• 2 years ago
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of A | dG1fcjYyT3VMeHp1MVE
00:03 Insurance fraud, right?
00:24 They want to burn the hotel down?
00:27 Don't worry.
00:29 You and me are a great bunch.
00:31 I would do what I could to make sure
00:38 that your hotel remains intact.
00:42 Meanwhile, on the other hand, I'd
00:45 be only too pleased to see it burned to the ground,
00:49 preferably with your partner, Mr. Fane, holding the match.
00:57 Move back!
00:58 Get this anchor out!
01:02 And of course, you'd be in a lot better shape
01:04 financially if the whole place did burn down.
01:07 Why do you say that?
01:08 Well, you're insured with our company for $10 million.
01:11 But then you must know that, Mr. Anderson.
01:17 [SCREAMS]
01:24 [THUNDER]
01:30 [SCREAMS]
01:31 [THUNDER]
01:34 The essence of true deception is--
01:38 Well, it's the truth.
01:39 It's the plain and simple truth.
01:40 It's the only way.
01:43 Because nobody ever believes you.
01:45 [LAUGHTER]
01:46 [SIREN]
01:47 What's your problem, Steve?
01:49 You're an engineer or something like that?
01:51 No, I like fire.
01:53 Why'd you say that?
01:54 What do you mean you like fires?
01:55 I was being silly.
01:57 I was being silly.
02:01 [THUDDING]
02:05 Our chap lights all his fires on a Sunday.
02:11 [THUNDER]
02:12 [SCREAMS]
02:13 Now, you and I know that only one Sunday remains between now
02:17 and the new year, and that's Christmas Day.
02:20 [THUNDER]
02:21 [SCREAMS]
02:22 [LAUGHTER]
02:23 Christmas Day.
02:25 [THUNDER]
02:28 [THUNDER]
02:34 [THUNDER]
02:38 [SIREN]
