News Desk: Adisadel College Violence: Student seen choking his mate arrested, cautioned and released

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00:00 Good morning, welcome to join us. That's where coming to you live from our studios in Coco Mlamble. We're on DTT
00:05 Because we're free to wear on DSTV channel 4 to 1 in go TV channel 1 to 5 coming up this morning
00:11 Education minister arrives in Cape Coast on a fact-finding mission
00:16 following violent incident in which a student is seen in a viral video overpowering and
00:23 Violating another student before hitting his head against a metal bed frame at a Desado College
00:30 We are live there for you
00:32 Meanwhile join uses learning the students seen choking
00:38 His mate has already been arrested by the police following a directive by the attorney general will bring you that
00:44 update in this bulletin
00:49 Last NPP dismisses claims of favoritism within the party ahead of its presidential primaries
00:55 We have details also on that for you. My name is I see Brian do stay for details
01:17 Education minister dr
01:19 I'll say the chum is in Cape Coast as he seeks to understand how a student was seen
01:23 Strangulating and hitting the head of his mate against a metal bed frame in a dormitory at a Desado College
01:30 Mr. Say do to dr
01:32 Say do to miss currently locked up in a meeting with authorities of the school details of that shortly, but our correspondent
01:40 Semaphore rejoice whistle
01:43 Is also with that team she would join us shortly
01:47 but yesterday deputy education minister Reverend Jonathan for your directed management of the school to submit the report of
01:54 Investigation team set up to look into the bullying case in the school to the ministry today
02:00 The directive is a revised timeline for the investigation team
02:04 Which was initially expected to go into the issue and submit a report in two weeks
02:09 The deputy minister further taxed the school authorities to immediately
02:13 Start a psycho support system for all final year students as they prepare to sit the West African senior school certificate
02:21 Examination. Let's take you live now today at the saddle College for more on that
02:26 Correspondent Semaphore joins us. Let's start from the minister himself who we are told is in the school this morning
02:34 it's
02:36 What has he been saying?
02:38 Hello
02:40 Hello, Semaphore
02:42 Right, we'll try and get Semaphore but also on the other line is Kofi Asari
02:50 Kofi the students I believe will be going through a lot of psychological
02:55 Trauma as we speak especially for a final year student. What can you tell us about the student?
03:01 Well, yeah good morning and morning to our audience I
03:08 think that
03:10 You know the feeling in the school will not be the same as the feeling outside
03:16 this is an issue that happened quite some time ago and
03:19 Even the students involved, you know, who was at the victim actually tried to conceal it
03:26 I'm sure the shock - the the aura of the issues still hanging is about
03:35 How it happened and not much about the effect on the students as I'm saying because
03:41 The student was a victim was even able to hide it from the school authorities, you know for some time
03:48 and so I think it might not be that impactful as we as we seem as we
03:53 Think it will be on
03:56 examination
03:59 But for the victim for the culprit
04:03 Yes, because he is receiving, you know, all the bashing he's at fault
04:08 allegedly and so
04:11 It will have some effect on him. I'm not too sure but at that age
04:17 I think he should be an amateur but if he's more than if he's less than 18
04:20 If he's more than 18 then he's aware that or 18 or more there is a way of criminal
04:27 Verifications especially when the AG I read in the dailies has indicated that is going to take up the matter
04:33 So on that side, yes, I see much of stress and worry
04:39 On the boy who who is right in examination?
04:42 Coffee, how should this matter be handled to ensure this?
04:46 Effect on the students is minimized
04:50 Well, the I
04:54 Think the the public the public discourse on the matter
04:58 Will not help the students and
05:01 except that I think that
05:05 The students should not have access or establishes to the media so that they will be distracted
05:10 So the public discourse, you know one would all help them
05:14 And so if you try as much as possible to disconnect them from the media social media, etc
05:18 So that they can concentrate second is that by now I expect that the genius will have to get it and guidance and counseling
05:25 systems at the renowned and also that the necessary guidance provided to both the victim in the corporate and
05:31 It's not like in the corporate. All right examination from the school and of course is a company so we write it
05:39 Which is
05:42 But I think that the counseling they need
05:45 Should be provided same and I'll be surprised if it hasn't been done by now because yes has a necessary
05:49 Mechanisms to do get that but let me indicate
05:53 That I would have wished that the minister I don't know whether is a minister or the minister who is visiting the point
06:00 You said a minister is it a minister?
06:02 Yes, the minister who is in the school
06:07 Yeah, I would have wished them. It is great that a minister has gone to the school to have first-hand information about this near fatal
06:15 incident
06:17 It has reached a national level of attention because even the ages office is involved
06:23 So I understand why the minister should be in the school, but I would have also wish that
06:28 When my students drowned on the away from school, you know in Fana in which I bow
06:34 The minister would have visited those communities and with schools
06:40 Because nice nice to them drowned. They lost their lives
06:43 It was fatal, you know, and they were only assessing education because they didn't have schools in their island communities in which I buy right here
06:50 And we didn't we didn't see the minister. Good. I mean, I
06:53 Wished and called for him to go there, but he didn't go there, you know
06:57 and so I'm happy that many sizes in the school because of the risk and
07:04 Visited on one one student in a senior high school
07:06 It shows concern for what happened. They chose concern for discipline. It shows concern for the life of children and it shows concern for
07:14 the administration of
07:17 that I mean the
07:19 the administration of discipline the school and the same way we expect the minister to show similar concerns when
07:25 Even more fate. I mean fatal occurrences, you know
07:29 Take place in in in public basic schools so that we get assurance that the ministry cares equally for basic school pupils
07:37 There's the same as he does for senior high school people
07:40 Well professor I'll have you hold because we have an update from the investigation from the attorney general's office
07:46 My colleague could join and say joins me with that update Kojo. What do we know from the AG's office?
07:59 Could you kindly a mute for me
08:01 Right could you answer will bring us great great you're on now this
08:10 Excellent. So the student who was seen in the video
08:14 To be holding another student in a chokehold and then banging his head on the bed has been arrested
08:21 Today he has been arrested and cautioned on the charges of causing harm and assault
08:28 He was then released into the custody of the headmaster of our disabled college
08:33 Who is to produce the student for the police on Friday?
08:37 now this is
08:39 the information that is coming from the regional office of the
08:45 Attorney General and so tomorrow Friday
08:48 He will be arraigned before court on these two charges of causing harm and assault
08:56 Well could you answer with that update from the AG's office
09:01 Let's go to Cape Coast and speak with semaphore who is monitoring the minister's visit for us semaphore
09:06 Well, tell us about the minister's visit
09:09 Right Benny so this morning it's not a minister. It's the deputy minister of education honorable
09:18 John it's in Kodjo who is here in the school and he met the headmaster this morning and also the students involved
09:27 As you can see on your screen he's meeting the whole
09:30 Students body this morning to speak to them and also give us the media and updates on the case
09:36 So we met the students earlier the victim of the corporate
09:39 The witnesses they they are with the regional and then the Metro counselors going through some psychological evaluation
09:47 So we are here at the assembly hall
09:49 Waiting for the headmaster and the deputy minister of education to give us an update on the case
09:55 But what's the mood in the school this morning?
09:57 Right, so the final year students have begun their WASI examination and every other student is here at the assembly hall
10:06 But as you can see from their faces they don't look too happy about the incident
10:12 I don't know what might have gone down with them
10:15 But looking through their faces we see that some are some they are somehow concerned and unhappy about the development
10:22 Of being in the news for these few days
10:25 We know that that WASI
10:28 Exams has started today. We also know earlier that device the deputy education minister
10:35 Directed that the students be giving some psychological support to help them in their preparation for the exams
10:42 How's that going?
10:44 Right, so like
10:50 They are meeting they've met with the Metro and then the regional counselors who are taking them through
10:55 psychological evaluations to actually aid in some any traumatic experience they might have had
11:01 And we also have some about the parents and the other teachers helping them
11:08 Right, Semifa is the one following up on this for us at the Addis Abdullah College
11:19 You had her report that the minister deputy minister and team for Joe is meeting with a student
11:25 Mr. Kofi Asare, we know that the student involved has already been arrested and
11:32 Released to the Attorney General's office. We had my colleague bringing us updates on that arrest but
11:40 Not generally how should he also be treated?
11:45 to minimize the psychological trauma because we know that he has been the one in the media that
11:52 Everybody has been lambasting
11:54 Well, you should be accorded all the rights and privileges that
11:59 an accused person deserves he for now, he's only a suspect and
12:04 And there's reasonable suspicion that he could be a juvenile. I don't know
12:10 but
12:12 he should be accorded all the rights and privileges that a suspect deserves until
12:18 Proven guilty by a competent court of jurisdiction. Let me indicate that
12:22 again
12:24 We shouldn't have been here. You understand if we had clearly laid down
12:29 case
12:31 Yes in our schools
12:33 Wouldn't take the ministry of education
12:36 Into the JAS data general or the JSA courtes to issue instructions to the senior high school head in the saddle
12:43 to reports an
12:45 obvious case of an assault which is criminal to the police
12:48 the fact that
12:51 School level to school level disciplinary matters, you know
13:03 It's why we are here because this case should have reported to the police on Monday on Monday
13:08 And so as we have emphasized our school heads in this training, they need manuals in
13:14 case management of school-based violence so that when it occurs
13:18 they are not uncertain about what path to take they should be trained in how to
13:24 immediately decipher or differentiate between
13:27 Civil misconduct in school and criminal conduct so that when they occur, you don't waste time, you know
13:33 In responding to the issue. You don't waste time in taking the victim to the hospital
13:40 You don't waste time in informing the parents of both victim and culprit
13:43 You don't waste time in informing the police if it's a case of an assault
13:47 or battery and you don't waste time in
13:51 and in
13:54 Instituting your internal investigative processes, you know in addition to the criminal art
13:59 So what's belongs to the police?
14:01 We must always bring them in as much as as quick as possible so that they believe the issue
14:06 Then you do the health issues the psychology issues and they inform the parents
14:10 This must be documented in a case management manual for school-based violence, which schools need
14:16 Senior high schools need them so badly so that they know how to manage things because we shouldn't be here
14:22 You know, we shouldn't take national agencies to instruct the headmaster for the saddle to report this case to the Cape Coast Police
14:28 By Monday, it should have been done long ago
14:31 It's a great of an Africa education watch and he says such matters must be dealt with with the agency it deserves not to
14:42 escalate
14:45 Or to be able to minimize their psychological effects now a 16 year old
14:51 Girl is enduring lots of psychological trauma as a result of persistent sexual harassment from the auntie's husband
14:59 Breaking her silence to joy prime on the issue
15:02 Mousy as we chose to call her says even though she has reported the phenomenon to her auntie
15:08 Nothing has changed Mousy fears of succumbing to her uncle's pressure because the future of education
15:14 Is at stake since he is her only support joy primes in manual juvenile as more in the following piece
15:22 When we are asleep in the room, then he comes to I'm sleeping
15:28 when he sees that I'm asleep, then he tries to
15:32 start advantageous everything but I
15:35 Wake up, so I don't allow him at times to anyone is in the house
15:40 Then it's only the two of us. They told us I shall allow him to do one. You won't tell anybody about it
15:48 This is the distressing story of 16 year old Mousy not a real name
15:53 She has been forced to endure this abuse on countless occasions
15:58 This nightmare began when she lost her mother at a tender age
16:02 Mousy assumed she would be loved and cared for
16:06 But she's had to endure chains and strings of sexual harassment and unsolicited touches
16:13 From her auntie's husband the place she hoped would be a safe haven for her is now a place of torment
16:20 At times he tries to sleep with me, but I don't allow him
16:25 He changes with us
16:28 He gives me money that I shall allow him to sleep with me
16:33 If I don't then he takes back the money
16:38 Reporting sexual harassment can be a difficult decision
16:41 especially for minors
16:44 The fear of being victimized and stigmatized by society forces many young girls to recoil
16:50 Accusing her auntie's husband of harassment was difficult
16:55 But she gathered a lot of strength and confronted the issue
16:59 Sadly her auntie did not take her disclosure seriously
17:03 The first time we started I told my auntie that
17:06 She didn't believe me. She thought I was
17:08 Telling her because I was a small girl and she was always saying that
17:13 There's a small girls like me. I don't know anything so I shouldn't be saying that
17:18 The harassment persisted after she reported to her auntie and eventually her auntie witnessed the truth
17:27 The last day okay
17:30 It means many minutes to him
17:33 Shadi okay, so this is Papa person, Neda
17:36 And many to family
17:40 samey say hope it's all
17:43 Yes, I may be saying I'll say oh no, I get away baby. I did no no no any shit. I'm not gonna catch any
17:50 I know it's all been a colon
17:53 Hope it's all been
17:58 Suck another tell a peaceful band to meet me near
18:01 Then we say and then I'll call you. I'm sure oh, yeah, nice
18:06 In fact what made her believe Moshi story was that her own sister who once lived with them?
18:14 Also complained of similar sexual advances from her husband. He's a better maintain
18:20 The tram in chain
18:24 It's a maintain be
18:28 One you know, I know you're not complaining such Renny she said say a person maybe
18:36 Yeah, I'm gonna turn on Cassano
18:39 Has it many baby? Yeah, yeah, because I mean man number seven, you're baby. Can I go? I'm gonna sleep my finnickian?
18:46 say sorry, I'm not away again, yeah
18:51 What's your name? I say yeah, and yes, I and I'm in a new bar by one so
18:57 Said all day you beat me did
19:01 Yeah
19:03 No, I never people who commit sexual abuses often target vulnerable individuals due to poverty age
19:10 Gender or disability poverty is among the root causes of sexual harassment and makes it difficult for victims to report it
19:18 I thought my grandmother then my mother's two sisters
19:23 They are full so all of the family members my mom's side. They all know about it
19:31 I told them what the man has been doing to me in the house
19:36 My my mom I took
19:41 The man the man tries to sleep with me anytime there's no one in the house or we are asleep
19:48 As me yes, my report for it is cinema most higher than your money, but I'm in a one
19:59 May yeah, yeah, I say your honor Cuba now maybe my uncle and the school. It's a honor mean to me
20:09 It's not the same. I want to use more and you feel in China. I say
20:14 It'd be a I am
20:17 Sexual harassment can have a significant and long-lasting impact on victims mental and physical health
20:24 Moshi is traumatized by the harassment and the painful experiences are robbing her of a happy childhood
20:32 Whenever he comes home, they'll be exerting
20:37 Even if I've not done anything they'll be sorting
20:39 There is a bit telling me that I'm a witch I can't use their family to
20:44 Destroy the family
20:47 There's to be saying that when I finish this year's apartment is a cat from the house when he's around
20:54 Let I'm missing the outside get out from the house
21:01 Either to my friend's house or I'll be working
21:06 It's even affecting my studies because I go to school
21:15 Moshi is in a final year in a matter of weeks
21:24 The 16 year old would be sitting for the basic education certificate examination
21:30 BCE it is a life-defining test in keeping her dream of becoming a nurse aloft
21:36 But that dream is ebbing away by the day
21:39 I'm from three and it's a bit too fast to write BC
21:46 but I
21:48 Don't know
21:50 Because when school fees and registration fee and the equipment for me to write the
22:04 When I add a school fees and registration
22:07 Unfortunately, her auntie's business has collapsed making it difficult to foot her nieces school bills
22:16 She comes provide the financial needs
22:29 Aspirin doesn't take of me take care of his children because he says I'm not part of his children
22:36 I can't open seven
22:39 I'm yes, I'm a good socialist. Can you say me second?
22:43 Cheers and how much
22:45 Yes, I'm with you. Yes, I'm with you school
22:50 Me nyanya sky
22:55 Is a major Massey?
22:57 tomatoes name
22:59 I'm going to be an album maker. It's a mama -
23:02 It's a mommy cement
23:07 You can marry me. Yeah, Moshi is constantly sad for BC registration and school fees of
23:13 470 Ghana cities she's living with anxiety due to the uncertainty of her future despite the adversities thrown at her
23:22 Moshi is determined to succeed in her academic pursuit
23:26 My dad went to school this cycle Tuesday. I went to the cycle then today I went
23:35 Because it's a bit so few weeks for us to go right VC and my teacher to told me that
23:42 This the rest of the week we are going to use the soft past questions
23:47 So to be there so that I'll know the path of questions. They are sure
23:52 Well with academic performance
23:57 Excellence she's very good. In fact all the subjects. Yeah, she doesn't have every subject like that
24:04 But she's good in all the subjects in terms of expression and stuff. She's very okay
24:09 It's all about him financial financially sometimes when she comes to school
24:13 She doesn't have money for feeding sometimes not even pocket money when she comes to school sometimes
24:19 She feels so dark, but she's someone that she knows she knows what she's going for. So anytime you see her she's learning
24:25 Anytime you see her she's learning even though she'll be in a sad mood, but she forced to do something for herself
24:33 To dance but in the studio here with me Scott Fred got free a boy in who is with the public education and
24:41 Focal and he's a focal person at the greater crab branch of stress
24:46 Grateful that you could join me has this issue of this young girl
24:53 Who's being sexually harassed by her auntie's husband come to your notice?
24:57 Not that we know of a woman
25:01 that we were
25:03 Invited
25:06 by the
25:08 Journalists who carried out exercise to speak to the issue this morning
25:11 But officially a complaint of this nature has not been lodged in the country
25:15 How does this come across you you've watched except and listened to this young girl?
25:20 talking about her frustrations and how she intends to make it at the
25:27 coming BC that also the fact that
25:30 That's the only person who supports her in education and she finds herself in a dilemma
25:36 Yes, it's a pathetic story and it's not an isolated situation
25:42 It's a day occurrence in our nation now and it's a reflection of how our society has become
25:48 The social support that used to be provided for persons who are in need now seem to be broken down. So you realize that
25:56 In as much as this girl is in a need she has nowhere else to go to the husband of the auntie
26:03 Who happens to be the breadwinner now is trying to take advantage of our this girl and it's not the best
26:09 But the girls right to education. She has a right to education. She has a right to shelter
26:13 She has a right to grow up with her parents
26:16 She has a right to live a normal social life
26:18 And you realize that now that she's going through this sort of abuse
26:22 Even her stages of development is going to be affected. She grew up with a psychological trauma going through life not believing that
26:29 she's also worthwhile as provided by article 15 of the 99 course that the
26:35 Dignity of a person shall be invaluable. So she has a right to dignity
26:39 She has a right to also live like a normal child
26:42 But it's not her fault that her mother died when she was young
26:45 But you know that when it comes to childbirth it takes two people who give birth
26:50 So now that the mother is not there what happened? What about a father?
26:54 that's a question we want to ask because the constitution provides that a child shall be entitled to the
26:59 Estate of the father whether she's born wedlock or what out of wedlock
27:06 Yeah, so she has a right to a share of a parent property the father her mother
27:12 Has died doesn't mean she
27:14 Should be exposed to the hardships of the weather. The other issue too is that
27:19 We don't know whether what kind of inheritance she's entitled to because we we know in this country
27:27 We have basically we have the matrilineal and then the patrilineal
27:31 Yeah, and so now that she's he's in this state. What is the family of the father doing?
27:38 Or what do they have to say?
27:39 What is the family of the mother have to say is the auntie the only person in the family who can?
27:45 Support her or who can be of help and if she's also not in a position to as it to provide that kind of necessaries
27:51 Of life then is there nobody else in the family apart from her husband who is also trying to abuse this girl?
27:57 So it's a is a situation that in the first place
28:00 She could not have gone into but we should still look at available remedies by exploring our options
28:06 Is this something that Shiraj wants to take up?
28:09 Yeah, if a complaint is lodged with us we'll take it up because I remember about a year or two ago
28:16 You know when these children are about to write their BCE there's something they call camping
28:22 So one of these places have been in Danzuman a girl was assaulted by the headmaster
28:28 Then and the report was made to Dovesu the child's
28:33 father thought that Dovesu were not
28:36 Speeding up the issue for them so they blocked a complaint with the commission without intervention
28:42 The headmaster has been judged as I speak to you for 15 years
28:45 So it is a matter that falls within the human rights mandates of the commission and we take it up if we are adequately
28:51 Invoked so in this case
28:56 it's there and
28:58 some sort of punishment for even the auntie who
29:02 She has complained to
29:05 Severally, but it's not doing anything about it because probably she wants to save her marriage
29:10 Yes, the Children's Act makes provision for it
29:14 I think session 17 or thereabout of the Children's Act says that if you are aware or you become aware of an incident of child
29:23 Abuse you are duty-bound to report the matter to the Department of Social Welfare
29:26 Yeah
29:27 Also the Criminal Act also makes it possible that if you have become aware of the commission of a crime
29:32 You also have to report so the woman also there's an onus on her to also
29:36 As it were take an action and she cannot just throw her hands in the arm in the sky and say that I can't do anything
29:42 About it
29:44 You you have spoken about how the support system has broken down
29:48 We are aware that our social welfare is not up to the standard that we expect what kind of remedy?
29:56 Could be available for this young girl the first place
30:00 It has to be reported and once it is reported. I know doves who has
30:05 Lace a link with some shelters, so if a report is made to those who deep looking at the exigencies of it
30:13 I think they will provide shelter for it if it is also made to chart we can also do a collaboration with us who can provide
30:20 Immediate need is not to take care from the scene be able to get a prepared for her exam
30:25 Yeah, then after was life continues, but where the auntie says that she's waiting for her to finish a BC
30:32 And then she'll leave the house the question want to ask is after she has left the house what becomes of it
30:39 Yeah, I miss Montreal moment
30:40 I think what we should be also concerned about is how to change the father of the of the child
30:45 He can also play his role because also the Constitution provides for
30:51 necessaries for
30:54 Such people the students are to say that
30:58 The parents are supposed to provide the necessaries of life
31:01 Yeah
31:02 That's as they put their children criminal offenses at that in section 79 also say you should provide the necessaries of life to your children
31:08 So they are duty-bound at this material moment
31:10 It's just a duty which has been breached a duty owed to the girl which has been breached
31:15 And it's like we almost everybody is shirred in our way from that duty
31:19 That is not a choice that she came into the world
31:23 It was a decision that was made when I she came through unwanted pregnancy or whatever
31:28 She's among us and she has to be taken care of
31:31 Godfrey why I'm grateful for your time this morning
31:36 he's the public education and focal person at the greater car branch of
31:40 Church and he says that when a report is made to charge
31:45 they would take the matter up and you had a number of reliefs that they could give the girl and also
31:51 People who could be in trouble because of what is happening to this girl
31:57 Let's take a break on joining us next one will return there is more
32:01 It's a there is a magical system. That's the
32:04 You
32:06 Welcome back to the rest of our stories the National Development Forum being hosted by the Church of Pentecost
32:32 It should discuss national issues with the likes of former president John Mahama and former president John a
32:38 Jekyll go first well as Speaker of Parliament himself
32:40 Taking turns to address the gathering Speaker of Parliament has been justifying his decision to suspend Parliament and participate in the national dialogue
32:49 Organized by the Church of Pentecost. Let's go live now to the event center gift
32:55 You have any Dazi former GGA president is speaking
33:01 And really relevant agencies with a view to celebrating achievements and
33:05 The support for outstanding challenges
33:10 as the systematic
33:12 tracking by media of the
33:15 General support to the public accounts
33:19 Committee of Parliament and the recommended remedial actions a posture you agree with me
33:25 That we see on television
33:29 Year after year what the auditor general has said about
33:33 public accounts I
33:36 Entreat the media let us follow this up. We are talking about what we can do to push the national
33:44 Developmental agenda, I believe that if we focus on the public accounts committee
33:51 the volume of information
33:54 Every day we can pick something and I think that it will be a deterrent and then we also would want to know how much
34:01 Has been recovered
34:03 churches should go beyond general teachings and
34:06 establish special networking for our politicians and professionals as
34:11 The doctor said when the dangers and effects of corruption shall be continuously
34:17 Highlighted till we see significant changes in the level of corruption
34:23 conclusion
34:25 The media has done very well
34:27 in promoting human rights and public accountability
34:30 One area that the media has done. Well is the is in the fight against gallant cement
34:37 The media played its part in raising concerns about the dangers of gallancy
34:44 Which threaten our future existence?
34:48 Subsequent development a positive man have shown that the beneficiaries of gallancy are very powerful
34:54 They will not easily give up
34:57 Irrespective of the danger of our water bodies and environment I edge
35:03 Media, let us keep up with the pressure
35:07 For we need to leave an environment sound for the future generations
35:13 Based on what is happening now
35:16 We know
35:17 That the agenda to stop gallancy shall be treated as a major
35:22 Essential threat that should go beyond the coalition that first highlighted the menace
35:28 I believe all media houses should continually
35:31 Highlight the challenges on that until the menace is brought to a minimum already
35:37 All of us are paying far more for water
35:40 Because of the pollution suffered by our water bodies and the increasing cost to the Ghana water
35:47 Company in treating the water for our houses and industries
35:51 There are however other areas that we need to recognize that we have not done very well
35:57 We have to work to improve upon our professional practices as a way of strengthening media accountability
36:05 fortunately we have
36:08 certain precedents from the GD that we can all learn from
36:13 under my leadership and the GD
36:16 and with the support of academia editors and senior colleagues we
36:22 Use consensus building to make progressive interventions with specific guidelines in some national
36:30 situations such as
36:33 elections conflict reporting even the national reconciliation
36:38 We we gathered this consensus and we came up with various guidelines
36:44 That helped to put the nation
36:46 At peace so I believe that what we are doing here today
36:51 for the next two days
36:53 Yesterday and today will yield positive result
36:57 I believe this two days brainstorming session shall not be in vain
37:03 With a common resolve and looking at the caliber of people who have been here
37:09 We should be able to use the same route of consensus building to effect the changes
37:15 We are so passionate about and which we deserve
37:19 I believe all participants who have been here to make a personal pledge on behalf of themselves and the institutions
37:27 They represent to push the moral vision agenda
37:33 Beyond the media's direct mandate there are questions that all distinguished participants gathered here need to reflect on
37:40 What motivates our citizens who desire to serve in public office as elected officials or appointees?
37:49 Which institutions are the most prominent for political socialization?
37:56 And what value do such institutions place on?
38:01 moral vision
38:03 Finally
38:06 The question is
38:09 What will posterity
38:15 Think about us
38:18 We have led the fight for the repeal of criminal light below, but we have
38:24 several laws
38:27 Let it not be said
38:30 That collectively as a serial caller
38:33 or as a political actor or
38:36 as a media activist
38:39 We colluded to make the media space
38:43 an
38:46 agent of underdevelopment
38:48 May this
38:51 conference
38:52 Conscientize us and put in our spirit the theme to press on
38:59 This thing was ladies and gentlemen, I want to conclude my presentation with the Philippines for it a very
39:05 favorite picture of mine and it reads
39:09 Whatsoever things are true
39:12 Whatsoever things are honest
39:14 Whatsoever things are just
39:16 Whatsoever things appear
39:19 Whatsoever things are lovely our good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise
39:26 Think on these things we cannot miss it as a nation if we personalize the above quotation
39:33 For an individual as well as corporate behavior in our desire to reposition Ghana
39:40 strongly
39:41 from a moral vision perspective
39:44 We should live here with a renewed sense of commitment to the service of Ghana
39:52 To the service of God and country and a resolve to defend the good name of Ghana
39:59 May God help us all. Thank you
40:02 On Wednesday the speaker shared varied opinions on how the country can return to its glorious days listen
40:22 Good character builds trust
40:26 Without trust people never follow you
40:33 And without followers obviously
40:38 One cannot lead
40:41 It will be a walk in the park
40:44 Therefore effective leadership requires integrity
40:52 As
40:53 leaders
40:55 particularly political leaders
40:57 We must be willing to be held accountable for our actions and inactions
41:04 We must conduct ourselves in a manner that is beyond
41:11 The behavior of pompous wife
41:18 What happened to our value of being each other each other's keeper each his brother's keeper
41:25 Where communal assistance to each other on our farms and in other tasks that we had to undertake
41:33 Were easily available
41:35 What happened to our abhorrence of greed and theft?
41:40 Why
41:44 Do we celebrate persons who today?
41:48 Are wealthy
41:50 with dubious sources of income and
41:53 Yet society is not concerned about what the source of income is and it's only about the person's wealth
42:00 ladies and gentlemen
42:03 Ethics have a direct impact on national development
42:07 And as a student of history I can say unequivocally
42:11 That in history all civilizations that have fallen have done so after they lost their moral and ethical compass
42:19 And we are all here to consider
42:28 How
42:32 We
42:34 deliberate on the development of our nation
42:38 Using moral vision and as I've said you don't talk morality without talking humanity
42:44 So
42:47 Pentecostal Church has done well in organizing this huge meeting and I'm sure the meeting is also being relayed across the nation
42:56 I wish you success so over the next two or three days of the forum you come up with ways and means
43:04 to enable the people generally
43:08 To contribute to find the way forward
43:10 toward developing our nation
43:13 without the biases and
43:16 If you like the unkindness that we tend to display to each other
43:23 even as we try to
43:25 develop our country
43:28 Let's take a break on joining his desk and we'll return there's more coming your way from the world of business
43:34 [Music]
43:36 Hi, good morning, welcome to business
43:52 My name is Darrell Kau
43:54 Founder of the FANCTUT bank Prince Kofi Ann Mwabeng is urging businesses to be innovative and adaptive to changes happening in
44:00 The economy to remain afloat according to him it is critical for businesses to adapt to changes in the economy
44:06 Whilst upholding strict business principles. We are speaking at the launch of the 25th anniversary of Fair Green Limited
44:13 Fair Green Limited an indigenous firm offering tailored information technology solutions
44:21 Celebrating 25 years of excellent service to its customers
44:25 The company focuses on providing cutting-edge technology and technical support to client in an interview found of defunct UT Bank
44:32 Prince Kofi Ann Mwabeng urged businesses to adapt to the changes happening in the economy
44:37 It requires this discipline from the start you have a right vision and you have a clear mission
44:44 What you're going to supply and what you're going to do and you have to also be innovative and adaptive to the economy
44:50 Culture is everything you know, we have
44:54 Cultures in our system in our environment that are very negative
44:58 when it comes to developing companies, I
45:01 Think the culture is so important because if you don't I see a lot of Ghanaian company
45:07 The workers are interested in the clients more than the company
45:11 so you give a worker a little bit of tip and be nice to the client and
45:16 He or she will steal from the very company is working for
45:19 To the benefit of the client because of the small tip that you give and this is it's quite rampant in Ghana and companies who strive
45:26 at creating this bond
45:28 Within a family sharing the vision where they're going to go and caring for each other. So the interest of the workers
45:35 Aligned to the interest of the company chief executive of Fair Green Limited
45:40 Kiftee Boyan and the VATS the company will continue to improve on the technological
45:45 Solutions offered to its client in the coming years when the technology space and everybody knows how technology is moving so fast
45:52 so for us
45:55 We aim is to learn to keep up so that we continue to stay relevant
46:01 The way we weather the storm of competition is I mean being aware of what's going on and really listening to our customers
46:11 So if you listen carefully to your customers and you are able to define what their pain points are
46:17 What's their requirements and the solutions that is required you are able to if of course you have?
46:25 Educated yourself and kept abreast with the trends in technology
46:30 You are able to put a solution together that you know takes care of their difficulties and their pain points
46:37 The company was a to ensure the growth and development of its staff sustain the business
46:42 Now government's technical and vocational education and training initiative should be more practical to support the creation of jobs
46:51 This is according to president of the Kimbo all students Association engineer Joseph O'Day
46:56 He says initiative should be designed to contribute to the development of a productive workforce by linking
47:02 Education system to the needs of the economy. So they spoke to joy business at the press launch of the
47:08 150th anniversary celebration of the Kimbo senior high technical school
47:14 The school said at historic milestone
47:18 represents the educational excellence
47:20 resilience and transformative impact on the lives of countless student engineer or deck called for more investment for the TVS initiative
47:29 We're here in the 80s. We had a lot of workshops
47:32 Taking care of woodwork metalwork electrical solution things like that. And I think this has really gone down
47:38 but
47:40 with introduction of the TVS concept
47:42 We are hoping that a country will leapfrog and ensure that our technical education becomes more handsome
47:50 Where students after completing even the secondary schools will be able to fit itself into society and start working with the arms?
47:58 with improved skills
48:00 Chairman for the government board of the school John Mayes and and said natural young minds excel
48:06 Should be a priority for most corporate institutions this time going the board will ensure
48:11 That the staff of this school focus on this so that all children all learners who have the opportunity of coming to this school
48:19 We expect that their competencies will be updated with precision on her parts headmistress for the school
48:28 Soviet manual lecture tech called on president a coup for do to reach out to his alma mater. Yeah, mr. President
48:35 You are once here. We invite you to come and support your school. This is a
48:41 We are pleading that come and support the school so that it will be a model school for the gun and the nation Ghana
48:49 The 150 years anniversary celebration is under the theme
48:53 Equipping our future leaders with the 21st century skills the roles of the stakeholders
48:58 And that's it for this segment the news returns after the break
49:22 And that's how we wrap up the bulletin this morning
49:25 My name is I see Brian do log on to my John
49:29 For more of the news and updates of all the developing stories you again at 12
49:34 I
49:36 Love you, too
49:38 You
49:40 You
49:42 You
49:45 You
49:47 You
49:49 You
49:51 You
49:53 You
49:55 (upbeat music)
