Lady the Lost Engine | movie | 2009 | Official Clip

  • last year
A mockumentary about the fictional Lady the Lost Engine. | dG1fU0VOdmFiSjZKMjg
00:00 While Lady was working on Surtabarhat's railway, she worked like any other engine on his railway would have worked.
00:05 She pulled trucks and shunted coaches.
00:07 But the one thing that was different from Lady from the other engines is that she actually liked it.
00:13 All the other engines were confused, but deep inside Lady knew why she liked this stuff.
00:19 One day she came into Ellsbridge station after shunting the express coaches.
00:24 She was about to leave when Surtabarhat called her over. "What is it, sir?" asked Lady.
00:28 "Well, when I call your manager to tell him that I want you to come visit the railway,
00:33 he asked me to tell you that if you want to stay on the Sodor railway after visiting it, you could."
00:40 "Oh, that's so wonderful!" said Lady. "Oh, yes, I will. I like it here a lot."
00:44 "That's great news!" said Surtabarhat, "but unfortunately, I have more problems on my hands."
00:49 "What do you mean?" asked Lady. "Well, James is sick today,
00:52 so I need an engine to pull the Knapford express coach today." "I'll call it, sir," said Arthur.
00:57 "Well, no thanks, Arthur," said Surtabarhat. "Plus, you look a lot nicer pulling the Sodor waterworks cars over there." "Okay," said Arthur.
01:04 "Hey, sir," said Thomas, "how about you have Lady pull it?" "That's a wonderful idea, Thomas," said Surtabarhat.
01:11 "Lady, would you like to pull it?" "Oh, yes, sir," said Lady. "I would."
01:14 "Fantastic!" he said. Lady was uncoupled from the express coaches,
01:19 and she was coupled to the coach. The passengers had already loaded, and the guard got in and blew his whistle.
01:26 "Remember, Surtabarhat, coaches are very different from trucks, so don't bump them."
01:31 "Oh, I won't, sir," said Lady, and Lady puffed away happily. "Goodbye, Lady," said Thomas.
01:37 "Oh, goodbye, Thomas," said Lady. "See you later," and Lady puffed away.
01:41 Lady's journey was going very well until she disappeared out of Ellsbridge Station. Then, that's when the trouble began.
01:55 She rounded the bend, and there was Diesel waiting for her. "Hi, Diesel," said Lady. "It's been a long time since I've seen you."
02:02 "Yeah, whatever," said Diesel. "Anyway, hand over the coach." Lady was shocked. "What do you mean?"
02:07 said Lady. "Surtabarhat let me pull it today." "Well, that's not what I want," said Diesel.
02:13 "What do you want?" said Lady. "Just hand me over the coach, and I'll explain later."
02:17 But Lady was beginning...
02:20 wasn't so sure. "Well, no, I won't," said Lady. "What are you gonna do about that?" "This," said Diesel.
02:26 The engine round the bend that looked so familiar to Lady, as she gasped at his sight.
02:36 It was Diesel 10.
02:39 Lady gasped. "Diesel 10!" she said. "What are you doing on this railway?"
02:45 "Well, I'll explain later," said Diesel 10. His voice was raspy, like he had been sick.
02:52 "Well," said Lady, "you should be in the engine shed today," she said. "Not bowling around little steam engines like me."
02:58 Lady started laughing, but no one else laughed.
03:01 "Never mind. Now listen to Diesel," he said. He knows what he's talking about, but Lady wasn't so sure.
03:09 "Well, no, I won't," she said. "I won't give up the coach." "Then I'm coming for you, pinchies, huh?"
03:15 "Hungry!" "Oh, no!" said Lady. "Help!" She ran to a sign and rounded the bend.
03:20 "After her, Diesel," said Diesel 10. "Yes, sir," said Diesel. He rounded the bend after her. Then there was trouble.
03:26 Lady realized she was stuck. The engine shed was in her way. "Oh, no," said Lady. "What am I going to do?"
03:32 Diesel rounded the bend and took the coach from her. "Ah!" said Lady. "What are you doing?" "This," he said.
03:39 He ran back and he banged Lady so hard
03:44 that she crashed into the back of the shed. "Help!" said Lady. "I'm stuck here."
03:50 Just then, the shed doors closed by themselves and Lady was trapped inside. "Help!" said Lady. "Someone come help me!"
03:57 But no one could hear.
04:00 "I'll take the coach from here, sir," said Diesel. "Oh, that's a good Diesel," said Diesel 10. "Hey, what are you doing here? Go get him!"
04:09 Fortunately for the Diesels, Oliver and Toad had seen everything. "We must go tell Sir Topham Hatt," they said.
04:15 "No," said Diesel 10. "Airy, get over here!" Out of nowhere came Airy and he raced after them.
04:24 "Yoo-hoo!" he said. "I'm coming for you." "Oh, no!" they said. "Oh, no, we got company," said Toad.
04:31 "What do you mean?" said Oliver. "Look behind you." "Oh, yes, we do," said Oliver. "Ahh!"
04:36 And Airy charged after them. They soon came to a big hill.
04:41 Oliver charged up it when Airy was close behind.
04:49 They reached the top. "Oh, phew!" they said. "Now we'll be able to outrun Airy now." But just up ahead
04:58 was Bert. They had cornered him. "Slow down, Steam Engine and Caboose," he said. "Yeah, you've got company."
05:07 Oliver inched forward as Airy sped up behind him.
05:11 Oliver had no other choice.
05:17 Toad was so scared that he put on his brakes. "Oh, Oliver. Oh, Toad," said Oliver. "Don't do that."
05:23 "Why?" said Toad. "I got a plan. Just don't."
05:27 Toad was very scared. "Just trust me," said Oliver. "On three, put all your weight
05:34 against me." "Why you?" said Toad. "I'll explain later once again," said Oliver.
05:41 "Okay, ready? One,
05:44 two, hey, what's he talking about?" said Airy. "Go get him!" "Three!"
05:49 Suddenly they pushed their weight against each other and Toad became derailed. "Oh, no!" said Toad. "Help! Someone come save me!"
05:56 Airy charged and he hit Toad off the rails. "Ahh!"
06:00 And he fell down below.
06:03 Just then, Oliver saw Bullstrode. "Bullstrode," he said, "come catch Toad." "Oh, I will," said Bullstrode.
06:09 Bullstrode maneuvered around trying to catch Toad in the barge.
06:14 Toad fell from the sky and landed safely in the barge. "Oh, phew," said Toad. "Thank you for catching me. But, Oliver, no!"
06:22 The diesels captured Oliver. "Toad," said Oliver, "go tell Sir Topham Hatt!" as the diesels dragged him away.
06:29 "To Brandon, dock as quick as you can!" Bullstrode. "Oh, yes, I will," said Bullstrode. And they both roared away.
06:36 Unfortunately for the diesels, Coldy and Catherine had seen everything and were shocked.
06:40 "Oh, no!" said Catherine. "Oh, no!" said Coldy. "This is terrible! We must go tell Sir Topham Hatt immediately!"
06:47 And they both rushed away quickly.
06:49 They came across the turntable so fast that Toad and Catherine were both in a hurry.
06:55 They came across the turntable so fast that Toby was worried.
07:00 "What's the matter?" he said. "It's Oliver and Toad," he said. And they raced away. "Oh, I'm right behind you," said Toby.
07:08 Coldy came rushing in to Ellsworth Station. "Sir Topham Hatt," he said. "What is it?" said Sir Topham Hatt.
07:17 But Coldy was so out of breath that he couldn't speak. Catherine decided to tell the story.
07:22 "Sir," he said, "the diesels have captured Oliver and they've taken him away somewhere, and they pushed Toad off the side of the track.
07:29 Meanwhile, well, I don't know the rest, but it's really weird. Isn't Lady's Train supposed to be getting in right now?"
07:35 "Yes," said Sir Topham Hatt. "It is. Huh," he said. "Something doesn't sound right here."
07:40 "Hmm," but just then, Arthur puffed him. "I'm sorry I'm late, guys," he said.
07:45 "What's-- what are you late for?" he said. "Shouldn't you be here already? You should have been here already."
07:51 "Yes, I'm sorry, Sir," said Arthur. "What was the matter? Why were you late?"
07:56 "Oh," he said, "I saw Diesel pulling the nap for the Express Coach and I got worried."
08:00 "What do you mean, worried?" he said. "Remember, Lady's supposed to be pulling it."
08:04 "Oh, no," said Thomas. "That's terrible."
08:06 "It does sound terrible," said Sir Topham Hatt. "Hmm."
08:10 "Thomas, go round up all the engines at the shed. Arthur, go round up all the engines at the quarry.
08:15 And, Colty, go round up any other engine you can find. We have to do some-- we have some searching to do."
08:21 He said. Sir Topham Hatt walked away very, very quickly.
