• 2 years ago
ISAAC Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the throes of grief after the loss of their first child to a genetic disease, Nicholas and Sarah find themselves among the ten couples who participate in pioneering clinical trials initiated by the GEO Group. This reputable cellular meat company is leveraging its cutting-edge technology to engineer genetically modified babies, aiming to outwit the harsh realities of nature.
Yet, the looming question persists: Are these groundbreaking experiments a momentous step forward in the annals of human scientific achievement, or are they merely the terrifying prelude to an unprecedented and horrific nightmare?

Directed by Tariq Sayed
Starring Johnny Vivash, Catriona MacColl, Bosco Hogan, Kathryn Louise
00:00 (water running)
00:02 (footsteps)
00:13 - I'm so sorry, Nicholas,
00:17 that we couldn't save your daughter.
00:19 (dramatic music)
00:22 (water running)
00:24 - But I promise you,
00:32 whatever you call me here for,
00:35 I will help in any way I can.
00:37 (knocking)
00:43 - You have a really lovely home, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves.
00:49 (knocking)
00:51 (gunshot)
00:52 - We needed a change.
00:54 That's why we moved down here.
00:56 - Look, it's getting worse.
00:58 - And it's just as well you've decided
01:00 to come on board, isn't it?
01:01 - There's something else you should know about him first.
01:07 (farting)
01:09 He's not an ordinary child.
01:11 - You signed the agreement, Nicholas.
01:15 - His body trembles and shakes.
01:19 - You put yourself forward
01:20 as the vessel for our project.
01:21 - He becomes completely out of control.
01:24 - Unfortunately, nature is out of our hands.
01:29 - My God, Nicholas.
01:33 What have you got yourself into?
01:36 (dramatic music)