This Deadly Creature Lives Inside Fish Mouth Secretly

  • last year
00:00 Creepy parasites are found all over the animal world, if you go throughout history.
00:05 They infect humans with deadly illnesses through bites or simply by being around open wounds
00:09 or mucous membranes.
00:12 Much like the flesh-eating fungi.
00:13 However, that's nothing compared to the cookie cutter shark, which, yes, does almost
00:18 exactly what it sounds like.
00:21 Except that they cut dolphins, not cookies.
00:23 Then there's the assassin bug, which, well, also does exactly what it sounds like.
00:28 They mercilessly kill humans, their own kind, and even their own family.
00:33 But to get to the creepiest tongue parasite that lives inside fish mouths, you'll have
00:37 to watch till the end.
00:39 Alright, subscribe to the Forever Green channel and let's get into it.
00:44 Assassin Bugs
00:49 Assassins are among the sneakiest and most vile creatures of this world.
00:53 These bugs have perfected the art of hiding to ambush their prey.
00:56 They are known for concealing themselves on leaves or branches and then jumping out to
01:00 attack unsuspecting insects that land next to them.
01:04 They also use camouflage as a way to attack large prey because their venom is only strong
01:09 enough to kill small creatures.
01:11 Once the poison has paralyzed the prey, the assassin bug will eat it, alive.
01:16 Assassins are known for attacking others and committing cannibalism, eating other members
01:20 of their species, even if they're a close relative.
01:23 They have a completely separate set of jaws for eating their own kind.
01:27 No matter how hard you try to avoid these creepy creatures, they will always find a
01:31 way to creep up on you and bite you.
01:34 However, if they only feed on small bugs, then they may not be such a dangerous bug
01:38 after all.
01:39 Unfortunately for us, according to scientists, most of their prey is considered garden pests.
01:45 Even though assassin bugs can be helpful to us, they are still scary because of the harm
01:49 they can cause.
01:51 Though you may not believe it, these silent hunters could easily kill humans with their
01:55 venomous bites, so make sure to stay away from them!
02:09 Whip Scorpions
02:10 Have you ever heard of a whip scorpion?
02:16 If you haven't, then let me tell you.
02:18 They're totally real, and they're probably a lot closer to you than you know.
02:22 You can usually find them in deserts or near caves, and they'll wait for their prey to
02:26 be within inches of it before snabbing at them with their deadly venomous fangs.
02:37 What's worse is that they have this cool technique where they mimic the shape of a leaf.
02:42 This is so their prey won't notice them, which can sometimes be up to 40% of their
02:45 body length.
02:46 But there is only one problem with this.
02:48 They're predators themselves.
02:50 They aren't picky about what they eat either.
02:52 They'll eat just about anything that's alive, whether it be a plant or an animal.
02:56 They have even been known to eat each other simply out of hunger.
03:00 Now you may think that because they look like a harmless leaf, then there's no real reason
03:04 to worry.
03:05 You couldn't be more wrong.
03:07 If the unfortunate victim doesn't get away in time and is within range, the whip scorpion
03:12 will strike.
03:13 It has a special attack where it can whip down its tail and stab the victim with venomous
03:17 fangs that can paralyze or kill in one bite.
03:30 One of the most dangerous predators in existence right here, folks.
03:33 It should come as no surprise that they're also carnivores.
03:36 But it gets worse.
03:38 They don't just attack with their tails.
03:40 They also use them as a form of self-defense against other predators, such as spiders and
03:45 centipedes.
03:46 So, if you're ever in danger, whether it be from these creatures or not, make sure
03:50 to stay away.
03:54 Cookie Cutter Shark
03:59 The only thing creepier than being eaten alive is having chunks cut out of you and not knowing
04:04 who or what did it.
04:05 Well, this is exactly what happens to many species of larger animals that live in the
04:10 deep sea.
04:11 This type of shark is called the cookie cutter and it latches itself to its victims using
04:16 suction cups.
04:18 Once attached, these guys use their powerful lower jaw to slice out plugs of flesh from
04:22 larger prey like dolphins, tuna, and even whales.
04:26 They have a set of razor-sharp teeth that can rip apart prey to pieces so easily and
04:31 quietly.
04:32 It's horrifyingly scary.
04:35 Cookie cutter sharks usually sneak up on their prey and then just bite into them, leaving
04:39 out a perfect circle-shaped chunk of flesh missing from the body, which is about the
04:43 size of their mouth.
04:45 This shark cannot eat the meat it bites off, but it doesn't matter because they usually
04:49 go on to find another victim, which can be anything from dolphins, big tuna, or sea turtles.
04:55 They are even known to attack submarines.
04:57 It's believed that this form of attack might be responsible for many unexplained cases
05:01 of large, circular wounds found on dead marine mammals.
05:06 Flesh-Eating Fungi
05:12 Flesh-eating fungi is a rare type of mushroom that has been found to feed on dead animals,
05:16 including horses, cows, deer, rabbits, and even humans.
05:20 According to National Geographic, there were three known instances where people were infected
05:25 by this kind of fungus, but not because they handled them directly.
05:29 It was because they walked barefoot in areas where the fungi grew like soil or leaf litter.
05:35 Infections caused by these fungi were found to have a rapid course, and after just four
05:39 days, large ulcers that were filled with dead tissue began to appear.
05:44 Flesh-eating fungi mushrooms have been discussed throughout history as being a mystery because
05:49 they have the ability to decompose any living thing, even humans.
05:54 Flesh-eating fungi mushrooms can grow to be massive in size and destroy human-made structures
05:59 as well as organic material.
06:01 Their spores travel through water and grow quickly on anything that's dead or alive.
06:07 Whether it's organic or not, flesh-eating fungi mushrooms can be identified by their
06:11 deep blue color and red spots.
06:14 The scariest part about flesh-eating fungi mushrooms is that they spread quickly, destroying
06:19 anything in their path, including humans.
06:22 Their spores travel through water and grow extremely fast on living parts of humans,
06:27 which causes them to decompose quickly, leaving behind only bones.
06:32 Flesh-eating fungi mushrooms kill humans fast, which is why it has been known that they can
06:36 wipe out entire cities in days, if not hours.
06:40 It's advised that you have the proper equipment when dealing with flesh-eating fungi mushrooms
06:44 because they can spread spores into the air and cause the human respiratory system to
06:48 collapse.
06:51 Mushrooms
06:55 What are those twig-looking things next to that dead bug?
06:58 It's most likely the question asked by an innocent child.
07:02 Parent or ignorant people may answer, "They're mushrooms."
07:05 That's a lie.
07:06 The truth is, cordyceps are parasitic fungi capable of jumping from host to host with
07:11 deadly success.
07:12 They enter their host, expand their spore network, and finally take over the poor bug
07:17 completely.
07:18 It's believed that the hosts get lost or become attracted by its sweet scent, so when
07:23 they land on them, they are the ones to get infected.
07:25 This one doesn't just eat their flesh, it replaces the contents of their bodies with
07:29 its own cells, so when it's finishing growing, all that's left are empty shells.
07:34 It's best to leave these guys alone because they might have something in common with parasitic
07:38 fungi which infect ants.
07:41 These insects will actually endure a long incubation period where they wander around
07:45 looking for food until they die.
07:48 After that, fruiting bodies sprouting from them release spores into the air so more creatures
07:53 can be infected.
07:54 They also throw husks of dead insects onto nearby leaves to attract ants for easy meals.
08:00 Throw away all their resources toward infecting nearby hosts in spite of fatal consequences,
08:05 and even tell when to use the most successful method of spore dispersal.
08:09 One word, yikes!
08:12 Blood Flukes
08:18 These parasitic worms are taken care of by blood-feeding species of snails.
08:22 But once inside a host body, they migrate to the liver to feed on blood.
08:27 Blood-feeding snails have a special structure that allows them to host several flukes at
08:31 once because of their size.
08:33 Blood flukes cause cystosomiasis, a disease that's transmitted through contaminated food
08:38 or water and even just by wading into a body of water that has infected snails.
08:43 They are flat, red and worm-like.
08:46 They also have two suckers on their long end that latch onto the walls of human veins to
08:50 feed blood into their mouths.
08:52 The life cycles of these parasites is brutal but fascinating.
08:56 Once inside the bloodstream, they're flushed to the liver where they can worm their way
09:00 in between cells and eat fatty substances for up to 30 years.
09:04 However, when the flukes get bigger and reproduce, this intruding can become fatal.
09:10 Some blood flukes migrate to the lungs and get coughed up.
09:14 These are now in the form of eggs which are coughed up again when the mammal exhales.
09:18 The flukes are now free-swimming in the throat.
09:21 This is where they need to be to infect the stomach lining by being swallowed.
09:25 Once they've penetrated its wall, it's game over.
09:29 It's been observed that blood flukes have a tendency to attack the stomach of pregnant
09:33 women.
09:34 Once they get in, there's no way out.
09:37 Blood flukes cut off the food supply from mother and baby, causing malnutrition and
09:41 leading to death.
09:42 Thus, the mother dies an agonizing death while her unborn fetus starves to death inside of
09:48 her.
09:49 The Guinea Worm
09:54 The Guinea Worm or Dracunculiasis is an ancient disease that has been around for thousands
09:59 of years.
10:00 It's said that this infection started because someone drank water from the stagnant pools
10:04 which had some tiny parasites in it.
10:07 The symptoms are not easy to miss either.
10:09 When you ingest infective water, symptoms will start to happen within a few days.
10:14 The first symptom is a burning sensation that starts from your mouth all the way down to
10:18 the area around your anus.
10:20 The next word of warning should be a blister which forms on your skin, usually where you've
10:24 swallowed the water contaminated with these tiny little parasites.
10:29 Once this blister is formed, it will slowly start to expand as more and more of these
10:33 worms pop their heads out.
10:35 These worms are not like other worms though.
10:37 Once they come out of the blister, they will burrow into your skin to make a hole for themselves
10:41 and then continue to crawl around under your skin.
10:44 When the worm has entered your body, it will travel through many different tissues until
10:48 it has reached its final destination which is usually the legs or arms.
10:52 This is where you'll begin to feel really sick.
10:55 Eventually the worm will reach the lungs and continue until it reaches your throat where
10:59 it can finally be removed by a doctor.
11:01 The problem with this disease is that these tiny little worms are burrowing into your
11:05 flesh and crawling around.
11:07 It's actually the fact that these little worm eggs can linger in your body for up to a year
11:11 or more after you've been infected.
11:14 This means that even if you remove one of these worms from your body, there could be
11:18 many more just waiting to grow and take their place.
11:22 Spiny-Headed Worm Spiny-headed worm invades crayfish and zombifies
11:29 the host by turning it into a parasite's feeding machine.
11:33 It causes the host to turn red and crawl up plants where birds will eat it.
11:38 The spiny-headed worm is a creature that most people have probably never heard of, with
11:42 the exception of certain tropical regions where these worms are not typically seen by
11:46 humans.
11:47 However, their threat to humanity should not be underestimated.
11:51 Spiny-headed worms are parasites that attach themselves to human or mammalian hearts, causing
11:56 immense pain and discomfort for weeks.
11:59 They lie in wait until they sense the telltale heartbeat of a host, at which point they attack
12:04 with great force, their sharp spines penetrating the heart.
12:08 They may also latch onto the lungs, causing suffocation and eventually leading to death.
12:14 Victims feel an almost immediate pain when attacked by these animals, most die within
12:18 seconds or minutes, but some are strong enough to withstand the pain for up to several hours.
12:23 There's currently no known anti-parasitic medicine that will remove spiny-headed worms
12:28 from a host, and surgery is ineffective.
12:31 Little more than a waste of time and resources, as these parasites latch on very tightly and
12:36 do not let go easily.
12:39 Tongue-Tied Fish You heard it right, there is such a thing
12:46 as a fish that ties itself into a knot with its own tongue.
12:49 It's called Samotha exuguia, and it's probably one of the creepiest things you'll
12:54 ever see.
12:55 This parasitic crustacean enters through gills where it attaches itself to fish tongues,
13:00 which are bloody stumps by this point.
13:02 It basically becomes the fish's tongue so it will swim around looking for food and
13:06 eat with it too.
13:07 There are cases of these parasites being found in blue crabs, snails, jellyfish, clams, sea
13:12 anemones and even other fish species whose tongues have been destroyed by their own prey.
13:18 Most people actually don't even believe that such a thing exists because of its strange
13:22 nature.
13:23 The Samothoa exuguia attaches itself to the host's tongue with its pincers and enters
13:27 the fish's mouth through the gills.
13:30 Once inside, it attaches itself to the tongue using its pincers and six hooks, which attach
13:36 to different parts of the tongue and keep it in place while penetration occurs.
13:40 The Samotha exuguia feeds on blood and will stay attached indefinitely.
13:45 Eventually, it releases an enzyme that dissolves the tongue muscles and consumes them.
13:50 All that remains is a small stump on the fish which cannot be used for feeding.
13:54 The creature then attaches itself to the nearest available surface of flesh, usually an area
13:59 close to where it initially attached itself, and feeds on this instead of blood until it
14:04 grows to about the size of a pea, then detaches and swims out through the gills.
14:10 Mice Attracting Parasite
14:12 Toxoplasma gondii is the name of the parasite.
14:18 It's a feline-related parasite in that it can only reproduce inside a cat.
14:24 As such, it's usually found in cat feces.
14:26 So where do the cats get the parasite from?
14:28 Well, tigandi is usually found in mice and it causes them to be attracted to cats.
14:34 It emits a smell that causes fear in the rodents.
14:44 In short, it lures the mice into their death.
14:47 The cat will of course feed on the infected mice, thereby becoming the new host.
14:51 What's even more scary is that humans can contract the parasite with the result being
14:56 brain damage to the fetus.
14:58 This is why it's important for pregnant women to stay away from cat litter.
15:02 Vandella Chirosa
15:05 Also known as candiru, Vandella Chirosa is a type of catfish found in the Amazon.
15:14 So you already know it's not a very good creature.
15:16 You can think of it as the kind of catfish you won't eat, but one that will eat you.
15:21 Candiru follows the smell of ammonia, not only to bigger fish, but also to humans.
15:25 In fish, it enters through the gills and hooks itself there using its sharp spine.
15:31 It then proceeds to feed on the blood of its host.
15:34 In humans, well, you're going to cringe when you hear this.
15:37 It enters through the penis.
15:39 Yes, yeah, you heard that right.
15:41 It then goes on with its mission, which in case you haven't forgotten, is feeding on blood.
15:46 The only way to get it out is through a painful surgery.
15:49 There's no easy way around it.
15:51 Gender-Changing Barnacle
15:58 You haven't seen all the creepiest parasites until you met a succlina.
16:02 Succlina is a barnacle that's best known for castrating crabs and making them pregnant.
16:07 The female succlina makes its way through a female crab and makes its egg sac where the
16:11 crab eggs would normally be.
16:12 That sterilizes the crab, making it unable to reproduce its own offspring.
16:17 The male succlina then go ahead and fertilize the eggs.
16:20 Once the eggs are ready to hatch, the crab begins taking care of them as if they were her own.
16:25 So what happens if the succlina enters a male crab?
16:28 It will play around with its hormones until the male crab becomes more feminine.
16:32 Yes, the male crab turns into a literal female.
16:34 Imagine if you had that same effect on humans.
16:38 Scary, right?
16:39 A Wasp That Turns Spiders Into Slaves
16:44 Polysphincta guttifruendi is a type of wasp that has mastered how to turn spiders into slaves.
16:52 The female wasp begins by looking for a spider web.
16:56 Once it locates one, it lays eggs on the abdomen.
16:59 When they eventually hatch into larvae, it proceeds to drink the vital fluids of the
17:03 spiders to its death.
17:04 As stealing its home and fluids is not enough, the larva also secretes a chemical into the
17:09 spider, causing a complete change in its behavior.
17:12 The spider neglects its web and instead constructs a chemically enhanced web with a different
17:17 pattern specifically designed for the growing larva.
17:20 The larva then takes over the web and builds a cocoon where it peacefully grows into a
17:24 wasp, safe from the predators.
17:26 And the spider?
17:27 Well, it already dried up into a shell.
17:29 Alright, comment below which of these monstrosities scared you the most.
17:34 Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to Forever Green, and hit the bell icon for
17:38 more animal madness.
17:40 We'll see you in the next one soon!
17:42 [Outro Music]
