Lady the Lost Engine | movie | 2009 | Official Clip

  • last year
A mockumentary about the fictional Lady the Lost Engine. | dG1fdVJMUF8ybTdIaEk
00:00 Sir Topham Hatt waited impatiently at Ellsbridge Station.
00:03 He had just gotten a call from Thomas to wait at Ellsbridge Station for him,
00:07 as Thomas had some important news.
00:09 But Sir Topham Hatt was tired and he wanted to go home.
00:13 He was about to walk away when he heard Thomas' familiar whistle.
00:16 Thomas and Rosie puffed into the station with the express coaches.
00:23 "Goodness gracious!" said Sir Topham Hatt.
00:24 "Thomas, what are you doing?
00:26 You know you're not supposed to pull the express coaches."
00:29 Thomas and Rosie laughed.
00:30 "Sir Sir Thomas, we're helping you!"
00:32 "How?" said Sir Topham Hatt.
00:34 "I'm in no mood for games, Thomas, and you know that!"
00:36 "Oh," said Thomas.
00:38 "Will he ever learn?"
00:39 "Never mind, Thomas," said Rosie.
00:41 "Well, anyway," said Thomas, "we're going to help you."
00:43 "By doing what?" said Sir Topham Hatt.
00:46 "Pulling the express for Gordon?"
00:48 "Ha!" Sir Topham Hatt started laughing, but the engines were very serious.
00:51 "Oh, sorry, Thomas," said Sir Topham Hatt.
00:54 "Anyway, what are you going to do?"
00:56 "Well, Sir Sir Thomas, we're going to help you look for Lady."
00:59 "Oh," said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:00 "Well, uh, thank you."
01:02 "Oh, you're welcome, Sir," said Thomas.
01:04 "Well, what's with the express coaches?" said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:07 "We're going to help-- we're bringing workmen to Gordon's Hill."
01:10 "What for?" asked Sir Topham Hatt.
01:12 "To fix the guardrail, of course."
01:14 "You mean the one that the egg car fell over?"
01:16 "Yes, Sir," said Thomas.
01:17 "So I guess you know about our plan already?"
01:20 "Well, no, I don't," said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:22 "Oh," said Thomas.
01:23 "Then the workmen should be getting here very quickly."
01:25 Just then, hundreds of workmen stormed out of Ellsbridge Station
01:28 and got into the express coaches.
01:30 "Well, that was unexpected," said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:33 "But, Thomas," he said, "there's still a lot more workmen here."
01:35 "I know, Sir Thomas. That's why we called for re-in--
01:38 that's why we called for backup."
01:40 Just then, Toby and Colby puffed in with their coaches,
01:44 Catherine and Henrietta.
01:46 "Well, it's nice to see you too, Sir--
01:48 it's nice to see you too," said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:50 "But, Thomas," he said, "what else are you going to do?"
01:53 "Oh," said Thomas, "we called for a little more reinforcements."
01:56 Just then, Daisy puffed up with the Knapford Express coach,
02:00 and Spencer was right behind her with the Duke and Duchess' coach.
02:03 They were going to be filled with workmen.
02:05 "Well done, Thomas," he said, "I am impressed."
02:08 "Well, I shouldn't delay you any longer," he said.
02:10 "Goodbye," and Sir Topham Hatt walked away,
02:12 and the engines stormed out of the station very quickly.
02:22 Work had already begun at Gordon's Hill.
02:24 Rocky was busy repairing the guardrail,
02:26 and Mighty Mac had just arrived with some workmen and an old slow coach.
02:29 Everything was going as planned.
02:30 Just then, Mavis puffed up with some troublesome trucks.
02:34 There would be no good if Mavis decided to take a rest.
02:37 Down below, Jack and Alfie were working hard,
02:40 and Bertie and Bulgy had also arrived with some passengers--
02:42 with some workmen.
02:44 Mavis sighed, "Ugh," she said, "I can understand why Sir Topham Hatt's so angry,
02:49 but in a different way."
02:50 "What do you mean?" asked Rocky.
02:52 "Ugh, these trucks are nothing but trouble."
02:54 "Well, nothing out of the ordinary," said Rocky.
02:56 "Oh, you're right," said Mavis, "but anyway, I need to take a break.
02:59 Is it all right if I stay here?"
03:01 "Sure," said Rocky, "that's fine."
03:02 They all continued working again.
03:04 But unfortunately, none of the engines at Gordon's Hill knew what was happening below.
03:08 Aerie, Bert, and Oliver were sitting under Gordon's Hill on a little track below.
03:16 They hid there over the night, but they didn't expect the engines to come work right over them
03:21 during the day.
03:22 They were planning to make their escape.
03:24 "Oh, come on," said Aerie, "we need to get out of here."
03:26 But Bert was persistent.
03:28 "No," said Bert, "I don't want to get out of here.
03:30 It's scary out there.
03:31 The engines might see us and we could get in big trouble, you know."
03:34 "I know that," said Aerie, "but sooner or later, an engine's going to come along the track,
03:38 and we're going to need to get out of here anyway.
03:39 Now's our chance, since Thumper's going."
03:41 "What do you mean?" said Bert.
03:43 "Well, Thumper's engine is so loud that I think we can sneak out of here without being hurt."
03:47 "That's ridiculous," said Bert.
03:49 "Anyway, well, let's just do it anyway," said Bert.
03:53 "We need to get out of here very quickly."
03:55 "Yes, we do," said Aerie.
03:58 "Okay, let's go very soft.
04:01 Let's go very calmly out of here and see if we can't be hurt."
04:05 "Okay," said Bert.
04:06 "I trust you on this, but don't get used to it.
04:08 I'm still not that-- I still don't trust you that much."
04:11 "Well, whatever," said Aerie.
04:13 Aerie began puffing out of the tunnel very slowly.
04:18 The workmen turned Thumper off for a second, and he stopped.
04:21 None of the engines realized he was under them.
04:26 "Oh, phew," said Aerie.
04:28 "That was a close call.
04:29 He said, "We really need to be quiet now."
04:32 Then Thumper roared to life, and Aerie also roared to life.
04:36 Out appeared Oliver.
04:40 He knew Mavis was right above them, and if he even so called to her, Mavis could go get help.
04:47 Unfortunately, the diesels had already threatened them once,
04:50 that if he made a noise, they would scrap him, so Oliver kept his mouth shut.
04:53 "Oh," said Aerie.
04:55 "Come on, Bert.
04:56 It's not that scary."
04:57 "Oh," he said.
04:58 "I still don't trust you guys."
04:59 "Oh, come on," said Aerie.
05:00 Bert had just cleared the tunnel when Thumper's engine went off again.
05:04 Mavis saw the diesels and Oliver below.
05:08 "Oh, my gosh!" she said.
05:09 "It's Oliver!
05:10 Workman!
05:11 Someone!
05:12 Help!"
05:13 The diesels rushed away quickly.
05:14 "Oh, no," she said.
05:15 "We need to go tell someone.
05:17 Oh, Mike!
05:18 Glad you're here!"
05:19 Mike just ran to Ben.
05:20 "I'll stop them," he said.
05:22 He raced along the line, but then unfortunately, the signalman switched so that he had to stop.
05:29 "Ouch," he said.
05:32 He crashed onto the sack as Aerie, Oliver, and Bert roared past.
05:37 The diesels laughed and laughed.
05:38 "No!" said Mike.
05:39 "We need to go tell Sir Topham Hatt," said Mavis.
05:42 Sir Topham Hatt soon heard of the news, and he was very disappointed.
05:46 "Oh," he said.
05:47 "I'm very cross right now."
05:49 And he raced to the Sodor airfield.
05:51 When he got there, he hopped into Harold the helicopter.
05:54 Tiger Moth just roared out of the runway, and Harold took off.
05:58 Up in the sky, Harold was going very nicely.
06:06 Sir Topham Hatt was looking for the diesels.
06:09 "Huh," he said.
06:10 "They can't be that far around.
06:11 I wonder where they are."
06:13 They zoomed all over the island of Sodor, but still no luck.
06:19 "Oh," said Sir Topham Hatt.
06:20 "They couldn't have found a hiding spot that quickly.
06:23 Or could they?"
06:24 "I don't know," said Harold and his driver.
06:26 "Let's just turn around and go back," he said.
06:28 "There's no sign of them."
06:30 Just then, Sir Topham Hatt saw something glitter, shining off of the engine shed.
06:35 "I wonder what that is."
06:37 Harold went down for a closer look.
06:39 Just inside was Lady and Diesel 10.
06:42 And Diesel 10 was taunting Lady.
06:44 And the shed door was closed.
06:46 "Oh no!" said Sir Topham Hatt.
06:48 "We need to go get help so we can break through the door right there and go help Lady."
06:51 "Good idea, sir," said Harold.
06:53 And Harold buzzed away quickly.
06:55 Sir Topham Hatt was going to go get some engines to help.
