25 Beautiful Exotic Birds You Can Own as Pets

  • last year
00:00 When we talk about exotic pet birds,
00:01 the first thing that comes to mind is probably a parrot
00:04 with its bright colors, long tail, and large beak.
00:07 What if I told you you could also own one of these beauties?
00:09 Go ahead, take another look at this peach of a bird.
00:12 While parrots come in different colors,
00:14 there are several other pet birds
00:16 that you can own as exotic pets.
00:18 Each type comes with a unique personality,
00:20 song, and appearance.
00:22 Although these birds may not be as common as cats or dogs,
00:26 they make for wonderful companions.
00:28 Given time, they'll grow on you,
00:30 and some are intelligent enough to learn commands
00:32 and sometimes speak words.
00:34 In this video, we'll be presenting
00:37 25 beautiful exotic birds you can own as pets.
00:41 Hello, and welcome to another awesome episode
00:43 of "Forever Green."
00:44 If you wanna know why this bird was named after Dracula,
00:47 I suggest you stick around for our number one pick.
00:50 All right, let's get to it.
00:52 Number 25, Victoria Crown Pigeon.
00:55 The Victoria Crown Pigeon is a beautiful,
00:57 unique, large bird that is surprisingly gentle
01:00 and easy to tame.
01:01 These birds are a member of the pigeon family
01:03 and so happen to be the largest of them all.
01:06 They can grow up to 29 inches long,
01:08 about the size of a turkey, and weigh as much as five pounds.
01:12 Their plumage is generally deep blue-gray
01:14 with a small black mask on their heads,
01:16 and they have crimson irises on their eyes.
01:19 These generally ground-dwelling birds were named
01:21 in honor of the British queen, Queen Victoria.
01:24 Although they are heavy birds and stick to the ground,
01:27 they have no problem flying to a tree for safety.
01:30 Their crazy headgear distinguishes them from other pigeons.
01:33 Raising this bird needs a wide space to live and roam freely
01:37 as they're not birds that can be caged up.
01:40 These rare birds are definitely a conversation starter.
01:43 Number 24, Golden Conyers.
01:46 You may or may not have heard of these smaller birds
01:48 called the Queen of Bavaria,
01:50 but these large, colorful, striking birds
01:53 with their bright yellow and green feathers
01:55 are such a sight to behold.
01:57 Originally from Northeastern Brazil,
01:59 these birds have been caught and sold
02:01 to all parts of the world.
02:03 These beautiful and popular pet birds
02:05 have had so many of them captured,
02:07 making them reduced in population
02:09 and extremely hard to get your hands on
02:11 in the pet market today.
02:12 Therefore, they've become uncommon
02:14 to find in homes or captivity.
02:16 If you wanna buy one of these,
02:18 you must be ready to pay top dollar for them.
02:21 Golden Conyers are social birds
02:23 and require a lot of interaction with their owners.
02:26 They can dance, be very chatty and lively, and even cough.
02:30 (golden conyers coughing)
02:32 Number 23, Rainbow Lorikeet.
02:35 The Rainbow Lorikeet is one of the most colorful species
02:38 that can be kept as a pet.
02:40 These sweet-natured, vibrantly colored,
02:42 long-lived, medium-sized parrots are busy bodies
02:45 that like to be in the center of all the action.
02:49 They are native to Northern Queensland,
02:50 to Southern Australia, living in the rainforest trees,
02:54 woodlands, and bushes.
02:56 Rainbow Lorikeets are sweet, affectionate birds,
02:58 known for their comical antics and friendly personas.
03:02 Generally, they're easily sociable
03:04 and value interaction with their owners.
03:07 They are highly intelligent birds
03:08 that can learn a few tricks and pick up some lines.
03:11 Check out this guy.
03:13 (golden conyers chirping)
03:15 Being such smart birds,
03:17 they have a reputation for being a capable escape artist.
03:20 So cage door locks are a must.
03:22 Overall, these birds make for excellent pet birds,
03:25 but require a great deal of attention.
03:27 Number 22, Archangel Pigeon.
03:30 Of all the pigeon species in the world,
03:32 the Archangel Pigeon is the most exotic and most adorable.
03:36 Archangel Pigeons are an ancient breed,
03:38 but it's hard to trace their origin.
03:40 However, many believe that they must have originated
03:43 from an area now occupied by Croatia.
03:46 They are small to medium-sized birds
03:48 that when fully grown, weigh only 400 grams.
03:52 These birds were bred as showbirds,
03:54 hence their peculiar look,
03:55 which is still used in the show business.
03:58 Their plumage could be bronze or gold,
04:01 and their wing color could be black, white, or blue.
04:04 They are the only pigeon with a shine to them.
04:07 Even if you're not looking to enter breeding shows
04:09 with the Archangel Pigeon,
04:10 you could still have them as pets,
04:12 as they are one tremendous pet.
04:14 If you want an exotic bird with ancient history,
04:17 this is the bird for you.
04:18 Number 21, Kia.
04:20 Unlike many other exotic birds native to jungles
04:23 and warmer regions like the Amazon rainforest,
04:26 this parrot lives in the cold
04:28 and challenging Alpine region of New Zealand.
04:30 Its name, Kia, was given due to the Kia sound
04:33 of its cry and call.
04:35 (parrot squawking)
04:37 Along with being a cold-weather parrot,
04:39 Kia is quite an intelligent bird.
04:42 But when I say quite,
04:43 I mean it's very intelligent for a bird.
04:46 Check out how this Kia passes all the tests thrown at it.
04:49 He scales all the tests as if he had read a book on how to.
04:56 Kias are simply amazing.
04:58 Their signature olive green plumage makes them stand out.
05:02 On average, a Kia weighs about two pounds
05:04 and is approximately 19 inches in length.
05:07 So, if you're lucky enough to own one of these rare
05:09 and endangered birds,
05:11 you have one brainy bird on your hands.
05:13 Number 20, Black Palm Cockatoos.
05:16 Cockatoos are exotic birds that you've probably already seen
05:19 with several different species.
05:21 But the Black Palm Cockatoos are the rarest
05:24 and biggest of the lot.
05:25 All cockatoos possess distinct feathers
05:28 that stick out from the top of their heads, their crest,
05:31 that are a range of different colors.
05:33 For Black Palm Cockatoos,
05:35 their crests are usually very smoky gray in color,
05:37 just like their feet and legs.
05:40 The Black Palm Cockatoo is native to Australia,
05:42 just like other species.
05:44 Although they can be a good pet,
05:46 don't expect them to be as affectionate as other parrots.
05:49 They require a lot of patience and time
05:52 to be tamed and trained,
05:53 even though they are an intelligent breed.
05:56 Their vocal ability is very suited for learning words,
05:59 and they make human-like sounds,
06:01 including their signature, "Hello."
06:03 And they also happen to be very good drummers.
06:05 Number 19, Hyacinth Macaws.
06:12 Next, we've got another exotic bird,
06:14 which is also the largest flying parrot.
06:17 Hyacinth Macaws, or the Blue Macaw, are gentle giants
06:21 and are a delight to look at
06:22 because of their flashy appearance and social disposition.
06:26 These parrots, like every other parrot,
06:28 rely on their beak a lot.
06:30 Owning one of these adorable birds
06:32 has been regarded as a full-time adventure,
06:34 as they require a lot of attention and commitment.
06:37 That being said, macaws are social,
06:39 charming, and chatty birds,
06:41 and they won't even need your help
06:43 with their bath at some point.
06:44 Number 18, Golden Blue Macaws.
06:49 From their name, one would imagine
06:51 these are offspring of a Golden and Blue Macaw.
06:54 Well, they're not only for a couple of reasons.
06:57 One, there are no Golden Macaws.
06:59 We only have the Golden Collared Macaw.
07:01 And secondly, Golden Blue Macaws got their common name
07:05 from their two most prominent colors.
07:07 Typically, these birds have green foreheads
07:10 fading into a teal blue, covering the back,
07:12 tail, nape, and wings,
07:14 while their chest and the underside of their wings
07:16 and bellies are a bright golden yellow.
07:18 They're intelligent birds that are capable
07:20 of nailing the British accent.
07:22 Their sociability and sweet disposition
07:26 make them great pets,
07:28 and their niftiness, willing to learn,
07:30 and talking ability is a plus.
07:32 Number 17, Green Aracari.
07:38 Being the smallest of the toucan family,
07:40 the Green Aracari weighs only about 125 grams,
07:44 and their overall length from beak to tail
07:46 is only two and a half inches.
07:48 They are found in Northern South American countries
07:50 like Venezuela, Colombia, Suriname, and Ghana.
07:54 Generally, Green Aracari is one of the few species
07:57 of toucans that is diamorphic.
07:59 The males have a black head and neck,
08:01 whereas the females have a chestnut brown head and neck.
08:05 They have a serrated beak that helps them
08:07 in gripping fruits and preventing them
08:09 from falling down off their long beak.
08:11 The Green Aracaris are very friendly, lovable birds
08:14 that qualify as excellent pets.
08:16 On top of that, they relate with other pets
08:18 in the house really well.
08:20 Number 16, Peacocks.
08:23 These are birds you can opt to own as pets
08:25 if you're up for the challenge and rigors
08:27 associated with giving them the care they need.
08:30 They need room and lots and lots of care.
08:33 Peafowls are beautiful birds
08:34 that can make a stunning addition to your yard.
08:37 Having one as a pet requires more
08:38 than just admiring their plumage,
08:40 and since they're also an endangered species,
08:43 we wouldn't encourage you to get one.
08:45 That being said, the most ideal species of the peacock
08:48 to have as a pet is the Blue Peafowl
08:51 because they are more adaptable,
08:52 less wild, and less aggressive than the other two species.
08:55 As I've earlier stated, peacocks cannot be house-trained.
08:59 They'll fail obedience school on the first day
09:01 and have no problem wandering off searching for food.
09:04 If you then feel you can deal with all these excesses,
09:07 get one.
09:08 Number 15, Sun Conyers.
09:11 Sun Conyers or Sun Parakeets are medium-sized birds
09:14 from Northeast South America.
09:16 They measure about 30 centimeters
09:18 and cannot be visually told apart sexually.
09:20 Their males and females don very brightly colored
09:23 yellow crown, mantle, and nape,
09:25 as well as chest and wing feathers,
09:28 with face and belly being orange
09:30 and red feathers around the ears.
09:32 These birds could be hostile with other birds,
09:34 but they are best kept in pairs.
09:36 These birds are chatterboxes,
09:38 and their cute shenanigans will leave you smiling
09:40 from ear to ear.
09:42 Sun Conyers are very noisy bird
09:44 (bird clucking)
09:46 and don't really like strangers.
09:48 On the bright side, they make for excellent guard birds.
09:51 Number 14, Scarlet Macaw.
09:54 The national bird of Honduras,
09:56 these big birds with red, blue, and yellow plumage
09:58 are pleasing to the eyes and make wonderful pets.
10:01 They are very intelligent, social, and learn fast.
10:04 However, they could get aggressive
10:06 and make very annoying screeching sounds.
10:09 (bird screeching)
10:11 Other than that, they're very cute
10:13 and get extremely attached to their owners,
10:15 which is why they crave their owner's attention
10:17 and make loud noises.
10:19 Words like hi, wow,
10:21 - Hi, uh.
10:21 - or even other pet names aren't a problem for these guys.
10:25 They can learn simple tricks and imitate sounds
10:28 and develop vocabulary of up to 10 words.
10:31 Number 13, Australian King Parrot.
10:34 The Australian King Parrots are the only parrots
10:36 with an entire red head.
10:38 Their royal appearance is completed
10:40 by deep forest green wings
10:42 and purple tail feathers for the male,
10:44 while the females have slight color variations.
10:46 Furthermore, they are a popular pet in their homeland,
10:49 with their popularity spreading to all parts of the world.
10:52 Thanks to their calm personality,
10:54 unique and vibrant look, and great intelligence,
10:57 they are a highly sought-after breed.
11:00 One thing that stands out with these birds
11:02 is that they are less noisy than other exotic parrots.
11:05 That being said, they're very social, cool,
11:08 and will join you in singing or chatting.
11:10 - Hello.
11:11 Hello.
11:13 - But they're not much of a talking bird.
11:16 Number 12, Golden-collared Macaw.
11:18 If you feel the regular-sized parrots
11:20 would be an issue for you to raise
11:22 or prefer things that come in small packages,
11:24 then the Golden-collared Macaw or Mini Macaw
11:27 is the bird for you.
11:28 Like their larger counterparts,
11:30 Mini Macaws are native to the South American continent.
11:33 They're basically everything you get from the large macaw,
11:36 only in a smaller body.
11:38 These goofy, affectionate, and smart birds
11:40 are friendly and close-bonding companions
11:43 with a showy look.
11:44 They will even eat your face if they love you enough.
11:49 Given just about the right amount of love and care,
11:52 they'll reach a lengthy lifespan of 50 years.
11:55 Number 11, Toucans.
11:57 These brightly-colored, long-billed birds
11:59 are so pleasing to the eyes.
12:01 In the wild, toucans love to eat fruits
12:03 and some small animals for some protein.
12:06 They love to live freely without any restrictions
12:09 and are very loud.
12:11 In fact, they are the world's loudest birds.
12:13 So they're not ideal pets for those
12:17 who live in condominiums and rented apartments.
12:20 In addition, they don't do well in busy households
12:22 with lots of people and other pets.
12:25 When provided with a proper feeding schedule
12:27 and lots of room in a relatively quiet house,
12:30 they can be lovely and are rarely destructive.
12:33 Number 10, Turacos.
12:35 When hand-reared from an early age,
12:37 Turacos can be hand-tamed,
12:39 but even this doesn't guarantee
12:40 that they'll be tolerant of humans.
12:42 Naturally, these Sub-Saharan African native birds
12:45 are aggressive towards humans,
12:47 don't like to be touched, and are messy.
12:49 Barring all that that I've said earlier,
12:51 Turacos are just as expressive as parrots,
12:54 with each bird having its unique personality.
12:57 Add that to their beautiful feathers and unique crest,
12:59 and you've got yourself an amazing bird.
13:02 Number nine, Mandarin Ducks.
13:04 If you're more of a duck person, this is your bird.
13:07 Brightly-colored and adorable Mandarin ducks
13:09 are for sure one to keep.
13:11 As with all ducks, the male is the showier
13:13 and more colorful of both sexes.
13:16 Their plumage is a beautiful combination
13:18 of brown, iridescent red, orange, green, and more.
13:21 They are generally neater than domestic ducks
13:24 and relatively less noisy.
13:26 Instead of the usual quacks,
13:27 these guys make little whistling quacks.
13:30 They're originally found in Eastern China,
13:33 Southeastern Russia, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan.
13:38 However, these birds are not easily tameable.
13:40 In most cases, people who keep them
13:42 only have them for ornamental or breeding purposes.
13:46 Number eight, Siamese Fireback Pheasants.
13:48 The Siamese fireback, or Dyrd's fireback,
13:51 as they are often called, are Southeast Asian endemic
13:55 and can be found in the lowlands forest of Laos,
13:58 Cambodia, Eastern Thailand, and North to Vietnam.
14:01 Being the national bird of Thailand,
14:03 they're ranked as one of the 10 most wanted
14:05 bird species in Thailand.
14:06 Like the Mandarin ducks,
14:08 it's the male with the most striking appearance.
14:10 Most notably, their unusually long crest
14:13 of purple-black feathers,
14:14 which could be as long as nine centimeters,
14:17 and becomes erect when the bird is excited.
14:19 They have bright red facial waddles,
14:21 gray with white and black streak wings,
14:24 and red legs and feet.
14:26 They are relatively easier to get,
14:28 but the real work lies in caring for them.
14:30 Number seven, American Crow.
14:33 Crows may not be seen as exotic birds to many people,
14:35 but they're a very uncommon and unique pet.
14:38 Moreover, crows have been unfairly judged in times past.
14:42 Crows are very intelligent and charismatic birds.
14:45 These black birds with iridescent feathers
14:47 will come to you when you call their names,
14:49 if properly trained, and love to be petted all the time.
14:53 - Come here, Maple.
14:54 Good bird.
14:56 - Getting one comes with a lot of challenges,
14:59 as you need a special permit to have one in your home.
15:02 This is because they are protected by certain laws
15:04 in the US and some parts of the world.
15:06 Hence, they are illegal to own as a pet in most places.
15:10 Number six, owls.
15:12 Other uncommon but interesting pet birds to have
15:15 is an owl.
15:16 Although many stories, books, and movies
15:18 portray them as loyal and wise birds,
15:21 they're just not suited for life in captivity.
15:24 Moreover, owls are antisocial, lone hunters
15:27 that don't like to be around people.
15:29 On top of that, they've been known to bite.
15:31 Surprisingly, some have bonded well with humans,
15:34 dancing to music, getting petted, getting cozy,
15:36 and even getting on with other pets.
15:39 Having the ideal owl won't be easy.
15:41 It's illegal to own in most countries
15:43 and has a unique dietary requirement.
15:46 No wonder they're very uncommon pets.
15:48 Number five, rose-breasted cockatoo.
15:51 The rose-breasted cockatoo,
15:53 best known by their Australian aboriginal name, gala,
15:56 are the perfect parrot species for a first-time pet owner
15:59 who has enough time to interact with a pet bird.
16:02 Thanks to their bold colors and friendly personalities,
16:05 galas, which means clown or fool
16:07 in the native Australian language,
16:09 are very popular exotic pet birds.
16:12 As their name hints on, rose-breasted cockatoos
16:15 have bright pink feathers on their bellies, chest,
16:18 and the lower half of their face.
16:20 They are extremely intelligent and very fond of humans.
16:24 Given the right kind of music,
16:25 these birds will bust a move and they goof around a lot.
16:28 Number four, finches.
16:30 Next up is another super social exotic bird
16:33 that shouldn't be kept as a solitary bird.
16:35 Finches are best kept in groups of at least two.
16:38 Although they aren't much like parrots,
16:40 they are still plenty of fun to listen to and watch.
16:42 Finches don't talk, but they make quiet beep, beep,
16:45 beep noises that many find pleasant.
16:48 They are ideal for those wanting a feathered pet,
16:50 but not prepared to take on the challenges
16:52 of owning a parrot.
16:53 And they need space like a large cage or aviary for housing.
16:57 All three species of the Estrilidae family
17:00 are the most owned.
17:01 Number three, lady amherst pheasant.
17:04 Pheasants are generally adored
17:06 for the beautiful colors of their feathers.
17:08 Native to Southeast China and Tibet,
17:11 these birds were named after Lady Amherst,
17:13 who first introduced these ornamental birds on her estate
17:16 near the Duke of Bedford in 1828.
17:18 Lady Amherst pheasants uniqueness
17:21 carries from one bird to another,
17:23 which pleases ornamental chicken hobbyists.
17:25 Usually the lady amherst is 100 to 120 in length,
17:29 with its tail making up 80% of its total body length.
17:32 Its tail is gray with a rump of red, blue, green,
17:36 white, or yellow.
17:38 It also has yellow eyes and blue or gray feet.
17:41 The males have brilliant hair,
17:43 while the females look rather discreet.
17:45 Number two, golden pheasant.
17:47 The close cousin of the lady amherst, the golden pheasant,
17:51 is a very beautiful bird
17:52 that equally has striking feather colors.
17:55 As you might've gathered,
17:56 it's the male that dons the colors of the species.
17:59 Just to tell you how exotic and attractive these birds are,
18:03 they've been regarded
18:03 as the most beautiful bird in the world.
18:06 The males are mostly gold and yellow on their heads
18:09 and necks with bright red on their chest.
18:11 They make very good pets, but not for everyone.
18:14 They are fairly big birds
18:16 that require plenty of space to forage and explore.
18:19 Also, they're very pricey birds.
18:21 But if you can,
18:22 I think you should get one of these fascinating birds.
18:25 Number one, pescat's parrot.
18:27 The pescat's parrot, or dracula parrot if you choose,
18:31 is the only member of their genus
18:33 and are endemic to the hill and montane forests in New Guinea.
18:36 Scoring them points is truly exotic and rare birds.
18:40 And if you assume these birds drink blood
18:42 because of their name, you're terribly mistaken.
18:45 The name dracula bird was given to them
18:47 based on their looks.
18:48 They are the only parrots with featherless faces
18:51 and they look more like a vulture than a parrot.
18:54 Dracula birds are black in color with black eyes and beaks.
18:58 There are bright red feathers on their wings,
19:00 belly and upper tail.
19:02 So you see why they've been dubbed the dracula bird.
19:05 They are endemic to New Guinea
19:06 and are very rare to spot in other parts of the world
19:09 because there aren't many left in the world.
19:11 And we've come to the end of another wonderful time
19:13 here at Forever Green.
19:15 Be sure to hit that like button on your way out.
19:17 And if you haven't already,
19:19 subscribe to our channel for more just as awesome videos.
