Vacances de stars : François Hollande et Julie Gayet, randonnée romantique main dans la main pour le

  • last year
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Vacances de stars : François Hollande et Julie Gayet, randonnée romantique main dans la main pour les amoureux

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00:00 Bali, Florida, Tanzania, and why not the mouth of the Rhône.
00:12 Holidays are starting wonderfully, in France, for François Hollande and Julie Gayet.
00:20 Well-deserved holidays.
00:22 This year again, François Hollande and Julie Gayet did not fly to the other side of the
00:27 world to take advantage of a little rest.
00:32 So is France that they chose, for the time, to breathe a big bowl of fresh air.
00:39 As our former President of the Republic explained on social networks, on Sunday,
00:46 July 30, 2023, he is currently present, with his wife, around the Zola dam, located
00:52 near the town of Toulon, in the gorges of the Inferno.
00:57 To prove it, he published a lovely photograph on which we see them, in the middle of the
01:04 hike, hand in hand.
01:06 It is not for nothing, moreover, that lovers went to the mouths of the Rhône.
01:15 A few hours ago, François Hollande and Julie Gayet actually attended the musical
01:22 de la Route Cézanne, in this same commune and in Aix-en-Provence.
01:27 They were able to take advantage of a very eclectic schedule, going from "Mon Amant"
01:33 de Saint-Jean to "Petit Prince".
01:36 They will definitely go around the country in this summer season.
01:41 A few weeks earlier, it was in Charente-Maritime that the Tourteaux were found, more precisely
01:50 in the city of Rochefort.
01:53 And for good reason.
01:56 Julie Gayet organized, from June 27 to July 1, 2023, the Festival Sœur Jumelle of which
02:02 she is the founder, making sure that music and image meet in the most beautiful
02:07 of ways.
02:08 The summer holidays of 2023 are centered on culture and the art of living, this year,
02:16 for François Hollande and Julie Gayet.
02:20 The couple had, after all, a lot of need to breathe.
02:24 The year that has just passed has been tumultuous.
02:29 Realistically speaking, in any case.
02:32 In June, lovers left their residence located near the Montsouris Park, in the 14th
02:38 arrondissement of Paris, because of noise pollution and had to settle for a while
02:42 in a piece of furniture and the rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, two steps from the Palace of
02:46 Paris, while waiting for the end of work to take place in their lodging.
02:49 The advantage, if they know the neighborhood rather well.
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