The communal violence, which initially began on Monday in the Nuh district of Haryana, has now spread to Gurugram's Sector 70, a location situated less than 20 km from the national capital, New Delhi. On Tuesday night, a distressing scene unfolded as several shops and shanties adjacent to a residential complex were set ablaze, adding to the already escalating tension. The impact of these events has been acutely felt by both communities involved, leaving a profound sense of fear and uncertainty in the air.
The root cause of this violent outbreak can be traced back to an objectionable video that circulated widely on the internet. In this video, Monu Manesar, a member of the Bajrang Dal who was previously booked for the alleged murder of two Muslim men Nasir and Junaid, was seen claiming his participation in the 'Brij Mandal Jalabhishek Yatra' organized by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. However, despite his claims, there were no signs of Monu's presence during the event. Nevertheless, this video acted as a catalyst, igniting communal tensions between the two communities, ultimately leading to the tragic events that unfolded in Nuh and Gurugram.
As the violence escalated, four lives were lost on Monday, including two individuals and two home guards in Nuh. The situation intensified when mobs attempted to disrupt a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession. Tragically, a young imam named Mulana Saad lost his life on Tuesday, and further damage was inflicted upon an eatery and several shops in Gurugram. The death toll has now reached six as of today since the initial outbreak of communal violence on July 31st.
Amidst the chaos, the question of who initiated these events remains unanswered, with both communities pointing fingers at each other. This unfortunate situation is not limited to a particular region; it reflects a broader concern, with Manipur and now Haryana facing the impact of ongoing communal tensions. The aftermath of this violence has resulted in the loss of homes, livelihoods, and, most distressingly, innocent lives. However, determining who is truly at fault remains elusive, leaving a sense of injustice and grief in its wake.
As the situation unfolds, it is essential to remember that the consequences of this violence affect people from both communities. The blame game may persist, but ultimately, both sides bear the weight of the loss. The real challenge lies in holding accountable those responsible for inciting this violence and seeking ways to promote peace and understanding among the affected communities.
#Haryana #MonuManesar #Gurugram #Nuh #Gurgaon #HaryanaClash #Delhi #CommunalViolence #HinduMuslim #ShobhaYatra #HaryanaNews #HWNews #VishwaHinduParishad #VHP
The root cause of this violent outbreak can be traced back to an objectionable video that circulated widely on the internet. In this video, Monu Manesar, a member of the Bajrang Dal who was previously booked for the alleged murder of two Muslim men Nasir and Junaid, was seen claiming his participation in the 'Brij Mandal Jalabhishek Yatra' organized by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. However, despite his claims, there were no signs of Monu's presence during the event. Nevertheless, this video acted as a catalyst, igniting communal tensions between the two communities, ultimately leading to the tragic events that unfolded in Nuh and Gurugram.
As the violence escalated, four lives were lost on Monday, including two individuals and two home guards in Nuh. The situation intensified when mobs attempted to disrupt a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession. Tragically, a young imam named Mulana Saad lost his life on Tuesday, and further damage was inflicted upon an eatery and several shops in Gurugram. The death toll has now reached six as of today since the initial outbreak of communal violence on July 31st.
Amidst the chaos, the question of who initiated these events remains unanswered, with both communities pointing fingers at each other. This unfortunate situation is not limited to a particular region; it reflects a broader concern, with Manipur and now Haryana facing the impact of ongoing communal tensions. The aftermath of this violence has resulted in the loss of homes, livelihoods, and, most distressingly, innocent lives. However, determining who is truly at fault remains elusive, leaving a sense of injustice and grief in its wake.
As the situation unfolds, it is essential to remember that the consequences of this violence affect people from both communities. The blame game may persist, but ultimately, both sides bear the weight of the loss. The real challenge lies in holding accountable those responsible for inciting this violence and seeking ways to promote peace and understanding among the affected communities.
#Haryana #MonuManesar #Gurugram #Nuh #Gurgaon #HaryanaClash #Delhi #CommunalViolence #HinduMuslim #ShobhaYatra #HaryanaNews #HWNews #VishwaHinduParishad #VHP
00:00 The communal violence which initially began on Monday in the New District of Haryana has
00:04 now spread to Gurudram Sector 70, a location situated less than 20 km from the national
00:10 capital, New Delhi. On Tuesday night, a distressing scene unfolded when several shops and shanties
00:16 adjacent to a residential complex were set ablaze, adding to the already escalating tensions.
00:22 The impact of these events have been acutely felt by both communities involved, leaving
00:27 a profound sense of fear and uncertainty in the air.
00:31 Hello everyone this is Zainab Zalkutty and welcome to HW News English.
00:35 The root cause of this violent outbreak can be traced back to a video that circulated
00:40 widely on the internet. In this video, Monu Manesar, a member of the Bajrang Dal who was
00:45 previously booked for the alleged murder of two Muslim men, Nasir and Junaid, was seen
00:50 claiming his participation in the Brij Mandal Jal Abhishek Yatra organized by the Vishwa
00:55 Hindu Parishad. However, despite his claims, there were no signs of Monu's presence during
01:00 this event. Nevertheless, this video acted as a catalyst, igniting communal tensions
01:05 between two communities, ultimately leading to the tragic events that unfolded in New
01:10 and Gurudram.
01:12 As the violence escalated, four lives were lost on Monday, including two individuals
01:17 and two home guards in New. The situation intensified when mobs attempted to disrupt
01:22 a Hindu Vishwa Parishad procession. Tragically, a young Imam named Maulana Saad lost his life
01:28 on Tuesday, and further damage was inflicted upon an eatery and several shops in Gurudram.
01:34 The death toll has now reached six as of today since the initial outbreak of communal violence
01:39 on July 31.
01:40 Amidst the chaos, the question of who initiated these events remains unanswered, with both
01:45 communities pointing fingers at each other. This unfortunate situation is not limited
01:50 to a particular region. It reflects a broader concern with Manipur and now Haryana facing
01:56 the impact of ongoing communal tensions. The aftermath of this violence has resulted in
02:02 the loss of homes, livelihoods and most distressingly, innocent lives. However, determining who is
02:09 truly at fault remains elusive, leaving a sense of injustice and grief in its wake.
02:15 As the situation unfolds, it is essential to remember that the consequences of this
02:19 violence affect people from both communities. The blame game may persist, but ultimately
02:25 both sides bear the weight of the loss. The real challenge lies in holding accountable
02:30 those responsible for inciting this violence and seeking ways to promote peace and understanding
02:36 among the affected communities.
02:39 That's all for now, for more such news updates follow HW News English. Thank you.