• 2 years ago
Masud Rana is a Secret Agent with code name MR-9 of the Bangladesh Counter Intelligence Agency, for over 55 years has ap | dG1fRXBJOC0taF9jelU
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 MR9, we are connected with you.
00:17 [FOREIGN]
00:20 Copy that.
00:21 [MUSIC]
00:26 Technology.
00:27 Human innovation comes along.
00:29 Defies everything you thought was possible.
00:32 [MUSIC]
00:36 Hello, friends.
00:38 I'd say welcome, but I find it a little inconvenient that you're trying to crash my party.
00:42 Welcome, Masood Rana.
00:44 [FOREIGN]
00:46 [MUSIC]
00:51 [FOREIGN]
00:53 [MUSIC]
00:55 Paul Taylor.
00:56 Masood Rana.
00:57 Nice to finally meet you in person, MR9.
01:00 I've read a lot of your stories.
01:01 Very impressive.
01:02 Celebrity billionaire, Roman Ross, and his younger brother, Ricky.
01:06 How you doing, little brother?
01:07 Still alive.
01:09 They've been selling high-tech robotic explosives and weapons.
01:12 I know there's more going on behind the curtain.
01:15 I just hope that we can find out what it is before it's too late.
01:17 You get compromised, we don't know you.
01:20 [GUNSHOTS]
01:21 It's hard to hate the Toymaker.
01:23 Micro surveillance bug.
01:26 Connect it to your smartwatch.
01:28 Keep you out of trouble.
01:29 Maybe you like the trouble.
01:31 [MUSIC]
01:33 [GUNSHOTS]
01:34 [MUSIC]
01:50 [MUSIC]
02:14 Masood Rana.
02:17 BCI agent.
02:20 Code name, MR9.
02:21 [MUSIC]
02:27 [MUSIC]