Salut , dans la vidéo d'aujourd'hui, on parle de Juju Fitcats et de Bim bam Boom !
N'oubliez pas de liker, partager et de vous abonner pour plus de contenu comme celui-ci. À tout de suite dans une prochaine vidéo !
N'oubliez pas de liker, partager et de vous abonner pour plus de contenu comme celui-ci. À tout de suite dans une prochaine vidéo !
00:00 Juju fit 4 is back on her first big buzzword
00:02 and what she said, I didn't expect it to be so moving
00:04 and I'm not the only one
00:06 Do you remember this song that is already 4 years old?
00:08 where Juju was dancing on the song "Bim Bam Boom"
00:10 and below there were a lot of comments saying
00:12 "Isn't she ashamed in a plane?"
00:14 "Too embarrassing in front of the passengers"
00:16 First comment, and in the video with Darko
00:18 she is back on this passage of her life as an influencer
00:20 In fact, people wanted to make it pass
00:22 as something negative
00:24 "No, I wouldn't dare do that"
00:26 and then you see, you don't ask people's opinion in the plane
00:28 "In the association, we took sick children to see Santa Claus in Lapland"
00:30 "Children with pneumonia, with cancer"
00:32 "In fact, children are a way to make them laugh"
00:34 "because that night, the plane couldn't take off, the bad weather, the things"
00:36 "because it's a group of people, including Thibaut, the godfather"
00:38 "and so every year, we try, either him or me"
00:40 "to accompany them, to make this family trip"
00:42 "this famous trip to Lapland"
00:44 And obviously, after having had this passage
00:46 a lot of people who were a little bit let go at the time
00:48 apologized, they were a little bit moved