• 2 years ago


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 The rhinoceros is not just a large animal from Africa.
00:09 He is one of the most amazing animals
00:14 that nature has ever designed.
00:16 His large size is allied with enormous strength and fury.
00:21 In addition, he has both a protective weapon,
00:24 his skin up to five centimeters thick,
00:26 and an attack weapon, his horn.
00:29 (roaring)
00:32 A rhinoceros is also one of the heaviest animals
00:34 in the world.
00:35 White rhinos measuring 4.6 meters in size
00:39 and weighing 4.6 tons have been recorded.
00:41 At this large size,
00:45 predators may think of it as a big meal,
00:47 but can any animal catch it?
00:49 When the rhinoceros goes to drink water,
00:53 it can be attacked by the biggest predator
00:55 that exists in African rivers.
00:57 (crunching)
00:59 However, even large crocodiles pose no mortal danger
01:03 to an adult rhinoceros that is too strong
01:05 for the crocodile to be able to drag it into the river.
01:08 Baby rhinos would probably be easier prey
01:13 for the Nile crocodile, but it won't be that easy.
01:16 Rhino mothers take care of their young until a certain age.
01:22 And with that, even if the crocodile catches a baby,
01:25 the mother may attack the crocodile aggressively
01:28 to save her baby.
01:30 There aren't many documented attacks
01:31 by crocodiles on rhinos.
01:33 But that doesn't mean that in some rare situation,
01:38 the crocodile cannot taste the rhino's meat.
01:40 When a rhino is sick or old,
01:45 it can be attacked and die near the river's edge.
01:47 And crocodiles will feast on its delectable flesh.
01:53 (dramatic music)
01:56 (dramatic music)
01:59 (upbeat music)
