• last year
00:00 The otter is the most widely distributed species from Asia to Africa and throughout Europe.
00:06 The molars of otters are sharp, making it easy for them to crush their prey.
00:14 Can you imagine what happens when the poor prey falls into the hands of the otters?
00:28 Otter vs Dog
00:30 Otters have a lot of enemies, including wild dogs, crocodiles, and jaguars.
00:36 A family of otters in Singapore Sembawang Park.
00:43 They encountered a dog straying into their territory.
00:55 The confrontation was quite intense.
00:58 The otter then lured the three dogs into the water but failed.
01:08 In the end, the dogs got scared and ran away when they were chased by the otter family.
01:22 This time, the otter confronts nine wild dogs in a creek.
01:25 But if nine otters fight a dog, will the victim survive?
01:34 The tenacious otter resisted continuously.
01:41 Otter vs Crocodile
01:51 An otter is a small mammal that lives both on land and in water.
01:55 Have you ever seen an otter clash with a crocodile?
02:02 The little crocodile wisely ignored and ignored the provocation of the otters.
02:12 Otters are also known as river wolves or water dogs.
02:20 Crocodiles vs Crocodile
02:22 Crocodiles and otters compete for territory.
02:26 It continuously attacks its enemies, but an otter alone cannot take down an adult crocodile.
02:48 In Kafwe National Park, Zambia, a loud roar over the river.
02:53 The cunning otter this time bit the crocodile's tail twice.
03:06 The otter family approaches an alligator.
03:16 With the tactic discussed earlier, they begin to distract the victim.
03:20 War began.
03:25 The whole school of otters attacks the crocodile.
03:30 Surprisingly, the lone crocodile was quickly overpowered by the otter and bit the victim's head repeatedly.
03:44 The Otter Family
03:46 After nearly an hour of battle ended, the otter family successfully took down the prey.
03:56 At this time, the otter was rolling in the sand, playing near the crocodile sunbathing.
04:10 The crocodile was indifferent and started to move away.
04:14 They know confronting otters is not easy.
04:17 Otter vs Jaguar
04:24 The enemies of the otters are not only wild dogs and crocodiles, but also jaguars.
04:30 In the early morning, jaguars start hunting.
04:36 Jaguar vs Otter
04:38 It catches fish from the riverbank to fill its hungry stomach.
04:47 However, with such a large size, jaguar needs to eat a lot.
04:57 An otter will provide more protein.
05:03 Jaguar vs Otter
05:05 It started a new tactic to catch otters, but this time the jaguar's hunt was unsuccessful.
05:14 The otter sunbathes when two jaguars invade their space.
05:21 This angered the otters and drove them away.
05:28 Otter vs Anaconda
05:30 Otter vs Anaconda
05:36 Anaconda are also enemies of otters.
05:41 It constantly provokes large predators.
05:48 Despite the size disadvantage, otters are very responsive.
05:57 Otter vs Turtle
05:59 Otter vs Turtle
06:05 Otters are classified as carnivores.
06:08 After days without food, with an empty stomach, the otters began to hunt.
06:19 It attacks a turtle.
06:25 Repeatedly trying to topple the prey, then the otter locks onto the victim and pulls away.
06:31 Quickly kill the turtle and start enjoying the delicious meal.
06:41 After killing a turtle,
06:48 the otter family enjoys breakfast together.
06:53 Otter vs Turtle
06:55 After killing the prey,
07:01 an otter eating an old turtle in shallow water.
07:06 It's one of the opportunistic and aggressive predators.
07:10 Jaguar vs Tortoise
07:17 This hunting trip was quite smooth.
07:21 Otter vs Fish
07:23 Otter vs Fish
07:27 The main food of otters is fish and aquatic creatures.
07:31 Otter molars are often used to crush food instead of tearing prey.
07:40 It enjoys a delicious breakfast.
07:51 This animal has a very developed sense.
07:53 This is beneficial when hunting, which can detect prey up to 50 meters away.
08:04 Fish is the otter's favorite food.
08:15 The otter is a respected fisherman, skilled in catching fish by biting down on his prey with teeth.
08:21 Otter kills a 2-foot long carp in Lost Lagoon.
08:27 A nutritious breakfast.
08:39 Five adult otters aggressively bite and eat a red koi in a large pond in Bishan Park.
08:45 A good meal.
08:49 On September 2, 2019 at Wat, an otter caught a fish.
09:01 It devours its live prey deliciously.
09:08 Results from the morning hunt.
09:10 Daily breakfast of otters in Marina Bay, Singapore.
09:19 With strong teeth, it crushes food.
09:27 And enjoys a delicious breakfast.
09:36 And enjoy your favorite food in a delicious way.
09:39 These otters are fishing in Stanley Park, Lost Lagoon, Vancouver.
09:49 They catch and chew fish deliciously.
09:56 Otter vs. Crab
10:05 They can hold their prey with their jaws.
10:07 Their teeth are usually designed to chew on crustaceans like crabs, fish, etc.
10:17 Sometimes, they steal each other's food.
10:21 Otters enjoy fish and crab deliciously.
10:30 Otters swim on the water while eating crabs.
10:33 So delicious.
10:41 Otters usually live in clean water.
10:58 Foraging was his usual job on the Shetland Coast.
11:01 And today, too, it went hunting a crab.
11:09 Otter vs. Geese
11:16 This is the incredible moment an otter kills a large grey goose in Norfolk Broads.
11:22 Then drag the prey into the water.
11:27 Then drag the prey back to the burrow.
11:29 The otters approach the caiman.
11:35 They start moving in different directions to distract their prey.
11:44 The whole family deals with this threat.
11:51 And then the fight started.
11:55 The caiman kept hitting back.
11:57 Looks like one of the herd is in danger.
12:04 Chaos is going on.
12:12 Caiman tried to reach safety in the bushes, but it was too late.
12:23 The otter family was faster.
12:25 After one hour, the brutal battle ended.
12:30 Caiman was completely defeated.
12:37 It was sad when one of the children was injured after the battle.
12:43 The otter approached the caiman.
12:50 The otter approached the caiman basking in the sun.
12:53 It constantly rolls and shovels sand with its feet.
12:59 The crocodiles are indifferent because they know that confronting the otters is not easy.
13:07 In the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil,
13:17 four otters encounter caiman.
13:19 Four otters encounter caiman.
13:25 They are constantly close to the opponent.
13:32 Then the otter left.
13:36 The second time they turned around and scared the crocodile into the water.
13:47 The crocodile was scared and ran away.
13:49 The otters kept looking around.
13:56 They began to move in search of food.
14:02 Family of otters encountering the caiman.
14:09 Family of otters encountering the caiman.
14:11 War began to break out.
14:20 The crocodile was scared to shore.
14:25 After the melee caused the otter family to panic.
14:35 Brave otter bites caiman crocodile tail.
14:37 Not once, but twice.
14:47 That made the crocodile angry.
14:51 The crocodile was repeatedly attacked by otters on the tail underwater.
15:01 It knows the crocodile is no match for it.
15:04 In Palandesburg National Park in South Africa,
15:12 territorial disputes are often fought.
15:20 The crocodile is not afraid of the water.
15:27 Territorial dispute between otters and caimans.
15:30 Crocodile versus jaguar.
15:38 Jaguar is an aquatic species, one of the large cats in central Brazil.
15:43 It is crossing the river in search of prey.
15:55 River vertebrates are all potential prey.
15:57 With many years of hunting experience,
16:05 it saw two caimans in the middle of the river.
16:08 Jaguar quickly swims out to approach its prey.
16:14 Three, two, one.
16:20 Caiman crocodile locks.
16:25 Crocodile locks.
16:27 Jaguar submerges a caiman in water.
16:36 The victim was constantly struggling.
16:44 Make the jaguar exhausted.
16:51 And it devised a better plan.
16:53 Jaguar locked the caiman by the neck and dragged it ashore.
17:01 Leopard stalk crocodiles.
17:12 The victim lays down.
17:20 The victim lays sunbathing on the other side of the river.
17:23 Jaguar with stealthy moves.
17:28 Suddenly rushed out.
17:35 Its hunt failed.
17:47 In the Amazon rainforest is the residence of giant creatures.
17:51 The crocodile caiman is the lord of this river.
17:59 They are ruthless predators.
18:02 And the jaguar is the ultimate predator of the jungle.
18:07 This river bank is his hunting ground.
18:15 They've lived here for years.
18:17 Jaguar started hunting.
18:22 It quickly caught a young alligator.
18:29 Jaguars know the weakness of their prey.
18:33 It locked the caiman skull and carried it away.
18:37 Jaguar frantically rushed out to attack a caiman.
18:45 The victim was in constant pain and struggled.
18:47 Leopards quickly bring their prey to shore.
18:55 Early in the morning jaguar started hunting.
19:03 It encapsulates an animal.
19:12 It encapsulates an alligator.
19:14 Still a familiar place in the Amazon jungle.
19:24 The jaguar started hunting.
19:32 Slow steps.
19:35 It spotted a caiman crocodile.
19:39 Stalking.
19:41 Plunged down to the village to compact the prey and bring it to the shore.
19:48 Being attacked by a jaguar causes pain to the crocodile.
19:59 Victims do not stop fighting.
20:06 The prey is then dragged ashore.
20:08 Jaguar defeated the crocodile.
20:17 The hunt was successful.
20:20 In front of the jaguar is a caiman crocodile.
20:26 Predators are constantly lurking.
20:34 Suddenly rushed out to make the victim unable to react.
20:36 Successfully locking the head of the prey.
20:42 They drag the caiman to the shore.
20:52 A delicious, delicious meal.
21:01 Leopard is quenching its thirst for water.
21:03 A crocodile jumped out of nowhere causing the leopard to run out of the water in fear.
21:14 The leopard is now in the water.
21:26 The leopard walks around its territory in search of food.
21:28 It discovered a body in the water near the shore.
21:40 Leopard approached and was threatened by the crocodile.
21:55 It tried many times but could not get the body of the prey.
21:57 Then leopard left.
22:06 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
22:14 What other animal would you like to learn about?
22:17 Let us know what you think.
22:20 If you like this video, give us a like.
22:24 And don't forget to press the notification bell to follow the Hawks videos as soon as possible.
22:26 Wish you a good day. See you again.
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22:44 (mysterious music)
