Read, write, and understand texts better with ChatGPT

  • last year
ChatGPT can summarize texts, break down complex subjects, or give an overview of a topic. It can be used to simplify texts and research tasks. But beware: Every answer provided by ChatGPT needs to be fact-checked.
00:00 No time to read a full article?
00:03 ChatGPT can summarize it.
00:05 Just copy and paste the link and ask the AI chatbot to write up some bullet points.
00:09 The topic is too complex to understand?
00:13 Ask the chatbot to break it down for you, step by step.
00:17 You're having trouble with research?
00:19 ChatGPT can help find sources or give you a general overview.
00:23 But beware! ChatGPT's training data can quickly become outdated.
00:28 Although developers are experimenting with search features that include current events,
00:32 they're only available to paid subscribers.
00:35 And don't forget, every answer provided by ChatGPT needs to be fact-checked.
00:40 And students especially should take note.
00:42 Universities are currently debating if and how AI tools like ChatGPT should be used in the future
00:48 and how that might change our understanding of authorship.
00:51 Completely banning AI tools is probably not going to work, though.
00:56 The best solution is not to ban AI technologies,
00:59 but instead to determine with students the most effective methods to create high-quality texts.
01:06 And that doesn't simply mean letting AI write the text.
01:09 Instead, students could work with the AI to develop several iterations of a text
01:15 and then flesh out their own argument with the help of this AI tool.
01:20 Thank you.
