Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [Générique]
00:02 [Générique]
00:04 [Générique]
00:06 [Générique]
00:09 Michael a eu un impact profond.
00:12 [Générique]
00:14 [Générique]
00:16 Il vient avec une forme d'uniquité.
00:18 Personne n'a jamais fait comme Michael.
00:20 Il a juste un doigt sur ce qui les incitera.
00:22 Lilius a une approche originale.
00:24 Je pense que même à ce jour,
00:26 personne n'est proche.
00:28 Il va vous montrer qu'il reste là.
00:30 [Générique]
00:32 [Générique]
00:34 [Générique]
00:36 Quincy Jones, Missy Elliott, Wyclef et plus.
00:41 Y compris les rares performances de Michael Jackson,
00:45 et le premier tour de la nouvelle chanson de Michael, "One More Chance".
00:50 Mesdames et Messieurs, s'il vous plaît, vous pouvez vous réunir pour leur première visite.
00:58 The Jackson 5.
01:03 Ma première impression de Michael, quand il était là, sur le banc américain,
01:06 avec le Jackson 5, il y a environ 69 ou 70 ans,
01:10 je l'ai interviewé, et il m'a pris le micro, ce petit bout de couteau.
01:14 Il m'a pris le micro, et je savais que c'était le homme en contrôle.
01:17 Mike, je peux avoir le micro ?
01:18 La première mémoire de Michael Jackson, c'était quand il a fait le bandage.
01:23 C'est ce qui est romantique sur un chat.
01:25 Je me disais, "T'es fou ?"
01:27 Mais il a été vrai.
01:28 ♪ When the two of us need look no more ♪
01:34 ♪ We both found what we were looking for ♪
01:41 ♪ With a friend to call my own ♪
01:46 ♪ I'll never be alone ♪
01:50 ♪ And you, my friend, will see ♪
01:53 ♪ You've got a friend in me ♪
01:56 Ben était tellement beau.
01:58 Il avait tellement de sens.
02:00 C'était si simple.
02:01 C'était comme, tu sais, c'est Pat.
02:03 ♪ You're always running here and there ♪
02:09 ♪ You feel you're not wanted anywhere ♪
02:16 ♪ If you ever cry ♪
02:19 Ben serait mon chanson préférée de Michael Jackson.
02:21 Beaucoup de gens aiment les records de Michael, et ils sont tous géniaux.
02:24 Mais j'aime son balance.
02:26 J'aime sa voix, sa trémorisation, etc.
02:30 J'aime ça.
02:31 Et le fait qu'il chante, Ben, et que c'est lisse, etc.
02:35 C'était un bruit pour moi.
02:37 ♪ I used to say how you need ♪
02:44 ♪ Now it's silence, now it's sweet ♪
02:52 C'est une chanson que je ne comprends jamais.
02:54 Comment quelqu'un de si jeune peut avoir une chanson si sérieuse et être un smash?
02:59 Mais c'est les choix qu'il prend en chantant.
03:03 Il émote.
03:04 C'est un cadeau.
03:06 ♪ When most people turn away ♪
03:14 ♪ I don't listen to what they say ♪
03:22 ♪ They don't see you as I do ♪
03:27 ♪ I must think what's right too ♪
03:30 ♪ And should they think again ♪
03:34 ♪ If they had a bit like Ben ♪
03:43 ♪ Like Ben ♪
03:46 ♪ Like ♪
03:54 ♪ Ben ♪
03:58 J'aime l'idée de Michael Jackson être jeune sur le set de The Wiz en 1977,
04:10 en rencontrant Quincy Jones.
04:12 Je n'avais jamais vu un jeune homme si conscient,
04:14 si observant et professionnel.
04:18 Il m'a dit, "Prends soin de changer de groupe pour Epic Records,
04:20 "pour m'aider à trouver un producteur."
04:23 J'ai dit, "Je veux en prendre un."
04:25 Il est revenu à Epic, et Epic a dit, "Non, pas du tout."
04:27 Michael a lutté et a dit, "C'est ce que je veux,
04:30 "et il m'a dit, "Michael, ne t'inquiète pas,
04:32 "je aime être sous-estimé, c'est quand je fais mon meilleur travail."
04:36 Et on a fait notre meilleur travail.
04:40 C'est un genre de drum.
04:42 "Rock With You" doit être mon chanson préférée.
04:50 Il chante un peu plus dans son registre basque,
04:54 et il va dans le prochain mot.
04:56 ♪ Girl, close your eyes ♪
04:58 Et son vibrato se déplace,
05:00 et c'est juste sexy,
05:02 et ça te fait juste vouloir jouer avec Michael.
05:06 Le veste de glitter qu'il avait
05:08 était magnifique sur lui.
05:10 Il était juste magnifique.
05:12 Je ne doute pas qu'on va voir quelqu'un
05:14 sortir et jouer un costume de Siklin.
05:17 C'est Michael, et ça ne peut être fait qu'une fois.
05:20 ♪ And we can ride the boogie ♪
05:22 ♪ Share that beat of love ♪
05:26 ♪ I'm gonna rock with you ♪
05:28 ♪ All night ♪
05:30 ♪ Dance to the beat of love ♪
05:32 ♪ I'm gonna rock with you ♪
05:34 ♪ Dance to the beat of love ♪
05:36 ♪ I'm gonna rock with you ♪
05:38 Pourquoi ne pas juste se mettre sous ses jambes?
05:40 Pourquoi ils ne font plus de musique comme ça?
05:43 ♪ I know the love ♪
05:47 ♪ That everybody has ♪
05:50 ♪ Girl, when you're down ♪
05:54 ♪ There's somebody that must be loved ♪
05:59 ♪ It's me, it's wrong ♪
06:01 ♪ It's me, it's wrong ♪
06:04 À ce jour-là, quand une chanson est bonne,
06:07 elle arrive et c'est tout.
06:09 Si c'est une hit, il faut que ce soit
06:11 un hit de la sorte pour qu'elle soit jouée
06:14 deux ou trois années plus tard.
06:16 ♪ I'm gonna rock with you ♪
06:18 ♪ All night ♪
06:19 ♪ Dance to the beat of love ♪
06:22 ♪ I'm gonna rock with you ♪
06:24 Il y a beaucoup de nouveaux records qui sont sortis,
06:26 qui sont plus musicals.
06:28 Il y a Michael et Florence
06:30 qui ont fait la musique plus rapide,
06:32 plus fluide.
06:33 C'est ce que Michael et Quincey ont toujours fait,
06:36 ce côté musical,
06:37 pas juste de sampler un loop
06:39 ou de prendre un beat chaud,
06:42 c'était plus musical.
06:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:51 Michael, depuis son enfance jusqu'à maintenant,
06:55 a été la vérité.
06:58 Ce que je veux dire par ça,
07:00 ce n'était jamais faux,
07:01 ce n'était jamais faux,
07:02 ce n'était jamais un façade.
07:03 Ça ne prendrait pas un million de dollars
07:05 pour faire remarquer à la foule
07:06 combien de magique ce homme était.
07:08 C'est le genre de musique que ma grand-mère
07:10 et moi pouvons écouter en même temps
07:12 et nous sommes mesurés.
07:14 ♪ I'm gonna rock with you ♪
07:18 ♪ Come on, girl ♪
07:21 ♪ Rock with me through the morning ♪
07:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:40 ♪ I was waiting, I was waiting ♪
07:44 ♪ To keep on because ♪
07:46 ♪ The force has got a lot of power ♪
07:49 ♪ And it makes me feel like ♪
07:52 ♪ It makes me feel like ♪
07:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:01 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
08:03 ♪ I have that whole record ♪
08:04 ♪ And I listen to it to this day ♪
08:06 ♪ It's a classic ♪
08:09 ♪ That record to me is special ♪
08:11 ♪ Because it was the beginning of what has become ♪
08:13 ♪ The pop star Michael Jackson ♪
08:16 ♪ Michael appeared at the right time ♪
08:18 ♪ No one person had done that to that extent ♪
08:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:29 ♪ That album is, it's like a story ♪
08:32 ♪ It's like he told a story on that album ♪
08:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:43 ♪ That was the ultimate dance disco record ♪
08:46 ♪ And it's one of those songs that ♪
08:49 ♪ People will be playing forever and ever and ever ♪
08:52 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:06 ♪ We look back at songs ♪
09:08 ♪ And you listen to songs whether it be from the 80s ♪
09:10 ♪ Or the 70s or whatever ♪
09:12 ♪ And we have classics ♪
09:14 ♪ And here's a man that makes a lot of classics ♪
09:16 ♪ He's on fire ♪
09:18 ♪ It makes me a little bit worried about the kids of today ♪
09:20 ♪ 'Cause a lot of these songs are out now ♪
09:22 ♪ They ain't gonna have no life ♪
09:24 ♪ You know, it's just that ♪
09:26 ♪ They're like songs for the moment ♪
09:28 ♪ But here's a guy like Michael Jackson ♪
09:30 ♪ You listen to these songs, these songs are still fresh ♪
09:33 ♪ Our sensation ♪
09:36 ♪ Got me where we are ♪
09:40 ♪ So let love ♪
09:44 ♪ Take us through the hours ♪
09:47 ♪ I won't be faded ♪
09:51 ♪ 'Cause this is who I am ♪
09:56 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
09:58 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
10:00 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
10:02 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
10:04 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
10:06 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
10:08 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
10:10 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
10:12 ♪♪
10:27 - That was the most amazing voice I had ever heard.
10:32 And seeing that guy dance like that,
10:35 that was it, I was in love.
10:38 - That's how you get the girls, man.
10:40 Put on a Michael.
10:41 ♪♪
10:43 ♪ I won't be faded ♪
10:47 ♪ 'Cause this is who I am ♪
10:52 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
10:54 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
10:56 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
10:58 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:00 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
11:02 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:04 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
11:06 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:08 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
11:10 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:12 - "Off the Wall," still my favorite record.
11:15 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:16 It's got the feeling of it and everything else,
11:18 and it has an innocence in it that I love, you know?
11:22 It shows Michael's full range, too.
11:25 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:28 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:30 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:32 - His influence is heavy.
11:35 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:37 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:39 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:40 - "Off the Wall" album was mine.
11:42 You know, that's my favorite album of all time.
11:45 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:47 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:49 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
11:51 ♪ Don't stop 'til you get enough ♪
11:53 ♪ People, when the first don't ♪
11:55 - We have two months to make "Thriller,"
11:57 and that's when you have no time for paralysis,
11:59 for analysis.
12:00 Put your head down and don't look up.
12:02 It was all coming out great, but it was late.
12:04 We were up, I guess, four days
12:06 trying to finish everything up.
12:07 9 o'clock in the morning, we finished putting everything on.
12:10 We got until 12 o'clock.
12:11 We got three hours to hear the final mastering.
12:14 We played that record back, and it was pitiful.
12:17 I mean, the sound was just crunched together.
12:20 It was absolutely awful, unreleasable.
12:23 And we decided to take two days to sleep
12:26 and come back in and mix one tune a day
12:29 and put that baby right in the pocket.
12:31 And that's exactly what happened,
12:33 and that's what you hear on the record.
12:34 - The anticipation for this record was high.
12:37 I remember the first time I heard Billie Jean
12:40 was on the Motown special.
12:41 - Oh, my God, that performance, Motown 25,
12:45 it just was groundbreaking.
12:47 [cheers and applause]
12:49 - When the Motown 25th anniversary show was done,
12:52 I was privileged to be one of the presenters,
12:55 and I watched him do this song.
12:57 I mean, it was standing ovation time.
12:59 It was mesmerizing.
13:00 Michael's touch was phenomenal.
13:02 - That was the first time we really experienced the glow.
13:06 He threw the hat, and it was crazy.
13:08 That was, like, it for, like, the whole school year.
13:11 [upbeat music]
13:14 ♪ ♪
13:21 ♪ ♪
13:28 - The great thing about the Motown 25 show
13:31 was that the audience was comprised
13:33 of nothing but showbiz greats.
13:36 You could see Smokey Robinson.
13:38 You could see the Four Tops, the Supremes.
13:40 All of these people were looking at Michael,
13:43 and it was almost as if they were saying,
13:46 "Okay, you're the man now."
13:49 ♪ ♪
13:53 - It was Michael's coronation.
13:56 ♪ ♪
13:58 - There'd been a ton of performers who hit the stage,
14:01 sing a medley of their songs, and never move,
14:03 never say anything, don't do anything,
14:04 don't give you much of a show.
14:05 Michael Jackson, from the very first time,
14:08 was choreographed and ready to let you see something
14:11 as well as listen and enjoy.
14:13 ♪ ♪
14:18 - It was Michael-mania.
14:20 It was Billie Jean that did it.
14:21 That was the first time we had seen Michael dance.
14:24 Seeing Michael, not as the Jackson 5,
14:26 but Michael as Michael Jackson, dance.
14:28 Oh, my gosh. It was electrifying.
14:31 ♪ ♪
14:34 - It was really all about Michael's dance steps.
14:37 We always knew he could sing.
14:39 [cheers and applause]
14:41 - That woo-woo, that's what got me.
14:43 That's what got everybody.
14:45 It was bananas.
14:46 That's when, if you weren't a Michael fan,
14:49 you became a Michael fan.
14:51 - He's unbelievable.
14:52 The video, he just was going for it, you know.
14:55 He killed it completely.
14:57 Each little tile lit up.
15:00 Incredible.
15:02 ♪ ♪
15:07 - Whether if you was a guy or a girl, you know,
15:11 you was caught up in the Michael Jackson frenzy.
15:14 Period.
15:15 - If you could get a dollar for everybody at that moment
15:18 in the world that was watching that,
15:20 you'd be a kajillionaire.
15:22 ♪ ♪
15:24 - It was so honest.
15:25 I think that was the first time I realized
15:27 how much emotion could go into music.
15:31 - At one time, I heard that Billie Jean was about
15:34 a girl that sued Michael for being the father
15:36 of one of her twins.
15:38 How'd you figure that out?
15:40 ♪ ♪
15:42 - That song is incredible.
15:44 I wish and aspire to make something like that one day.
15:49 [cheers and applause]
15:52 - The producer's main job is to find the right tunes.
16:00 We went through almost 800 songs.
16:02 After we go through all of his 800 songs
16:06 and pare it down,
16:07 then go back through the 10 songs or whatever they are
16:11 and take out what you consider the four weakest
16:15 and try to replace that with the four stronger
16:18 than anything else in the album.
16:20 And it does amazing things to a record, you know.
16:23 It turns the axis around.
16:25 And so we took out some songs, some good songs,
16:28 but we replaced it with "Lady of My Life,"
16:32 with "P.Y.T.",
16:34 with "Human Nature,"
16:36 and "Beat It."
16:37 ♪ ♪
16:44 [cheers and applause]
16:47 ♪ ♪
16:54 [cheers and applause]
16:57 ♪ ♪
17:04 ♪ ♪
17:11 ♪ ♪
17:17 - The red jacket in "Beat It,"
17:19 I don't think you could walk down the street
17:21 and see, like, a kid that didn't have that jacket.
17:23 I mean, I had a leather red jacket.
17:25 - I had one of the jackets.
17:27 Everyone had the jacket.
17:29 - ♪ You better, you better do it ♪
17:31 - I was in the hood, you know what I'm saying?
17:33 No matter how hardcore it was,
17:35 I seen cats with the red zipper jacket.
17:38 - ♪ Can't stop the feeling ♪
17:40 ♪ But you're gonna be there ♪
17:42 ♪ Now, beat it, beat it, beat it ♪
17:45 ♪ You better know I want to beat it, beat it ♪
17:49 ♪ Sure I'm fighting strong ♪
17:51 ♪ Just like it doesn't matter who's in the back ♪
17:55 - "Beat It" was like the tough guy song,
17:57 but it was still hot.
17:58 You know, he had, like, the pretty, dope voice,
18:00 but at the same time, it was sort of hard,
18:02 aggressive lyrics.
18:03 The contrast was cool.
18:05 - ♪ You better be what you can ♪
18:07 ♪ You wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man ♪
18:10 ♪ You wanna feel your life, better do it ♪
18:13 ♪ Can't stop the feeling ♪
18:15 ♪ Just beat it ♪
18:17 ♪ You have to show them that you're really not scared ♪
18:20 ♪ You're playing with your life, this ain't no truth of care ♪
18:24 ♪ They'll get you if they beat you ♪
18:26 ♪ They'll tie you into fear ♪
18:28 ♪ So beat it ♪
18:29 ♪ You wanna be a man, just beat it ♪
18:34 ♪ You better know I want to beat it, beat it ♪
18:38 ♪ Sure I'm fighting strong ♪
18:40 ♪ Just like it doesn't matter who's in the back ♪
18:44 ♪ Just beat it, beat it, beat it ♪
18:47 ♪ Beat it, beat it, beat it ♪
18:50 - For me, as a guitar player, I'd have to say "Beat It"
18:55 was definitely the best Michael Jackson joint for me.
18:59 The energy on the joint, the video, the guitar solo.
19:04 - Getting Eddie Van Halen to play the solo, I called him up.
19:10 He called me up two times, he didn't believe it was me.
19:13 Called his office to tell him, "Will you tell this to Eddie Van Halen
19:17 "to get him for a record date here?"
19:19 And we laughed about it afterwards.
19:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:32 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:47 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:52 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:17 - Are you alright?
20:19 - Get away!
20:21 (screaming)
20:23 - I don't think there was an MTV World Premiere format
20:27 prior to Michael Jackson.
20:28 And certainly if there had been a video that was world premiere,
20:31 the impact meant very little, if nothing,
20:33 because at that time there were no world superstars
20:36 like Michael Jackson.
20:38 - A year and a half into the record,
20:41 after it was released,
20:42 they put "Thriller" out, which was a 14-minute video.
20:45 Nobody had ever seen anything like that.
20:47 That was almost treated like a feature film.
20:50 - Me and my girlfriends, we cut school to see "Thriller."
20:53 Everybody was cut to school that day
20:55 because it was on world premiere at like 12 noon on MTV.
20:59 It was that important.
21:00 - It was always an event to watch a Michael Jackson video.
21:02 I remember taping it, coming home from school with my friends,
21:05 and we'd gather around the TV
21:07 in a way that we had never done before.
21:09 It was an event coming off that TV.
21:11 It wasn't just like watching an episode of "Happy Days"
21:14 that was on, and you'd kind of just watch it.
21:16 It was a Michael Jackson video,
21:18 and it was something that we had to see.
21:20 - Nobody had ever seen a long video like that.
21:23 I remember the night we were in the street
21:26 with 10 cameras, you know,
21:27 that's the stuff that I've never seen used before.
21:30 - ♪ 'Cause this is thriller ♪
21:33 ♪ Thriller night ♪
21:34 ♪ And no one's gonna say ♪
21:36 ♪ That probably is about to strike ♪
21:38 - He raised the bar so high
21:40 that I think even to this day, nobody's gotten close.
21:44 - Because Michael really wrote the book
21:46 when it came to the definition of what the video was about,
21:49 'cause most of the videos I see now with superstars
21:51 are the same things, with the line dance behind them,
21:54 it's exactly the same thing.
21:55 - No matter how expensive the videos get these days,
21:59 it still ain't-- it still ain't mine.
22:02 - It's ridiculous to try to follow a record like "Thriller."
22:07 I mean, and you cannot think of that.
22:09 You really can't, you know.
22:10 Psychologically, it can paralyze you,
22:13 especially when you're dealing with those kind of numbers,
22:15 you know, 50-plus million records, you know, you can't--
22:19 your mind, you can't wrap your mind around things like that.
22:23 And I think it's destructive to try to do it, you know.
22:25 You just make some music that makes something
22:27 that you feel has its own personality
22:31 and that you can feel and believe in,
22:33 'cause if you don't get the goose bumps,
22:35 how the hell do you expect anybody else
22:37 to get the goose bumps?
22:39 - He was always a trendsetter.
22:41 Everybody had a Michael Jackson jacket with the zippers,
22:44 so I guess he said, "You know what,
22:45 "I'm gonna put the zippers down, let me switch it up on y'all
22:48 "and give y'all some belt buckles."
22:51 [upbeat music]
22:55 Michael knew how to make you believe, like,
22:58 "Look, just because I talk soft, I will mess you up.
23:02 "It will get ugly. I can fight now."
23:04 [upbeat music]
23:08 - One of the things about Michael Jackson
23:10 is dismissing all of the talent.
23:12 The way he looked was the key.
23:14 If he wore a black leather jacket
23:16 with buckles all over it or sequins, suitors on,
23:18 the next week, it would be all over the place.
23:20 I mean, he was a style leader.
23:22 [upbeat music]
23:24 - That was the first time Michael grabbed his crotch.
23:28 Mike was loose by that time.
23:30 He was like, "I can do whatever."
23:32 [upbeat music]
23:38 [music continues]
23:44 [music continues]
23:52 [music continues]
24:02 - I've never seen a more diligent worker than him.
24:05 And on every tune, he'd do full-out dance.
24:09 Dance twists, turns, all those--
24:11 everything he does on stage.
24:12 While he records, he does all that stuff.
24:14 [music continues]
24:24 [music continues]
24:34 [music continues]
24:42 [music continues]
24:52 [music continues]
25:02 [music continues]
25:12 [music continues]
25:22 [music continues]
25:32 [music continues]
25:42 [music continues]
25:52 [music continues]
26:02 [music continues]
26:12 [music continues]
26:20 - Throughout every decade of our lives,
26:22 he's been, you know, the talk.
26:24 - Michael changed every time.
26:26 He went from the little boy, the teen idol,
26:28 to a mature performer,
26:30 to every outfit was new,
26:32 everything he ever touched was different.
26:34 - Musically, artistically,
26:37 just image-wise,
26:39 there are no boundaries.
26:41 [music continues]
26:53 - If you want to study music as a whole,
26:59 you get Michael Jackson.
27:01 - We call it, like, the musician's bible,
27:03 and Michael Jackson is one of those guys
27:06 that you always look back to sometime.
27:08 You find yourself playing CDs,
27:10 like, going back and listening to, like,
27:13 "Yo, what frame of mind was this jam right here?
27:16 How do you get these vocals like this?"
27:18 You know?
27:19 [music continues]
27:29 - I always wanted to know what he was talking about
27:31 and who he was talking about in that record.
27:33 That was my main thing.
27:34 Who is Michael Jackson talking about?
27:36 - I was wondering whether he meant Diana Ross,
27:38 not like everybody else, you know?
27:40 It was like a--almost like a little rock 'n' roll anthem,
27:43 really, a groupie thing.
27:45 - He takes those lyrics
27:48 and he holds inside of them in such a way
27:51 that if you are a vocalist,
27:54 you study Michael Jackson.
27:56 It's mandatory.
27:58 [music continues]
28:02 - When you get a song as personal
28:04 as Dirty Diana and Billie Jean,
28:06 one of these songs, you can't mess with that
28:08 because it's really--you can feel it's something
28:10 that's from a very deep place in his life.
28:13 [music continues]
28:36 - Michael had took it to the edge.
28:38 Michael just ripped his shirt open.
28:40 And I think that he knew
28:43 that the girls was always flipping over.
28:45 [music continues]
28:54 He really got buck wild on Dirty Diana.
28:57 [music continues]
28:59 - I love when he is ad-libbing at the end
29:02 and he gets this whole grunt
29:04 and he's like, "Come on!"
29:07 [music continues]
29:19 [music continues]
29:25 - He took entertainment to another level.
29:27 - He's a man that sets the pace.
29:30 Raises the bar.
29:32 - He'd set the standard at such a rate
29:34 that even today, you rarely see a video
29:36 that has surpassed the thought process
29:39 that he had the wherewithal to do,
29:41 you know, back even then.
29:43 - I remember vividly the day he had this mini-movie
29:46 he wanted to show and introduce it.
29:48 We were going to be so honored
29:50 to introduce it on American Bandstand.
29:52 I don't think I used the word "music video"
29:54 because we didn't have that such a thing.
29:56 He said, "You want to show a little tiny movie
29:58 of you singing a song for three or four minutes on Bandstand?"
30:01 I said, "Yes." And with his enthusiasm,
30:03 he convinced me we should do it.
30:05 And it was full of all these magnificent effects.
30:07 It was captivating.
30:09 - Even to today's day, that's the man to be, still.
30:11 And even when we understood what "celebrity" meant,
30:14 we didn't know that there would be a Michael.
30:17 [music continues]
30:23 No one's ever really done it like Michael.
30:25 - We had icons like Elvis Presley,
30:29 the Beatles.
30:32 Michael had a profound impact.
30:35 And the good thing about Michael is that he's a humanitarian.
30:39 All of that, and then he did a lot for people all over the world.
30:43 And he showed a lot of love.
30:45 Very sensitive young man.
30:47 So he took it to the ionosphere.
30:50 [laughs]
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31:47 - Smooth Criminal is magnificent.
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31:56 - I think that video definitely sold that song.
31:59 You know, it was a great song, but that video was...
32:02 That was it. That lead.
32:05 The way he moved, the way the song was...
32:08 The dancing.
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32:27 - He comes alive when he goes on stage.
32:30 He's like... Like he's possessed.
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32:34 - Like his gestures, his body language tells a story.
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34:39 - Michael had done so many videos, but they were always an event.
34:43 Like, everybody always used to run to the TV, "Michael video coming on."
34:46 And that was one of the videos that I remember having to get to the TV to see.
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