Wild Dogs Rip a Newborn Impala From its Mother's Womb

  • last year
00:00 (coyote howling)
00:02 Deep in the heart of the wilderness,
00:06 among the dense forest and sprawling savannas,
00:09 roams a formidable predator
00:14 that strikes fear into the hearts of many.
00:16 They are wild dogs.
00:20 Wild dogs are social animals that live in packs,
00:27 which can range from just a few individuals
00:30 to as many as 40.
00:31 These packs are tightly knit communities
00:38 that work together to hunt,
00:39 care for their young, and defend their territory.
00:43 One of the strategies that wild dogs employ when hunting
00:48 is to choose areas that are far from other predators.
00:56 This helps to reduce the risk
00:58 of having their prey stolen from them
01:00 by stronger, more dominant predators like lions or hyenas.
01:04 This pack of wild dogs were roaming the savanna
01:09 in search of their next meal.
01:11 Their efforts paid off when they spotted a herd
01:15 of impalas grazing in the distance.
01:18 Without hesitation, the pack sprang into action.
01:24 The impalas scattered in all directions.
01:27 The wild dogs were undeterred.
01:29 They quickly identified a small impala
01:32 that had become separated from the rest of the herd
01:35 and gave chase.
01:36 The chase lasted for what seemed like an eternity,
01:41 with the wild dogs slowly gaining on their prey.
01:44 Finally, two of the dogs managed to close in on the impala
01:50 and sink their teeth into its flesh.
01:52 (impalas squeaking)
01:56 With incredible speed and efficiency,
01:58 they tore into the impala's flesh, devouring it alive.
02:03 (impalas squeaking)
02:06 Not very far from here, an impala saw what was happening.
02:16 This deceiving creature waits for such situations
02:21 to take advantage from.
02:23 (impala squeaking)
02:24 It spotted an impala that didn't manage
02:26 to continue the escape.
02:28 The poor prey was conceiving a baby of hers
02:32 and tried to catch her breath.
02:33 But the hyena, alongside a wild dog, attacked her.
02:39 The next is a dreadful scene,
02:44 where the baby is taken out of the mother's belly.
02:48 (fast forwarded talking)
