The Cutest Wild Baby Animals That Will Make You Go Aww

  • last year
00:00 As humans, we are fond of going crazy on the sight of baby animals, with their dewy eyes,
00:05 perfectly round bodies, silly demeanor, as well as that extra touch of fluffiness.
00:10 Baby animals are able to submerge us into one of the most adorable surrenders ever.
00:14 Welcome back to another episode of Forever Green, today we're bringing you our top picks
00:19 for the cutest wild baby animals that will just make you go "Aww".
00:23 Oh, and if you thought Tapir could be cute, then stay tuned for number 1, because this
00:29 baby animal will bring tears to even the most skeptical of eyes.
00:34 Number 18, Hoglets.
00:40 Female hedgehogs have a gestation period of 35 to 55 days, after which, they deliver a
00:45 litter of 3 to 4 newborns known as hoglets.
00:48 Hoglets will inevitably make you bubble and squeal when you see them.
00:52 The hoglets are born blind and are covered with a protective membrane which dries and
00:56 shrinks within a few hours after birth.
00:59 On drying up of the membrane, the quills then emerge.
01:02 Their little tongues, pointed small noses, large watery eyes, and an overall innocent
01:07 face is an overload of cuteness which is enough to fool one to go petting them.
01:11 However, like all mothers, the mother hedgehog might be watching so be careful before petting
01:15 the hoglets, lest you be on the receiving end of thousands of sharp quills, which are
01:20 way much harder and sharper than those of a porcupine.
01:24 Number 17, Red Panda Cub.
01:30 Red pandas are unfortunately listed as endangered species with an estimated wild population
01:34 of less than 10,000 individuals.
01:37 They are carnivorous and can be found in the southwestern China and Himalayas.
01:41 Their distinctive features are a shaggy tail and a reddish-brown fur, which may also be
01:45 black on the underparts.
01:47 Their front legs are shorter than the hind ones, hence its wobbly walk.
01:51 Red panda cubs are born blind and deaf.
01:53 The mother then cleans them and can recognize each of her cubs by their own unique smell.
01:58 The cubs are cute, delicate, and adorable.
02:01 They look just like kittens and seeing them playing or strolling the grasslands warms
02:05 your heart.
02:06 They are downright cute and they know it.
02:08 Their silky fur, large eyes, and small noses, which are perfectly positioned on their faces,
02:13 are a true beauty to watch and admire.
02:15 Wouldn't you want to own one?
02:18 Number 16.
02:20 Sloth Cub.
02:24 Being among the slowest animals on the planet, baby sloths will give you a generous amount
02:28 of time to appreciate their beauty.
02:31 The baby sloths, also known as cubs, are sluggish and seem to be always smiling, displaying
02:36 cuteness that is almost too much to handle.
02:39 They learn what to eat by licking the lips of their mothers.
02:42 Number 15.
02:44 Koala Joey.
02:48 Baby koalas are known as joeys and trust me, there is no other animal that screams "cuddle
02:53 me" more than a joey.
02:55 At birth, the koala joeys are the size of a jelly bean and they immediately crawl to
02:59 their mother's pouches where they stay for the next six months.
03:02 They are born blind, deaf, and all naked with not a single hair.
03:05 They are heavy sleepers as they can sleep for 22 hours a day.
03:09 Who wouldn't want to be a koala joey?
03:11 Sleeping all day without a care in the world.
03:14 With their fluffy bodies, button noses, and large faces, one may mistake them for teddy
03:19 bears.
03:20 They love to cuddle with tree branches as well as amongst themselves.
03:23 They will definitely make you want to snuggle them, but you should be careful lest their
03:27 sharp claws and teeth leave some painful bruises on you.
03:31 Number 14.
03:33 Squirrel Kits.
03:37 Baby squirrels are born deaf, blind, and naked.
03:40 They are hooked onto their mothers for about three months, during which they have to be
03:43 fed every two to four hours.
03:46 At birth, the kits are about an inch long.
03:48 Yes, you heard that right, one inch long.
03:51 This means that they are not only tiny but also very delicate.
03:55 Watching the little kits gnaw on their ever-growing teeth will just warm your heart.
03:59 Their beautiful big eyes are well positioned on the edges of their head to make sure they
04:02 have good vision of what's in front and behind them.
04:05 These eyes are probably the rationale on why people can't stop building these miniature
04:08 squirrel picnic tables on their yards.
04:11 Squirrel can however be invasive and can slot in a hole about the size of a golf ball and
04:15 hence you should be ready with rodent repellent in case they begin hanging around your backyard.
04:20 But I bet you won't because you probably can't get over their cuteness.
04:24 Before we move on to our next cute baby animal, I have a short challenge for you.
04:28 Leave us a like, smash that subscribe button, and turn on notifications for more phenomenal
04:32 content like this and you'll win 10 years of incredible luck.
04:36 Try it, it actually works.
04:38 13.
04:39 Tiger Cubs
04:40 If cuteness was to be measured out in the world, then tiger cubs would with no doubt
04:50 carry the day.
04:51 Tiger cubs are born blind and they look more like a kitten.
04:54 These adorable, playful, and fluffy cubs will erase your capability of reasoning and you
04:59 will find yourself with a strong desire to pet them.
05:01 I mean, look at those stripes in their chubby little bodies.
05:04 When you spot a tiger cub, whether out in the wild or while on safari, your heart will
05:08 suddenly melt and the giddy child in you will definitely want to run your hands on them.
05:13 However, do not dare for while these cubs may seem harmless, but their ever watching
05:17 mothers are the ones you should be worried about.
05:19 They can quickly turn you into their next meal.
05:22 12.
05:24 Meerkat Pups
05:29 Baby meerkats are also known as pups.
05:31 They are born underground in a chamber lined with grass where they are kept safe from predators.
05:35 In case you were wondering, they are born with a natural eye shadow that we all can't
05:39 help but notice.
05:40 Looking at these little pups will give you a fuzzy, cozy, rushing stream of nostalgia.
05:46 Doesn't these remind you of Timon from The Lion King?
05:49 Meerkat pups boast of large eyes, small ears, and a pointed stout.
05:53 Their cute eyes shout innocence and together with their fluffy bodies, they just look nothing
05:57 but sweet and pure.
05:58 These pups attain maturity at age of 2 years and thus, spend their first 3 months doing
06:03 almost nothing else but being all cute.
06:05 Wouldn't these big cute eyes manipulate you into petting them if you could catch one?
06:12 11.
06:13 Foals
06:18 Zebras boast of a unique coat that has stripes of black and white.
06:21 After a gestation period of 11-13 months, a female zebra also known as a mare gives
06:26 birth to a single foal.
06:28 The foal is capable of running an hour after birth, a very useful capability since they
06:33 need to flee predators which are fast.
06:35 The likes of lions, cheetah, leopards, and wild dogs.
06:39 Sometimes there is no time for pampering, they are born right into survival mode.
06:44 The new mothers prevent other mares from approaching their foal.
06:47 This is because newborn foals tend to follow just anything that moves.
06:50 The mother then uses this alone time with her foal to imprint her vocalization, scent,
06:54 and stripe pattern on the foal.
06:56 Watching foals with their big ears, black nose, and a beautiful pattern courtesy of
07:01 their black and white stripes, makes one feel like they are watching a unique beautiful
07:04 masterpiece of art.
07:06 All one can do is admire and adore it.
07:08 Truly, nature is amazing.
07:11 10.
07:12 Polar Bear Cubs
07:17 Now this list would not be complete without us mentioning at least one bear.
07:20 The only reason why teddy bears are the most popular stuffed animals in the world is because
07:24 we find real life bears to be cute.
07:27 Polar bear cubs are even more cute because of their clean, white fur.
07:30 Their black eyes, nose, mouth, and paw prints create a perfect contrast.
07:35 Polar bear cubs are born blind and toothless with only a thin layer of soft fur over them.
07:40 They are mostly born as twin and sometimes triplets.
07:43 They weigh less than a kilogram at birth, and their mother's fatty milk is the only
07:47 reason why they grow up so fast and huge.
07:50 They are nursed for up to two and a half years.
07:52 It is heartwarming to watch them ride on their mother's back or even play in the snow.
07:56 Don't you just want to cuddle a polar bear when you see one?
07:59 Their cubs are even harder to resist.
08:01 They are so cute and adorable.
08:03 We all wish we can carry one home with us.
08:06 9.
08:07 Fawn
08:12 A female deer, also called doe, will have either one or two fawns at a time.
08:17 They are usually born around the same time of the year, between April and June.
08:21 Fawns are born with eyes fully open and fur covered with white spots.
08:24 What a beauty!
08:26 Unfortunately, these white spots disappear after one year, the exact same day the fawn
08:30 was born.
08:31 Fawns are usually left alone by their mothers who always return to them unless the worst
08:35 happens.
08:36 So, quit picking quiet sleeping fawns.
08:38 They are not abandoned.
08:39 It is their mother's way of keeping them safe.
08:41 Within its first 20 minutes, a newborn fawn begins to take its first steps and can do
08:45 a well-balanced walk in 7 hours.
08:48 Once they learn how to walk, they are nothing but a ball of energy.
08:51 You'll often spot them jumping around.
08:53 Fawns are shy but playful and cute.
08:55 They are friendly and if you find a bold and confident one, then you better not hesitate
08:59 running your hands on its shiny, beautiful spotted fur.
09:02 Would you keep a fawn as a pet?
09:04 Let us know in the comment section below.
09:06 8.
09:08 Fox Cubs
09:13 The International Fox Cubs Day is non-existent, but after having a look at these fox cubs,
09:18 we all do agree that it should exist.
09:20 With their raised ears, fuzzy looking bodies, and little eyes, baby foxes are adorable to
09:25 say the least.
09:26 They come in greyish or reddish fur and are known to be playful and energetic.
09:31 Curiosity is written all over their faces.
09:33 It's as if they are always trying to figure something out.
09:38 Baby foxes are born and fed in underground dens dug by their mothers in order to keep
09:42 them safe from predators.
09:44 This is why it is unlikely to come by a tiny or newborn fox in the wild.
09:48 Fox cubs will leave you squealing and bubbling when you see them.
09:51 Their eyes and face portray a cute, pure and sweet sight and all you want to do is pet
09:56 them until the sun sets.
09:58 7.
10:00 Seal Pups
10:05 Seals have only one pup in a year.
10:08 The pups will stay on land being fed by their mothers until, a few months later, they can
10:12 join the rest of the team in the water after their waterproof fur has grown.
10:16 While adults have dark fur, seal pups are born with fluffy, thick white fur that keeps
10:21 them warm.
10:22 They are also very small in size and you would never imagine that they will eventually get
10:28 to the giant sizes of their moms.
10:30 As you would expect, they appear calm, innocent with very little to worry about.
10:36 Seal pups are friendly and adorable.
10:37 They are known to have an innate charm that draws you in.
10:40 You could watch them lazy around on the ice or sand with their cute eyes and long whiskers
10:45 all day long and all you want to do is give them an appropriate "Aww" that they genuinely
10:50 deserve.
10:52 6.
10:54 Skunk Kits
10:59 Skunks are mammals known for their capability to spray a liquid with a strong unpleasant
11:03 smell which they use as a defense mechanism.
11:06 Skunk kits are a beauty to adore and hide from head to base at the tail.
11:11 There is a white line on their forehead as well and trust me, they look stinking cute.
11:15 If you come across one, be careful before petting it for their mother might end up spraying
11:19 you in a bid to protect her baby.
11:23 This spray's smell is offensive enough to ward off predators as huge as a bear and could
11:27 reach as far as 3 meters with a high degree of accuracy.
11:31 It is known to cause temporary blindness and irritation.
11:35 5.
11:37 Baby Tapir
11:42 With their colorful pattern of spots and stripes, affinity to play with water, and an unmistakable
11:47 nose, there's nothing else more cute than a tapir calf.
11:51 Tapir are pig-like mammals with a nose trunk which is shorter and grabby compared to that
11:55 of a pig.
11:58 Have you ever imagined how a watermelon would look like with legs?
12:01 Well a baby tapir, also known as a tapir calf, looks like a watermelon on legs.
12:08 This is accredited to its color pattern of a reddish-brown coat.
12:13 Daffled with cream and white-colored stripes and spots, this color pattern helps in camouflage
12:18 with the reed and bamboo forests.
12:20 Unfortunately, after a few months, the stripe pattern begins to fade and thus, one should
12:26 enjoy their sight and beauty while they are young.
12:29 4.
12:30 Owlette
12:35 If you are a lover of birds, then watching owls must be on your favorite things to do
12:39 and if it's not, then it's somewhere on your to-do list.
12:43 Owls are classified by their distinctive large forward-facing eyes, capable of a binocular
12:49 vision of up to 360 degrees.
12:52 This big eyes in proportion to their size are what make owlettes such adorable creatures,
12:57 with their huge eyes on their small bodies.
12:59 Baby owls, also known as owlettes, have truly mastered the art of manipulation.
13:04 All they have to do is look at you with their cute eyes.
13:07 Ta-da!
13:08 You find yourself staring and smiling.
13:12 They can also rotate their necks and head as much as 270 degrees.
13:17 Wouldn't you want to keep one?
13:18 Be sure to let us know in the comment section below.
13:21 3.
13:23 Frogmouth chicks
13:25 Frogmouths are a type of nocturnal bird with a huge frog-like beak, which is flat and hooked.
13:32 Although they are carnivorous and look just like owls, frogmouths lack the curved talons
13:37 on their feet.
13:40 Frogmouth chicks are compact and stocky with short legs and round wings.
13:45 Their large yellow eyes with gray-whitish feathers and black streaks will, sure enough,
13:49 catch your attention.
13:50 If you love bird watching, then you should be looking out for one for sighting a frogmouth
13:57 is a sign of good luck.
13:58 Or so we believe.
14:01 2.
14:02 Crane Colts
14:07 Cranes are characterized by their long necks and long legs.
14:10 They are huge birds and they fly with their necks outstretched, feeding mostly on insects,
14:15 grains, fish, berries, as well as rodents.
14:18 Crane birds can be found on all continents except South America and Antarctica.
14:23 A crane's nest is found in shallow waters and both parents help in rearing their young
14:27 ones called colts.
14:29 They are monogamous and hence are capable of establishing pair bonds that can last their
14:33 lifetime.
14:34 Crane colts are a beauty to watch.
14:37 They walk majestically with their long legs and watching them chirping or stretching their
14:41 wings puts nothing but a smile on your face.
14:44 Luckily, there are over 15 species of cranes and believe me, all of the colts, no matter
14:50 the species, are adorable.
14:54 It's now time for today's subscriber pick.
14:56 Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about this small chubby baby animal
15:00 that looks adorable.
15:01 Wouldn't you want to feel its smooth, shiny skin with your fingers?
15:04 Have you come across a mysterious photo that you want us to look into?
15:08 Just send it over to us and we might feature it on a future video.
15:12 Now we looked into this picture and are excited to reveal to you that there indeed exists
15:17 such a cute baby animal just like the one pictured.
15:20 And this takes us to our number one.
15:22 Hippo Calf.
15:25 Generally, hippos are the third largest land mammals after elephants and rhinos.
15:32 Female hippos are usually described as "K-strategists" because of the way they give birth to one
15:38 huge well-developed newborn rather than many small underdeveloped newborns.
15:42 They isolate before giving birth only to return 10-14 days later with their calves.
15:47 Weighing between 25-50 kg, the chubby calves are born underwater and must swim to the surface
15:52 for their very first breath.
15:54 So yes, they take their first swimming lesson right after birth.
15:57 Isn't that mind-blowing?
15:59 The calves are born toothless, with a thick, shiny, hairless skin.
16:02 They are at times referred to as the "blood-sweating big babies" because they secrete a red fluid
16:07 that protects them from dehydration.
16:09 Just one look at these big babies and one is immediately filled with the urge to run
16:13 their fingers over their slippery smooth skin.
16:15 You should, however, forget about petting and just admire from a distance because their
16:20 mothers are the most aggressive mammals and are equipped with powerful jaws capable of
16:24 opening up to 150 degrees.
16:27 You wouldn't want these jaws to close on your hands or body, just to give you a better picture.
16:31 And that's it for the cutest wild baby animals.
16:34 Which of these babies impressed you the most?
16:37 And which one would you wish to come face to face with or even pet?
16:41 Let us know in the comment section below.
16:43 And if you liked this video, you should definitely check out our video "Most Fearless Birds".
17:00 you
