Invasion - saison 1

  • l’année dernière
Partout sur la Terre, des événements étranges commencent à se produire. Il semble que des entités extraterrestres sont en train peu à peu d'envahir la planète. Sur le continent nord-américain à New York, en Europe du côté de Manchester, en Angleterre, mais aussi au Maroc ou au Japon en Asie, des choses bizarres se déroulent. Dans une petite ville des Etats-Unis, un shérif sent lui aussi que quelque chose est en train d'arriver. Et partout sur le globe, des personnes ordinaires vont devoir faire face à ces changements.


00:00 ♪ This bitter earth ♪
00:05 ♪ What fruit it bears ♪
00:11 - My fellow citizens of the world,
00:14 what I have to say to you
00:15 is not something I was ever prepared to say.
00:19 As many of you know by now,
00:23 we are suffering from inexplicable
00:25 and seemingly unrelated incidents.
00:27 ♪ Let no one shake ♪
00:31 - Ranging from power outages
00:33 to the destruction of infrastructure and homes.
00:37 ♪ This bitter earth ♪
00:41 - We now believe these incidents are not unrelated,
00:44 but in fact, connected.
00:47 What is being visited upon our earth
00:52 - Go, go, go!
00:53 [explosion]
00:56 - Is not of our earth.
00:59 - Listen to me.
01:03 - You're leaving now.
01:05 - That's my car!
01:06 - I'm keeping you safe.
01:08 - Safe from what?
01:10 - Your squad was lost in an encounter.
01:14 Is that your only encounter?
01:15 - No.
01:16 - This is a pattern.
01:19 In other words, a message.
01:21 - What are you planning to do?
01:23 - I'm going to contact them.
01:24 ♪ ♪
01:29 ♪ And bitter life is like the dust ♪
01:35 ♪ And bitter life is like the dust ♪
01:39 - You might be all that stands
01:41 between life as we know it
01:43 and the end of all existence.
01:45 ♪ ♪
01:49 ♪ Falling for me ♪
01:52 - The world wants to test us.
01:54 ♪ ♪
01:56 To see if it can break us.
01:57 - Help me! Please!
01:59 ♪ ♪
02:04 - Not today.
02:06 ♪ ♪
02:07 - ♪ This bitter earth ♪
02:11 ♪ May not be so ♪
02:14 ♪ Bitter after all ♪
02:22 ♪ ♪
02:24 [music fades]
02:26 [no audio]
02:29 [no audio]