What Horizon Forbidden West Doesn't Tell You...

  • last year
Horizon doesn’t tell you about some key things in the game, like how do you get the diving mask to breath underwater, how do you get past these red crystal flower things called Firegleam? How do you open those metal flowers? How do you get the tear arrows so you can blast armor off and detach components? And for the love of Aloy how am I supposed to get onto that last Tallneck that for some reason has a padlock on it? If any of these questions are driving you as insane as I currently am don’t worry I’ve sacrificed my sanity to bring you all the answers.
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 Horizon doesn't tell you some key things about the game.
00:09 Like, how do you get the diving mask to breathe underwater?
00:13 How do you get past those red crystal flowery things
00:15 called fire gleam?
00:17 And how do you open the metal flowers?
00:19 How do you get tear arrows so you can blast armor off
00:22 to attach components?
00:23 And, oh, for the love of Aloy,
00:26 how am I supposed to get onto that last tall neck
00:28 that for some reason has a padlock on it?
00:31 If any of these questions are driving you
00:33 as insane as I currently am, don't worry.
00:37 I've sacrificed my sanity to bring you all the answers.
00:41 So, the first thing you encounter early in the game
00:43 is fire gleam all over the place.
00:46 Until you get a quest called Death's Door,
00:48 you can't do anything about it.
00:49 So, just ignore it.
00:51 During the quest of Death's Door,
00:52 you'll get a schematic to build an igniter,
00:54 which will destroy the fire gleam,
00:55 and get you into a whole bunch of new areas
00:58 throughout the game.
00:59 With the schematic, you'll need some crafting pieces,
01:01 however.
01:02 One is deep water kindleweed oil,
01:04 which you'll probably already have,
01:05 and the other is a spark coil from a leap lasher.
01:09 To get the spark coil, just head outside,
01:11 and you should be able to scan a leap lasher
01:13 to take the part you need, and go get it.
01:15 Head to Workbench once you've got it,
01:16 craft the igniter, and start opening up
01:18 a whole new fire gleam-free world to explore.
01:21 (fire crackling)
01:24 (people chattering)
01:27 - Finally, I think I'm in.
01:30 - So, there is a part in the game
01:31 where you get three main quests,
01:34 which you can do in any order,
01:35 and while they are different levels,
01:36 it's not obvious which to do first.
01:38 They don't even tell you that one of these
01:40 is the one that will get you
01:42 the diving mask to breathe underwater.
01:44 So, let me break down what you get from each quest,
01:46 and then you can decide which one you want to do first.
01:49 The Broken Sky quest will get you tear arrows,
01:53 so you can blast the armor off those tougher machines.
01:56 The Sea of Sands quest will get you
01:58 the diving mask to breathe underwater.
02:01 Didn't say that in the rewards thing at all, did it?
02:03 And the final one, the Seeds of the Past,
02:05 will let you open up those metal flowers
02:07 that you've seen all over the place.
02:09 So, let's start with the one
02:11 you probably want to get first, the diving mask.
02:15 It's been in all the trailers, it looks great,
02:17 and yet you can't get to a lot of places,
02:19 and you only have a limited amount of time
02:21 diving down without it, so it is really handy to get.
02:24 So, when you get these quests,
02:26 select the Sea of the Sands quest,
02:27 and head out to this location in the desert.
02:31 Wait, the desert for a water-based diving mask.
02:33 Yep, just stop asking questions,
02:35 it's a video game with robot dinosaurs,
02:36 none of this has to make any sense.
02:38 Have a chat with Morland,
02:39 dive down to get the compressed air capsule he needs,
02:42 and be sure to be quick about it,
02:44 as it's far enough down to use up all of your oxygen.
02:47 Then, head south to get the machine parts needed.
02:50 Once you have them, pop back to Morland,
02:52 and hey presto, a diving mask.
02:54 Now you can explore the ocean depths to your heart's content,
02:57 that is, until a snapmore sees you and bites your head off.
03:00 So, the next bit of kit you'll probably want
03:02 is the tear arrows, which is a key part of the game
03:05 to blast armour, components, and body parts off machines.
03:09 If you need to soften up a tough opponent from afar
03:11 to make your life a bit easier, this is crucial,
03:14 as you don't get many weapons in the game
03:15 that can do tear damage.
03:17 To get your first bit of tear damage equipment,
03:19 you'll need to complete the Broken Sky quest.
03:22 Talk to Deca, then Hekaru the Chief, then Deca again,
03:26 and she'll give you the cleaving sharpshot bow
03:28 and tear precision arrows.
03:30 Now you can run around the world
03:31 blowing chunks off machines to your heart's content.
03:34 To get the metal flowers you've seen all over the place,
03:37 to start, open the Seeds of the Past quest,
03:40 during which you'll pick up a schematic
03:41 for a vine cutter to install on your spear.
03:44 At the same time, you'll also pick up
03:46 a disillusion core module, which you'll need to craft it.
03:49 So just head over to a workbench to craft the vine cutter,
03:53 and be able to open up all those metal flowers
03:55 all over the map.
03:56 Now, finally, that last blasted tallneck
04:00 that walks around taunting you with the padlock symbol.
04:03 So, even if you've done all the other tallnecks
04:06 and opened up all the map,
04:07 there is still one right in the middle,
04:09 just walking around taunting you,
04:11 which isn't helped by the lock symbol on the map as well.
04:14 It drove me crazy trying to work out
04:16 how to get up there and override him.
04:18 Turns out, you're not supposed to get up there
04:20 as it's part of a main quest.
04:22 The reason is because you're supposed to fly up there
04:24 on a sunwing's back.
04:25 So, just ignore this tallneck until you get the quest
04:28 called the Wings of the Ten,
04:30 and breathe a sigh of relief knowing
04:32 that you're gonna get that final tallneck.
04:35 (sighs)
04:37 (dramatic music)
04:41 (electronic beeping)
