30 Moments Stupid Tiger Attacked The Giant Bear! Here's What Happened Next Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 [music]
00:02 Bear Attack
00:04 Bear attacks elk.
00:07 [music]
00:09 Bears are known to be one of the most dangerous predators.
00:13 [music]
00:15 They have tremendous power and can attack, making any prey terrifying.
00:19 Today we come to 30 terrifying bear attacks caught on camera.
00:24 [music]
00:27 Escape from the bear's pursuit is not an easy thing.
00:31 [music]
00:33 Being a shrewd predator, the bear pretends to be no longer interested in this buck.
00:38 [music]
00:42 Run into the woods.
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00:46 But in reality, he is just hiding, waiting for his next opportunity.
00:51 [music]
00:55 When the prey is caught off guard.
00:58 [music]
01:00 Once again, the buck has to go into the water to hide from the predator's claws.
01:05 [music]
01:10 Can it save its life?
01:12 [music]
01:20 Occurs on May 8, 2019, Arvidsdvar, Norrbetten, Sweden.
01:25 [music]
01:30 The elk was injured in a traffic accident.
01:33 [music]
01:35 His hind leg was broken. He couldn't stand.
01:38 [music]
01:40 Spotting potential prey, the bear goes to bite the large prey and drags him into the forest.
01:46 [music]
01:50 Sharp teeth are embedded in the victim's body.
01:53 [music]
01:55 Will the elk escape the clutches of death?
01:58 [music]
02:05 A dramatic battle takes place in Yellowstone National Park.
02:09 [music]
02:10 The bear approached and attacked a young bison from behind.
02:14 [music]
02:19 He plots to knock his prey to the ground.
02:22 [music]
02:24 The situation is reversed.
02:27 [music]
02:29 The bison counterattack, threatening the predator.
02:32 [music]
02:34 But the stubborn person does not give up easily, still clinging to his prey.
02:39 [music]
02:43 Who will win in this battle?
02:45 [music]
02:53 This horrifying scene was accidentally recorded in the Yellowstone River, Hayden Valley.
02:59 [music]
03:03 Bull elk has fallen into the sights of the predator.
03:06 [music]
03:08 It ran into the water, hoping to save its life.
03:11 [music]
03:13 This hungry predator does not give up easily, determined to chase his prey to the end.
03:18 [music]
03:23 A brutal attack right on the water.
03:25 [music]
03:28 The prey, unable to resist, has become the brown bear's dinner.
03:32 [music]
03:40 Elsewhere, these elk are being stalked by a grizzly bear.
03:44 [music]
03:46 Recognizing the stalker, the mother deer turns to warn the predator.
03:50 [music]
03:55 But this stubborn guy has no intention of giving up.
03:58 [music]
04:03 He waits for the opportunity to attack the children.
04:06 [music]
04:08 Clever mother elk carries her cubs across the river, so that bears can't smell the mother's cubs.
04:14 [music]
04:18 Lost track, the hunter lost his chance.
04:21 [music]
04:30 The first recorded video of a polar bear hunting an adult caribou.
04:34 [music]
04:35 Dragging large prey to the shore.
04:38 [music]
04:40 This is another demonstration of the strength and determination of polar bears to survive on this barren island.
04:47 [music]
04:50 This prey will feed her for a while, until she can return to see ice seal hunting next winter.
04:57 [music]
05:05 Winter in Yellowstone National Park. A wonderful sight is unfolding.
05:10 [music]
05:15 An adult bear foraging in the snow.
05:18 [music]
05:20 Surrounded by wolves.
05:22 [music]
05:25 Standing firm, it had no intention of sharing its prey with the hungry wolves.
05:30 [music]
05:35 The number was large, but facing this ferocious man, the wolves could not do anything else.
05:42 [music]
05:50 The bears are feeding far away in the valley.
05:53 [music]
05:55 It spotted a pack of wolves crossing its territory.
05:58 [music]
06:00 Start snooping.
06:02 [music]
06:05 A little closer.
06:07 [music]
06:09 Unexpectedly, the bear was ambushed by wolves.
06:13 [music]
06:18 Can it escape?
06:20 [music]
06:28 The black bear was chasing the deer when it was blocked by three wild horses.
06:33 [music]
06:42 The mother and daughter began to go looking for food.
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06:48 They can eat anything they can find.
06:50 [music]
06:53 Newborn elk follow their mother to learn how to survive in a harsh environment.
06:58 [music]
07:02 The mother bear discovered a young elk that had fallen into a ditch.
07:06 [music]
07:07 Irresistibly, it rushes towards its prey.
07:10 [music]
07:12 The elk frantically ran away.
07:14 [music]
07:16 The mother bear successfully caught the poor prey.
07:19 [music]
07:25 Today, the scent of honey has attracted brown bears to a nearby beehive.
07:30 This bear has to face the strong here.
07:34 [music]
07:36 After it smashed the nest, the bear decided to leap to the anger of thousands of bees.
07:42 [music]
07:50 The fallen tree contains a beehive.
07:53 [music]
07:55 It's possible this nine-month-old bear has never met a bee,
07:59 and sometimes going for food every day with it is a painful process.
08:04 Its more experienced mother bear is trying, and the technique has been tested.
08:10 She successfully broke the hive.
08:13 [music]
08:22 These two bears are actively destroying the hive.
08:26 They are constantly stung by bees as a warning.
08:30 [music]
08:35 After many hours of trying, they finally broke the hive.
08:40 And in the end, nothing can stop this black bear.
08:45 The bear's sweet reward is honey from bees.
08:48 [music]
08:57 The angry lion king.
08:58 With a similar size, a lion has a bit more fighting power than accumulated experience.
09:05 [music]
09:08 To the horror of the cameraman, the black bear and lion rushed at each other.
09:13 And in the end, the black bear had to run away.
09:16 [music]
09:24 Continuing is the clash between the young cougar and the bear.
09:29 Spotting a bear that had not yet hibernated, the young man approached and examined it.
09:35 [music]
09:39 Apparently not having enough energy to hibernate, the little bear went out to get a snack.
09:45 [music]
09:48 Cougar curiosity can be a fatal mistake.
09:53 Bears are not easily threatened.
09:55 [music]
09:58 In the end, the little cat had to return peace to the bear.
10:02 [music]
10:11 The smell of food attracts a black bear.
10:13 [music]
10:16 The mountain lion is also nearby.
10:18 [music]
10:21 And in a confrontation between them, the mountain lion rushed to attack the black bear, weighing about 300 pounds.
10:28 [music]
10:30 In the end, the mountain lion had to leave.
10:33 [music]
10:42 A black bear, smaller than a brown bear, tried to climb a tree to escape.
10:47 But the mountain lion wouldn't let it.
10:49 [music]
10:53 The fall from above caused the angry black bear to rush in and fight violently.
10:58 A person who once intended to run away became a powerful warrior.
11:03 [music]
11:10 Mountain lion observing a black bear.
11:13 [music]
11:15 It has invaded their territory.
11:17 [music]
11:19 After being threatened by the mountain lion, the black bear left.
11:23 [music]
11:29 But the fear will not last long.
11:31 The mountain lion must fight to protect his life against the huge enemy.
11:36 [music]
11:38 As can be seen, it is difficult to distinguish the winning and losing race between the two opponents.
11:45 [music]
11:52 We accidentally caught a scene of a bear encountering a mountain lion.
11:56 The opponent runs away when the bear approaches.
12:00 [music]
12:07 A confrontation between a mountain lion and a bear cub.
12:11 The mountain lion repeatedly tried to attack the child.
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12:17 But was violently resisted by the cubs.
12:20 [music]
12:22 Then the mountain lion had to leave.
12:24 [music]
12:30 One of the most tenacious animals in legend is the mountain lion.
12:34 Elusive warriors who are unafraid of any danger.
12:38 [music]
12:43 Even when facing a mighty grizzly bear.
12:46 [music]
12:52 The mother mountain lion is taking her cubs to safety to prepare for battle.
12:57 [music]
13:00 Loud roars.
13:02 [music]
13:08 Both sides are trying to show their strength.
13:11 [music]
13:17 Unable to get prey, grizzly bears retreated.
13:21 [music]
13:30 A black bear, smaller than the brown bear, tried to climb the tree to escape.
13:35 But the mountain lion did not allow it.
13:38 [music]
13:43 A fall from above caused an angry black bear to violently bite.
13:47 [music]
13:54 A person who had intended to run away turned into a strong fighter.
13:58 [music]
14:08 But the fear will not last long.
14:10 The mountain lion must fight to protect his life against the huge enemy.
14:15 [music]
14:21 As can be seen, it is difficult to distinguish the winning and losing race between the two opponents.
14:27 [music]
14:36 Two mountain lions rushed towards a giant black bear.
14:39 [music]
14:48 A war for food.
14:50 [music]
14:59 Two mountain lions teamed up to steal food from the giant.
15:03 [music]
15:12 Black bear had to leave.
15:14 [music]
15:19 The smell of food attracts a black bear.
15:22 [music]
15:28 The mountain lion is also nearby.
15:31 [music]
15:37 And in confrontation between them, the mountain lion rushed to attack the black bear, weighing about 300 pounds.
15:45 [music]
15:49 In the end, the mountain lion had to leave.
15:52 [music]
16:00 Mountain lion observing a black bear.
16:03 [music]
16:07 It has invaded their territory.
16:10 [music]
16:20 After being threatened by the mountain lion, the black bear left.
16:24 [music]
16:29 Bear vs. Tiger
16:31 In this dangerous world, mothers always try very hard to protect their cubs.
16:37 [music]
16:40 Fight with the lord of the jungle.
16:43 [music]
16:48 Painful.
16:50 [music]
16:57 But don't give in.
16:59 [music]
17:04 Its will and tenacity made the king of the jungle have to abstain.
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17:11 In the wild, tigers mainly hunt large and medium-sized animals.
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17:17 They especially like ungulates like bears.
17:20 [music]
17:24 Will it defeat a bear in this hunt?
17:27 [music]
17:32 But a lone bear is no match for a pack of tigers.
17:35 [music]
17:40 Quickly, the victim is defeated.
17:43 [music]
17:46 The black bear, looking for food, attracted the tiger mother.
17:50 [music]
17:55 A clash between two predators and a black bear takes place.
18:00 [music]
18:05 They constantly attack their prey.
18:07 [music]
18:13 The victim was scared and ran away many times.
18:17 [music]
18:21 Will the black bear escape the scythe of death?
18:25 [music]
18:34 The tiger repeatedly locked the neck to prevent the victim from escaping.
18:39 [music]
18:43 Dragged the prey.
18:45 [music]
18:52 The black bear can take the opportunity to escape from the predator.
18:56 [music]
19:02 The victim ran away but was grabbed by the tiger.
19:05 [music]
19:11 Quickly take down the prey.
19:13 [music]
19:20 The bear is in pain, waiting to die.
19:22 [music]
19:32 A thrilling battle between the king of the jungle and a sloth bear.
19:36 [music]
19:40 Detected being followed, sloth bears are not afraid but immediately rush towards the predator.
19:46 [music]
19:48 He ran.
19:50 [music]
19:56 But it didn't work on this dangerous man.
19:59 [music]
20:05 This time the sloth bear was in big trouble.
20:08 [music]
20:13 He was repeatedly subjected to powerful blows from the big cat.
20:18 [music]
20:22 Unable to become the hungry tiger's lunch, the lazy bear fights back.
20:27 The assassin had to give up.
20:29 [music]
20:40 Have you ever seen the wonderful interaction between the king of the jungle and the bear?
20:45 [music]
20:48 All was well until these big cats nibbled on sloth bear's food.
20:52 [music]
20:59 Stand up for warning.
21:01 [music]
21:06 The younger tiger was scared to retreat.
21:08 [music]
21:14 Another bear is in the sights of hungry tigers.
21:17 [music]
21:22 Stalking.
21:23 [music]
21:28 Approach.
21:29 [music]
21:36 The ill-fated little bear becomes the big cat's food.
21:40 [music]
21:48 Bear vs Leopard
21:51 Another dramatic battle is taking place in the trees between leopard and bear.
21:56 [music]
22:04 Spotting a lone big cat in the tree, the bear climbs up close to its prey.
22:09 [music]
22:13 Leopard also seemed to be frightened by this behavior.
22:16 [music]
22:22 Confrontation between black bear and leopard.
22:25 [music]
22:30 Will there be a battle?
22:32 [music]
22:35 No, they just threatened each other without even having a fight.
22:39 [music]
22:44 Bear vs Wolf
22:46 Bear tries to kill a wolf in the zoo in Merlo, Netherlands.
22:50 [music]
22:55 The remaining wolves try to stop the bear.
22:57 [music]
23:04 Constantly submerged in water.
23:06 [music]
23:12 What caused four bears to attack one wolf?
23:15 [music]
23:24 When winter comes, the bears are usually in a state of hibernation.
23:28 [music]
23:33 What makes it still here?
23:35 [music]
23:42 Incredibly, 13 wolves are surrounding a bear.
23:45 [music]
23:50 They want to reclaim the spoils they have just hunted.
23:54 [music]
24:00 Although the force is large, but under great opponents, they become quite timid.
24:05 [music]
24:14 Leave your prey behind.
24:16 [music]
24:22 Bears are feeding far away in the valley.
24:25 [music]
24:30 It's spotted a pack of wolves crossing its territory.
24:34 [music]
24:39 Start snooping.
24:41 [music]
24:44 Closer again.
24:46 [music]
24:48 Unbelievable bear was ambushed by wolves.
24:52 [music]
24:57 Can it escape?
24:59 [music]
25:10 In here, a black bear is entering the cut field to eat the leftover grain.
25:15 [music]
25:18 This action of it lasted for about two weeks.
25:21 [music]
25:26 Walking with the limp, he struggled with his sore leg to chase the coyote.
25:31 [music]
25:38 Finally, we would like to thank all of you who have followed the Hawk from the first videos until now.
25:44 And we always welcome new viewers to the channel.
25:47 Follow the work that we do every day to send you the best videos.
25:52 These are two of our video editors.
25:54 And here are two of our research and content writers.
25:58 We all work up to 12 hours a day to be able to upload two videos a day.
26:03 Don't hesitate to share the video with your friends.
26:06 Thanks again and see you in the next video.
26:09 [music]
