• hace 2 años
Stronghold (2023)
00:00 We are the only two people left.
00:07 There's no one else out there.
00:10 The virus is the enemy.
00:12 What are the signs of the infected?
00:15 Oh, fever and chills and your skin turns grey.
00:21 You're not yourself anymore.
00:23 There's no light behind the eyes.
00:25 Everyone is infected or dead, right?
00:28 Tell me about before.
00:30 It was loud and busy.
00:33 And the air was heavy, thick and dirty.
00:39 The things out there, once you see them, they change you.
00:43 You'll never be the same.
00:45 I had a dream last night.
00:48 Dreams don't always make sense.
00:50 Where did you find that?
00:53 In your room.
00:55 How could you hide this thing?
00:57 What did you do with the body?
01:05 How many times have I told you, don't go past the property line?
01:09 What was he doing here?
01:10 I don't know.
01:12 What's your name?
01:14 Marcus.
01:16 You don't even know anything about this man.
01:19 There's nothing out there for you.
01:20 There's something you need to know.
01:25 What's going on?
01:27 Nobody's going anywhere.
01:29 (gunshot)
01:31 (upbeat music)
