• 2 years ago


00:00 I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today.
00:03 It is called, "These are the days of great distractions."
00:07 My children, so do not fall for your enemy's trap.
00:12 He wants you distracted.
00:13 He wants you deceived to bring ultimate devastation to you.
00:17 But if you are focused on me and my word, his strategy, his tactics fall to the ground,
00:24 you would say, and they will be brought to nothing.
00:28 They will not bring you down.
00:29 They will not overtake you, and they certainly will not destroy you.
00:35 His destruction was your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
00:41 And remember, the greater one lives in the inside of you than he that's in the world.
00:53 Face the things in your life with boldness and peace because I am with you and I will
00:58 never leave you and I will not fail you.
01:04 There's been great persecution in the body of Christ for standing on truth and standing
01:09 in faith.
01:10 Well, now is a time for great vindication for the ones who dare to stand, who dare to
01:15 believe and who put their trust in me.
01:19 Vengeance is mine and vengeance is being poured out.
01:23 And I have said this many times before, justice is being served because I am the God of justice,
01:31 sayeth the Lord of hosts.
01:36 Something big is brewing in Macedonia that is about to be exposed.
01:43 Truth about the oil industry, the oil reserves, and who has been in control and who has been
01:48 trying to suppress the truth.
01:49 It is being stopped and the truth will pour out everywhere.
01:55 Oil is connected to more in this country and foreign nations than you realize right now.
02:02 But I said all truth would be revealed and it will.
02:11 Watch as many Arab nations become unstable.
02:14 It will appear like chaos is erupting.
02:16 Many judgments you will see fall in this area or in that area, excuse me, for all the death
02:22 they have caused so many.
02:26 Afghanistan, much truth will be told about what really happened in that area that was
02:32 paid for by your and why so much was left there for a great payoff to your enemies.
02:40 There is nothing your enemies have done that will be suppressed any longer.
02:48 Many foreign business deals regarding not only this you see now, but in times past that
02:56 have used your enemies against you in multiple different ways.
03:00 I'm opening the record books of all the money, all the trade deals, all the acts, all the
03:04 things that were committed for the good that you see now.
03:13 This has been a plan for over a hundred years in this nation for your enemies outside in
03:17 foreign lands, but also your enemies in the deep state of this nation to steal, to enslave,
03:24 to destroy ultimately this free nation.
03:28 Not only because it was a free nation, but it was because it's one nation that served
03:32 me like no one else.
03:35 This is why I remind you again, my children, this is not a battle of just men.
03:40 This is a battle of a spiritual one.
03:43 This is your enemy, the devil, using men to take me out of everything, including this
03:47 earth, but ultimately to bring down the body of Christ into his submission.
03:55 To take away your knowledge of who you are in me, take away knowledge of how powerful
04:00 you are because I live in you any way that he can.
04:05 He uses every tool that he has to bring my children to their knees and tear apart this
04:10 nation that was built upon my word.
04:14 But that is their plan.
04:17 You've seen it play out.
04:20 Now it's time for mine.
04:25 More banks will fall.
04:27 More businesses will fail.
04:28 More exposures are coming.
04:30 More powerful people will fall.
04:32 More proof will pour out to free this nation.
04:36 Get ready, my children, for deliverance.
04:38 Get ready for freedom.
04:39 Say it, the Lord, your Redeemer.
04:42 That wasn't a very long prophetic word, but it was extremely powerful.
04:49 And one thing that caught my attention that I will go over when I go back over this prophetic
04:53 word, when he says, but that's their plan and it's playing out, you've seen it play
04:58 out.
04:59 Now it's time for mine.
05:03 I have said this over and over and over again because it's in my spirit.
05:08 So that's why I'm saying it over and over.
05:12 God always wins.
05:14 His plans will always come to pass no matter how many enemies, no matter their power, no
05:22 matter what they have.
05:25 It doesn't matter when it comes to almighty God.
05:29 He reminds us of this.
05:31 He reminds us of that scripture of 1 John 4, 4.
05:34 The greater one lives on the inside of you than he that's in the world.
05:38 Write that down.
05:39 Say it all the time.
05:41 Say it.
05:42 The greater one, he lives in you.
05:45 And not only does he live in you, but he is your father, the creator of heaven and earth,
05:51 the one that made everything that you see, except for the buildings and stuff.
05:56 Obviously man did that, but he gave him the creativity to do it.
06:00 God, look at the sky.
06:03 Look at the universe.
06:04 Look at the stars.
06:07 Look at everything, all the trees, the mountains, all the beautiful things, waterfalls, the
06:14 oceans.
06:15 I love the sound of waves.
06:16 It's one of my favorite things in the world to hear the ocean.
06:21 I love that sound.
06:22 To see the openness and to hear the wind and have the sand under my feet and just listen.
06:31 God did that.
06:33 I remember one time we were in, it was in Myrtle Beach.
06:38 And I remember sitting in the condo that we had and overlooking the ocean.
06:43 And it was night.
06:45 And the moon was just so big and so bright.
06:49 And it mirrored all over the water.
06:52 It was one of the most beautiful things.
06:54 It was so peaceful, just hearing the wind and the waves.
06:58 God did that.
07:00 God does these things for us to enjoy.
07:04 He created all these things around us.
07:07 The beautifulness of this world, how beautiful this place really is.
07:12 Our enemies want to destroy it.
07:16 They want to destroy you because they want to keep it for themselves.
07:21 Our enemies have done so much that we're not aware of yet.
07:26 But God says we will be.
07:28 I want to read a couple of scriptures here.
07:32 I know I've read it just recently, but these are the scriptures that when he's repeating
07:36 and saying these scriptures a lot, we need to get the revelation of these scriptures
07:43 and read them continuously until it brings peace or rest.
07:50 It's 1 John 5.
07:54 I'm going to start with verse 1 first.
07:57 Everyone who believes, adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact that Jesus is the Christ
08:02 Messiah, is a born again child of God, and everyone who loves the Father also loves the
08:07 one that born of him and his offspring.
08:09 All right.
08:10 So who is born again?
08:11 Those who adhere to and trust and rely on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah
08:14 and is born again child of God.
08:16 Once you accept Jesus, now all you have to do is say, "Heavenly Father, I accept that
08:20 Jesus died on the cross for my sins.
08:23 I ask him to be my Lord and Savior.
08:25 I ask him into my heart to be my Lord.
08:30 I thank you for that sacrifice.
08:33 I believe in it no matter what anyone else says.
08:39 I believe in your love.
08:41 I believe in you, and I thank you that you are in my heart.
08:45 I thank you that you are my Savior.
08:47 I thank you that you died for me, and I thank you for forgiving me of all my sin because
08:52 the blood that was shed."
08:55 Just like that, few words.
08:59 You are forever written in the Lamb's book of life, and that's what you truly believe,
09:05 and don't walk away from it.
09:07 God loves you.
09:10 Trust in that fact.
09:11 No matter what you have done in your life, God will forgive you.
09:17 All right, now, verse 4, 1 John 5 and verse 4, "For whatever is born of God is victorious
09:25 over the world."
09:26 So who is born of God?
09:28 A child of God.
09:30 One who has Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
09:34 They're victorious over the world.
09:36 So it doesn't matter what is in the world, we're victorious over the world.
09:40 And this is a victory that conquers the world, even our faith.
09:44 Now he goes on.
09:47 Verse 5, "Who is it that's victorious over, that conquers the world, but he who believes
09:54 that Jesus is the Son of God, who adheres to, trusts, and relies on that fact?"
10:00 Do you believe and trust and rely on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, that he's
10:05 the Son of God?
10:06 Then you are victorious over the world.
10:10 So everything that we see in our life, Jesus has conquered it for us.
10:17 He's destroyed our enemy.
10:19 He's brought him to nothing.
10:21 And a lot of people will ask, "Well, Julie, if he's been brought to nothing, then why
10:25 is he allowed to do so many things upon this earth?"
10:31 Because that's why if we ask Jesus as our Lord and Savior, no matter what our enemy
10:38 does until the time of tribulation and until the time that he's thrown into the lake of
10:43 fire for all eternity, because he will be, we have been given a power over our enemy.
10:56 Once his time runs out, he has an expiration date upon this earth and against mankind,
11:02 he has an expiration date.
11:03 It hasn't expired yet.
11:05 But that's the reason why Jesus came.
11:08 So even though until Satan's expiration date upon this earth, you have a way to conquer
11:14 him.
11:15 You have a way to beat him in every facet, every way, shape, and form.
11:19 You have the ability to defeat him because Jesus defeated him and Jesus lives in you.
11:28 You are not defeated.
11:31 You are more than a conqueror.
11:34 You are not a victim.
11:35 You are a victor.
11:38 You have to perceive and have the perception of what God needs you to see.
11:43 Not through the eyes of the world and not through the eyes of your circumstances and
11:46 just seeing everything blow up in your face, everything that's going wrong.
11:50 That's what your enemy wants to distract you with.
11:52 This is going wrong and that's going wrong and look over here and look over there.
11:55 Don't look at God.
11:56 Don't focus on him.
11:57 Don't focus on his word.
11:58 Don't focus on that.
11:59 That's what his whole purpose is every single day.
12:03 To get you to get up and look at everything that's wrong and get you discouraged, get
12:08 you overwhelmed, get you burdened down.
12:11 Get that spirit of heaviness on you.
12:14 Why do you think it's so important for us as children of the most high God to start
12:20 praise and worshiping him?
12:22 It destroys that garment of that heaviness that's on us with a garment of praise.
12:30 The spirit of heaviness, the garment of praise destroys it.
12:37 If we just knew the destruction it causes our enemy, if we just praise and worship,
12:42 why does your enemy want you not to praise and worship?
12:45 Why do you never feel like it?
12:47 For some people, they don't ever feel like praising and worshiping because he doesn't
12:55 want you to feel like it.
12:56 That's why we can't go by our feelings.
13:00 It's a weapon against him.
13:04 Memory even says in God's word to give sacrifice and praise and thanksgiving because we enter
13:09 the courts with praise and thanksgiving.
13:11 We enter the courts, his courts, with thanksgiving and praise.
13:16 We enter the courts of what?
13:17 Almighty God!
13:20 Our enemy is destroyed by praise and worship.
13:26 Our enemy is destroyed when he wants us burdened down, when he wants us overwhelmed, when he
13:30 wants us to give up and quit and crying and sulking and fearing, "Sorry for ourself.
13:36 Oh, self-pity is one of the worst and dangerous things that you can be in."
13:41 Trust me, I know.
13:43 It is.
13:45 Because if you are feeling sorry for yourself, then you are not fed up.
13:48 You are not to the point where you're focusing on God and God is saying, "Nope, you won.
13:53 Don't focus on your enemy and don't focus on those feelings.
13:56 Don't focus on your circumstances.
13:58 You focus on me.
14:00 Focus on God.
14:01 Focus on God."
14:03 It's so imperative right now to focus on him.
14:08 He has made you more than a conqueror.
14:11 It is written.
14:16 Second Corinthians 2 and 14, he always causes you to triumph.
14:21 He doesn't say sometimes, "We're going to lose a few and you lose a few."
14:26 That's not what God said.
14:28 He always causes you to triumph in and through Christ Jesus.
14:35 It's not by our own strength.
14:36 It's not by our own ability.
14:37 It's not by our own intelligence.
14:38 It's not by our own understanding.
14:41 It is by what Jesus has already done.
14:44 The battle is the Lord's.
14:46 Why?
14:47 Because Jesus, when he came, was the son of man.
14:50 He's the son of God.
14:51 He was a man upon this earth.
14:54 Okay, hold on.
14:56 People are going to just choke on that, so just give me a minute.
15:03 All right.
15:05 He stripped himself when he came upon this earth, and that's why he was baptized in the
15:10 Holy Ghost, and then he started his ministry and was able to do all those miracle signs
15:15 and wonders because he was anointed by his Father.
15:20 Again, people are not going to like hearing that, but that's the truth.
15:23 Go to Galatians.
15:25 All right.
15:28 Now, listen to this.
15:32 There's more than one scripture about this.
15:33 I'll see how much time I have.
15:34 All right, now, Galatians 4, because I have to do two videos today because I'm leaving
15:38 out of town this afternoon, so I have to do two of them today.
15:42 But when the proper time had fully come, God had sent his son, listen, born of a woman,
15:50 born subject to the regulations of the law.
15:56 He was born subject to the regulations of the law.
16:02 He came, yes, as a son of God, but he was a man.
16:11 He was then baptized by John the Baptist, then he was born again, child of God.
16:17 He was, sorry, he was anointed by the Holy Ghost.
16:22 No one was born again until after he died and rose again, so I misspoke.
16:27 He was anointed by God, and once he was anointed by him, then all the miracles and the signs
16:34 and wonders in his ministry.
16:38 If he would have come here with all of the power that he had, people would not be able
16:44 to be in his presence as the son of God, how he was.
16:51 Sin cannot be in the presence of the Lord.
16:56 He had to come as a man, subject to the regulations of this law.
17:00 Why?
17:01 This is very important.
17:03 Religion and legalism will scoff at this.
17:07 They will get angry at this because they don't like the truth.
17:13 Why did Jesus have to come subject to the regulations of the law?
17:19 To destroy it.
17:23 He came to destroy everything that Satan brought upon this earth against a child of
17:30 God.
17:33 He came here.
17:35 He was tempted, just as many people have.
17:37 He just never fell for them.
17:38 He didn't sin.
17:40 Even says in the Word, "He who knew," he didn't sin.
17:44 He who knew no sin.
17:45 He became sin on that cross.
17:50 Why did he become sin on the cross?
17:54 So you could be forgiven.
17:57 He never committed sin, but he became it to destroy it.
18:05 Destroy the chains it would have on you.
18:10 Destroy its hold.
18:11 Destroy its torment.
18:14 Destroy its power completely.
18:20 That's why it's hard when we sit here and God sees us hold on to that sin, hold on to
18:30 that guilt, hold on to that shame, hold on to that condemnation, and have sin consciousness
18:35 and beat ourselves over the head every second of every day because the sin we committed,
18:42 Jesus destroyed it.
18:46 And all we have to do is go to our Father and ask Him to forgive us.
18:49 And He's faithful.
18:50 First John 1, 7 and 9.
18:53 I'm going to keep reading.
18:56 Why did he become, why was he born of a woman and born subject to the regulations of law?
19:02 To purchase the freedom.
19:06 To purchase the freedom.
19:09 To ransom.
19:11 To redeem.
19:13 To atone for those who are subject to the law.
19:17 That we might be adopted and have some ship conferred upon us and be recognized as God's
19:22 sons.
19:23 And because you are really as are His sons, God has sent the Holy Spirit of His Son into
19:28 our hearts, crying out, "The Father."
19:30 Now listen to verse 7.
19:33 "Therefore you are no longer a slave, bondservant, but a son.
19:40 And if a son, then it follows that you are an heir by the aid through Christ.
19:48 In aid of God through Christ."
19:50 Excuse me.
19:51 I'm going to read something else.
19:54 Now that was, again, that was Galatians 4, verses 4 through 7 and that was a classical
20:02 amplified version.
20:05 Now I'm going to read Galatians chapter 5 in verse 1.
20:10 "In this freedom, Christ has made us free and completely liberated us.
20:19 Stand fast then, do not be hampered and held a snare and submit again to a yoke of slavery
20:26 which you have once put off."
20:31 Why are these scriptures so important right now?
20:33 Because our enemies are trying to put a yoke of slavery and bondage on us through their
20:39 tactical and their rules of law.
20:47 They're unjust.
20:51 They're everything but.
20:54 God does not want us to live the way that we're living.
20:56 This was never His plan or His idea.
21:00 Our enemy has stolen, deceived, manipulated, turned things upside down.
21:10 And the Lord says, and He talks about this in this prophetic word.
21:13 I'm going to read this again.
21:15 I'm going to go back over it.
21:19 He says, "More banks will fall."
21:20 Now people will just freak out when they hear that.
21:22 Why has He been talking about the economy for the last year, year and a half in these
21:26 prophetic words?
21:28 Because it was a system, it's a godless, disgusting system.
21:32 It's a system to enslave you.
21:33 It's a system to steal from you.
21:36 It's a system to suppress you.
21:40 They don't want you to go up as high as they are.
21:44 Who is they?
21:45 The elitists, the globalists, the one percenters, however you want to call them, that control
21:51 most of this world.
21:52 At least they think they do.
21:55 They don't want you to get as high as them.
21:59 They control almost everything you see with their godless system.
22:06 But God.
22:08 He says, "More banks will fall."
22:09 Remember, Lenny Gautien, you are a child of the Most High God.
22:13 You are separated.
22:14 You are in this world, what Jesus says in John 17, 13 through 17.
22:17 Go and read it.
22:18 You are in this world, but you are not of it.
22:21 Hold on.
22:22 Oops, hit my microphone again.
22:25 Sorry about that.
22:26 All right, now, I got to read something else.
22:27 He just...
22:28 I'll go back to the prophetic word again.
22:31 He has me to read this scripture.
22:35 I want you to write this scripture down.
22:38 This scripture is one of the scriptures that also saved me in a very dark time.
22:41 There's many scriptures that did, but this is one of them.
22:46 John 16, verse 33.
22:49 I have told you these things that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence.
22:53 In the world you will have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration, but be
22:57 of good cheer, take courage, be confident, certain and undaunted.
23:00 For I have overcome the world.
23:02 What did Jesus say?
23:03 He's overcome the world.
23:06 I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you.
23:17 He became a man upon this earth, born of a woman, subject to the regulations of the law
23:26 to destroy it, to conquer it, to deprive its ability to harm you, and he conquered it for
23:32 you.
23:33 That's why this is so important to get into the scriptures and just hear what God has
23:39 done.
23:40 Then all these things that you see, you won't be afraid of because he's conquered it for
23:45 you.
23:47 You have a blood covenant with almighty God and with Jesus Christ, what he did for you.
23:53 He did it for you, not for himself.
23:56 He did it for you.
23:57 All right, now, so more banks will fall.
24:01 Don't worry.
24:02 Land of Goshen, you are protected by the blood of Jesus.
24:05 Play the blood of Jesus over everything you own.
24:08 More businesses will fail.
24:10 Why?
24:11 Because they were designed against you.
24:13 Big tech, big corporation, they were designed against you to enslave you into their tyrannical
24:18 system.
24:21 More exposures are coming.
24:22 Why?
24:23 Because God said the truth was coming.
24:25 That's why more exposures are coming.
24:26 He says more powerful people will fall.
24:28 Why?
24:29 Because judgment and justice.
24:32 More proof will pour out to free this nation.
24:35 Why?
24:36 Because truth sets people free.
24:38 He says, "So get ready, my children, for deliverance.
24:40 Get ready for freedom."
24:41 That's what he wants.
24:42 He wants your deliverance.
24:43 He wants your freedom.
24:44 Why?
24:45 Because Jesus has paid for it already.
24:46 Jesus doesn't have to come back and do it again.
24:49 He already paid for it.
24:50 He just wants you to believe and trust in him and what Jesus has already done and take
24:54 it and say, "I am not going to put up with this crap that's going on in the world today.
24:58 I'm not subject to that.
25:00 I'm not subject to that because of what Jesus has already done for me.
25:04 Jesus is already free to me.
25:05 He's already," it's said in, remember, in Galatians 4, "He ransomed me."
25:11 So Galatians 4, 4 through 7, he talked about how he ransomed you.
25:20 He paid the price for your freedom.
25:25 And all you have to do is say, "I take it.
25:27 It's mine."
25:28 And Satan, you will not have what Jesus paid for.
25:32 He paid for my victory.
25:33 He paid for my freedom.
25:35 He paid for my health.
25:36 He paid for everything and I take it.
25:38 That's all you have to do.
25:41 Just take it, believe it, receive it.
25:43 All right.
25:45 Now this was something that is extremely powerful as well.
25:48 He says, "Many foreign deals," business deals, excuse me, "Many foreign business deals regarding
25:53 not only the, you see now, but in times past."
25:58 So we see these, all these governments around the world now.
26:01 He says, yes, it was the people now, but it was all these people in the times past we
26:07 don't even know about yet, but we will.
26:09 He says, "They have used your enemies against you in multiple different ways.
26:14 I'm opening the record books of all the money, all the trade deals, trade deals, they were
26:19 evil and disgusting."
26:22 Why do you think when President Trump came on the scene, he tried to get us out of a
26:25 lot of that stuff?
26:27 This is what the God is saying.
26:30 All the trade deals, all the acts, the acts of all they were committed for the good you
26:36 see now.
26:37 All these things were done for the good around the world that you see right now.
26:42 This has been going on for a long, long, long time.
26:45 This stupid great reset that they want.
26:48 The one world.
26:53 This has been planned for over a hundred years in the nation for your enemies outside foreign
26:56 lands, but also your enemies in the deep state of this nation to ultimately, uh, hold on
27:07 to steal to destroy ultimately this free nation.
27:11 Not only because it was free nation, but it was because it was one nation that served
27:14 me.
27:15 That's the key.
27:16 This was a nation that served God.
27:19 It was formed for the freedom of serving God almighty and our enemies hate it.
27:25 And also you can't have a, uh, a one nation under God like we have in this country.
27:31 You have a powerful superpower of the world of the United States of America, which it
27:36 has been for a long time now.
27:38 If you have a superpower, what do you have to do to have a one world government?
27:41 You can't have a superpower.
27:42 You have to have all the countries equal.
27:48 And that's the reason why they've gone after this country since the beginning.
27:52 Our enemy knew he could see something was special about this country, especially when
28:00 it was formed upon God and his word.
28:02 He said, this is why I remind you again, my children, this is not a battle of just
28:10 men.
28:11 This is a battle of spiritual one.
28:13 This is your enemy, the devil using men to take me out of everything, including this
28:17 earth, but to ultimately bring down the body of Christ and his mission.
28:21 He always wanted to, he hates the fact, he hates the fact that man, children are born
28:28 again child of most high God, that they have more power on this earth than he does.
28:32 He hates it.
28:33 That's why he wants you to have, you are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4, 6, because
28:39 if you were destroyed for a lack of knowledge, then you won't have the knowledge of the fact
28:42 that you have the greater one on the inside of you.
28:45 And you have every tool, you have every weapon, you have the power to completely annihilate
28:48 and destroy your enemy's tactics against you.
28:50 And he has nothing in your sight.
28:54 He wants you to believe that he's this big giant like Goliath and you're this tiny little
28:58 ant and he can just kick you around and do whatever, whatever he wants, when he wants
29:03 to you.
29:04 And that is far from the truth.
29:06 You are a child of God.
29:08 He doesn't have that power over you.
29:12 Jesus ransomed you.
29:15 He paid the price for your freedom.
29:22 So he says he wants to take away the knowledge of who you are in me.
29:27 Satan wants to take away the knowledge of who you are in me.
29:29 Why do you think he brought religion and legalism into the body of Christ?
29:34 Why do you think he infiltrated the body of Christ?
29:36 And people that, the churches aren't infiltrated.
29:39 Are you serious?
29:40 Yes, they are.
29:41 They haven't for a very long time.
29:44 Religion.
29:46 Look at what happened with Jesus even when he was out here walking on the earth and look
29:51 at how they treated him, religious leaders.
29:55 I think the chosen did a good depiction of that.
30:00 Religion blinded them from seeing who he really was.
30:03 They treated him like garbage.
30:07 They wanted to kill him because it was just going cross grain to what they believed was
30:16 true.
30:18 They were deceived.
30:22 Satan still does that today and religious leaders.
30:26 That's why we're supposed to pay attention to what God's word saying and not a mere person
30:30 or a man.
30:32 We are mankind.
30:33 We have to be paying attention to what, okay?
30:36 That's why I always tell you, don't just take my word for it.
30:39 Please get into the word of God on your own.
30:43 Write down the scriptures that God gives me to give to you.
30:47 Write them down, get these revelation that God wants you to have, not just because of
30:52 me.
30:53 He wants to give them to you because he wants you to have them.
30:56 He wants you to know him on a more intimate level.
30:59 He wants you to know that you know that you know, so when you have adversity in your face,
31:03 you know exactly what to do.
31:05 All right, I have to keep going because I have to make another video.
31:10 All right, take away your knowledge of who you are in me.
31:13 Take away your knowledge of how powerful you are because I live in you.
31:17 God lives in us.
31:19 The greater one lives on the inside of us.
31:22 In any way that he can, he uses every tool that he has to bring my children to their
31:25 knees and to tear apart this nation that was built upon my word.
31:30 That is a plan you've seen played out.
31:33 He has us in caps, can we put it in caps and bold.
31:37 Now it's time for mine.
31:41 For what?
31:42 God's plan, not the enemy's plan to keep playing out.
31:46 God's plan is time for God's plan to play out in front of us.
31:51 It's time for the world to see that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still alive
31:56 today.
31:57 He is still the judge over all the earth.
32:00 He still has a final say no matter what man says.
32:04 Afghanistan, much truth will be told about what really happened in that area that was
32:10 paid for by your fraudulent government and why so much was left there for a great payoff
32:14 to your enemies.
32:15 There is nothing your enemies have done that will be suppressed any longer.
32:19 So there was things that were hidden in Afghanistan.
32:21 Yes, that was a payoff.
32:23 Not only do we leave money apparently there, but all of the tools, all the weapons, the
32:28 tanks, all the helicopters, all this stuff that we left there that was done on purpose
32:31 for a reason to pay them off.
32:37 There's a lot you're going to find out you're not going to like when it comes to this.
32:42 And not only the one you see now with the, but the ones in times past that we thought
32:47 were good and they actually were not.
32:51 This has gone on for a long time.
32:52 He said it in more than one word.
32:54 Watch as many Arab nations become unstable.
32:57 It will appear like chaos is erupting.
32:59 Many judgments you will see fall in that area.
33:01 The death they have caused to so many.
33:07 It's been going on for a long time.
33:08 Remember Isaac and Ishmael?
33:09 The Arab nations, mostly Ishmael descendants.
33:14 That's why you're seeing the hatred.
33:16 That's why you're seeing this has been going on for over 4,000 years.
33:22 Now truth about the oil industry.
33:26 How about that?
33:27 There's been stuff that was going on with the oil industry that we had no idea what's
33:30 going on.
33:31 He said, and the oil reserves and who has been in control and who has been trying to
33:34 suppress the truth is being stopped and the truth will pour out everywhere.
33:39 Oil is connected to more in this country and foreign nations than you realize right now.
33:43 But I said all truth would be revealed and it will.
33:49 There's something big about oil that has been suppressed and God says, I am going to expose
33:56 it all.
33:59 Something big is brewing in Macedonia.
34:02 It's about to be exposed.
34:04 Now there has been great persecution in the body of Christ for standing on truth and standing
34:08 in faith.
34:09 Well, now this is time for great vindication for the ones who dare to stand and dare to
34:13 believe and put their trust in me.
34:15 Vengeance is mine and vengeance is being poured out.
34:18 And I have said this many times before, justice is being served because I'm the God of justice,
34:22 sayeth the Lord of hosts.
34:23 Now, if you want to read that scripture, I don't have time.
34:25 Again, I have to make a other video plus I have other things to do before meetings before
34:30 I have to leave out of town.
34:31 So I want you to read, go read it.
34:34 Hebrews 10 and 30.
34:36 Okay.
34:37 Go read the Hebrews 10 and 30 and then go read 35 and 36.
34:42 So Hebrew, Hebrews 10 and 30, 35 and 36.
34:47 So write those down.
34:48 All right.
34:49 Now, and he says, face the things in your life with boldness and peace because I am
34:52 with you and I will never leave you and I will not fail you.
34:56 That is in bold.
34:57 God will never leave us, never fail us because he says he's not going to.
35:01 He says he'll never leave us, no forsake us.
35:02 And he also says multiple different times, he will not fail because God is a sure thing.
35:08 This is the first paragraph.
35:09 These are the days of great distractions.
35:12 My children.
35:13 So do not fall for your enemies trap.
35:14 He wants you distracted.
35:15 He wants you to see to bring ultimate devastation to you.
35:17 But if you are focused on me and my word, his strategy, his tactics fall to the ground,
35:22 you would say, and they would be brought to nothing.
35:25 They'll bring, they will not bring you down.
35:27 They will not overtake you.
35:28 They will certainly not destroy you.
35:29 His destruction was your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
35:33 Remember the greater one lives on the inside of you, that he is in the world.
35:36 I gave you those scriptures.
35:37 First John four, four, go read first John five, one and four and five.
35:42 And um, also read, wait, hold on a second.
35:46 I got to give you something first.
35:49 And then John 16, 33, it's another scripture.
35:52 And then Hebrews 10, 30 and then 35 through 36.
35:57 Write those down.
35:58 All right, now distraction.
36:00 I want to read a definition to you.
36:01 A thing that prevents someone from being, giving full attention to something else or
36:07 extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.
36:10 Now I want to read something that is more of the biblical, uh, the distraction was according
36:14 to the Bible.
36:15 A simple definition of distraction is something that turns your attention away from something
36:20 you want to concentrate on.
36:24 And this is exactly what Satan wants for us.
36:27 Satan loves distracting Christians.
36:29 He doesn't care what that something is.
36:33 He just wants to turn our attention away from the things of God.
36:39 That's what his tactic is.
36:41 And if we know the strategies of his war, his tactics of war, then he cannot defeat
36:47 you.
36:48 You will not fall for that deception.
36:50 You will not fall for his distractions.
36:51 You will not fall for his tactics because you know the truth and the truth will set
36:56 you free.
36:57 That's also written in the Bible.
37:00 All right.
37:01 I want to pray for each and every one of you before I go.
37:02 Heavenly father right now in the name of Jesus, we just want to praise and thank you father
37:05 God for the truth that you are pouring out and giving to us every single day.
37:09 I thank you father God for this fresh manna.
37:12 I thank you heavenly father for you free on freeing each and every one of them from the
37:16 top of the head to the sole of their feet.
37:17 Every situation, every circumstance, every impossible situation.
37:20 I thank you father God that you were the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
37:24 You were the God who nothing is impossible.
37:26 You are the great I am and I thank you father God that you are turning all these situations
37:30 around by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that has already freed them, has already delivered
37:35 them.
37:36 I thank you father God because of what Jesus has done.
37:38 He is annihilated.
37:39 He is destroyed.
37:41 He's decimated.
37:42 He has brought our enemies to nothing.
37:43 I thank you that we see this through the eyes of Christ that we will no longer see ourselves
37:48 as victims.
37:49 We will no longer see ourselves defeated.
37:50 We are no longer seeing ourselves weak.
37:52 We will no longer see ourselves a victim but victorious because of what Jesus has already
37:59 done for us.
38:00 We thank you for this right now in Jesus mighty name.
38:04 Amen and amen.
38:06 Remember that you are more than a conqueror.
38:08 Jesus has paid for you so you don't have to accept enslavement.
38:11 You have to accept this bondage.
38:12 You have to accept all this defeat because Jesus has defeated your enemy on your behalf.
38:18 Well I hope this has encouraged you today.
38:20 Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear
38:24 an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free.
38:28 God loves you.
38:29 I love you.
38:30 God bless you and have a wonderful day.