." "Ugh!" said Diesel. "I don't like you."
07:42 All the engines started arguing, but Thomas didn't want to get caught up in it.
07:46 The turntable was turned and puffed away quickly. "Nothing has ever been the same since Lady left.
07:53 Lady was a magical engine who had come to take Thomas to the Island of Sodor.
07:57 Unfortunately, if Sir Topham Hatt had gotten back from vacation, things had gone very, very bad.
08:02 It had never been the same. "If only I could give Sir Topham Hatt an engine he would like."
08:08 But just then Sir Topham Hatt said a very good idea. "I could have Lady come to the Island of Sodor."
08:13 "Yes, that's the perfect idea! Sir Topham Hatt! Sir Topham Hatt! Wait up!" said Thomas.
08:18 And Thomas rushed away to go tell Sir Topham Hatt the great news.
