• last year
00:00 There are some truly beautiful creatures on the planet, with features that have evolved over
00:04 millions of years. Although some animals have become natural works of art, it's often beneath
00:09 the skin where the true masterpieces lie. In today's video, we will take a look at 20 of
00:14 the most amazing animal skeletons in the world. Make sure you stick around until the very end
00:20 of this video, our top 3 picks will completely blow your mind!
00:23 20. The Vampire Bat
00:29 What's most interesting about a vampire bat's skull is that it looks exactly like its namesake,
00:34 a vampire. When you strip away the big flower petal ears and leafy nose of the vampire bat,
00:40 what you are left with is the Hollywood horror legend Nosferatu. With the vampire bat's skull
00:46 lax in size, it makes up for in creepiness. Imagine approaching a cloaked man inside of
00:52 an old castle, and when he turns around, he looks like this.
00:55 19. The Python
00:57 The skeleton of the python is the thing of nightmares. Its jaw splits into two parts
01:06 so that it can easily separate to fit all of its prey into its mouth.
01:10 Not that that's scary enough, each of its teeth are razor sharp and deadly looking. It is believed
01:16 that early man came up with the concept of the devil after seeing pythons and their ability to
01:22 swallow large animals whole. After seeing the large scale of the serpent and the creepiness
01:27 of the skeleton, can you really blame them? 18. The Scorpion
01:31 The scorpion has one of the most compact and sturdy exoskeletal builds in the entire animal
01:40 kingdom. Its thick legs carry its heavy skeletal body, tail, and stinger. Although the organic
01:46 parts of the stinger eventually disappear, the majority of its large stinger tip remains. The
01:51 thick bone links of its tail help its venom travel right to the tip. Ready to slam it down
01:57 onto its prey and inject its deadly poison. 17. The Orangutan
02:01 Scientists believe that monkeys share 98.8% of our DNA. Well, after looking at the skeleton of
02:11 the orangutan, you will certainly believe it. Looking alarmingly similar to our own skeletons,
02:17 apart from the small strangely shaped head, elongated fingers and toes, and arched spine,
02:22 orangutan remains can easily be misidentified as human. The orangutan remains look quite creepy,
02:28 but just wait until you see number 4 on our list. It may just inspire a nightmare or two.
02:33 16. The Dolphin
02:36 The skeleton of the dolphin is so unusual and magnificent, that it looks as if it could belong
02:44 to a prehistoric beast or a mythical creature. This is predominantly down to the lack of bones
02:49 in its tail and fin to make it lighter and more streamlined when traveling through the water.
02:54 Like giraffe, hippopotamus and wildebeest, dolphins evolved from land mammals from the
02:59 Arteodactyl group. This means that they would have evolved in such a way that slowly made
03:05 limb bones disappear over millions of years. You won't be able to see dolphins the same way again,
03:10 after seeing such a bizarre monster like skeleton. If you are finding this video fascinating,
03:15 don't forget to hit the red subscribe button and ring the notification bell. That way,
03:20 you will receive a message every time a new video is uploaded.
03:22 15. The Seahorse
03:25 The skeleton of a seahorse is a truly spectacular thing, boasting an intricate cage of weaved bones
03:33 that curl down into a tail. Although the seahorse's skeleton looks like it would crumble
03:38 into pieces with too much force, in actuality, its bones are extremely versatile. What makes
03:43 the seahorse more fascinating is that they don't have scales. Instead, their thin skin is stretched
03:49 over the bony plates to create an armor against predators. The seahorse once had ribs, but after
03:55 many years of evolution, no longer needs them because of the bony rings running down its body.
04:00 It's clear where its name comes from, having a skull that shares a similar shape to that of a
04:05 horse, only much smaller. 14. The Whitetail Deer
04:12 The whitetail deer is a prime example of a creature whose skeleton looks nothing like the
04:16 animal it came from. Its skull is far more defined and shaped than its regular soft,
04:21 rounded head. Its rib cage is spiked, unlike its saggy belly when alive. One huge notable
04:27 difference is the tiny little tail of the skeleton, compared to the bushy one seen on
04:32 the living counterpart. The most spectacular part of the whitetail skeleton is the antlers
04:36 that curl upward like an unruly tree growing in the middle of a desert.
04:41 Question time, do you think that the whitetail's antlers are classed as bone or something else?
04:47 Leave your answers in the comment section below and we will let you know if you got it right.
04:50 13. The Green Iguana
04:53 The green iguana already looks incredible, with its stunning colors, spiky reptilian spines,
05:03 and the head of what looks like a modern-day dinosaur. In death, the creature carries on
05:08 looking fantastically unusual. It has long, flexible limbs, with sharp claws on the ends,
05:13 which are used for grabbing onto tree branches and digging for food. It also has an incredibly
05:19 long tail that is even longer than its body span, and a ringed rib cage used to protect it from
05:24 falls and predator attacks. It's clear from its bones that the green iguana still shares a lot
05:29 of DNA with its dinosaur ancestors. 12. The Red Fox
05:37 Without knowing it belonged to the red fox, you probably wouldn't be able to guess what creature
05:41 this alien-like skull belongs to. The reason for this is because of its rounded eye sockets and
05:47 its enormous teeth that are usually hidden away within its furry little face. Because of the
05:51 flexibility of the red fox, which is needed to maneuver down small holes and other tight spaces,
05:57 its skeletal spine can still be bent with ease so it can be posed, much like that of a cat.
06:03 If you saw the skeleton of the red fox, would you be able to guess what creature it belonged to?
06:08 Tell us in the comment section below. 11. The Crow
06:11 The skeleton of the crow is most definitely one of the coolest. Not only does it have plenty of
06:21 bones that vary in shape and size, but they also retain the sharp black beak they had in life,
06:26 looking as if it will open up at any minute to call once again. Crows and their bones have had
06:31 a long relationship with the supernatural and folklore for thousands of years, even being used
06:36 in dark rituals. With its haunting skeletal appearance, is it any wonder that it is thought
06:41 to have connections with the afterlife and the unknown? If you think the crow is a beautiful
06:46 and intricate skeleton, just wait until you see our number 2 pick. It really does need to be seen
06:51 to be believed. 10. The Raccoon
06:57 Although raccoons are often seen as pests who enjoy rummaging through the trash,
07:01 their skeletons are actually quite similar to our own, minus the elongated skull of course.
07:07 They have a very similar scapula, pelvis, toes, and fingers, although they are not identical of
07:12 course. What is most interesting about the raccoon is that its skull shape looks nothing like you
07:17 would expect from its triangular looking face in life. This is because the shape is formed by its
07:22 bushy fur that is used to protect it from the elements. Fossils dating back 25 million years
07:28 show that they once belonged to the weasel family before evolving and spreading across the globe.
07:33 9. The School Shark
07:35 The skeleton of the school shark looks almost as terrifying as the animal when it is alive.
07:43 Its spindly ribs protrude from its spine and connect to its fin bones in such a way
07:47 that it looks like an unnatural mess. Its fins and nose look like sharp bone daggers able to
07:53 cut through anything, while its teeth look like a saw made up of small jagged teeth.
07:58 Even without its beady eyes, the thick eye sockets left behind are even more ominous,
08:03 wedged either side of its lumpy forehead. Are you enjoying the video so far?
08:07 Share your support by hitting the subscribe button and ringing the notification bell.
08:11 8. Egyptian Fruit Bat
08:17 The Egyptian fruit bat has one of the most stunning sets of skeletal wings in the world.
08:22 While the wings of birds have evolved in an intricate fashion to allow the creature to take
08:26 flight, nothing compares to those of the Egyptian fruit bat. Not only do the bones stretch out
08:31 incredibly far, but they split into three spines that bend down at its sides. Although these spines
08:37 can be mistaken for the legs of a giant spider, it is in fact where its thinly webbed skin connects
08:42 to make the canopy that allows it to fly. 7. The Hippopotamus
08:47 The hippopotamus is the world's most dangerous creature to humans,
08:53 killing an estimated 500 people per year in Africa. With its gigantic skull, crushing teeth,
08:59 and sharp tusks, it's not hard to see why it's known as a killer. The thick ribs of the hippo
09:04 leave almost no gaps for its internal organs to be punctured by another creature, especially one of
09:09 its own kind. Its other bones look so chunky that it's unbelievable that the animal is able to walk
09:15 and swim, not even taking into consideration their high quantity of fat and muscle. Can you believe
09:21 that the hippopotamus is the deadliest creature in the world? If the answer is yes, then give
09:25 this video a thumbs up! 6. The Bullfrog
09:29 The bullfrog's skeleton looks far flatter than how it looks in life. This is because they often
09:37 puff themselves up when they breathe, croak, and mate. Of course, in death, none of those functions
09:42 are needed, leaving a hollow, light, and simple frame that would have once helped it hop around
09:47 with ease. 5. The Beaver
09:50 Not many people know that beavers are a type of rodent, and by taking a look at its skeleton,
09:58 you can clearly see why. Their bones look extremely similar to those of rats, only having
10:03 a shorter spine and being much larger in size. Also, the top fangs of a rat curl over its bottom
10:09 jaw, while the beaver's two fangs meet perfectly together from both sides. Another major difference
10:15 between the beaver and other smaller creatures is its feet. They have evolved to be webbed and
10:20 fanned to help propel the creature through the water. 4. The Gibbon
10:30 The skeleton of the gibbon looks like it has just walked straight out of a nightmare.
10:34 Not only does its skull look permanently crazed, but its long arms stretch almost the entirety of
10:39 its body, making it resemble the Slender Man, a horror meme that inspired many stories and games.
10:44 Although a gibbon's skeleton is very similar to other apes, apart from the proportion of its arms,
10:50 they are classed as lesser apes. The reason for this is because both genders appear incredibly
10:55 similar, as well as the species not building nests to live in. The gibbons' long arms allow
11:01 them to leap great distances and makes them the fastest and most agile of all tree-dwelling,
11:06 non-flying mammals on the planet. Is the skeleton of the gibbon enough to give you nightmares?
11:11 Let us know in the comment section below. 5. The Pteranodon
11:19 It is now the part of the video where we take a look at our favorite image sent in by one of our
11:23 subscribers, an image that inspired this entire video in fact. These three skeletons are a prime
11:29 example of how incredibly clever nature is, constantly evolving and adapting to cater to
11:34 the needs of a specific animal. Before we take a closer look at the three beautiful creatures in
11:39 today's subscriber's pick, don't forget to subscribe to Forever Green. That way, you'll
11:44 be able to reach out to us with an interesting or bizarre picture that could inspire our next video.
11:49 3. The Cobra
11:51 The cobra is as mesmerizing in death as it is alive. Although it loses the patterns on its
11:59 large hood, it doesn't lose the long bones running through it. In fact, its skeleton holds its shape
12:05 perfectly in death with very little lost, apart from its skin, organs and muscles. Its jaw is a
12:11 very telling sign of how much it can expand to swallow its prey whole. Cobras are vertebrates,
12:17 which means all their bones are actually vertebrae. The cobra can have anywhere between
12:21 200 to 400 vertebrates, which have the same amount of ribs attached to them.
12:25 2. The Iwasaki Snail Eater
12:28 The Iwasaki Snail Eater goes against the basic rule of skeletons which is followed by most
12:36 animals on the planet, symmetry. It has 16 teeth on the left side of its jaw and 24 on the right.
12:42 The reason for this is quite clever, as it uses this odd set of teeth to spiral into the shell
12:47 of a snail, curving along the inner walls of the shell so the teeth can scoop it out without having
12:52 to break or swallow its hardened exterior. 1. The Stingray
12:56 Even before its death, the yellow stingray acts like a ghost. It glides across the sea
13:04 floor and vanishes into the sand, ready for its unsuspecting prey to get too close.
13:09 When the stingray is ready to attack, it swings its poisonous barb until it can sting its target.
13:15 After taking a close look at the hundreds of spines that make the incredible pattern of the
13:18 stingray skeleton, you probably cannot believe that such a beautiful frame is hiding within a
13:23 creature like the stingray. Because each spine is lightweight and thin, they can be easily waved to
13:28 propel itself through the ocean. The barb tail has a more concentrated area of quills which allow
13:33 them to penetrate and poison its prey. And that concludes our video showing you 20 of the most
13:38 fascinating skeletons in the animal kingdom. Out of all the skeletons you've seen, which do you
13:44 think is the most unbelievable? We would love to know in the comment section below. If you're not
13:49 ready to stop watching fascinating content, you can head over to one of our other videos.
13:53 Thanks for watching.
13:56 [Music]
