Asylum seekers will go onto barge in ‘coming weeks’, says Dowden

  • last year
Asylum seekers will go onto barge in ‘coming weeks’, says Dowden


00:00 Well, of course, we have to undertake a number of inspections and other measures to make
00:07 sure that these vessels and this vessel in particular is suitable and ready. But I'm
00:13 confident that in the coming weeks, we will have people on those barges. And it's important,
00:18 Martha, to remember why we are doing this.
00:19 In the coming weeks, because the deadline was supposed to be the end of July. That's
00:22 what Downing Street told us was going to happen.
00:24 We are doing this because at the moment, we have people in hotels costing us £6 million
00:30 a day. We need to reduce the cost of that. And there's two ways we're doing that. We're
00:36 building vessels like this, which will take people on board, which will be cheaper. And
00:40 crucially, we need to stop people coming across the channel in the first place, which is why
00:44 we're passing the small boats legislation and why we're proceeding with a relentless
