Consumer prices rise 0.8% in the three months to June

  • last year
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has welcomed the slowdown. But acknowledges many people are still struggling and says the government's focus remains on bringing prices down.


00:00 It's really pleasing to see that inflation in our economy is moderating further.
00:06 We'd like to see it moderate faster, but we are making welcome progress in this fight
00:12 against inflation.
00:13 So we've got inflation moderating in annual terms, and when you compare the quarterly
00:20 peak March last year, we've gone from 2.1 per cent before the change of government to
00:26 0.8 per cent in the new numbers that are released today.
00:31 Even with today's numbers showing a welcome fall in inflation, a welcome easing in inflation,
00:40 we know that people are still doing it tough.
00:43 We know that Australians are still under the pump as they confront this inflation, which
00:48 is moderating in welcome ways, but which still will be higher than we'd like for longer than
00:54 we'd like.
00:56 Inflation remains our number one challenge, and it remains the Albanese Government's primary
01:00 focus of our economic plan.
01:03 In this environment, it's really important that we do three things, and we are doing
01:07 these three things.
01:09 Firstly, banking a bigger surplus to take some of the pressure off inflation.
01:14 Secondly, providing cost of living help to take the edge off some of these pressures
01:19 rather than adding to inflation.
01:21 And thirdly, focusing on and investing in the supply side challenges in our economy
01:26 as well.
01:27 That is our three-point plan for combating this inflation challenge, and we are pleased
01:32 to see that inflation is moderating as a consequence of our collective efforts.
01:38 Treasury estimates something like a three-quarters of a percentage point improvement this financial
01:44 year as a consequence of our cost of living help.
01:47 The Reserve Bank Governor has said that our budget is taking the pressure off inflation
01:51 rather than adding to these inflationary pressures.
01:54 The first surplus in 15 years is also helping take the pressure off inflation when that
02:01 pressure is at its most acute.
02:04 And because of our responsible economic management, we have shown that a bigger surplus in the
02:10 year that has just finished needn't come at the expense of providing this cost of living
02:14 help.
02:15 We have found a way to get the budget in much better nick at the same time as we are rolling
02:19 out this assistance for the people that need it the most in the areas where the pressures
02:24 are most acute.
02:26 There is still a long way to go to head off this inflation challenge, but today's numbers
02:32 do show that we are heading in the right direction.
02:34 We are seeing inflation moderate from its peak, its quarterly peak before the last election,
02:41 its through-the-year peak towards Christmas of last year.
02:44 We are seeing it moderate and we would like it to moderate quicker, but our economic plan
02:50 is playing a really important role here in the moderation of inflation.
02:55 We are rolling out this cost of living help, we are getting the budget in better nick,
02:59 we are investing in the supply side of the economy, all of the ways that the textbook
03:03 would say you deal with this inflationary environment in which we found ourselves and
03:07 that we inherited from our predecessors.
