Les frappes russes paralysent les exportations Ukrainienne vers l`occident.

  • last year
Dans un contexte de tensions croissantes entre la Russie et l'Ukraine, les ports ukrainiens de la mer Noire et du Danube sont devenus les cibles d'attaques russes délibérées. Ces attaques ont un impact direct sur les exportations de céréales ukrainiennes, mettant en péril les voies d'expédition alternatives et entraînant une augmentation des prix mondiaux des céréales.
Les infrastructures portuaires ukrainiennes ont été touchées, avec des missiles et des drones endommageant les réservoirs de stockage et les bâtiments portuaires. Les principaux ports tels que Chornomorsk et ceux le long du Danube ont subi d'importants dégâts. En conséquence, les exportations de céréales ukrainiennes sont fortement perturbées, et l'Ukraine se tourne vers des routes terrestres moins efficaces pour maintenir ses exportations. #portsukrainiens #attaquesrusses #exportationsdecéréales #prixmondiaux #tensionsRussieUkraine #infrastructuresportuaires #merNoire #Danube #Chornomorsk #voiesdexpédition #augmentationdesprix #céréalesukrainiennes #routesterrestres #économiemondiale #résolutionpacifique #marchémondial #tensionscroissantes #dégâts #drones #congestion #frt
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00:00 After the Kremlin's refusal to renew the agreement that allowed ships to transport
00:12 cereals across the Black Sea, Russia began targeting the main alternative export routes
00:17 of Ukraine along the Danube.
00:19 The Ukrainian ports of the Black Sea being now blocked by Russia, Ukraine is turning
00:24 to its ports located along the Danube to export its cereals to neighboring Romania.
00:28 Russian attacks have now targeted the ports of the Danube with missiles and drones
00:34 threatening the port infrastructure.
00:36 The port of Rony has been hit recently, with missiles falling only 200 meters from the
00:41 border with Romania, a member of NATO.
00:44 The most important damage has been observed in Kornomorsk, where at least two storage
00:49 tanks have been hit, resulting in the destruction of 60,000 tons of agricultural products.
00:54 However, the main cereal terminal of the Odessa port seems to have been spared.
00:59 Attacks on the ports of the Danube are also multiplying, with 19 drone attacks recorded
01:05 on the night of July 24.
01:07 The strikes hit several silos, hangars and other port buildings.
01:11 These attacks have a direct impact on Ukrainian cereal exports.
01:16 With the end of the agreement on cereals, Ukraine estimates that these exports will reach
01:22 a maximum of 2.5 million tons per month by river, road and railway routes.
01:26 Before the war, Odessa was the main exporter of cereals, but recently, due to the
01:33 slow operation in Odessa, the Danube has become the main route of transportation.
01:37 The world wheat prices have already increased by more than 10% since the collapse of the
01:42 agreement on cereals from the Black Sea.
01:44 Any additional disruption in exports has an impact on the rest of Europe and the world,
01:49 because it leads to an increase in prices.
01:52 The economic consequences of these attacks are significant.
01:55 The Danube ports have quickly resumed their normal activities after the attacks, but
02:00 the congestion persists.
02:01 There is a physical limit to the number of ships that can borrow a narrow river corridor,
02:07 and the threat of Russian attacks against commercial ships has also led to an increase
02:10 in insurance premiums and an assessment of the viability of other export routes.
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02:26 (air whooshing)
