• il y a 2 ans
00:00 (audience cheering)
00:03 - I've been gone for a very long time.
00:12 Surprise, it's me.
00:15 Set 'em up nigga, let's play.
00:18 All manner of things kill white people,
00:22 but you know what kills more black people
00:23 than anything more than police and terrorism?
00:25 Salt nigga, regular ass table salt.
00:28 ♪ We the people, a selfie in the rear ♪
00:31 ♪ Yo, we don't need ♪
00:33 - Now ISIS is number one on the terrorist charts.
00:36 If ISIS catches you, they're going to cut your head off.
00:39 I've seen 'em do it on YouTube.
00:40 Don't like.
00:42 Hey, you know, I've met OJ Simpson.
00:46 He shook my hand.
00:48 Standing beside him, his soon to be slain wife.
00:51 She hugged me, she goes, "Good luck to you."
00:54 And I whispered in her ear,
00:56 "Bitch, are you trying to get us both killed?"
00:59 ♪ Babylon bloodclaat ♪
01:02 (upbeat music)
01:05 (whooshing)
01:06 (whooshing)
01:08 (whooshing)
01:11 (whooshing)