• 2 years ago
00:00 What if you could eat every item in Minecraft?
00:03 Thanks to the Snake Mod, now you can!
00:05 When this mod is added to our server, crazy things begin to happen!
00:09 From eating any item to having the ability to roll over any object!
00:13 We're about to see what this mod is all about!
00:16 Hehe, let's go!
00:17 Oh hey! Do me a favor and hit that like button and subscribe! Hehe, thanks!
00:21 Ugh, what did Ian call me over for today? Ian! Hey, yeah! Oh!
00:27 What? What? What? Oh! You're here! Oh, perfect! You made it! Thanks for coming over!
00:33 Finally! Finally! The Ancient Stick Mod! It's been installed!
00:38 You put a mod on the server without asking me?!
00:42 Absolutely! Anyway, this is not just any mod.
00:47 The Ancient Stick Mod has been around since times of old!
00:51 Or, you know, sticks have just been in Minecraft.
00:54 Silence! You cannot speak in the presence of the stick!
00:58 Oh, okay. I won't speak in the presence of the stick. Bye!
01:01 Wait! Wait! No! No, no, no, no, no! No! Hang on! Hang on! Hang on!
01:04 Stick around and watch! Please! Can we do cool things? Please!
01:08 Please! Come on! Let me do it! Let me do it! Let me do it!
01:12 Ugh! Fine! Fine! Stupid, stupid stick mod ever!
01:16 Okay, okay, okay. So, I take the stick. The special stick from the stick mod.
01:21 And... Ha!
01:24 Um... Hang on. It's just a stick, Ian.
01:26 Wait, hang on. Maybe I'm not doing it right.
01:30 Okay, okay. Hang on. Maybe... Maybe, uh... Maybe, uh... Jump on it?
01:38 Uh, no. That didn't do it. Do we need, like, a wiki or something on this?
01:42 Or you could just put it on and... Hang on. Maybe just... Maybe just...
01:46 AGH!
01:48 Get the stick! What? What? Hey, that was... That was pretty tasty.
01:53 Did you just eat the stick? Huh?
01:55 Oh, yeah. It was tasty. I'm gonna have another one.
01:58 Ian, stop! Oh! Oh, my gosh, Ian! I like this!
02:02 Ian, okay. Wait. I don't know what's happening. This is weird. Give me the stick! Give me the stick!
02:05 I want... No! I want one more! No, Ian! Stop! You don't know what that stick mod can do!
02:10 AGH! Oh! Oh, that's tasty. Oh, heck. Oh, Ian.
02:15 Hey, I'm a little tired now. Are you okay?
02:19 Uh... Yeah, yeah. Why? Why do you ask?
02:21 Ian, you're a little... Um... You changed with that stick mod. What does it do?
02:27 What do you mean I changed? Uh... Look at yourself.
02:31 Um... I don't have a mirror. Let me go look for one.
02:34 What? No, get back here. Ian, stop! No, it's fine. It's fine. Let me just go this way.
02:39 Oh, my gosh! Hang on. Out of the way, tree. Uh-huh. All right. Let's go over here.
02:43 Ian, oh, my gosh. You're a destructive force! Hang on. Can't get away from the tree.
02:46 What? Hey, now, how's it going?
02:49 Oh, my gosh! What the heck?
02:51 Ian, do you have a mirror in your house?
02:52 Did you just... AGH!
02:54 No, I don't think he's got a mirror. Hang on.
02:57 Did you just... Oh, my gosh.
02:59 Oh, thank you, little puppy.
03:01 That's my dog! That's my dog!
03:03 AGH! Um... Um... Um...
03:06 That's my dog!
03:07 Aw, that's... Get over here! Get over here!
03:10 What? What the heck just happened?
03:12 You're breaking my dog in three!
03:14 That's it. I'm taking... I'm taking this to Zane's house. Come on!
03:17 Wait, what? Get over here!
03:19 Oh, my gosh. Oh, fine. Fine. Hang on.
03:22 No!
03:23 Come on. Get up.
03:25 The stairs hurt!
03:26 Yeah, well, I'm trying to push you, so give me a second.
03:29 Oh!
03:31 Okay. Sit! Sit!
03:33 Down.
03:34 Okay. Okay. All right. I got this. Don't worry. Just stay right there.
03:37 Okay? Just stay right there.
03:40 Gotta handle this calmly. I've got this.
03:43 Zane!
03:44 Oh! Oh, hey, Aph. What's up?
03:47 I've got a problem. I've got a big problem, okay?
03:50 Okay. Well, lay it on me. I mean, no problem's too big for me.
03:53 I'm not gonna lay it on you, but...
03:55 Zane! What is that?
03:56 Oh, my God! He got in!
03:58 Bulbous monster! Bulbous monster!
04:00 No! No! No! No! No! Zane! No! No! No! Zane!
04:02 Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
04:03 Look, as much as I would like to take a sword,
04:06 and, you know, this is Ian we're talking about who steals all our stuff all the time.
04:10 Uh, Aang.
04:10 You're sure you don't want me to take a sword to him?
04:12 I'll take a sword to Ian, all right? Look, he's fine. He's with us.
04:15 Something happened, Zane, all right? Ian, give me the stick. Give me the stick.
04:20 Give me the stick.
04:21 Come on, here.
04:22 Look, give me the stick.
04:23 Is your whole gold collection just chocolate? I mean...
04:25 Oh my gosh, Zane!
04:26 Do I agree? Look at you! Not this time!
04:28 Zane, Ian said that he installed a stick mod, okay?
04:32 And he installed it without us knowing.
04:33 I know, I know. We'll discuss that later.
04:35 But look, he installed it and now he has this stick mod.
04:38 Can you tell me what's going on with it?
04:40 A stick mod? Okay, let's see here.
04:43 Oh, I see your problem.
04:47 You didn't install a stick mod.
04:49 You installed a thick mod!
04:52 Take a look at this!
04:53 What?
04:53 How many C's are in this coding language?
04:56 I don't know because I can't read.
04:58 Oh, guys, it's...
04:59 Do you want to sleep?
05:00 Does he have admin permissions on the server?
05:02 I don't know because we're dumb, okay?
05:05 Listen, I could... You know I can't read very well.
05:08 Someone help me up.
05:09 As much as I'd love to get you out of here,
05:12 I'm afraid you're going to break through my floor before I can roll you out.
05:15 All right, we gotta figure out how to fix this mod before anything else bad happens.
05:19 You know what? I'm out of here.
05:22 Let me help you out.
05:23 Careful, don't go in the doorway!
05:25 Yeah, yeah, no, it's fine.
05:27 I got this. Don't worry.
05:28 Don't worry.
05:29 Yeah, I got this.
05:30 Yes!
05:31 No!
05:32 No!
05:33 Oh, no.
05:34 He just blew up your lab, didn't he?
05:36 Yes, he blew up my lab.
05:38 Did he hit anything else when he was rolling around?
05:40 I think he won't explode anything else anymore.
05:42 I know, I'm back!
05:44 Oh, no!
05:44 No, no, no!
05:45 Ah!
05:46 Ah!
05:46 Ah!
05:47 Ah!
05:47 Ah!
05:48 Ah, I didn't know I could feel any flatter!
05:51 Why am I still here?
05:52 Because I need you to watch this oversized blueberry while I go into the village here and trade with the villagers.
05:57 I need to get wood so I can fix the lab so I can do things again.
06:00 I'm hungry!
06:01 Just make sure he doesn't move, please.
06:05 Fine, go do your villager trading or whatever.
06:07 Thanks.
06:09 You?
06:10 No.
06:11 Whatever it is, no.
06:14 Go, Zane, hurry, because he's got--
06:16 No, he's going to do something mischievous.
06:17 All right, just give me a bit.
06:18 I got--
06:18 I'm here.
06:19 I'm here.
06:19 Okay.
06:21 I got a fishing rod.
06:21 It's fine.
06:22 I'm not doing anything.
06:23 I'm not going anywhere.
06:24 I got my eye on you.
06:25 Guard me.
06:27 I'm watching you.
06:28 I can see you behind me.
06:29 I'm first person.
06:30 Uh, uh, no, no.
06:32 I'm just, uh, coming over here to this crafting bench and, uh--
06:36 Zane, I took my--
06:37 What are you doing?
06:38 What are you doing?
06:40 Ah!
06:40 Stupid!
06:41 Get away!
06:41 What?
06:42 I--
06:42 I--
06:43 I was hungry!
06:43 You ate the crafting--
06:44 Why would you do that?
06:47 Zane asked me to watch you!
06:49 Well, yeah, but it looks so good and you--
06:51 You know, with the stick mod, you can totally eat that crafting bench too.
06:54 I can eat that crafting bench.
06:57 Yes.
06:58 Does it taste good?
07:01 It tastes great.
07:03 Really good?
07:03 Really good.
07:04 All right.
07:06 Ugh.
07:06 All right.
07:07 Watch out for Zane.
07:07 I'm going to try it.
07:08 I'm going to try it.
07:08 Try it.
07:09 Just try it.
07:09 Just try it.
07:10 All right.
07:10 All right.
07:11 Oh.
07:12 Well, how was it?
07:14 Oh, no.
07:14 Um...
07:15 Hehehehehehehehehehe.
07:17 The big stick mod worked!
07:20 I'm going to be eating so much chocolate.
07:22 Okay, Aph.
07:22 I finally got some--
07:23 Whoa!
07:23 Oh, no.
07:24 Oh, no.
07:24 Hey!
07:25 Zane, how's it going?
07:27 Hi!
07:27 You are a terrible influence in a menace to society!
07:31 I--
07:32 I--
07:32 I got to go.
07:33 What did you do?
07:33 I got to go.
07:34 I got to go.
07:34 I got to go.
07:35 I got to go.
07:35 Do what I want?
07:36 Yeah!
07:36 No, no, no, no!
07:37 Woo!
07:37 Hey!
07:38 Get right back here!
07:39 Oh, this was worth it.
07:40 Oh, yeah.
07:41 Do I really sound like a dad?
07:42 Whoa!
07:43 Hehehehehehehehe.
07:45 Ah!
07:46 Ah!
07:46 Ah!
07:47 Whoa.
07:48 Hehehehehehehehe.
07:50 This is terrible.
07:51 This is the best!
07:52 Wait.
07:52 Wait.
07:53 Wait.
07:53 Wait.
07:54 Stop.
07:54 Stop.
07:55 Aphmau.
07:55 Wait.
07:56 You smell that?
07:56 What is it?
07:57 I smell something sweet.
07:58 Like--
07:59 What is it?
07:59 Like bread.
08:00 Oh!
08:01 And sugar.
08:01 Oh!
08:02 And sprinkles!
08:03 Ah!
08:04 Ah!
08:04 We got to go!
08:05 We--
08:05 We got to go.
08:06 Yay!
08:06 Ah, ah, ah, ah.
08:07 What is it?
08:07 I can tell--
08:08 I can tell we're close.
08:09 Oh!
08:09 Ah, ah, ah.
08:10 Hang on.
08:10 Maybe--
08:11 Maybe this way.
08:11 Ah!
08:12 Maybe--
08:12 What?
08:13 What?
08:13 Ah!
08:14 This is fun.
08:14 Ah!
08:15 Oh!
08:15 What is that?
08:16 It's a giant donut!
08:18 Ooh!
08:19 Ah!
08:19 I want it!
08:20 I want it!
08:21 The carrots?
08:21 Oh!
08:22 Oh!
08:22 Oh my--
08:23 OK.
08:23 I'm coming.
08:24 I'm coming.
08:24 Stop it for me!
08:25 Forget the carrots.
08:25 I want the donut.
08:26 Ugh!
08:26 Look at it.
08:27 It's beautiful.
08:28 So much tasty food.
08:30 I am hungry.
08:31 I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks.
08:33 You just ate a crafting bridge and a stick.
08:36 Wait.
08:37 Wait.
08:37 I'm like a plane.
08:38 Oh!
08:38 Oh!
08:39 Oh!
08:39 Oh!
08:40 Oh!
08:40 Oh!
08:41 Wait.
08:41 Shh.
08:42 I see that.
08:42 I didn't-- I see watermelon.
08:44 I see carrots.
08:44 I see a--
08:45 Wackily!
08:45 What is that?
08:46 Ah!
08:46 Ah!
08:47 It's a potato.
08:47 Oh!
08:48 Oh my god.
08:49 OK.
08:49 OK.
08:50 All right.
08:50 Yeah.
08:51 Yeah.
08:51 Let's roll over there and introduce ourselves.
08:52 Yeah.
08:53 Yeah.
08:53 Yeah.
08:54 Be nice, guys.
08:54 Uh.
08:55 Uh.
08:55 Uh.
08:56 Uh.
08:56 Ah.
08:57 Hello!
08:57 Hi!
08:58 Hello, food!
08:58 Hi!
08:59 Hey, little guys.
09:00 They look friendly.
09:01 I know.
09:02 Don't they?
09:02 There's a potato.
09:03 Aw.
09:04 Aw.
09:04 Aw.
09:05 And so much good food, like cake and honey and jelly
09:09 and watermelon.
09:10 Oh!
09:11 And I want to eat it all.
09:12 You know what?
09:13 Let's do it.
09:13 Ah.
09:14 Chomp!
09:15 What?
09:16 Uh-oh.
09:16 Um.
09:17 Oh no.
09:17 Oh no.
09:18 Oh, they got sword suit.
09:18 They have sword suit.
09:19 They have sword suit.
09:20 They have sword suit.
09:20 Ah!
09:21 Run, run, run, run, run!
09:22 Get out of here!
09:22 It exploded!
09:23 Ah!
09:24 Ah!
09:24 Do something!
09:25 Ah!
09:25 Oh, OK.
09:26 Ah!
09:26 OK.
09:27 I'm on it.
09:27 Wait a minute.
09:28 How did it explode?
09:28 Oh!
09:29 Oh my gosh.
09:29 OK, I'm relieving.
09:30 Sorry, potato.
09:31 Look!
09:31 Oh!
09:32 Oh no.
09:32 What do I got to get out of here?
09:33 We got to get back.
09:35 Keep an eye out for--
09:36 I've been rolling for so long.
09:38 Oh, we got to get away from the mushrooms.
09:39 I need a rest.
09:40 Zane!
09:40 Oh!
09:41 What's the game?
09:41 Zane!
09:42 Well, the first thing we got to do is just find them quick.
09:44 Zane!
09:45 What?
09:45 What?
09:46 What?
09:46 I'm both you two?
09:47 There you are.
09:47 All right.
09:48 So we need some help.
09:48 Uh.
09:49 So OK.
09:49 Long story short, the mod has this like vegetable garden,
09:52 donut garden.
09:52 It's super gross.
09:53 Right.
09:53 All right.
09:54 But it's delicious.
09:54 All right.
09:55 But listen.
09:55 OK.
09:56 So first thing's first.
09:56 It's so delicious.
09:57 Yeah, it's very delicious.
09:58 So there's these vegetable monsters chasing us.
10:00 All right.
10:01 The pig and one's broccoli.
10:02 The other one is potato.
10:04 But that's OK.
10:05 Yeah.
10:05 What weird mod is this?
10:06 You have vegetable monsters chasing you.
10:09 Shit!
10:09 Uh, I told you.
10:11 It's vegetables.
10:12 It's a potato and a broccoli.
10:13 Ah!
10:14 They're coming!
10:15 I see them!
10:15 What?
10:16 No, they can't be coming.
10:16 Oh, they followed us!
10:17 Wow, they did not give up.
10:19 Yeah, they followed us here.
10:20 Oh, wow.
10:20 OK, all right.
10:21 What do we do?
10:21 What do we do?
10:22 What do we do?
10:22 What do we do?
10:23 What do we do?
10:23 OK, this way.
10:24 This way.
10:24 I've got a big cauldron over here.
10:26 A cauldron?
10:26 Why do you have a giant cauldron in front of Ian's house?
10:29 I was making a super-sized potion to fix you guys.
10:31 Wow, this is a big potion.
10:33 What are you trying--
10:34 Ah!
10:34 The hair!
10:35 I brought over the iron.
10:36 Watch out!
10:36 Get them!
10:37 Get them!
10:37 Oh, no.
10:38 Oh, no.
10:38 Oh, no.
10:39 Oh, no.
10:39 Oh, no.
10:40 Watch out!
10:40 All right.
10:41 Time for cooking with Chef Noi.
10:42 And yeet!
10:43 Are they dead?
10:44 Are they dead?
10:45 Well, yeah.
10:46 They're in the pot, but we need someone to eat them.
10:48 Uh-oh.
10:49 Uh, well, I mean, it's a vegetable.
10:51 What do you think?
10:52 You know, gotta say, Zane, it actually smells pretty good.
10:56 Wait, Noi.
10:57 Noi.
10:57 No.
10:58 Noi!
10:59 No, don't.
10:59 Noi, do it.
11:00 Noi, Noi, Noi, Noi, Noi.
11:01 That's the worst thing I've ever heard.
11:03 Noi, Noi, Noi.
11:04 No, no!
11:05 No, stop it!
11:05 Join us.
11:06 Join us.
11:06 Dad, Vic!
11:08 Does this work like that, actually?
11:10 Is he OK?
11:10 I don't know.
11:11 Did he make it?
11:11 [GASPS]
11:12 [SCREAMS]
11:12 No!
11:13 No!
11:13 No!
11:14 Oh, no.
11:14 Oh, no.
11:15 Oh, no.
11:15 No!
11:16 Oh, no.
11:16 Oh, it's delicious.
11:17 Yay!
11:17 [GASPS]
11:19 Got another one.
11:20 Woo!
11:21 Guys, why are you looking at me?
11:23 I don't know.
11:24 Join us, Noi.
11:25 All right, everyone, roll out.
11:27 Yeah!
11:29 Sorry, Zane.
11:29 Go, Zane!
11:30 What are you doing?
11:31 No.
11:32 We're having fun.
11:33 Whoa.
11:33 Whoa.
11:34 Gotta say, this is actually kind of fun.
11:36 [GROANS]
11:37 Zane, catch the fish!
11:39 I haven't caught any fish.
11:41 You had a fish, and you keep eating the fish.
11:44 I want this.
11:44 Oh, yeah.
11:45 Would you all just stop it?
11:47 Zane, this is your fault.
11:48 How is this my fault?
11:49 No, I said it was Zane's fault, because it's his fault--
11:52 My fault?
11:52 --we didn't give you permission to the server.
11:54 Yeah, it's your fault you give me-- wait, what?
11:57 I don't even have permission to the server.
11:58 I caught a fish!
11:59 I want to put a mod on the server.
12:01 Here, Eden, you hold the fish.
12:02 Don't let him-- stop eating!
12:04 I got a fish.
12:06 I got two potatoes, too.
12:08 Yay.
12:09 Well, we can just work it off.
12:10 [SCREAMS]
12:11 What is that?
12:12 Huh?
12:13 [SCREAMS]
12:15 What is it?
12:15 Run, run!
12:17 Run!
12:17 Run away!
12:18 Run away!
12:19 I'm so--
12:19 We did it!
12:20 We did it!
12:20 We did it!
12:21 What are we going to do?
12:22 Hang on.
12:23 Kill it, Zane!
12:23 Kill it!
12:24 [SCREAMS]
12:26 Hang on, everyone, this way!
12:28 This way!
12:28 Ha!
12:29 Ha!
12:29 We can hide.
12:30 Guys, guys, Zane can't handle it.
12:32 Zane can't handle it.
12:33 We got to help him.
12:34 No, I got it.
12:35 Hang on.
12:36 What can we do?
12:37 What is it?
12:37 I don't know.
12:38 Guys, we've got to go save it.
12:40 I don't know how to--
12:41 It's too strong.
12:41 Wait.
12:42 What do we do?
12:42 We can barely move.
12:44 I mean--
12:45 Eat.
12:45 No!
12:46 [GROANS]
12:46 Wait.
12:47 Get away from me!
12:48 It's made of food!
12:49 I think so!
12:50 Oh, get it!
12:51 And look!
12:52 What are you doing?
12:52 I found these forks!
12:53 What are you doing?
12:54 You found forks?
12:55 Oh!
12:55 Ah!
12:56 Ha!
12:56 That was not a fork.
12:57 That's a trident!
12:58 Take a fork.
12:59 Wow, that was a lot of forks.
13:01 OK, we're on it!
13:02 Yeah!
13:02 So, guys, buffet?
13:04 Yeah, buffet!
13:05 Woo-hoo!
13:06 Eat it here.
13:06 [CHOMPING]
13:09 Oh.
13:09 Did it actually work?
13:11 [GROANS]
13:11 Are you sleeping?
13:12 I was banking on pure luck.
13:14 There's-- there we go!
13:15 Look, we got forks!
13:16 That was tasty.
13:16 I want another!
13:17 Another!
13:18 I mean, I'm glad it's calm, but we've got to figure out how
13:20 to get this mod out of your system.
13:22 Yeah, I think I'm just going to snack on a cookie for right
13:24 now.
13:25 No, don't roll out a fork in your hand.
13:26 It's dangerous.
13:27 Zane, where are we going?
13:29 Oh.
13:30 We are going to a camp that's going to help you guys out.
13:32 Zane, stop touching me!
13:33 I don't want everyone's touching you!
13:35 Ah!
13:35 Isn't--
13:36 Well, maybe if you were in bed, you wouldn't be--
13:38 Zane, couldn't we have gotten a bigger quarter?
13:38 Where are we?
13:39 OK, we're here.
13:40 OK, where's here?
13:41 Everybody out.
13:42 Um, hey, it was kind of hard to get in here.
13:45 How are we going to get out?
13:46 I don't know.
13:47 Figure it out!
13:48 I got it.
13:50 Ah!
13:51 Whoa!
13:51 Hey, that worked.
13:53 Are you OK?
13:54 Hang on.
13:54 Hang on.
13:55 Oh.
13:55 OK.
13:57 Did you just eat my car?
13:58 Uh, sorry.
14:00 Sorry.
14:01 What?
14:01 You did so many to me!
14:02 What does it taste like?
14:03 OK, look, listen.
14:04 We've got to find a way to make you drop this weight.
14:06 So I brought you to this camp here.
14:07 So maybe you could do some activities like, you know,
14:10 swimming or--
14:11 I am.
14:11 Oh, I love swimming.
14:12 Running around.
14:13 I can't swim.
14:13 All right, just--
14:14 I'm going to lie down.
14:15 I don't know.
14:16 I'm out of ideas.
14:16 No, what do we got here?
14:17 You know what?
14:18 While y'all go swimming, I'll go make us some snacks.
14:21 How's that sound?
14:22 Healthy snacks, right?
14:23 Ooh.
14:24 Ooh.
14:24 Oh, yeah, very healthy.
14:25 Totally promise--
14:26 OK, finally, some healthy cooperation.
14:28 Yeah, healthy snacks.
14:29 Uh--
14:30 It probably won't taste that great, but oh, well.
14:32 Yeah, so what do you want us to do again?
14:33 Well, just be active.
14:34 Go swimming or something.
14:36 Go swimming.
14:37 I can't swim.
14:38 OK.
14:38 We're rolling.
14:39 That's active.
14:40 All right, all right, sure.
14:41 Just keep doing it.
14:42 Yeah.
14:43 OK, I'm going to touch the water.
14:45 All right.
14:46 Oh, that's not too bad.
14:48 That's good.
14:49 OK, try going a bit further.
14:51 No, I'm good here.
14:51 Thank you.
14:52 Ian, why don't you give it a shot?
14:53 Um, hang on, hang on.
14:54 I think I left something in the cabin.
14:56 I'm going-- I'm going to go again.
14:58 What?
14:58 No, where are you-- no, get back.
15:00 Ugh.
15:01 Noi, how are those snacks coming along?
15:03 Oh, nice and ready to go.
15:05 All right, all right, excellent.
15:06 Come share with everyone.
15:07 Yes, snacks.
15:09 That's a long walk.
15:10 OK, so I got some cookies.
15:14 What?
15:14 And more cookies.
15:16 Cookies?
15:16 Oh, give me some.
15:17 Noi, you said you were going to make healthy snacks.
15:19 Hey, cookies.
15:20 Yeah, I told you there were raisins in them.
15:22 Raisins?
15:23 Oh.
15:25 Ugh.
15:26 That's that chocolate chip you sit on a throne of lies.
15:29 I can't keep up with this.
15:31 All right, guys, I'm ready for my trick.
15:35 Trick?
15:36 Trick, where?
15:37 What are you doing?
15:38 Oh, more cookies for me.
15:40 I'm ready for my big cannonball into the lake.
15:45 Oh, that's just for the big--
15:47 Woo!
15:48 Wow!
15:49 You OK, Ian?
15:50 Ha!
15:51 That was awesome.
15:52 Although that-- that took a lot out of me to climb up that tree.
15:55 I'm kind of thirsty.
15:57 Oh, a bit of water.
15:58 Yeah, this lake looks pretty good.
16:00 Give me a sec.
16:00 I mean, it is fresh water, but I would prefer to--
16:02 A bit of water.
16:03 Oh!
16:05 That's great.
16:06 Oh, I feel so much better.
16:09 Oh, no, no.
16:10 Hang on.
16:11 Did you guys-- did you guys get smaller?
16:12 Wow, you're big.
16:14 Can you roll?
16:15 I--
16:16 Can you roll not towards us?
16:18 Yeah, let me-- let me see.
16:20 Zane, you haven't figured out how to stop this.
16:25 Well, you all are making it very hard on me.
16:27 Maybe a little sugar will help your brain.
16:29 Yeah, you're not making it very fun.
16:31 We're trying to have fun here.
16:32 I don't need sugar.
16:33 Neither do you.
16:33 Can we have fun, please?
16:34 Hey, hey, hey, guys.
16:36 What?
16:37 Do you think-- do you think anyone's eaten a house before?
16:40 Oh.
16:42 Because Zane's house kind of reminds me of a cream--
16:45 Oh, don't you dare.
16:46 --panda.
16:47 It's open, but I can see--
16:48 I kind of want to eat it.
16:49 Don't you do it.
16:50 Do it, do it, do it, do it.
16:53 Do it, do it, do it.
16:56 I don't know.
16:56 Go along.
16:57 Do it, do it, do it, do it.
17:00 Oh.
17:01 He's actually eating your house.
17:02 Wow.
17:03 Zane, stop.
17:04 Nom, nom, nom.
17:05 Oh.
17:06 Oh.
17:06 Whoa.
17:07 Whoa.
17:08 Oh.
17:09 I feel so much better.
17:11 That's a big boy.
17:13 Hey, why did you all get so small?
17:16 I've always been small.
17:17 When did you get so big?
17:20 My house.
17:21 I'm so hungry.
17:23 Was it delicious?
17:25 Oh, it was totally delicious.
17:27 I could go for a lemon-flavored cookie.
17:30 No, that's Max's place.
17:31 Stop it.
17:32 Uh-oh.
17:33 Uh-oh.
17:35 Guys, I think the house can't support my weight.
17:38 Oh, no.
17:40 OK, all right, I'll help you find--
17:42 let's put an end to these shenanigans.
17:43 I think--
17:44 Yes, please.
17:45 I think we have to pop him.
17:46 I think we have to pop him.
17:47 I got a fork.
17:48 I got a fork.
17:48 What'd you say?
17:49 Pop him.
17:50 I'm trying.
17:50 Shh.
17:51 Shh.
17:52 Take a nap.
17:53 All right, I think we got to pop him.
17:55 At this point, I'm going to try anything.
17:56 I'm going to use this fork to pop him.
17:58 All right, all right, I got him.
17:59 I got him.
17:59 Just give it a shot.
18:00 Oh, I have a cheeseburger at the end of this fork.
18:03 Cheeseburger?
18:03 Catch it.
18:04 OK, yeah, catch it.
18:05 Ready?
18:05 Go right in my mouth.
18:07 OK.
18:08 I got this.
18:09 Just do it.
18:09 Go in the oven.
18:12 What?
18:12 Huh?
18:13 Is it working?
18:14 Oh, are you--
18:15 Wait, what?
18:16 Hang on.
18:16 What?
18:17 He's shrinking.
18:17 What?
18:18 What?
18:18 What's happening?
18:19 What's happening?
18:21 We hit him.
18:22 Ian, you look--
18:23 I feel-- oh.
18:24 You look better, but--
18:26 Better?
18:26 I like his-- this is the Ian I like, right?
18:29 Yeah, that kind of poked me.
18:31 As much as you can like him.
18:32 Hang on.
18:32 Hang on.
18:33 I don't feel so good.
18:34 Let me just--
18:35 What are you doing?
18:36 Stand back.
18:38 Oh, jeez.
18:41 Excuse me.
18:42 Excuse Ian.
18:43 Gross.
18:44 Wait, wait.
18:45 What?
18:45 Wait, wait.
18:46 Yes.
18:46 What?
18:47 Back to normal size.
18:48 You're normal again.
18:49 I'm back to my normal size.
18:51 Wait a minute.
18:52 How?
18:52 I think I got a little gurgling.
18:54 [GURGLING]
18:56 Oh.
18:57 What?
18:57 What?
18:58 That was easy.
18:59 That put you back to normal?
19:01 Really?
19:02 I mean, whatever works.
19:03 You try.
19:04 Let me try.
19:04 Let me try.
19:05 Let me try.
19:05 [BURP]
19:06 Oh.
19:06 Hey.
19:07 I'm back to normal.
19:08 It finally worked.
19:09 Thank goodness.
19:10 That was fun, though.
19:12 That was easy.
19:12 That was not fun.
19:14 That was really fun.
19:15 I was going to go home, but I don't have one.
19:17 Oh, yeah.
19:18 That's my bad.
19:19 I mean--
19:21 You ate his house.
19:22 Go build my house.
19:24 What?
19:24 Run.
19:25 Run.
19:25 Run.
19:26 Wait, wait, wait.
19:26 Guys, guys, guys, guys.
19:27 Here.
19:28 Eat this potato.
19:28 Eat this potato.
19:29 Oh.
19:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:30 Potato.
19:30 Potato.
19:31 Yeah, eat it.
19:31 Eat it.
19:32 Eat it.
19:32 No, we just solved this.
19:34 Hey.
19:34 Woo-hoo.
19:35 I'm back.
19:35 Load up potato.
19:36 Woo.
19:36 Yeah.
19:37 I'm done.
19:37 [GURGLING]
19:40 I'm done.