10 Amazing Robotic Animals You Must See

  • last year
00:00 In all honesty, the world seems to be moving at a breakneck speed that some of us cannot
00:04 keep up with.
00:05 The first few robots that brought the world to a standstill are ones that intimidated
00:09 human beings.
00:10 Before we could get over the fact that these human inspired robots exist, they were already
00:15 replacing people in the workplace.
00:17 The next thing we know there is a new invention of fascinating animal inspired robots that
00:21 are performing tasks that are far much more than an actual animal would.
00:25 The invention of animal robots is constantly opening our eyes to what animals are truly
00:30 capable of and why they function the way they do.
00:33 It is said that intimidation is the sincerest form of flattery and I couldn't agree more.
00:38 Hello guys, welcome to another episode of Forever Green.
00:41 Today we are going to show you some of the most amazing animal robots and you should
00:46 stick around for number 1 as some of the animals we spite the most are turning to be inspiring
00:51 real life heroes.
00:53 Number 14, Aqua Jelly.
00:56 Aqua Jelly is simply an artificial jellyfish complete with a transparent outlook.
01:00 Its exterior is made of LED lights and 8 tentacles while its interior consists of a navigation
01:05 system, 2 motors, lithium ion battery and several sensors that help control its movements.
01:12 Aqua Jelly also boasts of an intelligent system that helps it respond and adapt to external
01:17 environmental changes.
01:19 It is able to calculate power supply and in the case where it senses that the power supply
01:22 is low, it automatically sends that information to the charging base at the water surface.
01:27 Aqua Jelly then automatically swims towards the charging base and plugs itself in.
01:32 While on the water surface, Aqua Jelly uses a radio band to communicate and when it goes
01:36 underwater it uses infrared lights.
01:40 Aqua Jelly can also accurately calculate the immersion depth by use of internal sensors.
01:45 It also has a working distance of about 3 feet which is very helpful because it can
01:49 receive information from other robots within its surrounding and comfortably maneuver without
01:54 collision.
01:55 Number 13, Miro.
02:00 Miro is short for Marine Intelligent Robot.
02:03 Just from its appearance you can tell that it draws its inspiration from fish.
02:06 It was invented at Aero Inc, South Korea.
02:09 It is equipped with 4 infrared distance calculating sensors and 2 motors that help it to navigate
02:15 around obstacles in its way.
02:17 It can swim in every direction and effortlessly dive up to 50 meters deep.
02:22 Miro has quickly become a tourist attraction stir because of its LED lights and colorful
02:26 scales that give it quite a bright look.
02:28 Nobody wants to miss it swimming alongside sharks.
02:33 Number 12, Robotics Snake.
02:36 Medrobotics was founded in 2005 and is home to the invention of this Robotic Snake.
02:41 As the name suggests, Medrobotics is focused on inventing and producing robots that will
02:46 make the medical procedures a little easier.
02:49 Such as this Robotic Snake.
02:51 As you would expect, its external structure resembles that of a snake.
02:55 Its body is actually as flexible as that of a snake.
02:58 This flex robotic system was made for noble cause and that is to help surgeons to reach
03:03 the deepest parts of the body that are quite risky to do so.
03:06 The Robotic Snake is equipped with robot eyes that give a clear 3D view so that the surgeon
03:11 can ensure that the robot is in the correct spot.
03:14 Once it's in place, the robot instantly becomes rigid and the surgeon can pass through it
03:18 the needed instruments.
03:20 The commands are then given and controlled by use of a joystick.
03:23 Yes, it is somehow like the one you use for your video games.
03:27 This genius invention is particularly ideal for non-linear parts of the body or simply
03:32 parts that require several twists and turns.
03:36 Number 11, Robat.
03:41 As you may have already figured it out, Robat is a mimic of the real-life bat.
03:45 Robat is as a result of the brilliance of a Tel Aviv University student, Hamar Eliakim.
03:51 Robat sought its inspiration from bats from external appearance right to its navigation.
03:56 However, like a real-life bat, Robat uses echolocation to move about.
04:01 Echolocation is simply the use of sound to identify obstacles in its path.
04:05 Robat is able to use echolocation by help of an artificial neural network and an ultrasonic
04:10 speaker that produces sounds that have a frequency that is close to that produced by bats.
04:16 The echoes are picked by two ultrasonic microphones that act as the robot's ears.
04:21 Robat can also tell if the obstacle in its path is a dead end or an object that it can
04:25 pass through.
04:26 While most animal robots are fitted with camera eyes, Robat has no special eyes, but like
04:30 a bat, it can comfortably move about in the night.
04:34 Before we move on to our next animal robot, leave us a like, smash that subscribe button,
04:38 and turn on notifications and you'll win 10 years of incredible luck.
04:42 Try it, it actually works!
04:45 Number 10 Octobot Octobot is an invention by the Octopus group
04:52 from Hebrew University.
04:54 This group is aiming at making the first autonomous, soft-bodied robot.
04:58 It might look like a recent invention, but this project was started back in 1996.
05:03 As you can tell, there isn't a better inspiration for this goal than an octopus.
05:07 And from the look of things, they sure did smash their goal.
05:11 Octobot has muscles that are made out of soft silica rubber.
05:14 This makes its eight tentacles to not only move, but move with flexibility.
05:18 As a result, they are able to elongate and stretch as much as they are needed to.
05:22 So how is it able to achieve this movement?
05:25 Well its interior is fitted with 3D pneumatic chambers that get filled with gas, which is
05:30 as a result of a chemical reaction between platinum and hydrogen peroxide.
05:35 This automatically gives power to Octobot's tentacles, and they are able to move 4 at
05:40 a time.
05:41 The tentacles can comfortably grab and grab and grab projects of different shapes and
05:45 sizes.
05:46 In the case where a vacuum is applied to its larger suction caps, Octobot's tentacles
05:50 are able to move with a much more firm grip.
05:53 Octobot's mission is to widely explore the ocean floor, which is vital in performing
05:56 search and rescue.
05:59 Number 9, Robot Fly Well, there is no need for me to tell you
06:06 what Robot Fly looks like, but in case you can't figure it out, it's a fly.
06:10 Robot Fly is an invention by Professor Mosh Shoham of Israel Institute of Technology.
06:15 While most of us view a fly as a dirty creature, Professor Shoham saw it as a solution to a
06:21 problem.
06:22 Robot Fly is so fascinating that Microbot Medical is based on its invention.
06:26 Professor Shoham's aim was to create a micro-robot that can easily move through the spaces in
06:31 the human body.
06:32 We all know how tiny, complex, and compressed the spaces can be.
06:36 From the circulatory system to respiratory system and digestive system, the size of things
06:41 that are intended to move through this passage's waves are a matter of concern.
06:45 Any forceful movement could jeopardize the life of an individual.
06:49 But that is no longer something to worry about since Robot Fly has tiny, not stretched arms
06:53 that it uses to move by holding onto the sides of the vessels.
06:57 Whether the space is tight or passages curved, Robot Fly can move with ease.
07:01 It is also worth noting that Robot Fly can remain in the body for a long time and end
07:05 self-cleaning.
07:06 It can potentially aid treatment of hydrocephalus, an excessive pile-up of spinal fluid in the
07:11 brain.
07:12 While a real fly may make you sick, Robot Fly is here to help you.
07:18 Number 8, Bionocopter Bionocopter is a flying robot that borrows
07:25 its flying characteristics from a dragonfly.
07:28 It is a product of Festo, a German technology company that is reputable for its amazing
07:32 robots.
07:33 Bionocopter has a wing spread of up to 27 inches wide and its body is 19 inches long,
07:39 making it bigger than a normal dragonfly.
07:42 It can glide through air without necessarily flapping its wings.
07:45 When moved in slow motion, the movement of its wing is like that of a dragonfly.
07:50 Other desirable characteristics that it has picked from dragonflies is flying in different
07:54 directions and being able to stop abruptly while in air.
07:58 Bionocopter can move each wing independently, an action that allows it to slow down and
08:02 even make abrupt turns.
08:04 It can even fly backwards, which is an indication that Bionocopter has truly perfected the flight
08:09 of a dragonfly.
08:10 The body of a Bionocopter is made of carbon fiber that is covered with blue polyester
08:14 to give it that bright look that we all love to see in dragonflies.
08:20 Number 7.
08:21 Roebird
08:22 Roebird is a drone that is the spitting image of a falcon.
08:28 It was invented in Netherlands in 2014 in search of a solution to a bird problem in
08:33 an airport in Canada.
08:34 The airport was quite busy and there were thousands of flights leaving and landing into
08:38 the airport.
08:39 But there was one problem.
08:41 Birds would fly into the airport and land in the plane's engine, leading to its destruction.
08:45 I need not tell you the impact of a spoiled plane engine.
08:49 That is why Roebird was created, to prevent the worst from happening.
08:53 Roebird mimics a falcon, which is a bird of prey.
08:56 Roebird is responsible for keeping birds off the airport.
08:59 Birds in this airport have significantly reduced due to the presence of a robotic bird of prey.
09:04 Roebird also glides in the air for a long time like a normal bird of prey would.
09:08 Birds in the vicinity think that Roebird is on a hunting mode and they completely keep
09:12 off the airport.
09:13 It is without a doubt a safe and humane bird control solution.
09:17 Roebird is completely controlled and can move at a speed of 80 km/h with the help of its
09:21 flapping wings and two tail fins that steer it.
09:26 And now let us juggle our minds a little bit for it is riddle time.
09:30 What snacks do you serve at a robot party?
09:33 Do you think you have the answer to our riddle of the day?
09:35 Be the first to leave your answer in the comment section below.
09:39 6.
09:40 Robugtix T8X Just by the look of it, you can tell that
09:45 Robugtix is a robot eight-legged spider.
09:49 While some robots are meant to solve real-life problems, Robugtix was made for entertainment
09:53 purposes.
09:54 It is simply a robot toy.
09:56 It comes as either smooth or hairy depending on your preference.
09:59 All you have to do is part with $950 USD.
10:03 Unlike real-life spiders, Robugtix can't climb up walls so you don't have to worry about
10:08 getting mini attacks every time you see it.
10:11 Robugtix is rechargeable and wireless enabled.
10:13 Its eight legs have a total of 26 motors that are used to control it remotely by use of
10:18 an application or a joystick.
10:20 It can run, lift one leg, and oh, can it dance.
10:25 Robugtix can also perform really cool moves with its abdomen.
10:29 5.
10:31 Scorpion Hexapod As the name suggests, Scorpion Hexapod gains
10:38 its inspiration from a scorpion.
10:40 Its external features also confirm this.
10:42 It was built by three students from Belgian University.
10:45 It consists of 3D printed body plates that are mounted on a plastic plate that forms
10:50 the main body.
10:51 Scorpion Hexapod can easily move in multiple directions and is able to evade obstacles
10:55 in its way by use of infrared sensors and a front camera.
10:59 Like a real scorpion, Scorpion Hexapod has a stinger that leaves one with a red mark
11:04 when it attacks.
11:05 The red mark is however not poisonous.
11:07 This robot scorpion also comes with two large front claws that are able to grab and hold
11:12 objects.
11:13 How accurate is that?
11:15 4.
11:16 Taub The Locust Robot In recent months, we have all witnessed how
11:22 locusts have invaded farms and swarms.
11:25 It is every farmer's worst nightmare.
11:27 But when a group of zoologists and mechanical engineers met, they thought they had a lot
11:31 to learn from a locust.
11:33 Their jumping robots were inspired by locusts.
11:35 Like locusts, this jumping robot is propelled into the air by use of mechanical energy.
11:40 It may not look exactly like a robot, but its biomechanical features are a lot like
11:45 that of a locust.
11:46 This jumping robot can jump as high as 11.5 feet while covering a horizontal distance
11:51 of 4.5 feet at the same time, all in one leap.
11:55 It weighs about 23 grams and is 4 inches long.
11:58 With the help of its motor, energy storage and overall structure, this jumping robot
12:02 can withstand high acceleration.
12:05 It is also powered by a lithium battery, which basically means it can stay longer in air
12:09 than a drone would.
12:10 It can also accomplish 1,000 jumps all while running on one battery.
12:14 This jumping robot is looking into leaping into the future of cleaning oil spills, surveillance
12:19 and search under rubble.
12:21 3.
12:23 Arrokuda Arrokuda is a robot fish that is pneumatically
12:30 driven.
12:31 Arrokuda has liquid muscles with a flexible hose-like body that is made from synthetic
12:36 aramid fiber.
12:38 This is the material that is also used in the making of bulletproof vests.
12:41 It has two S-shaped, fluid muscles that control the movement of its tail fin and two other
12:46 muscles that steer it.
12:47 It also has a balance tank that determines how deep the robot is in the water.
12:51 When filled with water, Arrokuda sinks and if the balance tank is filled with air, Arrokuda
12:55 floats to the surface like a submarine.
12:58 Its waterproof head is home to the electronic and pneumatic components that make the robot
13:02 functional.
13:03 Arrokuda utilizes the fin ray effect, which ultimately controls its direction.
13:07 Fish species such as Atlantic Cod have a swim bladder and so does Arrokuda.
13:13 2.
13:15 Bionic Bird Bionic Bird is a product of a project that was
13:20 funded by Indiegogo.
13:21 As you may have already guessed, it is a spitting image of a small blackbird.
13:25 In fact, both humans and birds cannot distinguish it from other birds because it comes complete
13:30 with a beak and eyes.
13:32 Its body is built with elastic synthetic foam that allows it to resist scratches and marks
13:36 from attacking birds.
13:38 It also helps reduce the impact of a hit during false landing.
13:41 It uses its own wings to fly which are made of carbon fiber, a material that is both durable
13:46 and light.
13:48 These wings are able to flap at a speed of 18 times per second which is faster than most
13:52 birds can do.
13:53 The tails also help in controlling the flight.
13:56 It's no wonder that one cannot tell it apart from other birds.
13:59 Bionic Bird can stimulate natural flight and achieve it within a 100-meter span.
14:04 Its top speed is about 12 miles per hour.
14:06 With all the manipulations, the whole robot weighs just 9.2 grams.
14:11 Bionic Bird can be controlled by a simple phone application, and in case it runs low
14:15 on power supply, its ultralight battery can be recharged by a portable egg-shaped charger
14:20 for about one hour.
14:21 Its investors really went down to the egg detail.
14:24 How cool is that?
14:28 It's now time for today's subscriber pick.
14:30 Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about this guy who seems to be riding
14:34 on this gigantic, monstrous, chicken-like animal robot.
14:37 If you come across a mysterious photo that you want us to look into, just send it over
14:42 to us and we might feature it on a future video.
14:45 Now we look into this picture and are excited to reveal to you that there indeed exists
14:49 such an animal robot just like the one pictured.
14:52 And this takes us to our number one.
14:56 Rooster Rooster the robot was invented by Robo Tikan
15:03 in Israel.
15:04 Of all animals in the world, what made them pick a rooster for a robot?
15:08 Well it's because of the interesting fact that a rooster can actually fly but it would
15:12 rather walk.
15:13 I bet you did not know that.
15:15 When a rooster is faced with an obstacle in its path that it cannot walk around, it will
15:19 fly over it.
15:20 That is the same case with this rooster robot.
15:23 This robotic rooster was built with natural disasters in mind.
15:26 We risk even more lives by sending human and animal rescues to this area.
15:30 But this might change in the future because Rooster the robot can reach injured victims
15:34 when it's not safe for another human being to reach them.
15:38 Rooster the robot has a few superpowers in order to achieve this.
15:42 It can easily roll inside its cage and in case it falls from a height of 6 meters, it
15:45 can still work like nothing happened.
15:47 In case it hits a wall, it can look for another route by itself without waiting for instructions
15:52 from its operator.
15:53 A rooster robot can communicate with a team of other rooster robots even in remote areas
15:58 where cellular connection is a problem.
16:01 One other advantage is that you don't need extra hands to operate a team of rooster robots.
16:06 One human operator is enough.
16:08 If you ask Israel's Ministry of Defense, rooster robots could be a real life changer.
16:13 Rooster to the rescue!
16:14 And that's it for the most amazing animal robots.
16:17 Which of these animal robots impressed you the most?
16:19 Let us know in the comment section below.
16:21 And if you liked this video, you should definitely check out our video of most beautiful albino
16:25 animals.
16:26 [Music]
