Obama Chef Who Drowned Was Not Wearing Life Jacket Police

  • last year
Obama Chef Who Drowned Was Not Wearing Life Jacket Police


00:00 Other news today, more details about the drowning death of the Obama's personal chef while paddleboarding in Martha's Vineyard.
00:06 There are reports that not only was he not wearing a life jacket, his leg was not tethered to the board,
00:12 something Stephen Fabian found out is vital to do the sport safely.
00:16 We're learning chilling new details about the tragic death of the Obama family's personal chef.
00:22 Tafari Campbell was not wearing a leash like this one while paddleboarding close to the Obama's 30-acre estate on Martha's Vineyard,
00:30 according to Massachusetts State Police.
00:32 Mr. Campbell was standing on his paddleboard, lost his balance, and fell into the water, then struggled to stay afloat,
00:39 police said, explaining what happened in detail for the first time.
00:43 He was not wearing a personal flotation device and was not leashed to the paddleboard.
00:48 A companion who was paddleboarding with Campbell tried to save him but has not been identified.
00:54 People underestimate the importance of wearing a leash.
00:57 Expert paddleboard instructor Dee Schmitz says not wearing a leash or a life jacket was a fatal error.
01:04 This is always attached to your ankle, that way if you fall off the board, the board's not going to get away from you.
01:09 If your board gets away from you, no matter what the weather, you're not going to get it, right?
01:13 The smallest bit of wind is going to turn that board and it's going to be gone.
01:17 You feel those weeds around your legs and you start to panic, and the more you try to get out, the more tangled you get.
01:24 [Music]
