30 Moments Angry Lion Mother Revenges Giant Eagle For Her Baby And How It Ends Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 The average life expectancy of a lion in the wild is 10 to 14 years.
00:07 But in captivity, they can live more than 20.
00:11 Over 70% of lion cubs will not reach adulthood.
00:17 Eagles are among the biggest enemy featured in this number.
00:21 The wings of an eagle can take us to the land and into war.
00:27 Eagle fights.
00:38 Only a week after giving birth, the lions will open their eyes.
00:42 And after three weeks, their baby teeth have come through.
00:49 The lion cubs will follow their mother until they can hunt on their own.
01:08 Lioness will always have to move their cubs, avoiding predators finding their scent.
01:18 Yet the greatest difficulty is escaping the sight of an eagle.
01:23 While flying high, they will observe down below.
01:31 They wait until the mother lion goes hunting.
01:40 The eagle is in action, and the lion cub has been captured.
02:00 Now the lion cub is dead.
02:02 The sad eyes of the mother lion tells us what she will do next.
02:16 Gone crazy searching, the lion can catch and play with an eagle for revenge.
02:23 It is a big mistake that the eagle didn't get a chance to correct.
02:32 Competition for territory doesn't happen only on the ground.
02:38 Nesting by the river, the birds easily drink water when they're thirsty.
02:44 But they must face the alligators.
02:47 And that's not the only thing.
03:04 The birds are also the greatest feast for the eagle.
03:16 Enjoying the party that nature gives, monkeys don't always know about the danger lurking.
03:26 The ferocious harpy eagle possesses talons more than 10 cm long and a wingspan up to
03:32 2 m wide.
03:38 Some monkeys have noticed, the harpy eagle immediately takes action.
03:51 This is the meal to earn for its young.
04:01 Animal Fights The eagle has pinned down a snake, and it
04:05 may have broken its body, restricting the movement.
04:18 Eagles that hunt snake, just like the clerk bird, are at the top predators, and they have
04:23 a specific target for snakes.
04:38 Eagles will attack the bird at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney, Australia.
04:50 A large prey that is far greater than the eagle's body can be lifted gently into the
04:55 sky.
05:00 They must move cautiously.
05:03 Will these two animals have a fight?
05:06 Above all, they need food to survive.
05:15 Without a mother to accompany the warthog, they are quite bewildered, trying to escape
05:20 the dangerous predators.
05:25 An unlucky warthog has been captured.
05:37 The mother has come, but it is too late.
05:42 The eagle must temporarily leave the tree, waiting for the mother warthog to leave.
05:48 Then he will come down and receive the reward.
05:57 Squirrels are a family of mammals that include small and medium-sized rodents.
06:06 They are a favorable prey for the eagles, hawks, and the famous birds that dominate
06:11 the sky.
06:24 The squirrel is climbing up to the eagle's nest in search of food.
06:32 The decora eagle crashes into a tree, trying to grab the squirrel.
06:36 But this lucky squirrel was too fast.
06:40 The second attempt to catch the eagle.
06:43 Both have failed.
06:49 Excellent vision allows eagles to recognize their prey far from a distance.
06:58 The moving targets below immediately caught the eyes of the eagle.
07:03 It has started to go downhill.
07:07 The eagle lost momentum, and this chance for a rabbit has escaped.
07:17 The love of the water.
07:19 Iguanas will often gather by the beach.
07:25 Every season, they will come ashore to lay their eggs.
07:35 This moment poses as a great opportunity for the hawk.
07:40 There are far too many options to be eaten.
07:51 The small rodents will regularly become a meal for any predator.
07:58 The hawk managed to catch the squirrel using its sharp talons.
08:05 But something has helped the squirrel escape.
08:21 Eyes like binoculars, observing all creatures from afar.
08:45 It doesn't take much effort to defeat this prey.
08:50 When the eagle catches its prey, it will lift it high above the sky and then drop it down,
08:56 killing it in an instant.
09:03 Both the eagle and the jackal are chasing a young deer.
09:15 Confronted with two dangerous predators, the deer has ran as fast as he could.
09:23 The courageous fortitude has helped the deer escape.
09:30 A successful hunt of the fox, this animal is overjoyed with its meal.
09:39 After losing its prey and being hurt, the eagle took all.
09:51 Pretending to be gentle while the squirrels play and eat, the fox calmly watches his prey
10:00 before making a move.
10:04 Now patience has gone on long enough, the fox gently advances, catching his prey.
10:15 Although famous for being agile, squirrels are easily caught when they're attacked by
10:20 surprise.
