UK gives green light to large scale lithium plant

  • last year
The UK has approved the construction of the country's first large-scale lithium refinery to produce badly needed material for electric car batteries. The project, run by Green Lithium, will also be one of the first and largest in Europe. - REUTERS
00:00 Lithium, an essential component of electric car batteries, could soon be refined in the
00:06 UK. This computer-generated video shows a plan for Britain's first large-scale lithium
00:12 refinery in north-east England. The project, run by Green Lithium, claims to have the potential
00:19 to power the electric revolution and reduce the dependence UK and European car makers
00:25 have on China and East Asia, where 89% of the world's lithium is currently refined.
00:32 "Ensuring that refining to the UK means that we've got a huge opportunity to decarbonise
00:42 the process."
00:43 Sean Sargent is the CEO of Green Lithium and outlined some of the firm's big ambitions.
00:49 "We're optimistic that when we start operating it will be at a quarter of the carbon dioxide
00:54 production of a benchmark refinery that's producing the same material in China today.
01:00 So straight away we start with a huge dividend in carbon reduction, but we're also producing
01:06 our chemicals sustainably."
01:08 So how will that sustainability be achieved? Green Lithium says it plans to use low-energy
01:14 processes, renewable electricity, hydrogen gas and carbon capture technology. It claims
01:21 by doing so its plant will have an 80% lower carbon footprint than traditional refineries.
01:28 "The fact that we're building it in Teesside where we've got access to carbon capture,
01:33 that enables blue hydrogen and ultimately several developers are looking at green hydrogen
01:38 production on the site, plus great access to renewable low-carbon electricity."
01:44 Global demand for lithium batteries is expected to surge more than five-fold by 2030, according
01:51 to public-private alliance Leebridge, as more people opt for electric vehicles and energy
01:57 storage systems. Green Lithium wants to be ready to meet that demand, with plans to have
02:03 its plant operational by 2027 and an annual production capacity of 50,000 tonnes of battery-grade
02:11 lithium chemicals. That's enough lithium to provide batteries for one million EV car
02:17 batteries.
02:18 "So really it's the growth in battery materials that's required to power the electric revolution,
02:24 the fact that we need electric vehicles, the fact that we need grid storage and domestic
02:28 storage is producing a huge demand in battery chemicals in Europe. And we think by 2030
02:34 we're going to need about 800,000 tonnes per annum."
02:38 [Street noise]
