• 2 years ago
Ghost Rider 2 (2011) Thriller movie explained in Hindi Urdu. The American Fantasy Thriller film “Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance” story summarized with a full ending in explanation. The plot is about Johnny Blaze who's going to ride again. Johnny is very upset about this curse. For many years now, he wouldn't have become a Ghost Rider. He has a good chance that he can take his revenge and be forever free from this power. But for all these things, it is necessary to protect the Son of the Devil by taking him to a specific place. A man is shown as the film begins, asking about a kid, going to a place. He's asking a standing man out there, has that kid reached here? That man says to him, that kid is not safe here, because the devil is pursuing him, too. There's only one place where the devil can't capture him, and that's an ancient fort. Let’s Ride again! Please Like, Share and Subscribe.

Images and footage Source: Columbia Pictures and Marvel Entertainment
Director: Neveldine/Taylor
Producer: Avi Arad and Steven Paul
Writer: Scott M. Gimple and Roy Thomas

Disclaimer: Any footage in this video has only been used to communicate a message (understandable) to the audience. According to my knowledge, it’s a fair use under reviews and commentary section. We don't plan to violate anyone's right. Thanks.
