• l’année dernière
6 septembre 2023 en salle
De Nicolas Silhol
Par Nicolas Silhol, Fanny Burdino
Avec Louise Bourgoin, Samy Belkessa

Inès est menacée de se faire expulser de chez elle avec Adam, son fils de 14 ans. A la recherche d’un emploi, elle est prise à l’essai chez Anti-Squat, une société qui loge des personnes dans des bureaux inoccupés pour les protéger contre les squatteurs. Son rôle : recruter les résidents et faire respecter un règlement très strict. Inès est prête à tout pour se faire embaucher et s’en sortir avec Adam. Mais jusqu’où ira-t-elle ?

Plus d'informations : https://www.leblogducinema.com/tag/anti-squat/

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00:00 We took a lawyer and he told us to file a request for expulsion.
00:04 Do what you have to do.
00:06 My name is Inès Viviani. I'm a property manager at Antisquat.
00:13 I didn't know about protection by occupation.
00:15 It's something that makes sense, so I jumped on your ad right away.
00:19 The role of the resident manager is to recruit residents.
00:23 Those who pay the deposit right away, you can go home and the others can leave.
00:26 They are settled in the building and they make sure they understand the rules.
00:30 That's why you have to settle in with them.
00:31 The managers are subject to the same rules as the residents.
00:33 No right to stay more than two days without authorization.
00:35 No more than two guests. No parties. No children.
00:38 No children.
00:40 I'd say I'm camping.
00:41 Did you eat?
00:43 Yeah, I ate at Jules'. His mother said you abandoned me.
00:46 You have to make sure they understand that they are residents and not tenants.
00:55 You're going to give me a warning because they play basketball?
00:57 It's nice at your place.
00:59 It's their private life, isn't it? You're a cop, that's too much.
01:01 Don't say anything, it's up to you.
01:03 You signed the contract. After three warnings, you know what's going on.
01:05 The property is protected, maintained, but they are not at home.
01:09 What are you doing here?
01:11 No one has to see you.
01:12 Sorry.
01:16 You don't have to be a rebel, you understand?
01:19 What are you doing?
01:20 I can't send them away like that.
01:22 There are plenty of ways to get people out.
01:24 Who are these guys?
01:25 You're the one who got yourself in trouble.
01:27 It's us or them, right?
01:32 That's it?
01:34 You
01:36 (upbeat music)
