Ehsaas Telethon - Muharram Appeal - 31st July 2023 - Part 3 - ARY Qtv

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Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal

Fund raising from international community.

$185 for Hand Pump
$65 for Ration Pack

For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786

Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021

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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00 Ila Allah
00:05 After this break, we would like to have a quick discussion with you.
00:12 The projects that have been guided to you in the Muharram Appeal 2023
00:17 are easily provided.
00:19 The Ishaq Foundation shares a package with you
00:21 that this is how you can come forward and help the Muslims
00:26 who are suffering from hunger, who are suffering from thirst,
00:29 who are shelterless and there is a need to provide them water,
00:33 there is a need to provide them food,
00:35 there is a need to install hand pumps in such areas
00:38 where there is a dire need of water.
00:40 People are compelled to have dirty and impure water
00:44 and they have to suffer from so many diseases as well.
00:48 So that's why this is the time for the people who are blessed with wealth,
00:51 they should come forward and start helping such humanity,
00:55 start helping, strengthening the hands of the Ishaq Foundation
00:59 so that we could provide facilities to those people
01:03 who are suffering from hunger, who are suffering from thirst.
01:06 So in order to send a monthly ration pack to a suffering needy family,
01:11 you are supposed to pay 65 US dollars.
01:14 If you want to serve something on the Dasht-e-Khan food kitchen
01:17 of the Ishaq Foundation, you are supposed to pay 35 US dollars.
01:21 If you want to install a small hand pump in such an area
01:25 where there is a dire need of water,
01:27 you are supposed to pay 185 US dollars.
01:30 If you want to send a gift to any Saadat family,
01:34 you are supposed to pay 121 US dollars.
01:37 If you want to build a mosque, the house of Allah Almighty,
01:41 where Muslims can offer their prayers,
01:44 where they can recite the Holy Quran,
01:46 you are supposed to pay 9,500 US dollars
01:49 on account of building a small mosque in such an area
01:54 where there is a dire need of mosques.
01:55 People are supposed to go here and there
01:59 and they have to fill the distance that consists of miles.
02:05 So please come forward.
02:07 You can also visualize, you can see on the side screen of your television screen
02:13 that Alhamdulillah, because the people who are watching us right now,
02:17 the donors of Ishaq Foundation have done well,
02:22 have contributed well and because of those donations,
02:25 we have made it possible that there are so many areas
02:29 where we have already built some mosques,
02:31 where we have already organized ration bags distribution,
02:36 where we have already installed so many small hand pumps.
02:40 So in order to help out the humanity,
02:42 in order to help the suffering people,
02:44 you are supposed to come forward and start helping such needy and suffering people.
02:48 And a package has been announced thrice or four times in this program.
02:52 24 by 7 we are open, we are waiting here to welcome you very warmly.
02:58 You can come, you can donate yourself, you can motivate others,
03:02 you can ask your friends, you can ask your brothers and sisters
03:05 who are wealthy enough and can do something for this noble cause.
03:09 You have to motivate them, you have to convey the same message to them
03:13 because this is the cause that is there to seek the pleasure of Allah Almighty,
03:20 to make our Akhira beneficial for us.
03:23 And let me remind you one of the great Hadith of Holy Prophet (pbuh)
03:28 "The best people are those people who are beneficial for others,
03:36 who benefit others".
03:38 So they are the people who are considered as best people
03:41 in the eyes of Rasulullah (pbuh).
03:45 And since my Holy Prophet (pbuh) said someone is the best,
03:51 it means yes, he is also the best in the eyes of Allah Almighty.
03:55 And he is the person who is going to be blessed on the day of resurrection,
04:00 who is going to get the pleasure of Allah Almighty on the day of judgement.
04:04 So that's why this appeal is made to you and these projects are worked on
04:09 and this is why we call, because being a Muslim, this is obliged,
04:15 that being Muslims, being wealthy Muslims, this is our duty,
04:19 this is our ethical, moral, religious duty to come forward
04:23 and start helping such needy and suffering people
04:26 who are somehow making their survival possible
04:29 because of lackness of necessities,
04:32 because of no availability of water and food.
04:36 So please come forward and start helping as much as possible.
04:41 Allah Almighty grants the ability to those people
04:44 who have the wealth of Allah Almighty
04:47 and then they spend it on the people of Allah for the sake of Allah.
04:52 Ask them how Allah Almighty makes the work of the people of Allah easy.
04:58 It is like you are dealing with the people of the earth,
05:02 the people of the sky will deal with you.
05:05 When we start making the work of the people of Allah easy,
05:10 then our destination becomes easy for us.
05:15 It is like your destination will be in search of you,
05:20 remove the stone from the path of the people of Allah.
05:23 The people who remove the stone from the path of Allah,
05:27 Allah knows how He makes the path of success for them.
05:32 So we give you motivation and we are sitting here to convey you this opportunity
05:38 that this is the time, this is the life that Allah has given you,
05:41 a four-day life in which you can work for the people of Allah
05:45 and enjoy the life of this mortal world.
05:48 I would like to share this with you with all my heart
05:53 that if we are not able to live, if we are restless,
05:57 if we cannot see the thirst of the people,
05:59 then we should somehow manage and whatever abilities Allah Almighty has given us,
06:05 whatever abilities we have, whatever affordability we have,
06:09 whatever feasibility we have,
06:10 we try our best to make the thirsty drink water,
06:15 to feed the hungry,
06:17 to make the needy wear clothes.
06:20 So, believe me, then this voice comes from the heart
06:23 that InshaAllah, the Prophet (pbuh)
06:26 who gave us this motivation with his examples
06:29 that we are in his care,
06:30 then if we do this work,
06:32 then tomorrow on the Day of Judgment,
06:33 when we will go to the Ka'asa,
06:35 those people are worthy of being congratulated
06:38 in the presence of the Prophet (pbuh).
06:40 It is a call from the heart for them that the one who went to do this work in this world,
06:44 my dear Prophet (pbuh)
06:47 will definitely give him a place in his feet that day.
06:50 He will definitely make him walk with his Ka'asa.
06:53 And the light that motivates us from the Qur'an
06:56 is a seal on the words of Allah and his Messenger.
06:59 When it was said that if you have made the hungry to eat,
07:04 then tomorrow on the Day of Judgment,
07:07 when there will be a world of hunger and thirst,
07:09 that what are the promises that the scholars tell us from the Qur'an and Hadith,
07:13 then this is the person who was going to feed the hungry in this world,
07:16 tomorrow on the Day of Judgment, Allah will feed him the fruits of Paradise.
07:21 If today we are going to make the thirsty drink water,
07:24 then tomorrow on the Day of Judgment, Allah will give us the drink of Tahrir.
07:29 If today we are going to give clothes to people,
07:32 we are going to give them clothes,
07:34 then tomorrow Allah will give us the green clothes of Paradise.
07:38 This is not my saying,
07:39 this is not the saying of any scholar,
07:41 but it is the saying of Allah and his beloved Prophet (pbuh).
07:44 So may Allah enable us to act
07:47 and may we become the most servants of Allah's creation.
07:50 I will once again include Sir in the conversation.
07:53 Sir, you spoke beautifully about the people of the Ba'ait-e-Athaar.
07:58 After that, you spoke about your personal experiences,
08:00 the difficulties faced by the people.
08:02 Sir, I would like you to address that group as well.
08:05 There is a group of people in our country
08:07 who are apparently blessed with a lot of wealth and wealth.
08:11 But after hearing all these things,
08:13 after hearing all these good tidings,
08:15 and after not giving, not spending in the way of Allah,
08:18 even after hearing all the promises,
08:20 their hearts are not inclined to help.
08:22 That is, they do not come to the fore when they spend in the way of Allah.
08:25 What is the reason for this?
08:26 How can this be justified?
08:28 And how can such people be motivated?
08:31 Look, the first thing is, "Wa ma taufiqi illa billah",
08:33 "Whom Allah grants success".
08:35 The thing is that Iqbal said,
08:37 "Ki Muhammad se wafa, tune to hum tere hain".
08:40 Wow!
08:41 "Yi jahan cheed hain, kya lau hu kalam tere hain".
08:43 No doubt.
08:45 Allah the Almighty sent his beloved as a mercy for the worlds,
08:49 as a benefactor of humanity.
08:51 No doubt.
08:52 The way the Messenger of Allah felt the pain and suffering of humanity,
08:59 if even a small part of it,
09:02 even a small ray of the sun's light,
09:05 falls in our hearts,
09:08 then we who are stuck in the problems of the world,
09:11 so the thing about "Lau hu kalam" means that Allah the Almighty,
09:14 the fate of the fate that you have written,
09:16 will change that too.
09:18 The fate that is written will change that too.
09:21 The prayer changes the fate.
09:23 You should come to the service of Allah the Almighty's servants.
09:27 Your problems and worries will all be over.
09:30 People say, "I have a lot of wealth, a lot of money,
09:33 I can't sleep, I am using tablets.
09:36 It is very difficult, I am going to the doctors, I am sleepless.
09:39 Is it a disease of insomnia?"
09:41 Everything will be over.
09:43 Help people,
09:44 help people,
09:45 help people, even if it is a little difficult,
09:47 help them, if you can't sleep, then say it.
09:49 Allah!
09:50 You will get peace, you will get peace.
09:52 You are sleepless only because you have the love of wealth in your heart.
09:56 The love of wealth, Allah the Almighty tests you with wealth and children.
10:01 This is your test.
10:03 You will do for the world, I am sure that person sleeps in extreme peace,
10:08 the one who comes to the service of Allah's servants,
10:10 and he puts a lot of wealth.
10:11 There are many examples in this world, you see,
10:14 that those people who had a lot of wealth,
10:16 what happened suddenly?
10:17 Either they were deprived,
10:18 or they were deprived.
10:19 There is a person, a non-Muslim,
10:21 I am a servant of Allah, I will give an example of him.
10:24 He got a lot of wealth,
10:26 and he became paralyzed with wealth.
10:28 He said, my doctors said, "You have very little time."
10:31 He said, "Okay."
10:32 Then he started a foundation, started helping,
10:35 all the diseases were gone.
10:37 When Allah the Almighty can be so merciful to those people,
10:41 who are not on the path of truth,
10:45 then you are on the path of truth.
10:47 You should understand that Allah the Almighty wants to give you respect,
10:51 but He is looking for excuses to give.
10:53 You have become the one who takes.
10:54 If you put your hand towards the world,
10:56 then the world will come into your hands,
10:58 and the world is nothing but deception.
11:00 Whatever you see in this world is deception.
11:03 If you want true happiness,
11:04 peace, tranquility, and good sleep,
11:07 then you should come to the service of Allah's servants.
11:10 You should believe that all your problems and troubles will be solved.
11:15 The people who are generous,
11:16 you see, those families are very content.
11:19 There is no fight or quarrel.
11:21 And those whose hearts are hardened,
11:23 then there are fights and quarrels in their homes for that wealth.
11:28 You have a strong will,
11:30 this child must be fighting for your wealth.
11:32 You put this passion in this child's heart
11:35 that he should spend the money in the way of Allah.
11:37 You have everything,
11:38 Allah will give you a place to live.
11:40 He will give you peace and tranquility.
11:42 Just think about it.
11:44 You don't think about it.
11:45 As long as we are crazy about this materialism and money,
11:49 this money is the same.
11:51 The hadith of the Messenger of Allah is blessed
11:53 that if you give a mountain of gold,
11:56 then the other person's lust will never end.
11:59 To end this,
12:00 you should feel the pain of others in your heart.
12:08 The day your heart learns to beat,
12:10 see, the heart beats twice as fast,
12:13 then the martyrs of Karbala are 72.
12:15 Wow, 72 souls of the Holy People.
12:18 So if you have mixed the beat of your heart
12:21 with the troubles and worries of Allah's people,
12:26 then your troubles and worries will end.
12:28 Otherwise, you can sit with a lot of wealth,
12:30 live in peace,
12:31 take sleeping pills,
12:33 fight with your family,
12:35 fight with the people around you,
12:37 and when you leave, people will say that
12:39 "he was such a miser, he didn't give anything."
12:42 People raise their hands for kindness.
12:45 For prayer.
12:47 He will not get into any trouble.
12:49 Allah removes him from every difficulty very easily.
12:52 And you should not be generous.
12:54 Keep studying in difficulties,
12:56 keep studying in problems,
12:57 do anything, put guards, do everything.
13:00 Do everything and see.
13:02 Your account will be full,
13:04 but your account of peace and contentment will be empty.
13:08 Allah is the greatest.
13:09 The viewers said that the account of peace and contentment will be empty.
13:14 So, you have wealth and money,
13:17 but you also know that this is not everything.
13:20 Sir has also said a very beautiful thing,
13:23 that there are many areas of life
13:26 where wealth is not enough.
13:28 The best thing that I found in this conversation
13:31 is that such houses, which are generous houses,
13:34 such houses from where people are distributed,
13:37 such houses, which are ready to spend in the way of Allah,
13:41 where every child is ready to spend,
13:44 such houses have a different level of love and blessings.
13:48 Aisaaz Foundation provides you with this opportunity.
13:51 You can see it in the footage.
13:53 The construction of these mosques is giving you this message
13:57 that Alhamdulillah, the institution you belong to,
14:01 the institution you join,
14:04 the Aisaaz Foundation with which you associate
14:07 and present your love and respect to Allah,
14:11 your sacrifices, your donations, your charities,
14:15 how they are provided to people,
14:18 how they are served to people,
14:20 the distribution of ration bags,
14:22 how organized the system is, Alhamdulillah,
14:25 it is not easy to distribute in such an organized way,
14:30 but it is Allah's grace that our team is very organized,
14:34 and it is a very hardworking team.
14:35 Our volunteers, volunteers of the Aisaaz Foundation,
14:39 the spirit of serving Allah, the creator,
14:43 which is in their hearts,
14:45 they are seen in the first row, in this service, in this charity.
14:48 In a very organized way, the distribution of ration is also done.
14:52 It is properly investigated in those houses,
14:55 where there are really such houses,
14:58 where people spend many days,
15:00 and they do not have food to eat,
15:04 and along with this, the construction of mosques,
15:07 a great means of charity,
15:09 today you are there, tomorrow you are not.
15:11 Great Salatins, who ruled over many parts of the world,
15:16 today their grave is in the Thikana,
15:19 and their resting place,
15:20 I don't know if they are restless or peaceful there,
15:23 surely their actions decide this,
15:27 this eye is open, this heart is beating,
15:29 and we are living our life.
15:31 As long as this is life, this is the heartbeat, this is the breath,
15:34 every next breath, every next heartbeat,
15:37 brings an opportunity,
15:39 to spend this life in making lives,
15:43 so that your end is on the right track.
15:44 Otherwise, believe me,
15:46 the Salatins who ruled the world,
15:49 are lying in dark graves, no one is going to ask them.
15:52 And those who left this world, serving Allah's creation,
15:57 those who left this world, serving people,
15:59 those who were always trying to solve people's problems,
16:03 today they are not in this world,
16:04 but still, their names are mentioned on our lips and tongue.
16:08 This is proof of the fact,
16:11 that if we, serving Allah's creation,
16:14 solving Allah's creation's problems,
16:17 if we leave this world, illuminating the extinguished lamps,
16:21 even if we leave, we are remembered in this world.
16:25 People, in their tongues, in their tazkirs,
16:28 in their writings,
16:30 they remember such people, such people, such servants of Allah,
16:35 who have lived their lives with a purpose.
16:38 The philosophy we talked about in Karbala,
16:40 also gives us this message,
16:42 that there is a purpose of life,
16:44 there is a principle, which you set,
16:46 that I will live my life on this principle,
16:48 I will live my life with this vision.
16:51 Alhamdulillah, a thought of the hereafter,
16:52 reaches you from this platform.
16:54 Assas Foundation, Alhamdulillah,
16:58 with the passion of serving humanity,
17:00 the way it is working on different projects,
17:03 I once again, to all my donors,
17:04 I send my greetings of love,
17:05 I present my love and gratitude,
17:06 the way you express your love,
17:09 the way you people show your affection and love for the people,
17:13 who are suffering from hunger, who are suffering from thirst,
17:16 who are shelterless, who are helpless,
17:19 and they are always there to offer their prayers for you,
17:24 and they always raise their hands in the barga of Allah Almighty for you.
17:29 You must have heard this often,
17:31 I also share this with you with a lot of love,
17:33 that there is a task to make someone pray,
17:35 you must have met people often,
17:37 who pray for us, who pray for us.
17:39 There is a task that you take prayers from people,
17:42 and how do you take prayers from people,
17:44 you must know, when through your donation,
17:47 you fill the stomach of a poor person,
17:50 who has not eaten properly for many days,
17:53 he has been hungry for many days,
17:57 when he fills his stomach and eats,
17:59 the prayers that come out of his heart,
18:01 you must know, no one can pay the price for this,
18:04 it reaches the heaven.
18:06 When a thirsty person, with your donation,
18:08 with your hand pump,
18:10 which you have installed there,
18:12 you have presented your love there,
18:14 when a thirsty person drinks clean water from there,
18:16 the prayers that come out of his heart,
18:18 there is no price for that, that is priceless.
18:21 So this is a platform,
18:23 which we call a golden opportunity,
18:25 people from all over the world, we know,
18:27 how caring people are our brothers and sisters,
18:30 that sitting in the UK, USA, UAE,
18:32 they want us to serve the poor,
18:34 they do not get any platform,
18:35 Alhamdulillah, Al-Asaad Foundation has this honor,
18:38 that with credibility, this institution,
18:40 for years, has been calling you to serve humanity,
18:44 and the way you show your love and cooperation,
18:47 we send you our love and regards.
18:48 I am Mufti Muhammad Athar Mian,
18:50 he is with us,
18:50 I will once again join him in the discussion.
18:52 Mufti Sahib, we spoke about serving humanity,
18:56 we spoke about Ahle Baite Athar,
18:58 I want, for the sake of the Tahdees-e-Nimat,
19:01 because I personally like this Zikr very much,
19:04 our viewers,
19:05 we have realized their nature by hosting the program.
19:09 I want that the childhood qualities of Hasanain Karimain,
19:14 and the way Prophet Kareem (PBUH)
19:17 would raise the pride of his beloved ones,
19:19 and would raise their tantrums,
19:21 and love for them,
19:22 would be seen on them,
19:24 we have some glimpses of that to our viewers.
19:26 Yes, Professor Sahib, you have,
19:28 you have said the essence of the whole program,
19:32 and when these things come,
19:35 I see the love of the Ahle Baite Athar,
19:37 along with the love of the companions.
19:39 Allah!
19:40 How is it?
19:41 In a blessed Hadith, Prophet Kareem (PBUH)
19:43 is standing on the Minbar,
19:46 and is narrating the Qur'an and Hadith.
19:48 He is narrating the glory of Allah,
19:51 and the companions are listening to that narration,
19:54 and Mustafa Kareem suddenly,
19:56 comes down from the Minbar,
19:59 and reaches the gate of the Masjid-e-Nawawi.
20:03 The companions turn and see,
20:04 what happened?
20:05 That today the Messenger of Allah came down from his Minbar,
20:08 what do they see?
20:10 That there is Hazrat Kareem (PBUH)
20:12 at the gate of the Masjid-e-Nawawi.
20:14 Beloved Mustafa (PBUH) lifts him up,
20:17 takes him in his lap,
20:19 and again he appears on the Minbar,
20:21 and on one side he sits Imam Hassan,
20:24 and on the other side he sits Imam Hussain,
20:26 and says,
20:28 "Whoever loves them,
20:30 "it is as if he loves me."
20:32 Allah!
20:33 "And whoever loves me,
20:35 "it is as if he loves Allah."
20:36 Wow!
20:37 "And whoever has enmity towards them,
20:39 "it is as if he has enmity towards me.
20:41 "And whoever has enmity towards me,
20:43 "it is as if he has enmity towards Allah."
20:46 And here, the most important thing,
20:50 look at the glory of the companions,
20:51 that if the companions wanted,
20:53 they could have just narrated this hadith here,
20:55 that the Prophet (PBUH) made them sit,
20:57 and narrated it like this.
20:58 No, they told the whole incident.
21:01 It is as if the scene was removed.
21:03 And why was it removed?
21:04 Because the companions loved Al-Abais as well.
21:08 Allah!
21:08 Allah is the greatest.
21:09 There is a narration that the Prophet (PBUH)
21:12 was going and he saw a child,
21:15 he picked him up in his lap,
21:16 and started loving him.
21:18 The companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah,
21:20 "we have never seen you love a child like this."
21:23 Love and affection are two different things.
21:25 But to pick him up in his lap,
21:27 to hug him, to love him, what is the reason?
21:29 The Messenger of Allah said,
21:31 "He is the one who loves Hussain,
21:34 "and he is the one who loves me."
21:36 The companions believed that Allah is the greatest.
21:39 When the Prophet (PBUH) was offering his prayers,
21:44 and the companions got on the Prophet's back,
21:50 Allah is the greatest,
21:53 the prostration was made so long,
21:55 and so long that the companions were worried
21:57 that a verse was revealed,
22:00 that the long prostration was being made.
22:04 When the Prophet (PBUH) got up and saw,
22:06 "What is the Prophet looking at?"
22:07 The Prophet (PBUH) was looking at the Prophet's back.
22:12 There is another narration,
22:13 the Prophet (PBUH)
22:16 got on the Prophet's back,
22:19 and the companions said, "O Messenger of Allah,
22:20 "how beautiful is the rider."
22:22 The Messenger of Allah said,
22:24 "You are looking at the rider,
22:26 "but look at how beautiful the rider is."
22:28 Allah is the greatest.
22:29 What kind of generation is this?
22:32 The Prophet (PBUH)
22:34 used to lift the companions,
22:35 hug them,
22:36 kiss them and smell them.
22:38 Allah is the greatest.
22:40 We understand kissing,
22:41 but understand smelling.
22:43 We kiss our children,
22:46 our grandchildren, nephews and nieces,
22:48 we kiss them lovingly,
22:50 but why do we smell?
22:51 The Prophet (PBUH) said,
22:54 "These two beautiful women are my two flowers."
22:57 And why do we kiss Imam Hussain?
23:00 Why do we kiss Imam Hussain?
23:03 The reason is that they are the people,
23:06 they are the individuals,
23:07 whose name comes from heaven,
23:09 their clothes come from heaven.
23:11 Wow, wow, wow.
23:12 SubhanAllah.
23:13 And the fragrance comes from heaven.
23:14 Wow, wow. SubhanAllah.
23:16 You can imagine.
23:17 I smell heaven from them.
23:19 Allah is the greatest.
23:20 You can imagine, then why don't you smell?
23:23 And then think,
23:24 that Mustafa Kareem expresses so much love,
23:28 expresses so much love,
23:30 that one day, Hazrat Fatima Duzahra (RA)
23:32 was going out of her house,
23:34 and the sound of Imam Hussain's crying was heard.
23:37 The Prophet of Allah said,
23:39 "Fatima, don't let Hussain cry.
23:42 "Here Hussain cries, and my heart is in pain."
23:45 Allah is the greatest.
23:47 How much love,
23:49 how much love does the Prophet of Allah have for Imam Hussain?
23:52 Whenever a poet said something good,
23:54 he would say,
23:56 "Tell me, is Hussain?"
23:58 "I have always known,
24:00 "that Hussain is the one."
24:02 "From Bashar to Bashir,
24:04 "how many names can I name?"
24:06 "The greatest of the greatest,
24:08 "is Hussain."
24:10 "And the battle was a strange one,
24:12 "Yazid fought Hussain."
24:14 "What greater victory than this,
24:16 "was Yazid."
24:18 "Hussain is."
24:19 "And Hussain could be destroyed."
24:21 Was this a request of Yazid?
24:23 Surely, even today, some Yazidis want
24:25 that the name of Hussain,
24:26 the mention of Hussain, the thought of Hussain,
24:28 the thought of Hussain should be destroyed.
24:29 But, God willing,
24:30 it will continue till the Day of Judgment.
24:34 "It was a request of Yazid."
24:36 "Hussain could be destroyed."
24:37 "It was a request of Yazid."
24:39 "Yazid was destroyed."
24:41 "Yazid was destroyed."
24:42 "But, everywhere,
24:44 "but everywhere,
24:46 "Hussain is."
24:47 Hussain is.
24:47 The atmosphere you have created, Allama Sahib,
24:49 may Allah keep you safe.
24:51 I want this chain to continue,
24:54 and not be cut off.
24:56 I have requested Ali Shabbir,
24:59 that the famous poem of Adeeb Raipuri,
25:01 "Manqabat Darshan-e-Shahda-e-Karbala"
25:04 "Aaya Na Hoga Istaraan"
25:06 "Hussain Shabaab-e-Ret Par"
25:08 "Mulshan-e-Fatima Ke The"
25:10 "Saare Gulab-e-Ret Par"
25:11 In the name of Allah.
25:13 "Aaya Na Hoga"
25:22 "Ret Par"
25:31 "Husn-e-Shabaab-e-Ret Par"
25:39 "Aaya Na Hoga"
25:45 "Istaraan"
25:53 "Husn-e-Shabaab-e-Ret Par"
26:01 "Gulshan-e-Fatima Ke The"
26:13 "Saare Gulab-e-Ret Par"
26:21 "Gulshan-e-Fatima Ke The"
26:32 "Saare Gulab-e-Ret Par"
26:41 "Ishq Mein Kya Lutaee"
26:50 "Ishq Mein Kya Bachae"
26:59 "Ishq Mein Kya Lutaee"
27:08 "Ishq Mein Kya Bachae"
27:15 "Aale Nabi Ne Likh Diya"
27:27 "Saaraan-e-Shabaab-e-Ret Par"
27:35 "Gulshan-e-Fatima Ke The"
27:46 "Saare Gulab-e-Ret Par"
27:55 "Jaane Batool Ke Siwaar"
28:04 "Koi Nahi Khila Sakaar"
28:16 "Jaane Batool Ke Siwaar"
28:22 "Koi Nahi Khila Sakaar"
28:30 "Katrae Aab Ke Baghair"
28:39 "Itne Gulab-e-Ret Par"
28:46 "Katrae Aab Ke Baghair"
28:55 "Itne Gulab-e-Ret Par"
29:04 "Jitne Sawaal-e-Ishq Ne"
29:13 "Aale Rasool Se Kiye"
29:24 "Jitne Sawaal-e-Ishq Ne"
29:31 "Aale Rasool Se Kiye"
29:38 "Ek Se Badke Ek Diya"
29:47 "Sabne Jawab-e-Ret Par"
29:54 "Gulshan-e-Fatima Ke The"
30:05 "Saare Gulab-e-Ret Par"
30:14 "Aale Nabi Ka Kaam Tha"
30:22 "Aale Nabi Hi Kar Gaye"
30:31 "Aale Nabi Ka Kaam Tha"
30:39 "Aale Nabi Hi Kar Gaye"
30:46 "Koi Nahi Likh Sakaar"
30:51 "Aadeeb Aisee Kitab-e-Ret Par"
31:03 "Gulshan-e-Fatima Ke The"
31:13 "Saare Gulab-e-Ret Par"
31:22 Subhanallah.
31:25 "Aaya Na Hoga Istarha"
31:34 "Aale Nabi Ka Kaam Tha"
31:43 May Allah keep you safe.
31:46 Allah is the Greatest.
31:47 Dear viewers, I pray to Allah that
31:51 the Zikr of Ahle Bait-e-Athaar
31:54 will make our hearts soft.
31:57 May we become those who feel.
32:00 The message, the lesson we get from Karbala,
32:05 the incident of Karbala,
32:07 we should feel what thirst is.
32:10 We should not become so hard hearted
32:13 that we are waiting for someone hungry to feed us.
32:17 We can do it with the help of Allah,
32:20 but we should not take any step to help him.
32:24 May Allah keep us safe from this action
32:26 that we can give water to someone who is thirsty
32:30 and we have all the means to give him water
32:34 and we should not take any step to give him water.
32:39 It is not easy to be a Hussaini.
32:42 We claim that we love Ahle Bait-e-Athaar.
32:46 We express our affection and love for them.
32:54 But if you want to become a true Hussaini,
33:00 I will say this again,
33:01 "This is not a song of the spring season,
33:04 "but a spring season of thirst.
33:05 "There is no God but Allah."
33:06 We should not let go of any opportunity to serve humanity.
33:11 This is the real picture of Hussaini.
33:15 When he sees humanity in hardship,
33:17 in pain and in distress,
33:19 he should stand up for it.
33:21 This is the message, this is the lesson,
33:22 this is the message that has been given to me and you.
33:26 Sir, while sitting here and taking advantage of his presence,
33:31 all the incidents that we see in history,
33:34 like Karbala or IS,
33:37 the humanity that will come to the end of time,
33:40 especially those who express their love for the Prophet (pbuh)
33:46 and his family,
33:48 there is no message for them that we have to prove practically
33:52 that we love them.
33:54 See, the fundamental matter is that expressing the belief
34:01 and putting it into practice,
34:04 there is a distance in this.
34:06 If this distance is over,
34:08 then you can assume that blessings will come.
34:11 Certainly, the expression of faith is in our hearts,
34:13 we say and do everything.
34:15 But if you put it into practice,
34:17 there is no fixed amount of practice.
34:20 When you take the first step,
34:23 then you don't know how many distances you cover.
34:26 You, the same thing happened,
34:28 Allah does not see the quantity,
34:31 so you take the first step,
34:33 then when you realize the beauty of that path,
34:37 you will start walking on that path.
34:39 The point is that we talk about everything,
34:43 certainly we do dhikr and askar,
34:45 and I should say this or not,
34:50 that the caravans of the Hujjaj-e-Karam leave from our place,
34:53 everything happens.
34:54 We are certainly one of the very strict followers of Islam.
35:06 But what is the reason?
35:08 When there is a rating in the world,
35:10 why do we get names in obscene and theft?
35:13 The reason is that we read the Holy Quran,
35:17 but we don't practice it.
35:19 We listen to the blessed Hadith,
35:21 we listen to it with faith,
35:23 we kiss the Holy Quran,
35:25 but why don't we practice it?
35:27 The Quran is the path of guidance,
35:29 the Quran is the chemical formula,
35:32 which problem is there, which thing has no solution?
35:36 Everything is there.
35:37 But the point is that we read the Holy Quran and kept it in our hearts.
35:42 We listened to the talks of the scholars,
35:45 and we kept on listening to them,
35:47 and we were very impressed.
35:49 On the way, we forgot the whole message.
35:52 On the way, we looked at our pockets,
35:54 and what to do from where,
35:55 how to work,
35:57 from where to do the business of theft.
35:59 This is the difference.
36:01 Your action,
36:02 "Misqala zarratin khairahin ya raa sharrain ya raa"
36:05 This is the matter.
36:07 If you put even a little bit into action,
36:10 you will get the reward for it.
36:11 But the problem is that we don't become a slave to this thing.
36:16 We are doing everything,
36:18 we are in everything,
36:21 our mosques, in Ramadan Mubarak,
36:23 as Allama has said, they fill up,
36:27 but our hearts are not enlightened.
36:30 Our hearts are not filled with the love of Allah,
36:34 otherwise the mosques will remain full.
36:36 If our hearts are filled with the love of Allah,
36:38 and the love of His Messenger,
36:39 we do prostration,
36:41 if it is a soulless prostration, what is the use?
36:43 Look at the prostration of the last.
36:45 What is there on every prostration of the world?
36:48 The prostrations of the world are certainly making it a prostration.
36:53 So the whole thing is that if your action is soulless,
36:57 then there is nothing.
36:58 To put the soul into action,
37:01 you have to kill that inner devil, that soul.
37:07 Everyone has a problem with taking out money from their pockets.
37:11 But once you get that relief, then what is the matter?
37:15 The side of action is not with us,
37:18 we are all without action, I am without action myself.
37:20 Why should I call myself a big idiot?
37:22 We are all without action.
37:23 We talk about everything, we read,
37:25 we teach children, we give lessons,
37:27 we teach the Hadith, we teach the Prophet (pbuh)
37:33 and we teach, we tell the entire philosophy,
37:36 but we do not even act on that philosophy.
37:40 The burden of action will be heavy,
37:44 it is the burden of action, not just the words.
37:48 If you start talking, then it is not the burden of action.
37:51 The burden of action should be heavy,
37:53 not just the words.
37:54 Everyone talks, it is very easy to talk.
37:57 Go towards action, then you will understand.
38:00 Whatever the audience has said,
38:03 the words and the summary of the conversation that I got,
38:07 that life is made from action,
38:09 heaven and hell,
38:10 this is neither feminine nor feminine in its nature.
38:13 So if we come out of talks and claims,
38:17 if we come to action,
38:19 then this is the only way to make our hereafter.
38:23 Sir also pointed out that the burden of action is the burden of action.
38:29 If you talk, if you claim, if you talk,
38:33 then your action will not be filled with virtues,
38:35 it will be filled with your actions.
38:37 And action is that we come to practice.
38:39 According to the Prophet (pbuh),
38:42 it is necessary that if we want to fulfill the requirement of love,
38:46 if we love the Prophet (pbuh)
38:49 then my beloved Prophet (pbuh) could not tolerate
38:54 that a person is in some kind of distress,
38:57 in some kind of pain, in some kind of trouble.
38:59 Allah has kept such a wonderful,
39:04 unparalleled heart in your chest that the pain of all humanity,
39:08 Allah is great,
39:09 when you stand up at night, you cry so much for the Ummah
39:12 that the beard becomes wet,
39:14 it becomes wet all the time.
39:16 Your blessed feet, your noble feet become swollen.
39:21 And Allah has to send Gabriel again and again
39:24 that O beloved, for them, do not tire yourself so much,
39:29 do not tire yourself so much.
39:32 So when we claim our love from that Prophet (pbuh)
39:37 then remember that when the requirement of real love will be fulfilled,
39:41 that when we will be able to fulfill the bright examples
39:45 that Allah has left for his Ummah,
39:46 we will live our lives in accordance with that.
39:48 The way you presented examples of the service of humanity,
39:52 the way you brought up the companions of the Prophet (pbuh)
39:57 the way you motivated them,
40:00 the people of the House of Athaar, the family of the Prophet (pbuh)
40:02 how much did Mufti Allama Sahib gain from this
40:06 that you see the level of generosity of the family of the Prophet (pbuh)
40:09 that they fast, they are hungry and thirsty all day long,
40:12 they did not eat like me,
40:14 but they drank water and fasted.
40:15 And when the time of Iftaar comes,
40:17 they take everything and give it to the people of Allah.
40:21 So it is not easy to love them
40:24 because the requirements of love are easy to fulfill.
40:28 To fulfill the requirements of love is not for everyone.
40:31 So Allah, by following the example of Shabbir,
40:34 by following their servitude,
40:37 by giving us their examples of light,
40:41 by illuminating our lives with their light,
40:44 may we be able to live this life.
40:46 Mufti Sahib, I want to say that there is little time left.
40:50 So, if you could present the summary of whatever we discussed today
40:57 and also your message,
41:00 because you know 24x7,
41:02 our studio hotlines, our contact numbers,
41:06 they are open, we welcome our viewers and donors.
41:10 So, a motivational message for our viewers,
41:13 that even after this program ends,
41:16 the journey of serving humanity should continue
41:19 and the chain of love should continue.
41:21 Sir, what would you say?
41:22 Professor, we should never forget the thirst of the Karbala field.
41:29 Even today, at any place, there is someone as thirsty as Ali Azgar.
41:37 Even today, someone's son Ali Akbar is dying of thirst.
41:42 There may be a son who is like Auno Muhammad.
41:46 There may be a son who is like Qasim.
41:50 There may be a son who was in a caravan of Imam Hussain,
41:54 who was feeling the intensity of thirst.
41:58 Even today, at this time, there are such people in the world.
42:05 There are people waiting for someone to give them water to quench their thirst.
42:14 They are feeling the thirst that was in the Karbala field.
42:19 It may be that the thirst is quenched,
42:23 but it does not leave this world.
42:27 Today, we think that if we were in the Karbala field,
42:32 we would have used the name of Imam Hussain.
42:36 We would have given water to Ali Azgar.
42:38 We would have given water to Ali Akbar.
42:40 Believe me, that was a test.
42:43 But now, the test is for you.
42:47 The wealth that Allah has given,
42:49 even today, there will be someone like Ali Azgar somewhere.
42:52 Ali Akbar will be somewhere thirsty.
42:55 Auno Muhammad, Qasim, Zainab, and Saqeera will be somewhere thirsty.
43:01 Now, you have to think that your love for the Karbala field,
43:06 for the people of the Bai'at-e-Athar,
43:09 you have to successfully pass this test.
43:15 And if you are not successful in this test,
43:18 then think about the people you claim to love.
43:22 You are giving them water where the rivers are present.
43:26 You are giving them water where the mineral water is present.
43:32 But where the water is not available for the people who drink it.
43:38 If you are not giving them water, then what is the point?
43:41 I always say that you should do something
43:44 that will be rewarded for a long time.
43:47 We use the name of Imam Hussain for one or two days.
43:52 But if we use the name of Imam Hussain for a long time,
43:55 then you will be rewarded for a long time.
44:00 You will be rewarded and Imam Hussain will be rewarded.
44:04 You have said a beautiful thing.
44:05 The food that we are giving, who are we giving it to?
44:10 Usually, when people give food, you should go and ask them,
44:16 "Do you have food in your house?"
44:20 They say, "We have food all the time."
44:24 But those people who do not have food all the time,
44:28 they are still waiting for the food of Imam Hussain.
44:32 Think about it.
44:34 For those for whom the Messenger of Allah has given the command
44:38 that the wealth should be given to them,
44:40 that the poor, widows and orphans should be helped,
44:44 we are moving away from them.
44:47 Maybe my words will have an impact on your heart.
44:51 Even today, my heart is calling out to you,
44:55 that poor, poor person is calling out to you.
44:58 If you are watching this on TV,
45:01 if you are listening to our message,
45:04 and still, if you have a little bit of doubt in your heart,
45:09 that this is true,
45:11 then you have to use this truth in the right way.
45:16 I am not saying that you should give 100 dollars, 200 dollars, 400 dollars.
45:20 If you can give one dollar, give that too.
45:23 Allahu Akbar.
45:24 Because Allah, yes,
45:26 the one who brings one rupee or one good deed,
45:29 I don't say it, the Quran says,
45:31 "Whoever brings a good deed, Allah will give him ten times that."
45:38 Wow, wow, wow. Subhanallah.
45:39 JazakAllah, Mufti Sahib. May Allah keep you safe.
45:42 I thank you very much for coming on the program.
45:45 It was a very fruitful conversation.
45:47 Our viewers received a very motivational message.
45:50 And I thank Uzair Ahmad Madri Sahib,
45:53 JazakAllah, so nice of you.
45:54 It was a pleasure to have a conversation with you.
45:56 The message that has been conveyed from here,
45:59 the feelings that have been conveyed,
46:02 may they be so much effective
46:05 that we can present our love and contribute to this noble cause.
46:09 Ali Shabbir, may Allah keep you safe.
46:12 Mashallah, Mashallah, with the pain and sorrow that you read the words.
46:16 And viewers, before leaving, once again,
46:19 let me remind you, recall you the package
46:22 through which you can help out the humanity.
46:24 Monthly ration pack, for this purpose, you are supposed to pay 65 US dollars.
46:29 If you want to serve something on the Dasar Khan of Ishaq Foundation,
46:33 you are supposed to pay 35 US dollars.
46:35 If you want to install a small hand pump
46:38 to provide clean and pure water to the people who are suffering from thirst,
46:43 you are supposed to pay 185 US dollars.
46:45 If you want to send a gift for Saadat family,
46:48 you are supposed to pay 121 US dollars.
46:50 If you want to build a mosque, the House of Allah, the Masjid,
46:54 you are supposed to pay 9,500 US dollars.
46:58 This is how you can keep yourself connected
47:01 and associated with the Ishaq Foundation.
47:04 24 by 7, we are open to welcome you.
47:07 You can come forward and start helping humanity as much as possible.
47:10 You can share the details, you can see right now on television screens.
47:15 You can see that they could also help and contribute in this great cause.
47:22 They may be your friends, they may be your relatives, they may be your neighbours.
47:25 So this is our collective ethical religious responsibility
47:30 to contribute something, whatever we can,
47:32 by the Tawfiq of Allah Almighty, we have to.
47:36 So with the same message,
47:38 me, my Somair Ahmed, your host, Somair Ahmed,
47:42 I am presenting this exclusive telethon transmission,
47:46 with the beautiful voice of Ali Shabbir,
47:49 in the beautiful voice of Ali Shabbir,
47:51 and the people of the Bait-e-Athaar will be able to hear it.
47:55 And I am also presenting my love to the people of the Bait-e-Athaar,
48:01 and I am also presenting my love to Maula Ali,
48:05 and I am inviting Ali Shabbir to speak,
48:09 and I am taking his leave from you.
48:11 (Recites poem in Arabic)
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48:27 (Recites poem in Arabic)
48:33 (Recites poem in Arabic)
48:38 (Recites poem in Arabic)
48:49 (Recites poem in Arabic)
48:58 (Recites poem in Arabic)
49:03 (Recites poem in Arabic)
49:16 (Recites poem in Arabic)
49:21 (Recites poem in Arabic)
49:45 (Recites poem in Arabic)
49:50 (Recites poem in Arabic)
49:57 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:05 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:13 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:18 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:32 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:41 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:46 (Recites poem in Arabic)
50:53 (Recites poem in Arabic)
51:00 (Recites poem in Arabic)
51:07 (Recites poem in Arabic)
51:12 (Recites poem in Arabic)
51:35 (Recites poem in Arabic)
51:40 (Recites poem in Arabic)
51:53 (Recites poem in Arabic)
52:02 (Recites poem in Arabic)
52:07 (Recites poem in Arabic)
52:17 (Recites poem in Arabic)
52:27 (Recites poem in Arabic)
52:32 (Recites poem in Arabic)
