• 2 years ago
THE OTHERS Movie (2001) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: In 1945, Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) and her two children live an unusually isolated existence behind the locked doors and drawn curtains of a secluded mansion on one of the Channel Islands. The arrival of mysterious new servants (Fionnula Flanagan, Ed Sykes) and her apparently war-fatigued husband Charles (Christopher Eccleston), raise the unworldly feeling that there is far more to this house than can be seen, provoking Grace into a terrifying fight to save her children and preserve her sanity.

directed by Alejandro Amenabar

starring Nicole Kidman, Fionnula Flanagan, Christopher Eccleston, Elaine Cassidy, Eric Sykes, Alakina Mann, James Bentley

release date August 11-17, 2023 (in theaters; New York City)
00:00 (ominous music)
00:02 - There is something in this house.
00:06 Something which is not at rest.
00:12 Almost a week ago, the servants disappeared.
00:26 - You mean they just vanished?
00:27 (ominous music)
00:30 - Did you really see a ghost?
00:32 - You're lying!
00:33 - I am not!
00:34 - Sometimes the world of the dead
00:37 gets mixed up with the world of the living.
00:41 - What do you want?
00:44 - Children!
00:46 - Leave us to be!
00:50 - Where is my daughter?
00:54 (ominous music)
00:57 (bell dings)
01:00 (thunder booms)
01:02 (ominous music)