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Non, l'ananas ne fait pas maigrir : le top 3 insoupçonné des aliments brûle-graisses...
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Si vous souhaitez plus de nouvelles, abonnez-vous à la chaîne!
Non, l'ananas ne fait pas maigrir : le top 3 insoupçonné des aliments brûle-graisses...
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01:29 that will take the road for holidays.
01:32 And some of them, latecomers to the summer body,
01:37 may intend to give up a small diet before settling on a transat in a few days.
01:45 No need for diet to lose weight, the most important being to re-evaluate your diet.
01:53 Some foods are real allies of our body, allowing us to lose weight effortlessly.
02:02 Here is the list of three very effective fat-burning foods.
02:08 The top 3 fat-burning foods on the list of our fellow brothers, the eggplant.
02:15 It has a real power of absorption. It acts as a sponge in our body, trapping the assimilated fats.
02:25 Elimination and destruction of toxins are then favored, we learn.
02:33 Then, we find on the list of our friends fat-burning, the red fruits.
02:41 These, like strawberries or raspberries, have ketones.
02:49 They are the ones that stop the assimilation of certain fats.
02:56 Finally, top 3 on the list, cinnamon.
02:59 Our fellow brothers report that according to scientific studies, cinnamon reduces the sugar level in the blood.
03:07 It thus prevents this sugar from being stored in the form of fat.
03:13 You now know the names of your three summer allies.
03:19 To your ovens!
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