Ntitwishimye, ntacyo nshinja abakinnyi_ Umutoza Carlos Ferrer nyuma yo gutsindwa na Mozambique

  • last year


00:00 How did you see the match today? What was the performance? We lost 2-0 against Mozambique.
00:20 Hello everyone. What I see in the game is not good. When you don't win, you cannot be happy. We are not happy, especially not happy with the result.
00:32 But with the performance of the team, especially in the first half, I was happy. We prepared the team to press high, to be aggressive.
00:40 We know that we need to win this game. The draw is also not good for us. This is the planning of the match. To go to the first half, press high, go for the game and try to score.
00:50 The plan was like that. The players made what they wanted. I cannot complain about the players. We had chances before to receive the first goal.
01:00 We have to score because in football, if you don't score, you can have problems in the second half. The other team was defending very deep, very back.
01:10 We couldn't find enough spaces. In the second half, there were a lot of interruptions. It was not good. I am not happy in the second half, especially.
01:20 My name is Eddie. I am from the New York Times. It has been a year since you have been coaching this side.
01:38 May you allow us to rate yourself? Give us your self-evaluation. Maybe you can even say if you still deserve this seat.
01:48 Do you think you still deserve a chance?
01:52 This is not my job. Also, to evaluate me is not my job. The person who should evaluate me has to do it. As I said many times, I will never be a problem.
02:06 I am very calm in what I am doing. I am very confident in what we are doing. It is a process that is not easy. It is true because we are changing the style of the play.
02:14 Especially from the national team. We are changing the style of the play and some players. But let's see. Evaluation for me, I cannot do it. I will not evaluate myself.
02:26 If I deserve another chance, this is not me who should answer. So I want questions for me, please.
02:32 I wish to ask you this question. Do you see these players we have? Can you take us in half court? Or do we have to change the whole team to give us the players?
02:54 We give another players nationality so that they can play for us.
03:02 I do not agree. We cannot say we have to change all the players. Football is not like that. You cannot take decisions. You have to analyze every situation individually.
03:12 For sure, a lot of players in the actual squad can help us a lot. I am sure. That's all. As a federation, as a coach, we have to be over the new players who can help the team.
03:26 This is our job. But we cannot say the players are not qualified. The maximum responsible is not qualification. It is me. It is not the players. It is clear for that.
03:36 What we have to do is to analyze. What is the reason? What happened? Why we have these problems to score goals?
03:44 As I said before, since I am here, I am trying to change. I am trying to put my stamp as a coach.
03:50 We are doing this, but it is not enough. Today we lost and today we should win. I know that. I know my job.
03:58 Last question.
04:00 No, no. You can open more questions.
04:02 More questions.
04:06 Are you not afraid of losing this job? The other coach from Mozambique said if you want to go to the half-court, you have to hire him. Are you not afraid of your job?
04:32 No, no. I am not afraid. I am an honest man. Believe me. You can like me or not, but I am honest.
04:40 I know that I give my 100% in many things. I am just worried if I don't do my job as best as I can.
04:52 I can be worried, but this is not the case. We know football. I say and I repeat many times that I don't want to be a problem.
05:04 I am not worried about my contract. Believe me. It is not the place where I take the best contract.
05:10 I am not thinking about that. I just want to respect the country as I make always.
05:16 I want to work hard and try to help. It is a process to make some changes.
05:24 It is not my job to analyse if I have to lose my job or not. I am not worried. Believe me. I don't want, but I am not worried.
05:32 Next question.
05:34 We need more.
05:36 No, no. I don't need more. I said that I don't want to close.
05:38 My next question. As my brother from TV One said, we need to give nationality to other players.
05:48 Give us some clarification about that. Don't you need some other players from abroad?
05:54 Can't we give some players from abroad nationality? Can you tell us what is from the bottom of your heart?
06:10 First of all, I have a big respect from the players that we have. This is maximum respect.
06:16 But what is true is that we are not scoring a lot of goals. This is the truth.
06:22 The first guilty is the coach. If you analyse football, we don't play the same way.
06:28 The first two matches against Senegal and Mozambique, that's how we are playing in the last year.
06:32 We are playing different. We are trying to help to create more chances to change the style.
06:36 Because we see that it is something that is missed. And this is true.
06:42 And if you analyse many national teams, some national teams take decisions sometimes with some players that have some connection
06:50 or have something but they try to improve. We see in the national team Spain, they have problems in centre-backs.
06:56 And they are playing with Laporte and Le Normand, no one born in Spain.
07:02 But the job of the national team is not this. We cannot say we have to improve.
07:08 But it is true that in some positions we have problems to score. And this is true.
07:12 And we are trying, as probably you know, we are trying to do it.
07:20 In some games, one player who was from Ivory Coast and has a big connection was my player in past.
07:26 And we try to make one step and help the national team. But sometimes this is not a coach's decision.
07:34 And I cannot complain about that. I cannot say we lose because we... No, no, no.
07:38 My job as a national team is to train the national team, national players. But every help is welcome.
07:44 Okay, last question.
07:48 Thank you. My name is Peter. I work for CRUSH.
07:52 Danny Nkrumah has been with your team in training. And we see him today in the game. What happened to this guy?
08:10 Have you been informed by the federation that he has got all the identities, all the staff to pay for him?
08:20 The situation with Danny is not fixed 100%. And we receive... This situation is not fixed 100%.
08:30 And yesterday we had a meeting to take a decision. And I was clear about that.
08:36 If we are not 100% sure about the situation and all the documents, everything is not... All the process finalised, we cannot take a risk.
08:46 We lose one point against Benin that was very bad for us. Imagine that I take decision to put this player when the situation is not 100% fixed.
08:56 And then we lose. We win the game and we lose the points for that. Someone kill me here.
09:00 So I cannot take this decision as a coach, this risk. For me it was a risk for the simple thing that the documents are not finalised.
09:10 And the CAF informed to us, you have to know that it's not finalised all the process.
09:16 And Borundi Federation are doing some claims and I say okay, forget it. I don't want to take a risk.
09:22 This was the reason why I was not here.
09:25 Next question.
09:27 You tell me three times the last question.
09:31 You tell us to be free. So the last one, tell us about Noé Umano.
09:37 He got injured, the same as Jorge. He was injured. He was one training. He made really well. We were very very happy.
09:46 It's a future player for national team. And for me very interesting player, believe me.
09:51 But he got injured. He got injured and then we contact with the club. And we try to keep him here to stay with the team.
09:59 But he cannot do any training because he has problem in the tendon.
10:03 And from the club they say to us if he cannot play we need to start the treatment as soon as possible.
10:08 And finally talking with his family we decided to let him go. But he's a future player for national team. Don't have doubts about that.
10:15 (Music)
