Summer Sickness: Illnesses to watch out for

  • last year
Viruses like COVID-19, the flu, and RSV are more common during the winter months but health experts say even over the summer certain sicknesses can circulate. A doctor explains which illnesses to watch out for right now.
00:00 Viruses like COVID-19, the flu and RSV are more common during the winter months, but
00:05 health experts say even over the summer, certain sicknesses can circulate.
00:09 Mandy Gaither has more in tonight's Health Minute.
00:13 From respiratory illnesses to the tummy troubles, germs don't take a break.
00:19 There's a lot of things we have to watch out for, even in the summertime.
00:22 This time of year, families travel and tend to be around more people or in crowds.
00:27 When it comes to your health, don't let your guard down, says Dr. Neha Vyas with Cleveland
00:33 Clinic.
00:34 Remember way back before the pandemic when the viruses were just general old-fashioned
00:38 summer viruses, colds, summer colds, sinus infections, those kinds of things, they're
00:43 still around.
00:44 Vyas says other illnesses that tend to circulate over summer, gastrointestinal issues, pink
00:50 eye, yeast infections, even warts.
00:53 Plantar warts come up through walking around barefoot, in the pool area or in the gym area.
01:01 Vyas says to wear flip-flops or other shoes to protect feet and shared spaces.
01:06 She also says to continue to be vigilant when it comes to COVID-19.
01:11 That virus is also still circulating.
01:14 It's generally not as severe, although different people are affected in different ways.
01:19 Vyas says to not take a vacation from the precautions you always take to stay healthy,
01:25 including covering coughs and sneezes, staying away from others when you're sick, and hand
01:30 washing.
01:31 For Health Minute, I'm Mandy Gaither.
