La France paralysée réagit à la suspension de livraison d'uranium par le Niger.

  • last year
Cette décision soulève des questions importantes sur l'impact de l'exploitation minière sur les communautés locales et l'environnement, ainsi que sur la dépendance de la France à l'égard de l'uranium étranger pour sa production d'électricité. Le Niger représente environ 70% des exportations du pays, et l'arrêt des exportations vers la France pourrait avoir un impact significatif sur l'économie du pays. L'impact environnemental de l'exploitation minière au Niger est également une préoccupation croissante, et les communautés locales s'opposent de plus en plus à l'exploitation minière. Les entreprises étrangères qui exploitent les ressources naturelles du Niger sont également soumises à des exigences en matière de responsabilité sociale et environnementale.
#Niger #France #uranium #or #exportation #énergie #politique #rebelles #militaires #président #couvre_feu #économie #environnement #responsabilité #sociale #communautés #entreprises #exploitationminière #UnionEuropéenne #électricité #frt
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00:00 [music]
00:09 While the new Niger authorities have announced the ban
00:12 on all gold and uranium exports to France,
00:15 Paris reacted by saying that this decision
00:17 would have no impact on the energy sector in France.
00:20 An announcement that raised a lot of questions
00:23 about the implications of this decision.
00:25 Niger, the 7th largest producer of uranium in the world,
00:29 is a strategic country in the production of uranium
00:32 used in French nuclear power plants.
00:34 According to French media,
00:36 Niger provides 15% to 17% of the uranium
00:39 used by nuclear power plants in France.
00:42 The decision of the new Nigerian authorities
00:44 to ban the export of uranium and gold
00:46 has therefore aroused concerns
00:48 about the supply of energy to France.
00:51 However, the French Diplomacy Press Service
00:54 has indicated that no French company
00:56 exploits gold mines in Niger
00:58 and that the uranium supplies in France
01:00 are extremely diversified.
01:02 Niger only represents 4% of the world's uranium production,
01:06 which means that the decision of the new Nigerian authorities
01:09 will not have a major impact
01:11 on the energy supplies in France.
01:13 This decision to ban the export of gold and uranium from Niger
01:17 comes after the military coup in Niger in February 2021
01:20 which overthrew President Elhuma Hamadou Issoufou.
01:23 The new Nigerian authorities
01:25 made this decision to put an end to what they consider
01:28 as unfair exploitation of the country's natural resources
01:31 by foreign companies.
01:33 Local communities have long denounced
01:36 the environmental and social impact
01:38 of mining exploitation in the country.
01:40 They claim that foreign companies
01:42 have taken advantage of political instability
01:44 and widespread corruption to exploit
01:46 the country's natural resources without taking into account
01:48 the long-term consequences for local communities
01:50 and the environment.
01:52 The Nigerian government has therefore decided
01:54 to take measures to reduce the impact
01:56 of mining exploitation on local communities
01:58 and the environment.
02:00 The ban on exporting gold and uranium
02:02 is one of these measures.
02:04 Other measures include the revision of mining contracts
02:06 with foreign companies to ensure
02:08 that local communities benefit
02:10 more from mining exploitation
02:12 and that companies respect environmental standards.
02:15 The Nigerian government's decision
02:17 was saluted by environmental activists
02:19 and civil society organizations
02:21 who have long denounced the negative impact
02:23 of mining exploitation on local communities
02:25 and the environment.
02:27 However, foreign companies
02:29 that exploit Niger's natural resources
02:31 have expressed their concerns
02:33 about the impact of this decision
02:35 on their activities.
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02:43 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
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02:46 (air whooshing)
