• 2 years ago
I can't make videos on Dailymotion public anymore, can only do private or password protected. The password is "a".

Hi everyone! I am here to announce I am finished making the feature length documentary film; ATYPICAL LEARNING

This documentary is about university students who are on Autism spectrum and ADHD and talk about their experiences in the predominantly neurotypical world around them. An autistic film director Masina will be interviewing them and he will be talking about his own experience making the documentary.

So I have made an introduction video to show you a brief idea of the documentary.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/masina.taulealo.3
Tumblr: https://masinat.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/masinataulealo?lang=en


”Symphony No. 40 G minor K 550”
composed by: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
provided by: Natural Classic Music 자연클래식음악
licensed under: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0