Lady the Lost Engine | movie | 2009 | Official Clip

  • last year
A mockumentary about the fictional Lady the Lost Engine. | dG1fV3M0XzA1Uk5SRVE
00:00 Sir Topham Hatt called all the engines of the Sodor Railway to come in front of the shed here. He had some important news.
00:05 "Okay," he said, "I've called all of your engines to come here because I have some very important news."
00:13 "What is it?" asked Henry.
00:14 "Well," said Sir Topham Hatt, "We need to get inside the shed to go rescue Lady."
00:19 "And how are we going to get inside?" asked George.
00:21 "That's my problem," said Sir Topham Hatt, "I don't know how to."
00:24 "Aw," said Thomas, "I feel sorry for you."
00:27 "I know," said Sir Topham Hatt, "but enough of that."
00:29 "Anyway," he said, "does anyone have an idea how we can get into that shed over there?"
00:33 But none of the engines had an idea.
00:35 Except for Wilbert.
00:37 "Oh, sir," said Wilbert, "I have an idea."
00:39 "What is it?" said Sir Topham Hatt, "Speak up now, please."
00:42 "We could just ask Diesel 10 to let us in."
00:45 "Aw," said Sir Topham Hatt, "that's a ridiculous idea, Wilbert. I'm serious. We need to get in there so we can rescue Lady."
00:52 "Remember, no bad ideas. We need to work together as a team."
00:58 "How about we do my ideas, Wilbert?"
01:00 "That's the dumbest idea ever," said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:03 "Now be quiet, Wilbert," he said.
01:05 "I've called you engines here to help me, not insult me."
01:09 "I'm not insulting you, sir," said Wilbert.
01:11 "Aw, inside joke. Never mind," he said.
01:14 "Anyone else got an idea?"
01:15 No one spoke up except for Bill and Ben.
01:17 "Sir," they said, "do you guys have an idea?" said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:22 "Yes, we do," said Bill. "What is it?"
01:24 "Well, Ben and I are thinking about ramming through the door."
01:27 "That's ridiculous," said Sir Topham Hatt. "I'm not putting any of my engines in danger."
01:31 "But don't worry," said Bill and Ben. "We won't put ourselves in danger. The door is really old. It'll just break open."
01:37 "Okay," said Sir Topham Hatt. "On your mark, get set, go."
01:41 Bill and Ben rushed toward the door.
01:43 "Aw," they yelled.
01:46 They rammed it so hard that it opened.
01:50 "Hooray!" said Bill and Ben. "It's open!"
01:53 "Is Lady in there?" said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:55 "Yes, she is." "Lady!" they said.
01:58 And they pulled Lady out of the building, out of the shed.
02:02 "Lady," said Thomas. "I'm so glad to see you."
02:05 "Me too, Thomas," said Lady.
02:07 "It was torture being in there with Diesel 10. But, well, I think I'm all right."
02:14 "That's great news," said Sir Topham Hatt.
02:17 "Okay, but isn't Diesel 10 in there, Lady?"
02:20 "Nope," said Lady. "He's not."
02:22 "Where is he?" said Stephanie. "I don't know. He left earlier this morning."
02:26 "You mean he's not in there?" said Jack.
02:28 "Ai-yi-yi," said Bertie. "No one knows what's going on in this railway after all."
02:33 "Ah, never mind that," said Lady. "He said he was going somewhere and he said he would return, but I haven't seen him since."
02:39 Just then, a familiar whistle was heard.
02:43 "It was Oliver's. Oliver," said the engine. "You're okay?"
02:47 "Of course I am," said Oliver.
02:50 "Where were you?" said Donald. "I was in the graphs. I was being held captive by Airey and Bert, but I kind of played a little trick on them, and now everything's all right."
03:01 "What did you do?" asked Sir Topham Hatt.
03:04 "I don't think it's very nice to talk about," said Oliver. "Please, tell me."
03:08 "Um, I kind of shunted them off of the high bridge up there."
03:12 "Oh," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Well, anyway, I'll deal with them later."
03:16 "Look, Oliver," he said, "I'm so glad you're safe. I am too," said Bulgy.
03:21 "Anyway," he said, "Oliver, have you seen Diesel 10?"
03:26 "In fact," said Oliver, "I have."
03:29 "Where?" asked everyone. "Over there."
03:32 "Oh, look, there he is!" said Sir Topham Hatt. "Oliver, you were right!"
03:39 "Where is he going?" asked Rosie. "I think he's heading toward the high bridge. That's where the exit of the railway is. We need to stop him."
03:46 But no one had to. There had been a freight car that had been left behind by Murdoch's goods train.
03:52 "Oops," said Murdoch. "I'm sorry, sir," he said.
03:56 "Oh, that's all right," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Look!"
03:59 Diesel 10 rushed at the freight car so hard that he banged into it very hard.
04:03 "Oh!" said Diesel 10. "Ouch!" His front wheels came off the track.
04:09 "Aaaaaaah!" his body weighed. Leaning toward the front, he fell off.
04:14 "Aaaaaaah! Oh!" and he landed and bolstered the barge.
04:19 "Ouch!" said Bolster. "What was that for?"
04:22 "Oh, I'm sorry," said Diesel 10. "This is too much of a deja vu for me. I'm taking you to the dock, so Sir Topham Hatt can see."
04:31 And the two roared away. Sir Topham Hatt was very pleased that all the engines on Sodor were finally very safe.
