• 2 years ago
Watch the official “A Dangerous Mission” clip from the FOX reality series Stars on Mars Season 1 Episode 6.

Stars on Mars Cast:

William Shatner, Ronda Rousey, Marshawn Lynch, Porsha Williams, Lance Armstrong, Ariel Winter, Richard Sherman, Tom Schwartz, Paul Pierce, Andy Richter, Ashley Iaconetti and Cat Cora

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00:00 All crew, prepare for deployment.
00:02 OK.
00:02 Oxygen levels decreasing.
00:05 There's no way to do this.
00:06 I'm definitely nervous for my first mission,
00:09 mainly because I have no idea what it's going to entail,
00:12 how hard it's going to be on my body.
00:14 I'm ready for some space [BLEEP] now.
00:17 OK, guys.
00:18 So our oxygen supply is depleting.
00:21 We are going to die.
00:23 And you need to patch the tiny holes.
00:26 All right, let's go.
00:32 In this simulation, a meteorite shower
00:35 has breached the hab, causing an oxygen leak.
00:38 There are now 13 holes in the walls of the hab.
00:41 Seven crew members must use their bodies to plug the holes.
00:45 The other two crew members must make rubber plugs,
00:48 then fix them into the holes permanently.
00:52 All right, let's go.
00:53 Let's do it.
00:54 Let's do it.
00:54 Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:56 All right, let's go.
00:57 Don't fall, y'all.
00:58 Watch your step.
00:58 Patch it, and you patch it, and you patch.
01:00 Little O.
01:01 Wow, look at the meteorite.
01:03 Seems like we always have an emergency here, which--
01:08 The pressure, the pressure.
01:12 Can we just have a day of peace?
01:14 Five minutes until hab oxygen loss simulation begins.
01:18 You will have two hours until total oxygen loss.
01:22 OK, team.
01:24 Everybody who is in the plug crew
01:27 are Marshawn, Portia, Lance, Ashley, Andy, Rhonda, and Paul.
01:35 So just find your holes.
01:37 If it's a big hole, use your head.
01:39 Use whatever it takes to plug these holes.
01:41 Two, three, four, five, six.
01:44 We're missing one hole.
01:46 I only count 12 holes in the plug.
01:48 12?
01:48 I think there's one up top on that thing over there.
01:51 It has to be-- oh, there it is, that one.
01:52 Up high.
01:53 Somebody has to stand on something.
01:56 I'm going to do the rover.
01:57 Hey, Lance, over here.
02:02 Come close.
02:03 Yeah, close, close, close, close.
02:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:06 You're going up top?
02:07 Mm-hmm.
02:08 You're tall enough, maybe, to put
02:11 your helmet and two hands here.
02:13 Oh, yeah, yeah.
02:14 I'll do that.
02:14 That way you can hit three.
02:16 Rhonda, she was the one that pointed me to the face hole
02:19 that she was too short to get into.
02:21 And then there were two on either side.
02:24 Plug, plug, plug.
02:25 It is time.
02:26 Oh, go ahead.
02:27 Plug, plug, plug.
02:27 Go ahead.
02:28 Plug the holes.
02:29 Let's go.
02:30 I have such an easy position.
02:34 The hole was near the ground, and I could lie down,
02:37 literally using my backpack as like a lounging device,
02:41 and just keep the finger in there.
02:43 Your two hours starts now.
02:44 Two hours?
02:45 Keep your fingers in the holes.
02:47 We need to keep these plugged up.
02:50 Endurance can mean a lot of things.
02:52 It can mean how long can you run, how far can you go.
02:57 But it also means how long can you stand in place
03:00 with your fingers like this?
03:02 Harder than it looks.
03:10 (upbeat music)
03:13 (upbeat music)
